Thursday, December 31, 2009

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 12 The Boar Incarnation--"VARAAHA AVATARA"

The Boar Incarnation--"VARAAHA AVATARA" 

Two asuras were born to Kasyapa and Diti- - Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu. HIRANYAKSHA from his birth he was thirsting for battle.Not finding anyone equal to him in strength,he hit upon a plan to attract the attention of the Lord,the sworn enemy of the Asuras.He removed the earth from its orbit and submerged it. The earth is mythologically represented as Mother Earth - Bhoomi Devi, who is married to Lord Narayana.The Asura then roamed about menacingly across the waterswielding his mace. He heard from God Varuna,the God of Waters, that Vishnu was the only match for him.Bhoomi Devi being the dear wife of the Lord, the Asura expected that a fight with the Lord was imminent.  
Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 01
स्वायम्भुवो मनुरथो जनसर्गशीलो
दृष्ट्वा महीमसमये सलिले निमग्नाम् ।
स्रष्टारमाप शरणं भवदङ्घ्रिसेवा-
तुष्टाशयं मुनिजनै: सह सत्यलोके ॥१॥
svaayambhuvO manurathO janasargashiilO
dR^iShTvaa mahiimasamaye salile nimagnaam |
sraShTaaramaapa sharaNaM bhavadanghrisevaatuShTaashayaM
munijanaiH saha satyalOke || 1

Then Swaayambhuva  Manu who was engaged in the work of creation, saw the earth emerged in water, untimely (when there was no Pralaya). He went to Satyaloka, along with the sages and met Brahma who was serene and happy owing to his devotion to Thee.

Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 02
कष्टं प्रजा: सृजति मय्यवनिर्निमग्ना
स्थानं सरोजभव कल्पय तत् प्रजानाम् ।
इत्येवमेष कथितो मनुना स्वयंभू: -
रम्भोरुहाक्ष तव पादयुगं व्यचिन्तीत् ॥ २ ॥

kaShTaM prajaaH sR^ijati mayyavaniinimagnaa
sthaanaM sarOjabhava kalpaya tat prajaanaam |
ityevameSha kathitO manunaa svayambhuurambhOruhaaksha
tava paadayugaM vyachintiit || 2

Swaayambhuva Manu told the lotus born Brahma that it was a pity that the earth was submerged as he was creating beings. He asked for a place to be created for the beings. Hearing this Brahmaa started to contemplate on Thy two lotus feet, for guidance.

Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 03
हा हा विभो जलमहं न्यपिबं पुरस्ता-
दद्यापि मज्जति मही किमहं करोमि ।
इत्थं त्वदङ्घ्रियुगलं शरणं यतोऽस्य
नासापुटात् समभव: शिशुकोलरूपी ।३॥

haa haa vibhO jalamahaM nyapibaM purastaadadyaapi
majjati mahii kimahaM karOmi |
itthaM tvadanghriyugalaM sharaNaM yatO(a)sya
naasaapuTaat samabhavaH shishukOlaruupii || 3

Brahma took refuge at Thy feet, lamenting that he had already drunk the waters of thedeluge and yet the earth was sinking. Feeling helpless, he knew not what to do. At thatmoment, Thou, who art omnipresent, came out of Brahma's nostril as a tiny boar "VARAAHA",as small as the size of a thumb.

Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 04
अङ्गुष्ठमात्रवपुरुत्पतित: पुरस्तात्
भोयोऽथ कुम्भिसदृश: समजृम्भथास्त्वम् ।
अभ्रे तथाविधमुदीक्ष्य भवन्तमुच्चै -
र्विस्मेरतां विधिरगात् सह सूनुभि: स्वै: ॥४॥

anguShThamaatravapurutpatitaH purastaat
bhuuyO(a)tha kumbhisadR^ishaH samajR^imbhathaastvam |
abhre tathaavidhamudiikshya bhavantamuchchairvismerataaM
vidhiragaat saha suunubhiH svaiH ||4
The Boar began to increase itself in size,first as big as an elephant and later into the size of a mountain.He roared again and again. . Seeing Thy phenomenal form, Brahma andhis sons were filled with amazement.

Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 05
कोऽसावचिन्त्यमहिमा किटिरुत्थितो मे
नासापुटात् किमु भवेदजितस्य माया ।
इत्थं विचिन्तयति धातरि शैलमात्र:
सद्यो भवन् किल जगर्जिथ घोरघोरम् ॥५॥

kO(a)saavachintyamahimaa kiTirutthitO me
naasaapuTaat kimu bhavedajitasya maayaa |
itthaM vichintayati dhaatari shailamaatraH
sadyO bhavan kila jagarjitha ghOraghOram || 5
While Brahma was wondering who this tiny boar, which emerged from his nose andhad attained this unimaginably great form could be and whether it was the Maya of Vishnu, The Unconquerable, Thou instantly grew to the size of a mountain and roared repeatedly in a terrifying manner.

Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 06
तं ते निनादमुपकर्ण्य जनस्तप:स्था:
सत्यस्थिताश्च मुनयो नुनुवुर्भवन्तम् ।
तत्स्तोत्रहर्षुलमना: परिणद्य भूय-
स्तोयाशयं विपुलमूर्तिरवातरस्त्वम् ॥६॥
taM te ninaadamupakarNya janastapaHsthaaH
satyasthitaashcha munayO nunuvurbhavantam |
tatstOtraharShulamanaaH pariNadya bhuuyastOyaashayaM
vipulamuurtiravaatarastvam || 6

At this incarnation (avataar) of Lord Vishnu as VARAAHA (boar), Hearing Thy thunderous roar,sages of Janaloka, Tapaloka and Satyaloka  began to sing the glories of the Lord. Pleased by their praises, Thou assumed a huge form and roaring again jumped into the ocean.

Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 07

प्रोत्क्षिप्तवालधिरवाङ्मुखघोरघोण: ।
तूर्णप्रदीर्णजलद: परिघूर्णदक्ष्णा
स्तोतृन् मुनीन् शिशिरयन्नवतेरिथ त्वम् ॥७॥

prOtkshiptavaaladhir avaa~NmukhaghOraghONaH |
tuurNapradiirNajaladaH parighuurNadakshNaa
stOtR^In muniin shishirayannavateritha tvam || 7

Thy erect smoke-coloured hair, twitching upward, Thy tail held aloft, Thy snout pointingdownward and Thy eyes rolling, Thou plunged into the ocean, rapidly penetrating theclouds, delighting the sages who were singing Thy praises. The Varaaha then plunged into the waters witha terrific speed and a great splash.
Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 08
अन्तर्जलं तदनुसंकुलनक्रचक्रं
भ्राम्यत्तिमिङ्गिलकुलं कलुषोर्मिमालम् ।
आविश्य भीषणरवेण रसातलस्था -
नाकम्पयन् वसुमतीमगवेषयस्त्वम् ॥८॥

antarjalaM tadanusankulanakrachakraM
bhraamyattimingilakulaM kaluShOrmimaalam |
aavishya bhiiShaNaraveNa rasaatalasthaanaakampayan
vasumatiimagaveShayastvam || 8

Thou entered the insides of the waters Then, diving into the swirling waters, where hosts of crocodiles and whales whirled androlled around, agitated by the surging waves, Thou searched frantically for Goddess Earth, terrifying the inhabitants of Rasathala, with Thy mighty roar.
Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 09

दृष्ट्वाऽथ दैत्यहतकेन रसातलान्ते
संवेशितां झटिति कूटकिटिर्विभो त्वम् ।
आपातुकानविगणय्य सुरारिखेटान्
दंष्ट्राङ्कुरेण वसुधामदधा: सलीलम् ॥९॥

dR^iShTvaa(a)tha daityahatakena rasaatalaante
sanveshitaaM jhaTiti kuuTakiTirvibhO tvam |
aapaatukaanavigaNayya suraarikheTaan
damShTraankureNa vasudhaamadadhaaH saliilam || 9

O Lord! Then seeing the earth concealed at the bottom of the Rasaatal, by the wretched Asura, Thou hastily lifted it up with the tip of the tusk of the boar, a form which Thou had asummed by Maaya. Treating the Asura with disregard who was rushing at Thee. All this was a mere sport for Thee.
Dasakam: 012 -- Shlokam: 10
अभ्युद्धरन्नथ धरां दशनाग्रलग्न
मुस्ताङ्कुराङ्कित इवाधिकपीवरात्मा ।
क्रीडावराहवपुरीश्वर पाहि रोगात् ॥१०॥

abhyuddharannatha dharaaM dashanaagralagnamustaankuraankita
ivaadhikapiivaraatmaa |
kriiDaavaraahavapuriishvara paahi rOgaat ||

Oh Lord ! May Thou who came in the guise of a playful boar, emerging from theswirling waters of the ocean with that mighty form, carrying the Earth on the tip of Thytusk like a twig of grass, save me from my ills.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Narayaneeyam -Dasakam 11 Sanaka Enters Vaikuntha

The Story Of Jaya Vijaya and Sanaka Enters Vaikuntha

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 01
क्रमेण सर्गे परिवर्धमाने
कदापि दिव्या: सनकादयस्ते ।
भवद्विलोकाय विकुण्ठलोकं
प्रपेदिरे मारुतमन्दिरेश ॥१॥
krameNa sarge parivardhamaane
kadaapi divyaaH sanakaadayaste |
bhavadvilOkaaya vikuNThalOkaM
prapedire maarutamandiresha ||

O Lord of Guruvaayur! as creation progressed, the divine sages Sanaka and the others wanting to pay their respects to Thee went to Vaikuntha loka.

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 02
रनेकवापीमणिमन्दिरैश्च ।
अनोपमं तं भवतो निकेतं
मुनीश्वरा: प्रापुरतीतकक्ष्या: ॥२॥

anOpamaM taM bhavatO niketa
muniishvaraaH praapuratiitakakshyaaH ||

Vaikunta is unmatched in its beauty and splendour.It has seven enclosures or gates and a beautiful gardenfull of Kalpa trees, known as "NAISREYAM".It has numerous lakes and glittering mansions deckedwith pearls and gems.After traversing the six fortresses, the divine sages came to the gateway of Thy incomparable abode, containing the enchanting garden of Naisreyasa, various tanks and stately castles studded with gems.

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 03
भवद्दिद्दृक्षून्भवनं विविक्षून्
द्वा:स्थौ जयस्तान् विजयोऽप्यरुन्धाम् ।
तेषां च चित्ते पदमाप कोप:
सर्वं भवत्प्रेरणयैव भूमन् ॥३॥
bhavaddidR^ikshuunbhavanaM vivikshuun
dvaaHsthau jayastaan vijayO(a)pyarundhaam |
teShaaM cha chitte padamaapa kOpaH
sarvaM bhavatpreraNayaiva bhuuman ||

The sages were about to enter Thy abode to see Thee, when two gatekeepers, Jaya and Vijaya stopped them. The four sages were prevented from entering thatlast gate to Vaikunta This made the sages angry. All this happened by Thy prompting only.

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 04
कष्टौ युवां दैत्यगतिं भजेतम् ।
इति प्रशप्तौ भवदाश्रयौ तौ
हरिस्मृतिर्नोऽस्त्विति नेमतुस्तान् ॥४॥
kaShTau yuvaaM daityagatiM bhajetam |
iti prashaptau bhavadaashritau tau
harismR^itirnO(a)sitvati nematustaan ||

The sages who were thus intercepted by Jaya and Vijaya. This infuriated the sages,even though they were predominantly Satwic by nature, Cursed the door- keepers to become Asuras (demons).Their conduct was unbecoming of the denizens of Vaikunta,which is the abode of pure Satwa alone.

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 05
तदेतदाज्ञाय भवानवाप्त:
सहैव लक्ष्म्या बहिरम्बुजाक्ष ।
रानन्दयंस्तानभिराममूर्त्या ॥५॥

tadetadaaj~naaya bhavaanavaaptaH
sahaiva lakshmyaa bahirambujaaksha |

Knowing all what had happened, The Lord of Vaikunta himselfcame to the gate, accompanied by Goddess Lakshmi seated on His Garuda bird.The sages were delighted to have a vision ofthis most attractive form.

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 06
प्रसाद्य गीर्भि: स्तुवतो मुनीन्द्रा-
ननन्यनाथावथ पार्षदौ तौ ।
संरम्भयोगेन भवैस्त्रिभिर्मा-
मुपेतमित्यात्तकृपं न्यगादी: ॥६॥
prasaadya giirbhiH stuvatO muniindraanananyanaathaavatha
paarShadau tau |
sanrambhayOgena bhavaisitrabhirmaamupetamityaattakR^
ipaM nyagaadiiH ||

As the sages were praising Thee with pleasing words, Jaya and Vijaya, cursed by the sages, fell at their feet.They also fell at the feet of the Lord with a prayer that even in their Asura  births, they should not forget the name of the Lord, which alone is the real means to be at Vaikunta. The Lord blessed the Door keepers with extreme kindness.

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 07
त्वदीयभृत्यावथ काश्यपात्तौ
सुरारिवीरावुदितौ दितौ द्वौ ।
यमौ च लोकस्य यमाविवान्यौ ॥७॥
tvadiiyabhR^ityaavatha kashyapaattau
suraariviiraavuditau ditau dvau |
yamau cha lOkasya yamaavivaanyau ||

The Lord blessed the Door keepers with extreme kindness Your demoniac existence on the earth will be for a short timelimited to three births only.Thereafter you both will come back to Vaikuntaduly purified by your death at my hands."
In this way, Jaya and Vijaya took three births as Asuras, viz.,(1) Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu,(2) Ravana and Kumbhakarna and (3) Sisupala and Dandavaktra.  Then these two dependents of Thine were born of Sage Kasyapa in Diti as twin demonwarriors. As they were conceived at dusk they were extremely evil-natured and roamed the world like two Yamas or gods of destruction

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 08
हिरण्यपूर्व: कशिपु: किलैक:
परो हिरण्याक्ष इति प्रतीत: ।
उभौ भवन्नाथमशेषलोकं
रुषा न्यरुन्धां निजवासनान्धौ ॥८॥
hiraNyapuurvaH kashipuH kilaikaH
parO hiraNyaaksha iti pratiitaH |
ubhau bhavannaathamasheShalOkaM
ruShaa nyarundhaaM nijavaasanaandhau ||

Jaya and Vijaya were first born as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu as the sons of Kasyapa and Diti. Owing to their cruel, demonicnature these two began to terrorise this entire world of Thine.

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 09
रणाय धावन्ननवाप्तवैरी ।
भवत्प्रियां क्ष्मां सलिले निमज्य
चचार गर्वाद्विनदन् गदावान् ॥९॥
raNaaya dhaavannanavaaptavairii |
bhavatpriyaaM kshmaaM salile nimajya
chachaara garvaadvinadan gadaavaan ||

Of the two of them, Hiranyaaksha, the great Asura From his birth he was thirsting for battle.Not finding anyone equal to him in strength,he hit upon a plan to attract the attention of the Lord, So he abducted Thy beloved, Goddess Earth and drowned her in water. He then wandered around, crowingwith pride, and flaunting his mace.

Dasakam: 011 -- Shlokam: 10
ततो जलेशात् सदृशं भवन्तं
निशम्य बभ्राम गवेषयंस्त्वाम् ।
भक्तैकदृश्य: स कृपानिधे त्वं
निरुन्धि रोगान् मरुदालयेश ॥१०।
tatO jaleshaat sadR^ishaM bhavantaM
nishamya babhraama gaveShayamstvaam |
bhaktaikadR^ishyaH sa kR^ipaanidhe tvaM
nirundhi rOgaan marudaalayesha ||

He heard from God Varuna,the God of Waters, that Vishnu was the only match for him.Bhoomi Devi being the dear wife of the Lord,the Asura expected that a fight with the Lord was imminent.  Oh Lord Guruvayurappa ! Treasurehouse of Mercy !May Thou who art visible only to true devotees, remove my afflictions.