Saturday, November 14, 2009

Yoga and its Attainment Narayaneeyam Dashaka -4

The author of "Narayaneeyam", Bhattatiri is talking to the Lord in this episode.
  Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 01
कल्यतां मम कुरुष्व तावतीं कल्यते भवदुपासनं यया ।
स्पष्टमष्टविधयोगचर्यया पुष्टयाशु तव तुष्टिमाप्नुयाम् ॥१॥
kalyataaM mama kuruShva taavatiiM kalyate bhavadupaasanaM yayaa |
spaShTamaShTavidhayOgacharyayaa puShTayaa(a)(a)shu tava tuShTimaapnuyaam || 1
Bhattatiri,implores upon the Lord of Guruvayoor to bless him with normal health necessary to worship Thee. Then he shall practice the eight-limbed yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) and earn Thy grace. As per the  "ASHTANGA YOGA", the purpose of lifeis to worship the Lord through the eight-fold steps leading to spiritual realization.The eight limbs are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama,Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.
Dasakam: 04 -- Shlokam: 02
 ब्रह्मचर्यदृढतादिभिर्यमैराप्लवादिनियमैश्च पाविता: ।
कुर्महे दृढममी सुखासनं पङ्कजाद्यमपि वा भवत्परा: ॥२॥
  brahmacharya dR^iDhataadibhiryamairaaplavaadi niyamaishcha paavitaaH |
kurmahe dR^iDhamamii sukhaasanaM pankajaadyamapi vaa bhavatparaaH ||2

O Lord, give me that much of healthwhich will enable me to perform Thy worship.Soon I will observe the disciplines of self -control (Yama)and also follow a code of conduct (Niyama)like taking baths at the proper hour etc.Thereafter I will sit in an appropriate posture (Asana)like Padmasana or Sukhasana etc.I will then control and regulate breathing (Pranayama)and steadily withdraw the sense organs from sense objects (Pratyahara).Afterwards, I will try hard to fix my mind (Dharana)on the lotus feet of the hazily perceived form of the Lord. I (we) will then practice steady postures (Asanaa) like Sukhaasanaa and Padmaasanaa etc. for meditating on.

Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 03
तारमन्तरनुचिन्त्य सन्ततं प्राणवायुमभियम्य निर्मला: ।
इन्द्रियाणि विषयादथापहृत्यास्महे भवदुपासनोन्मुखा: ॥३॥
taaramantaranuchintya santataM praaNavaayumabhiyamya nirmalaaH |
indriyaaNi viShayaadathaapahR^ityaa(a)(a)smahe bhavadupaasanOnmukhaaH || 3
O Lord! by regulating my breath through Pranayama and having purified myself I will continuously chant the Pranava (Om) mantra mentally. Thus, withdrawing my senses from the sense objects, and being purified, I will prepare myself for meditation on Thee. When I will succeed in this effort,I can go in for meditation (Dhyana) on your beautiful form.This will ultimately lead me to the experienceof the Bliss of Brahmic Realization (Samadhi).
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 04
 अस्फुटे वपुषि ते प्रयत्नतो धारयेम धिषणां मुहुर्मुहु: ।

तेन भक्तिरसमन्तरार्द्रतामुद्वहेम भवदङ्घ्रिचिन्तका ॥४॥
asphuTe vapuShi te prayatnatO dhaarayema dhiShaNaaM muhurmuhuH |
tena bhaktirasamantaraardrataamudvahema bhavadanghrichintakaaH || 4
O Lord! I will then start meditating on Thee. Initially with great effort I shall try to fix my mind on Thy form, which is intangible. But by meditating onThy lotus feet again and again Through repeated effort I shall try to focus my mind on Thy form which I shall try to capture the ecstasy of true devotion. I shall attain bliss of devotion and tenderness of heart.
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 05
विस्फुटावयवभेदसुन्दरं त्वद्वपु: सुचिरशीलनावशात् ।
अश्रमं मनसि चिन्तयामहे ध्यानयोगनिरतास्त्वदाश्रयाः ॥५॥
visphuTaavayavabhedasundaraM tvadvapuH suchirashiilanaavashaat |
ashramaM manasi chintayaamahe dhyaanayOganirataastvadaashrayaaH ||5
O Lord! I, By intense and repeated effort I shall be able to visualize through my mind's eye the loveliness of each and every limb of Thy divine form and effortlessly meditate on it. So I will devote myself to meditation, without any effort, always surrendering to Thee.
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 06
ध्यायतां सकलमूर्तिमीदृशीमुन्मिषन्मधुरताहृतात्मनाम् ।
सान्द्रमोदरसरूपमान्तरं ब्रह्म रूपमयि तेऽवभासते ॥६॥

dhyaayataaM sakala muurtimiidR^ishiiM unmiShanmadhurataa hR^itaatmanaam |
saandramOda rasa ruupamaantaraM brahmaruupamayi te(a)vabhaasate ||
O Lord! By thus performing dhyaana on Thee and getting captivated by the sweetness of Thy formful aspect (Saguna), and gradually their minds shall enjoy the concentrated bliss of Thy impersonal aspect (Nirguna), which shines as the Brahman or eternal truth and bliss.
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 07
तत्समास्वदनरूपिणीं स्थितिं त्वत्समाधिमयि विश्वनायक ।
आश्रिता: पुनरत: परिच्युतावारभेमहि च धारणादिकम् ॥७॥
tatsamaasvadanaruupiNiiM sthitiM tvatsamaadhimayi vishvanaayaka
aashritaaH punarataH parichyutaavaarabhemahi cha dhaaraNaadikam ||
O Lord of the Universe! When I have attained that state of experiencing Thee as the Brahman, i.e. Nirvikalpa Samaadhi, which is supreme bliss ,if I slip down from that state, I shall again start the meditation process from Dhaarana  and follow the same steps in ascending order.
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 08
 इत्थमभ्यसननिर्भरोल्लसत्त्वत्परात्मसुखकल्पितोत्सवा: ।
मुक्तभक्तकुलमौलितां गता: सञ्चरेम शुकनारदादिवत् ॥८॥
itthamabhyasana nirbharOllasat tvatparaatmasukha kalpitOtsavaaH |
muktabhaktakulamaulitaaM gataaH sa~ncharema shukanaaradaadivat || 8
Oh Guruvayurappa! The constant practice of this process of concentration is in itself an enjoyableexperience in the attainment of supreme bliss. Our souls will be liberated by thisprocess and be free to wander about like the most exalted devotees. O Lord, Bless me to move about like Narada and Sukadeva who are always established in Thee and are ever singing Thy glory.
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 09
त्वत्समाधिविजये तु य: पुनर्मङ्क्षु मोक्षरसिक: क्रमेण वा ।
योगवश्यमनिलं षडाश्रयैरुन्नयत्यज सुषुम्नया शनै: ॥९॥

tvatsamaadhivijaye tu yaH punarma~Nkshu mOksharasikaH krameNa vaa |
yOgavashyamanilaM ShaDaashrayairunnayatyaja suShumnayaa shanaiH || 9
O Lord! the Yogi who attains the final stage of Samadhi, is able to control his life breath and draw it upward long the Sushumna nerve past the six nerve centres in his quest for salvation. Otherwise, he passes through various planes of experiencein higher worlds and finally merges with the Supreme in Kramamukthi.
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 10
लिङ्गदेहमपि सन्त्यजन्नथो लीयते त्वयि परे निराग्रह: ।
ऊर्ध्वलोककुतुकी तु मूर्धत: सार्धमेव करणैर्निरीयते ॥१०॥
lingadehamapi santyajannathO liiyate tvayi pare niraagrahaH |
uurdhvalOkakutukii tu muurdhataH saardhameva karaNairniriiyate || 10
Oh Guruvayurappa! One who is leaving this earthly body gives up through his Aagyaa chakra his gross body as well as the subtle bodies and merges in Thee. The one who desires to visit the heavenly regions Kramamukthi"before attaining liberation he passes through various planes of experiencein higher worlds and goes out through the orifice in the crown of the head ( the Brahmarandhra).
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 11
 अग्निवासरवलर्क्षपक्षगैरुत्तरायणजुषा च दैवतै: ।
प्रापितो रविपदं भवत्परो मोदवान् ध्रुवपदान्तमीयते ॥११॥
agnivaasaravalarkshapakshagair uttaraayaNajuShaa cha daivataiH |
praapitO ravipadaM bhavatparO mOdavaan dhruvapadaantamiiyate || 11
O Lord of the Universe, Thy devotee who follows the Krama Mukti path is led by the presiding deities of fire, day time, the bright fortnight, and Uttaraayana to the plane of the sun and enjoying in each of these spheres and goes on to the world of Dhruva.Then  the Yogi is not born again into this world.
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 12
आस्थितोऽथ महरालये यदा शेषवक्त्रदहनोष्मणार्द्यते ।
ईयते भवदुपाश्रयस्तदा वेधस: पदमत: पुरैव वा ॥१२॥
aasthitO(a)tha maharaalaye yadaa sheShavaktradahanOShmaNaardyate |
iiyate bhavadupaashrayastadaa vedasaH padamataH puraiva vaa || 12
Oh Guruvayurappa! Reaching the abode of Dhruvapadam Then, after a long sojourn proceeds to Maharloka. Thy devotee, as soon as he is afflicted by the scorching fire eminates from the mouth of Aadishesha, he takes refuge in Thee or even before that, reachesSatyaloka or the world of Brahma.
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 13
तत्र वा तव पदेऽथवा वसन् प्राकृतप्रलय एति मुक्तताम् ।
स्वेच्छया खलु पुरा विमुच्यते संविभिद्य जगदण्डमोजसा ॥१३॥
tasya cha kshitipayO mahO(a)niladyOmahatprakR^iti saptakaavR^itiiH |
 svechChayaa khalu puraa vimuchyate sanvibhidya jagadaNDamOjasaa || 13
Oh Guruvayurappa! Residing there in Brahmaloka or in Thy abode, Vaikuntha, he is liberated at the time of Maha Pralaya. Thy devotee attains salvation at his own will, breaking through the Brahmanda and releasing himself by his yogic power and is not born again into this world.
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 14
तस्य च क्षितिपयोमहोऽनिलद्योमहत्प्रकृतिसप्तकावृती: ।
तत्तदात्मकतया विशन् सुखी याति ते पदमनावृतं विभो ॥१४॥

archiraadigatimiidR^ishiiM vrajan vichyutiM na bhajate jagatpate |
tattadaatmakatayaa vishan sukhii yaati te padamanaavR^itaM vibhO ||14
Oh Lord ! Thy devotee enters each of the seven sheath of the cosmic sphere,i.e. earth, water, fire, air, space, the cosmic intelligence, and primordial nature. Thy devotee breaks through all these barriers and enjoys the bliss and finally  reach Thy unobstructed stateand merge in Thee  and attains salvation at Thy lotus feet.

Dasakam 04    Shlogam-15

अर्चिरादिगतिमीदृशीं व्रजन् विच्युतिं न भजते जगत्पते ।
सच्चिदात्मक भवत् गुणोदयानुच्चरन्तमनिलेश पाहि माम् ॥१५॥

tatra vaa tava pade(a)thavaa vasan praakR^itapralaya eti muktataam |
sachchidaatmaka bhavadguNOdayaanuchcharantamanilesha paahi maam ||15
O Lord of the Universe! The devotee who successfully completes this arduous soul does not fall any more to the netherworlds. O Lord of Guruvaayur! who art the embodiment of truth and reality ; . I am Thy humble devotee singing Thy praises. Please protect me!

The Perfect devotee -Narayaneeyam Dasakam-3

Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 01

पठन्तो नामानि प्रमदभरसिन्धौ निपतिता:
स्मरन्तो रूपं ते वरद कथयन्तो गुणकथा:
चरन्तो ये भक्तास्त्वयि खलु रमन्ते परममू-
नहं धन्यान् मन्ये समधिगतसर्वाभिलषितान् ॥१॥
paThantO naamaani pramadabharasindhau nipatitaaH
smarantO ruupaM te varada kathayantO guNakathaaH |
charantO ye bhaktaastvayi khalu ramante paramamuunahaM
dhanyaan manye samadhigatasarvaabhilaShitaan || 1

O Varadha!( Bestower of Boons! )Those Bhakthas who constantly chant Thy names and worship Thy divine Form and they are engaged in narrating Thy divine stories and so revel in the ocean of Bliss. they are immersed in the joy of Thy thoughts. I consider those devotees of Thine most fortunate, They, indeed, have fulfilled all their desires in life by Thee and are indeed the most blessed souls.

Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 02
गदक्लिष्टं कष्टं तव चरणसेवारसभरेऽ-
प्यनासक्तं चित्तं भवति बत विष्णो कुरु दयाम्
भवत्पादाम्भोजस्मरणरसिको नामनिवहा-
नहं गायं गायं कुहचन विवत्स्यामि विजने ॥२॥
gadakliShTaM kaShTaM tava charaNasevaarasabhare(a)-
pyanaasaktaM chittaM bhavati bata viShNO kuru dayaam |
bhavatpaadaambhOjasmaraNarasikO naamanivahaanahaM
gaayaM gaayaM kuhachana vivatsyaami vijane ||
O Lord of Guruvayoor, Due to my intense physical sufferings,I do not even feel inclined to serve you as my mind is pulled away by the intensity of physical pain. Kindly remove my afflictions. Please have pity on me and help me to sit peacefully in some quiet place chanting(I) becoming immersed in worshipping Thy lotus feet.I will keep singing Thy countless names.
Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 03
कृपा ते जाता चेत्किमिव हि लभ्यं तनुभृतां
मदीयक्लेशौघप्रशमनदशा नाम कियती
के के लोकेऽस्मिन्ननिशमयि शोकाभिरहिता
भवद्भक्ता मुक्ता: सुखगतिमसक्ता विदधते ॥३॥
kR^ipaa te jaataa chetkimiva na hi labhyaM tanubhR^itaaM
madiiyakleshaughaprashamanadashaa naama kiyatii |
na ke ke lOke(a)sminnanishamayi shOkaabhirahitaaH
bhavadbhaktaa muktaaH sukhagatimasaktaa vidadhate ||
O Guruvayoorappa! If Thy grace is achieved what is there that cannot be achieved? There are Innumerable devotees ofThine have been liberated from their sorrows and worldly ties by Thy mercy. Can I notbe one such fortunate devotee of Thine? 
Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 04
मुनिप्रौढा रूढा जगति खलु गूढात्मगतयो
भवत्पादाम्भोजस्मरणविरुजो नारदमुखा:
चरन्तीश स्वैरं सततपरिनिर्भातपरचि -
त्सदानन्दाद्वैतप्रसरपरिमग्ना: किमपरम् ॥४
muniprauDhaa ruuDhaa jagati khalu guuDhaatmagatayO
bhavatpaadaambhOjasmaraNavirujO naaradamukhaaH |
charantiisha svairaM satataparinirbhaataparachitsadaanandaadvaitaprasaraparimagnaaH
kimaparam ||
O Guruvayoorappa! Great sages like Naarada (who)are well known in the world, have attained Supreme Bliss by meditating on Thy lotus feet and now free to wander will without being noticed. They are free of all sorrows because of their constant contemplation on Thy lotus feet.indeed, They have attained the eternal knowledge and are always immersed in Thy in the complete state of conscious Bliss beyond all limits of time and space. Is there anything more for them to attain?
Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 5
भवद्भक्ति: स्फीता भवतु मम सैव प्रशमये-
दशेषक्लेशौघं खलु हृदि सन्देहकणिका
चेद्व्यासस्योक्तिस्तव वचनं नैगमवचो
भवेन्मिथ्या रथ्यापुरुषवचनप्रायमखिलम् ॥५॥
bhavadbhaktiH sphiitaa bhavatu mama saiva prashamayedasheShakleshaughaM
na khalu hR^idi sandehakaNikaa |
na chedvyaasasyOktistava cha vachanaM naigamavachO
bhavenmithyaa rathyaapuruShavachanapraayamakhilam || 5
O Guruvayoorappa! Please help me to become more and more devoted to Thee. May my devotion to Thee grow intense, so that all my sufferings may automatically subside and as that is the only remedy for all my woes. I do not have the slightest doubt in my heart that devotion to Thee . For otherwise, all ofVyasa's teachings, Thy divine sayings and even the Vedas will become meaningless the casual mutterings of street wanderer.
Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 06
भवद्भक्तिस्तावत् प्रमुखमधुरा त्वत् गुणरसात्
किमप्यारूढा चेदखिलपरितापप्रशमनी
पुनश्चान्ते स्वान्ते विमलपरिबोधोदयमिल-
न्महानन्दाद्वैतं दिशति किमत: प्रार्थ्यमपरम् ॥६॥
bhavadbhaktistaavat pramukhamadhuraa tvadguNarasaat
kimapyaaruuDhaa chedakhilaparitaapaprashamanii |
punashchaante svaante vimalaparibOdhOdayamila
nmahaanandaadvaitaM dishati kimataH praarthyamaparam ||
O Lord! Chanting Thy names and singing Thy praises is a sweet right from the beginning because of Thy glorious attributes. When such devotion becomes intense, it removes all sorrows of the devotee.Then ultimately it leads the mind to the path of supreme knowledge and bliss. What more is there for one to seek?
Dasakam: 3 -- Shlokam: 07
विधूय क्लेशान्मे कुरु चरणयुग्मं धृतरसं भवत्क्षेत्रप्राप्तौ करमपि ते पूजनविधौ भवन्मूर्त्यालोके नयनमथ ते पादतुलसी- परिघ्राणे घ्राणं श्रवणमपि ते चारुचरिते ॥७॥
vidhuuya kleshaanme kuru charaNayugmaM dhR^itarasaM
bhavatkshetrapraaptau karamapi cha te puujanavidhau |
bhavanmuurtyaalOke nayanamatha te paadatulasiiparighraaNe
ghraaNaM shravaNamapi te chaarucharite ||
O Lord of Guruvayoor, Due to my intense physical sufferings,I do not even feel inclined to serve you as my mind is pulled away by the intensity of physical pain. Kindly remove my afflictions so that my feet may be able to walk up to your temple,my hands may be able to worship you, my eyes may be able to have vision of you,my nose may be able to smell the fragranceof the Tulasi leaves offered at your feet and my ears may hear your glories sungand May Thy divine form embodying the Supreme Bliss envelop my mind and heart so completely that I am forced to forget all my physical maladies and experience only thethrill of shedding tears of joy in this state.
Dasakam: 003 -- Shlokam: 08
प्रभूताधिव्याधिप्रसभचलिते मामकहृदि त्वदीयं तद्रूपं परमसुखचिद्रूपमुदियात् उदञ्चद्रोमाञ्चो गलितबहुहर्षाश्रुनिवहो यथा विस्मर्यासं दुरुपशमपीडापरिभवान् ॥८॥
prabhuutaadhivyaadhiprasabhachalite maamakahR^idi
tvadiiyaM tadruupaM paramasukhachidruupamudiyaat |
uda~nchadrOmaa~nchO galitabahuharShaashrunivahO
yathaa vismaryaasaM durupashamapiiDaaparibhavaan ||
O Lord! In my mind, which is now very agitated due to mental and physical afflictions, May Thy divine form embodying the Supreme Bliss envelop my mind and heart socompletely that I am forced to forget all my physical maladies and experience only thethrill of shedding tears of joy in this state.
Dasakam: 003 -- Shlokam: 09
मरुद्गेहाधीश त्वयि खलु पराञ्चोऽपि सुखिनो भवत्स्नेही सोऽहं सुबहु परितप्ये किमिदम् अकीर्तिस्ते मा भूद्वरद गदभारं प्रशमयन् भवत् भक्तोत्तंसं झटिति कुरु मां कंसदमन ॥९॥
marudgehaadhiisha tvayi khalu paraa~nchO(a)pi sukhinO
bhavatsnehii sO(a)haM subahu paritapye cha kimidam |
akiirtiste maa bhuudvarada gadabhaaraM prashamayan
bhavadbhaktOttamsaM jhaTiti kuru maaM kamsadamana ||
O Guruvayoorappa! Many who are not even your devoteesare seen leading a happy life.But I, your devotee am undergoing various sufferings. Why is this so? Oh Varada ! Is not Thy reputation of mercy to Thy devotees at stake here ? Oh Lord ! Kindly eradicate my afflictions. It is not a great thing for you to eradicate my ailments. O Lord, may my devotion to you become perfect and make me one of your foremost devotees!That alone can remove all my sufferings.
Dasakam: 003 -- Shlokam: 10
किमुक्तैर्भूयोभिस्तव हि करुणा यावदुदिया- दहं तावद्देव प्रहितविविधार्तप्रलपितः पुरः क्लृप्ते पादे वरद तव नेष्यामि दिवसा- न्यथाशक्ति व्यक्तं नतिनुतिनिषेवा विरचयन् ॥१०॥
kimuktairbhuuyObhistava hi karuNaa yaavadudiyaa
dahaM taavaddeva prahitavividhaartapralapitaH |
puraH kL^ipte paade varada tava neShyaami divasaa
nyathaashakti vyaktaM natinutiniShevaa virachayan ||
O Guruvayoorappa! What else is there for me to pray for ?  I will be giving up lamentations of all kinds and spend my time doing Therefore, O Lord of Guruvayoor,I am not going to leave you.Until I get your grace,I shall serve you, worship you,sing before you, serveand seek your grace to the best of my ability. Kindly eradicate my diseaseand enable me to be the best of your devotees.   

Narayaneeyam-Dasakam 2 Form Of The Lord

Dasakam: 2 –Slogam 1
कारुण्याकुलनेत्रमार्द्रहसितोल्लासं सुनासापुटम्।
गण्डोद्यन्मकराभकुण्डलयुगं कण्ठोज्वलत्कौस्तुभं
त्वद्रूपं वनमाल्यहारपटलश्रीवत्सदीप्रं भजे॥१॥

suuryaspardhikiriiTamuurdhvatilaka prOdbhaasiphaalaantaraM
kaaruNyaakulanetramaardra hasitOllaasaM sunaasaapuTam |
gaNDOdyanmakaraabha kuNDalayugaM kaNThOjvalatkaustubhaM
tvadruupaM vanamaalyahaarapaTala shriivatsadiipraM bhaje ||

With a crown which rivals the Sun (in brilliance) by the upright mark (tilak of sandal paste) whose forehead is made more resplendent, the compassionate eyes, the charming smile, the shapely nose, the cheeks reflecting the fish shaped pendents adorning Thy ears, the neck resplendent with the Kausthubha jewel and the chest decorated with flower garlands, pearl necklaces and the holy Srivatsa beauty mark. O Lord! I meditate upon Thy form.
Dasakam 2 Slogam-2
श्रीमद्बाहुचतुष्कसङ्गतगदाशङ्खारिपङ्केरुहाम् ।
काञ्चित् काञ्चनकाञ्चिलाञ्च्छितलसत्पीताम्बरालम्बिनी-
मालम्बे विमलाम्बुजद्युतिपदां मूर्तिं तवार्तिच्छिदम् ॥२॥

keyuuraangada kankaNOttama mahaaratnaanguliiyaankitashriimadbaahu
chatuShka sangata gadaa shankhaari pankeruhaam |
kaa~nchit kaa~nchana kaa~nchilaanChita lasatpiitaambaraalambiniim
aalambe vimalaambujadyutipadaaM muurtiM tavaartichChidam || 2

O Lord Krishna! Thy four sacred arms are adorned with ornaments namely, Keyur (epaulets) Angada (armlets) Kankana (bracelets) and finger rings studded with gems the mace, the conch, the disc, the lotus, the shining yellow silk robe adorning the waist with the gold belt around it and the beautiful lotus feet which are the ultimate refuge of all devotees for the removal of all their sorrows.
Dasakam 2 Slogam-3
यत्त्त्रैलोक्यमहीयसोऽपि महितं सम्मोहनं मोहनात्
कान्तं कान्तिनिधानतोऽपि मधुरं माधुर्यधुर्यादपि ।
सौन्दर्योत्तरतोऽपि सुन्दरतरं त्वद्रूपमाश्चर्यतोऽ-
प्याश्चर्यं भुवने न कस्य कुतुकं पुष्णाति विष्णो विभो ॥३॥

yatttrailOkyamahiiyasO(a)pi mahitaM sammOhanaM mOhanaat
kaantaM kaantinidhaanatO(a)pi madhuraM maadhuryadhuryaadapi |
saundaryOttaratO(a)pi sundarataraM tvadruupamaashcharyatO(a)-
pyaashcharyaM bhuvane na kasya kutukaM puShNaati viShNO vibhO ||

O Lord Vishnu! Will there be any one in this world who will not be enchanted by this splendid form of Thine; This supreme divine form is considered the most glorious in all the three worlds; which is charming; more attractive whose beauty rivals the most beautiful and is a wonder of all wonders, and generates intense love in the hearts of all true Bhakthas.

Dasakam: 2 Shlokam: 4

तत्तादृङ्मधुरात्मकं तव वपु: सम्प्राप्य सम्पन्मयी
सा देवी परमोत्सुका चिरतरं नास्ते स्वभक्तेष्वपि ।
तेनास्या बत कष्टमच्युत विभो त्वद्रूपमानोज्ञक -
प्रेमस्थैर्यमयादचापलबलाच्चापल्यवार्तोदभूत् ॥४॥

tattaadR^i~N madhuraatmakaM tava vapuH sampraapya sampanmayii
saa devii paramOtsukaa chirataraM naaste svabhakteShvapi |
tenaasyaa bata kaShTamachyuta vibhO tvadruupamaanOj~nakapremasthairyamayaadachaapala
balaat chaapalya vaartOdabhuut

Oh Guruvayurappa! Goddess Lakshmi being so attached to Thy enchanting form, and was so much in love with Thee.So she cannot remain long with any of her devotees. , O Lord! due to her attachment to Thee, she acquired the reputation of being fickle minded towards her own devotees.
Dasakam: 2 Shlokam:5
लक्ष्मीस्तावकरामणीयकहृतैवेयं परेष्वस्थिरे-
त्यस्मिन्नन्यदपि प्रमाणमधुना वक्ष्यामि लक्ष्मीपते ।
ये त्वद्ध्यानगुणानुकीर्तनरसासक्ता हि भक्ता जना-
स्तेष्वेषा वसति स्थिरैव दयितप्रस्तावदत्तादरा ॥५॥

lakshmiistaavaka-raamaNiiyaka-hR^itaiveyaM pareShvasthiretyasminnanyadapi
pramaaNamadhunaa vakshyaami lakshmiipate |
ye tvaddhyaanaguNaanukiirtanarasaasaktaa hi bhaktaa janaasteShveShaa
vasati sthiraiva dayitaprastaavadattaadaraa ||

Oh Lakshmipathi ! In support of my statement that Lakshmi being attached to Thy enchantment is fickle with others. Her fickleness is only with regard to those who have no love or respect for Thee.She stays permanently with those devotees. Who are ever praising Thy qualities and worshiping Thee. She remains there because she is keen to listen attentively to the praises of her beloved Lord.

Dasakam:2 -- Shlokam: 6

त्वद्रूपं परचिद्रसायनमयं चेतोहरं शृण्वताम् ।
सद्य: प्रेरयते मतिं मदयते रोमाञ्चयत्यङ्गकं
व्यासिञ्चत्यपि शीतवाष्पविसरैरानन्दमूर्छोद्भवै: ॥६॥

evaM bhuuta manOj~nataa navasudhaa niShyanda sandOhanaM
tvadruupaM parachidrasaayanamayaM chetOharaM shR^iNvataam |
sadyaH perarayate matiM madayate rOmaa~nchayatyangakaM
vyaasi~nchatyapi shiitabaaShpa visarairaanandamuurChOdbhavaiH

O Lord! Thy divine form is like nectar to the ears and minds of devotees, those who hear Thy glories. Their minds are immediately stimulated and filled with joy.and their bodies in ecstasy and taking them to the extremes of bliss.

Dasakam: 02 -- Shlokam: 07

एवंभूततया हि भक्त्यभिहितो योगस्स योगद्वयात्
कर्मज्ञानमयात् भृशोत्तमतरो योगीश्वरैर्गीयते ।
सौन्दर्यैकरसात्मके त्वयि खलु प्रेमप्रकर्षात्मिका
भक्तिर्निश्रममेव विश्वपुरुषैर्लभ्या रमावल्लभ ॥७॥

evambhuutatayaa hi bhaktyabhihitO yOgassa yOgadvayaat
karmaj~naanamayaat bhR^ishOttamatarO yOgiishvarairgiiyate |
saundaryaikarasaatmake tvayi khalu premaprakarShaatmikaa
bhaktirnishramameva vishvapuruShairlabhyaa ramaavallabha

Oh Guruvayurappa! Bhakti yoga is considered a far easier path compared to the other two paths of Karma yoga and Gyaana yoga. Therefore Bhakthi Yoga or the path of devotion is recommended bygreat sages. All human beings can be attained effortlessly through Bhakti, which is intense love to Thee.

Dasakam: 02 Shlokam: 08
निष्कामं नियतस्वधर्मचरणं यत् कर्मयोगाभिधं
तद्दूरेत्यफलं यदौपनिषदज्ञानोपलभ्यं पुन: ।
तत्त्वव्यक्ततया सुदुर्गमतरं चित्तस्य तस्माद्विभो
त्वत्प्रेमात्मकभक्तिरेव सततं स्वादीयसी श्रेयसी ॥८॥

niShkaamaM niyatasvadharmacharaNaM yat karmayOgaabhidhaM
tadduuretyaphalaM yadaupaniShadaj~naanOpalabhyaM punaH |
tattvavyaktatayaa sudurgamataraM chittasya tasmaadvibhO
tvatpremaatmakabhaktireva satataM svaadiiyasii shreyasii ||

Oh Guruvayurappa! The path of Karma yoga which consists of performing one's duties needs to be practiced for a long time. The path of Gyaana yoga which consists of knowing the Brahman, as explained in the Upanishads, is very difficult for the mind yields results only in the distant future. O Lord! Bhakti yoga which is of the nature of pure love to Thee.So it is the sweetest and the noblest and hence most beneficial and more satisfying to our minds.
Dasakam: 02 -- Shlokam: 09

अत्यायासकराणि कर्मपटलान्याचर्य निर्यन्मला
बोधे भक्तिपथेऽथवाऽप्युचिततामायान्ति किं तावता ।
क्लिष्ट्वा तर्कपथे परं तव वपुर्ब्रह्माख्यमन्ये पुन-
श्चित्तार्द्रत्वमृते विचिन्त्य बहुभिस्सिद्ध्यन्ति जन्मान्तरै: ॥९॥

atyaayaasakaraaNi karmapaTalaanyaacharya niryanmalaaH
bOdhe bhaktipathe(a)thavaa(a)pyuchitataamaayaanti kiM taavataa |
kliShTvaa tarkapathe paraM tava vapurbrahmaakhyamanye punashchittaardratvamR^
ite vichintya bahubhissiddhyanti janmaantaraiH

O Lord! Some people follow the path of Karma Yoga, and perform the various disciplines for long and attain mental purity and leads us to the path of Gyaana or Bhakti yoga. Some others strive hard pondering over the Philosophical search for eternal truth wihout melting their hearts in love for Thee.

Dasakam: 2 -- Shlokam: 10
त्वद्भक्तिस्तु कथारसामृतझरीनिर्मज्जनेन स्वयं
सिद्ध्यन्ती विमलप्रबोधपदवीमक्लेशतस्तन्वती ।
सद्यस्सिद्धिकरी जयत्ययि विभो सैवास्तु मे त्वत्पद-
प्रेमप्रौढिरसार्द्रता द्रुततरं वातालयाधीश्वर ॥१०॥

tvadbhaktistu kathaarasaamR^itajhariinirmajjanena svayaM
siddhyantii vimalaprabOdhapadaviimakleshatastanvatii |
sadyassiddhikarii jayatyayi vibhO saivaastu me tvatpadapremaprauDhirasaardrataa
drutataraM vaataalayaadhiishvara ||

Oh Lord Krishna ! Bhakthi is the most superior path to merge with Thee and leads us to the state of pure divinity without delay. This can be done without much effort and it instantly leads to pure Knowledge. I pray to Thee May I soon experience that state of melting of the heart and Steeped in devotion to Thy lotus feet.