Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 74-- Lord Krishna 's Entry into Mathura

Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 01
सम्प्राप्तो मथुरां दिनार्धविगमे तत्रान्तरस्मिन् वस-
न्नारामे विहिताशन: सखिजनैर्यात: पुरीमीक्षितुम् ।
प्रापो राजपथं चिरश्रुतिधृतव्यालोककौतूहल-
स्त्रीपुंसोद्यदगण्यपुण्यनिगलैराकृष्यमाणो नु किम् ॥१॥
sampraaptO mathuraaM dinaardhavigame tatraantarasmin vasan
aaraame vihitaashanaH sakhijanairyaataH puriimiikshitum |
praapO raajapathaM chirashrutidhR^ita vyaalOka kautuuhala
striipumsOdyadagaNyapuNya nigalairaakR^iShyamaaNO nu kim ||1

Thou reached Mathura by noon. Having taken Thy lunch in a garden on the outskirts of Mathura, Thou proceeded to see the city with Thy friends, and reached the main road. Thou were drawn as though by a chain formed by the meritorious people of Mathura who had long heard about Thee and were very eager to see Thee in person.
 Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 02

त्वत्पादद्युतिवत् सरागसुभगा: त्वन्मूर्तिवद्योषित:
सम्प्राप्ता विलसत्पयोधररुचो लोला भवत् दृष्टिवत् ।
हारिण्यस्त्वदुर:स्थलीवदयि ते मन्दस्मितप्रौढिव-
न्नैर्मल्योल्लसिता: कचौघरुचिवद्राजत्कलापाश्रिता: ॥२॥

tvatpaadadyutivat saraagasubhagaaH tvanmuurtivadyOShitaH
sampraaptaa vilasatpayOdhararuchau lOlaa bhavad dR^iShTivat |
haariNyastvaduraHsthaliivadayi te mandasmita prauDhiva
nnairmallyOlasitaaHkachaugharuchivat raajatkalaapaashritaaH ||2
 O Lord! The women who gathered there were radiant with love for Thee, similar to the rosy and charming luster of Thy feet; they were fetchingly lovely with their heavingbreasts, just as Thy lustrous form resembling a rain-bearing cloud; they were attractive; Thy eyes always moved about, they had eyes which were always desirous to see Thee. Thy chest is attractive with many necklaces,Thy mild smile has a majesty of innocence, they had a majesty and they shined due to their purity. Thy cluster of black hair is adorned by a peacock feather stuck in it, their tresses were adorned by wearing ornaments came to see you.

 Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 03

तासामाकलयन्नपाङ्गवलनैर्मोदं प्रहर्षाद्भुत-
व्यालोलेषु जनेषु तत्र रजकं कञ्चित् पटीं प्रार्थयन् ।
कस्ते दास्यति राजकीयवसनं याहीति तेनोदित:
सद्यस्तस्य करेण शीर्षमहृथा: सोऽप्याप पुण्यां गतिम् ॥३॥
taasaamaakalayannapaanga valanairmOdaM praharShaadbhuta
vyaalOleShu janeShutatra rajakaM kanchitpaTiiM praarthayan |
kaste daasyati raajakiiyavasanaM yaahiiti tenOditaH
sadyastasya kareNa shiirShamahR^ithaaH sO(a)pyaapa puNyaaM gatim || 3
Delighting these women with Thy side-long glances, and in the throng of people rushing past Thee with great joy and wonder, Thou didst seek some clothes from a washer man who happened to be there. On being denied Thy request on the sneering excuse that the clothes belonged to the king and could not be given to Thee, in anger instantly cut off his head with Thy hand, whereby he attained salvation

Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 04
भूयो वायकमेकमायतमतिं तोषेण वेषोचितं
दाश्वांसं स्वपदं निनेथ सुकृतं को वेद जीवात्मनाम् ।
मालाभि: स्तबकै: स्तवैरपि पुनर्मालाकृता मानितो
भक्तिं तेन वृतां दिदेशिथ परां लक्ष्मीं च लक्ष्मीपते ॥४॥

bhuuyOvaayakamekamaayatamatiM tOSheNa veShOchitaM
daashvaamsaM svapadaM ninetha sukR^itaM kO veda jiivaatmanaam |
maalaabhiH stabakaiH stavairapi punarmaalaakR^itaa maanitO
bhaktiM tena vR^itaaM dideshitha paraaM lakshmiiM cha lakshmiipate ||4
Thereafter, O Lord of Lakshmi, One broad minded weaver gave to Thee suitable clothes and Thou conferred salvation to him. Who can gauge the merits of a jeeva ? To a garland-maker, who worshipped Thee with an offer of garlands and bouquets and hymns of praise, Thou didst grant deep devotion and prosperity as sought by him.

Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 05

कुब्जामब्जविलोचनां पथिपुनर्दृष्ट्वाऽङ्गरागे तया
दत्ते साधु किलाङ्गरागमददास्तस्या महान्तं हृदि ।
चित्तस्थामृजुतामथ प्रथयितुं गात्रेऽपि तस्या: स्फुटं
गृह्णन् मञ्जु करेण तामुदनयस्तावज्जगत्सुन्दरीम् ॥५॥

kubjaamabjavilOchanaaM pathi punardR^iShTvaangaraage tayaa
datte saadhu kilaangaraagamadadaastasyaa mahaantaM hR^idi |
chittasthaamR^ijutaamatha prathayituM gaatre(a)pi tasyaaH sphuTaM
gR^ihNan ma~nju kareNa taamudanaya staavajjagatsundariim || 5

On the way Thou saw a beautiful woman with lotus eyes but with a hunch back. She presented to Thee sandal paste and other unguents and in return Thou created in her heart an intense love for Thee. Then, in order that her straight forward inner mind be reflected in her outer physical appearance also, Thou gave a gentle pull holding her chin by Thy beautiful hand and thus transformed her into one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 06
तावन्निश्चितवैभवास्तव विभो नात्यन्तपापा जना
यत्किञ्चिद्ददते स्म शक्त्यनुगुणं ताम्बूलमाल्यादिकम् ।
गृह्णान: कुसुमादि किञ्चन तदा मार्गे निबद्धाञ्जलि-
र्नातिष्ठं बत हा यतोऽद्य विपुलामार्तिं व्रजामि प्रभो ॥६॥
taavannishchita vaibhavaastava vibhO naatyanta paapaa janaaH
yatki~nchiddadate sma shaktyanuguNaM taambuula maalyaadikam |
gR^ihNaanaH kusumaadi ki~nchana tadaa maarge nibaddhaa~njaliH
naatiShThaM batahaa yatO(a)dya vipulaamaartiM vrajaami prabhO || 6
O Lord! Then those who were not very sinful and so had acquired full faith in Thy greatness, offered to Thee something or the other according to their capacity, like betel, garlands etc., At that time, in the path, carrying some flowers, alas, I did not stand with joined palms in salutation, because of which, today, I am experiencing great sorrow.

Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 07
एष्यामीति विमुक्तयाऽपि भगवन्नालेपदात्र्या तया
दूरात् कातरया निरीक्षितगतिस्त्वं प्राविशो गोपुरम् ।
वक्षोजप्रगलत्पयोरसमिषात्त्वत्कीर्तिरन्तर्गता ॥७॥
eShyaamiiti vimuktayaa(a)pi bhagavannaalepadaatryaa tayaa
duuraatkaatarayaa niriikshitagatistvaM praavishO gOpuram |
aaghOShaanumita tvadaagama mahaa harShOllaladdevakii
vakshOja pragalatpayOrasamiShaattvatkiirtirantargataa || 7

 I will come again', saying so Thou dispersed the woman who had given unguents to Thee, whose gaze followed Thee till as far as Thou could be seen, going away. Then Thou prepared to enter the outer gate of the city (Mathura). Thy coming was preceeded by Thy fame which was like Devaki's (Krishna's mother) breast milk stimulated by the jubiliation of Thy arrival

Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 08
आविष्टो नगरीं महोत्सववतीं कोदण्डशालां व्रजन्
माधुर्येण नु तेजसा नु पुरुषैर्दूरेण दत्तान्तर: ।
स्रग्भिर्भूषितमर्चितं वरधनुर्मा मेति वादात् पुर:
प्रागृह्णा: समरोपय: किल समाक्राक्षीरभाङ्क्षीरपि ॥८॥

aaviShTO nagariiM mahOtsavavatiiM kOdaNDashaalaaM vrajan
maadhuryeNa nu tejasaa nu puruShairduureNa dattaantaraH |
sragbhirbhuuShitamarchitaM varadhanurmaameti vaadaatpuraH
praagR^ihNaaH samarOpayaH kila samaakraakshiirabhaankshiirapi ||8

Having entered the festive city Thou preceded to the hall of the great bow. Charmed by Thy majesty, the people stood at a distance and the guards too gave way to Thee to enter. The great bow lay there decorated with flower garlands and worshiped. Before the guards or the caretakers admonished Thee saying 'No no" Thou took hold of the bow, lifted it up, strung it, drew it and also broke it.

Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 09
श्व: कंसक्षपणोत्सवस्य पुरत: प्रारम्भतूर्योपम-
श्चापध्वंसमहाध्वनिस्तव विभो देवानरोमाञ्चयत् ।
कंसस्यापि च वेपथुस्तदुदित: कोदण्डखण्डद्वयी-
चण्डाभ्याहतरक्षिपूरुषरवैरुत्कूलितोऽभूत् त्वया ॥९॥

shvaH kamsakshapaNOtsavasya purataH praarambha tuuryOpamaH
chaapadhvamsa mahaadhvanistava vibhO devaanarOmaa~nchayat |
kamsasyaapi cha vepathustaduditaH kOdaNDakhaNDadvayii
chaNDaabhyaahata rakshipuuruSharavai rutkuulitO(a)bhuut tvayaa || 9

The breaking of the bow with a terrific sound was like the heralding drum beat to the festival of Kansa's destruction due the next day. O Lord! The sound caused horripilation in the gods. Even Kansa trembled by the sound which increased many fold and overflowed by the shrieks of the gaurds who were severly beaten by Thee with the two pieces of the bow.

Dasakam: 74: Slokam: 10
शिष्टैर्दुष्टजनैश्च दृष्टमहिमा प्रीत्या च भीत्या तत:
सम्पश्यन् पुरसम्पदं प्रविचरन् सायं गतो वाटिकाम् ।
श्रीदाम्ना सह राधिकाविरहजं खेदं वदन् प्रस्वप-
न्नानन्दन्नवतारकार्यघटनाद्वातेश संरक्ष माम् ॥१०॥
shiShTairduShTajanaishcha dR^iShTamahimaa priityaa cha bhiityaa tataH
sampashyan purasampadaM pravicharan saayaM gatO vaaTikaam |
shriidaamnaa saha raadhikaavirahajaM khedaM vadan prasvapan
aanandannavataarakaarya ghaTanaat vaatesha sanraksha maam ||10
Oh Lord , then you with the great fame of granting satisfaction to the good,And fear to the wicked , admired the prosperous look of that great town,And by evening reached back to the garden where you were staying, And told your friend Sri Dhama about your pangs of separation with Radha,And slept that day with satisfaction , that the opportunity to lessen the burden, Of the earth has at last arrived, and Oh Lord of Guruvayur! Please protect me.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 74-- Lord Krishna 's Entry into Mathura

Sri Krishna reached the city of Mathura shortly after noon. When Akrura had stopped his chariot on the banks of the Yamuna for bath and oblations, Nanda and other Gopas proceeded directly to Mathura. They reached there in advance and were awaiting Sri Krishna's arrival in the garden on the outskirts of Mathura. Sri Krishna did follow them in due time. Then Akrura exhorted Sri Krishna very humbly, `O Lord! You together with Your Gopa friends should shower grace on me and stay in my home. By contact with the dust on Your feet we all should be made pure.' Hearing this, Sri Krishna did promise him `After the killing of Kamsa, I shall come to your (my paternal uncle's) home together with my brother and fulfil all your wishes.' and thus pacify him. Then He did send Akrura off to Kamsa. Thereafter Sri Krishna remained in the above-said garden and had lunch with His friends, and relatives. Then, eager to see the town, Sri Krishna set out for the main road, along with His friends. We should visualise that, at that time, it was as though Sri Krishna were forcefully dragged by chains made up of the endless meritorious deeds of the people of Mathura who, after hearing since long about Sri Krishna's divine prowess and exploits, were very eager to see Him in person.

When Sri Krishna reached the main street of Mathura, eager to see the beauty of the town. the people of Mathura who, after hearing since long about Sri Krishna's divine prowess and exploits, were very eager to see Him in person. its lovely women began to gather, driven by their thirst to have His darsanam. Sri Krishna's body shone blue in colour like the rain-cloud. he breasts of those women quivered with excitement as they set their eyes on Sri Krishna. The purity of those women was reflected in their minds and bodies just like the innocence and sweetness of Sri Krishna's gentle smile. Their beauty multiplied manifold due to wearing ornaments like necklaces, bracelets, armlets and the like even as the splendor of Sri Krishna's dark tresses was enhanced by the peacock feathers worn on them. Thus they resembled Sri Krishna in many ways. When one saw those women gathered on the main street, very enthusiastic at having Sri Krishna's darsanam.
While Sri Krishna was proceeding along the high street with His friends, making all persons in the town joyous, Sri Krishna saw a washerman coming along with a bundle of washed clothes. Sri Krishna asked him, `will you give us some appropriate clothes? You will thereby attain prosperity.' To which the arrogant washer man replied Do you cowherd boys who live and roam in forests and mountains, eating fruits and vegetables, always wear such royal dresses only? Are you greedy for royal things? This bundle contains King Kamsa's dresses. Who will give them to you? Run away before the king's men, who punish arrogant people, come here.' Hearing these words of insult, Sri Krishna, the destroyer of those blinded by arrogance, severed his head instantly by His hands. Thus by death at Sri Krishna's hands did even that ignorant and arrogant washer man attain liberation which is attainable only by those possessed of innumerable meritorious deeds.

After killing the washer man, Sri Krishna was proceeding further along the main street. Then,  a weaver, happy at seeing Sri Krishna, approached Him and benevolently gave Him new garments to wear. Sri Krishna did confer on him (who had become fully worthy of Sri Krishna's pleasure) the grace of attainment of `Sarupya-mukti' at His abode, Vaikunta-loka, at the end of his tenure in this world. Thereafter, Sri Krishna, with friends, went to a garland maker's shop. He, Sudama by name, became very happy at Sri Krishna's arrival and with His darsanam. He duly honoured Sri Krishna by rising from his seat, offering garland, tambulam smearing Sri Krishna's body with unguents (sandal paste, scent, etc.,) and bouquets made of fragrant flowers. He also praised Sri Krishna with hymns dear to the heart. Delighted with the welcome, Sri Krishna commanded him to ask for his desired boons. But he disdained mundane pleasures and prayed for grant of steady devotion in Sri Krishna, affection towards His devotees and compassion to all beings. In addition to these, Sri Krishna did grant him also the fortune of having children and grand children, abundance of wealth and food grains, strength of body, long life, fame and other things that are the means of Dharma (virtue). Thus did Sri Krishna exhibit, in full measure, His love for Bhaktas (devotees) and keenness in blessing them.

After bestowing blessings on the weaver and garland-maker, Sri Krishna was proceeding along the main street when Sri Krishna came across a woman who was beautiful in every way but for a hunch on her back and was on her way to Kamsa's palace bearing sandal paste and other unguents. After enquiring about her welfare, Sri Krishna asked her, `will you give us some unguents for application on our bodies? If you do so, you will attain great prosperity'. With great delight, she gave what was asked for. As Sri Krishna thought that her body too should reflect the uprightness of her mind, He did, without causing her any pain and in a sportive manner, press her jaw with two fingers of His right hand, grasp her posterior with the left hand, pressing down her feet with His toes and straigten up her body a little. Instantly she became erect and blossomed into a celebrated beauty. Sri Krishna as an extraordinary being with divine powers, they were eager to receive some good or advantage for them by offering some gifts to Sri Krishna like tambulam and garland, according to their capacity.
Bhattatiri says, in "Narayaneeyam"----" I was not among the crowd, holding some offering, At that time, in the path, carrying some flowers, alas, I did not stand with joined palms in salutation, because of which, today, I am experiencing great sorrow or standing with palms joined in salutation. If I had that good fortune, then, would I need to suffer this unbearable affliction in this birth I have come to lead this miserable life, now afflicted by internal and external ailments because of my accumulated karma! (True of each one of us.) What, if those townsfolk of Mathura had committed sins? They were not surely such gross sinners like me. It was on this account that unlike me, they were fortunate to have got the opportunity to make offerings to Sri Krishna though with limited expectations of reward".
Sri Krishna proceeded along the main street, as far as her eyes could see. By the time He reached the entrance gate, Sri Krishna's fame had already reached the interior of the town preceding Him. This showed itself in the guise of the milk that verily started oozing from Devaki's breasts, stimulated by profound motherly love --- she had concluded that Sri Krishna had reached Mathura, from the welcoming invocations of the enthusiastic populace, eager to have His darsanam.

As Sri Krishna, who had entered the main gate, passed through the streets, joyously decorated for the festivities connected with the worship of the bow and headed for the hall where the bow was kept. The great bow lay there decorated with flower garlands and worshipped. Before the gaurds or the caretakers admonished Thee saying 'No no" Thou took hold of the bow, lifted it up, strung it, drew it and also broke it. The breaking of the bow with a terrific sound was like the heralding drum beat to the festival of Kansa's destruction due the next day. O Lord! The sound caused horripilation in the gods. Even Kansa trembled by the sound which increased many fold and overflowed by the shrieks of the gaurds who were severly beaten by Thee with the two pieces of the bow.
Thy greatness was realised by the good people with love and by the wicked people with fear. Thou moved about the city viewing its prosperity and returned to Thy camp in the garden in the evening. Thou talked to Shreedaamaa about Thy sorrow because of the separation from Raadhaa. Thou then went to sleep feeling content and happy at the impending fulfilment of the purpose of his incarnation.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 73-- Lord Krishna Leaving for Mathura

 Dasakam: 73 –Lord Krishna Leaving for Mathura

While they were talking, Akroora told them how Narada had come to Kamsa and revealed to him the secret of Krishna's birth. He also told them the real reason why he had been sent to Vraja. At this, Krishna and Balarama laughed heartily. Nanda ordered at once that the carriages and presents be got ready for their trip to Mathura. He had it proclaimed throughout Vraja that early the next morning they would proceed to Mathura to witness the great bow-sacrifice.

Next morning as the sun crept over the horizon, Akroora offered his prayers. The boys climbed onto his carriage. Slowly, the carriages and carts started moving towards Mathura. Akroora's chariot was followed by the chariots of Nanda and the other gopas. Behind them came the carts loaded with gifts of milk, curd and butter for Kamsa.

The gopis who can describe the sorrow they felt at the separation from their Lord? When Krishna was starting for Mathura on the chariot driven by Akrura and the gopis were blocking the way, their hearts were numb and heavy with grief. They followed the carriages with heart-rending pleas. They wept and ran behind the chariots for a long distance.  Krishna assured them that He was coming back just after finishing His business in Mathura. He told them not to be overwhelmed and in this way pacified them. Then they crossed the forest with sorrowful animals and sad trees and reached the banks of the Yamunaa River.

Akrura, the son of Gaandini was bathing in the bank of the river Yamuna to perform his daily duties. As soon as he took a dip, he saw the same image in the waters of the river. He saw Krishna in the water and also saw Krishna on the chariot.Akrura again took a dip in the water. The meritorious and fortunate man that he was, he saw Thee The Supreme Being reclining on the Shesha serpent's body bed, resplendent and adorned with the discus, conch, mace and lotus. Thou were surrounded by groups of gods and various siddhaas He was overwhelmed with wonder and became helpless as to what it all was. But is there any wonder in Thy being seen from everywhere as Thou are omnipresent! When he came back after taking his bath, he found Krishna standing there and smiling at him. After making a salutation to Krishna, he sat down in the chariot and proceeded towards Mathura. Akrura became convinced about the divinity and omnipresence of Krishna. 
Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 01

निशमय्य तवाथ यानवार्तां भृशमार्ता: पशुपालबालिकास्ता: ।
किमिदं किमिदं कथं न्वितीमा: समवेता: परिदेवितान्यकुर्वन् ॥१॥

nishamayya tavaatha yaanavaartaaM bhR^ishamaartaaH pashupaalabaalikaastaaH |
kimidaM kimidaM kathaM nvitiimaaH samavetaaH paridevitaanyakurvan || 1

On coming to know of Thy impending departure the cowherd girls were very much saddened. They gathered together and lamented saying -'What is this? How and why is this happening?'

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 02

करुणानिधिरेष नन्दसूनु: कथमस्मान् विसृजेदनन्यनाथा: ।
बत न: किमु दैवमेवमासीदिति तास्त्वद्गतमानसा विलेपु: ॥२॥

karuNaa nidhireSha nandasuunuH kathamasmaan visR^ijedananyanaathaaH |
bata naH kimu daivameva maasiit ititaastvadgata maanasaa vilepuH || 2
The girls with their hearts fixed on Thee bemoaned, How can this son of Nanda who is the seat of mercy, Completely leave us who do not have any other support, Alas what kind of fate do we have?

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 03

चरमप्रहरे प्रतिष्ठमान: सह पित्रा निजमित्रमण्डलैश्च ।
परितापभरं नितम्बिनीनां शमयिष्यन् व्यमुच: सखायमेकम् ॥३॥

charama prahare pratiShThamaanaH saha pitraa nijamitramaNDalaishcha |
paritaapabharaM nitambiniinaaM shamayiShyan vyamuchaH sakhaayamekam || 3
Thou were to leave with Thy father and a group of his friends in the last lap of the night. Thou sent one of Thy companions to the beautiful Gopikas to console those very pretty ones in their great sorrow.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 04

अचिरादुपयामि सन्निधिं वो भविता साधु मयैव सङ्गमश्री: ।
अमृताम्बुनिधौ निमज्जयिष्ये द्रुतमित्याश्वसिता वधूरकार्षी: ॥४॥

achiraadupayaami sannidhiM vO bhavitaa saadhu mayaiva sangamashriiH |
amR^itaambunidhau nimajjayiShye drutamityaashvasitaa vadhuurakaarShiiH || 4
I shall come back near you very soon. You will have many good and happy meetings with me. I will soon immerse you in the nectar of bliss ocean.' Thus Thou gave consolations to the girls.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 05

सविषादभरं सयाच्ञमुच्चै: अतिदूरं वनिताभिरीक्ष्यमाण: ।
मृदु तद्दिशि पातयन्नपाङ्गान् सबलोऽक्रूररथेन निर्गतोऽभू: ॥५॥

saviShaadabharaM sayaach~namuchchaiH atiduuraM vanitaabhiriikshyamaaNaH |
mR^idu taddishi paatayannapaangaan sabalO(a)kruurarathena nirgatO(a)bhuuH || 5
With heightened sorrow and loud imploring when those Gopa maidens,Were seeing thee from a distance, sending to the place where they stood, Thou cast soft sidelong glances in that direction again and againand departed with Balaraama in Akrura's chariot.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 06

अनसा बहुलेन वल्लवानां मनसा चानुगतोऽथ वल्लभानाम् ।
वनमार्तमृगं विषण्णवृक्षं समतीतो यमुनातटीमयासी: ॥६॥

anasaa bahulena vallavaanaaM manasaa chaanugatO(a)tha vallabhaanaam |
vanamaartamR^igaM viShaNNavR^ikshaM samatiitO yamunaataTiimayaasiiH || 6
 Many carts with Gopikas followed Thee as also the minds and thoughts of the Gopikas. Thou crossed the forest with sorrowful animals and sad trees and reached the banks of the Yamunaa River.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 07
नियमाय निमज्य वारिणि त्वामभिवीक्ष्याथ रथेऽपि गान्दिनेय: ।
विवशोऽजनि किं न्विदं विभोस्ते ननु चित्रं त्ववलोकनं समन्तात् ॥७॥

niyamaaya nimajjya vaariNi tvaam abhiviikshyaatha rathe(a)pi gaandineyaH
vivashO(a)jani kinnvidaM vibhOste nanuchitraM tvavalOkanaM samantaat || 7
Akrura, the son of Gaandini was bathing in the waters of the river to perform his daily duties. He saw Thee in the water and also saw Thee on the chariot. He was overwhelmed with wonder and became helpless as to what it all was. But is there any wonder in Thy being seen from everywhere as Thou are omnipresent!.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 08

पुनरेष निमज्य पुण्यशाली पुरुषं त्वां परमं भुजङ्गभोगे ।
अरिकम्बुगदाम्बुजै: स्फुरन्तं सुरसिद्धौघपरीतमालुलोके ॥८॥

punareSha nimajjya puNyashaalii puruShaM tvaaM paramaM bhujangabhOge |
ari kambu gadaambujaiH sphurantaM sura siddhaugha pariitamaalulOke || 8

 Akrura again took a dip in the water. The meritorious and fortunate man that he was, he saw Thee The Supreme Being reclining on the Shesha serpent's body bed, resplendent and adorned with the discus, conch, mace and lotus. Thou were surrounded by groups of gods and various siddhaas
Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 09

स तदा परमात्मसौख्यसिन्धौ विनिमग्न: प्रणुवन् प्रकारभेदै: ।
अविलोक्य पुनश्च हर्षसिन्धोरनुवृत्त्या पुलकावृतो ययौ त्वाम् ॥९॥

sa tadaa paramaatma saukhya sindhau vinimagnaH praNuvan prakaarabhedaiH |
avilOkya punashcha harShasindhOH anuvR^ittyaa pulakaavR^itO yayau tvaam || 9
He was then immeresed in the ocean of supreme bliss and sang the praises unto Thy Saguna and Nirguna forms. Even as Thy vision disappeared, he continued to experience the unlimited bliss and with horripilations all over his body, he went to Thee.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 10

किमु शीतलिमा महान् जले यत् पुलकोऽसाविति चोदितेन तेन ।
अतिहर्षनिरुत्तरेण सार्धं रथवासी पवनेश पाहि मां त्वम् ॥१०॥

kimu shiitalimaa mahaan jale yat pulakO(a)saaviti chOditena tena |
atiharSha niruttareNa saardhaM rathavaasii pavanesha paahi maaM tvam ||10
Thou asked him if the water was so cold that he had horripillation on his body, as if not knowing the cause. Akrura was speechless because he was immeresed in extreme bliss. Thou  sitting with him on the chariot, O Lord of Guruvaayur! May Thou deign tosave me!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 72 -- Akrura's Journey

The time for Kamsa's death was fast approaching.Narada, the divine sage, who ever acts as the instrument to carry out Lord'swishes, went to Kamsa and said, "O Kamsa, you have been tricked. Devaki's eighth son still lives in the house of Nanda, in Vraja. The female child that yousought to kill was Yasoda's baby. The two were exchanged on the night ofKrishna's birth. Krishna and his brother Balarama have killed all the asuras you sent to kill them."
Kamsa was terribly agitated and angered by this news. He drew out his sword andrushed to kill Vasudeva. But Narada stopped him and explained that Vasudeva was quite innocent. Kamsa sent for Akroora, one of the chiefs of the Yadava clan. "Akroora, my dearfriend," he said. "You are trusted wherever you go. Please go to Vraja. Takethis chariot with you. Bring back the two sons of Vasudeva. Tell them that they have been invited by me to witness the Dhanur-Yagna and to see the sights of the town.
Akrura was requested by Kamsa to arrive in Vrndavana by evening. After receiving instruction from Kamsa, Akrura started the next morning via chariot for Vrndavana. Because Akrura himself was a great devotee of the Lord, while going to Vrndavana he began to praise to the Lord. Devotees are always absorbed in thoughts of Krishna, and Akrura was constantly thinking of Lord Krishna,'s lotus eyes.
Akrura was afraid, however, of being deputed by Kamsa, the enemy of Krsna. He thought, "I am going to see Krsna as a messenger of the enemy." And at the same time, he thought, "Krsna is in each and everyone's heart as the Supersoul, so He must know my heart." Although Akrura was trusted by the enemy of Krsna, his heart was clear. He was a pure devotee of Krsna. He risked Kamsa's wrath just to meet Krsna. He was certain that although he was going as a representative of Kamsa, Krsna would not accept him as an enemy.
He did not know what sort of pious activities he must have done to gain an opportunity to go see Lord Krishna,. Akrura thought that if Krishna,willed, he would be able to see Him. Akrura considered him most fortunate that he was going to see Krishna, whom great mystic yogis desire to see. He was confident that on that day all the sinful reactions of his past life would be finished and his fortunate human form of life would be successful. Akrura also considered that he was very much favored by Kamsa, who was sending him to bring back Krishna,and Balarama and thus enabling him to see the Lord. 
Akrura continued to consider that formerly great sages and saintly persons were liberated from the material world simply by seeing the shining nails of the lotus feet of Krishna, All along the way he was immersed in Thy thoughts alone - 'Shall I be blessed to meet the Supreme Being who is the subject of all Vedic hymns? Will I be able to touch him even slightly? Will he embrace me? What will he say to me? Where will I see him?' He went along the way thinking in this manner.
Akrura saw Thee and Balaraam, both neat and tidy after the evening bath, dressed in beautiful yellow and blue garments, wearing a few ornaments and looking charming in appearance. A soft smile played on Thy gentle faces.

Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 01

कंसोऽथ नारदगिरा व्रजवासिनं त्वा-
माकर्ण्य दीर्णहृदय: स हि गान्दिनेयम् ।
आहूय कार्मुकमखच्छलतो भवन्त-
मानेतुमेनमहिनोदहिनाथशायिन् ॥१॥

kamsO(a)tha naaradagiraa vrajavaasinaM tvaa
maakarNyadiirNa hR^idayassa hi gaandineyam |
aahuuya kaarmukamakhachChalatO bhavantamaanetu-
menamahinO-dahinaatha shaayin || 1
Then when Kansa came to know from Naarada that, Thou, O Lord! Resting on the serpent king! Were residing in Vraja, his heart was full of fear. He called for Akrura, the son of Gaandini, and sent him for Thee under the pretext of inviting Thee to witness Dhanur-Yagna festival.

Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 02

अक्रूर एष भवदंघ्रिपरश्चिराय
त्वद्दर्शनाक्षममना: क्षितिपालभीत्या ।
तस्याज्ञयैव पुनरीक्षितुमुद्यतस्त्वा-
मानन्दभारमतिभूरितरं बभार ॥२॥

akruura eSha bhavadanghri parashchiraaya
tvaddarshanaakshamamanaaH kshitipaalabhiityaa |
tasyaaj~nayaiva punariikshitumudyatastvaa
maanandabhaaramatibhuuritaraMbabhaara || 2

This Akrura for long was Thy devotee Thee since long, but was not able to see Thee owing tofear of Kamsa. He felt it was impossible to see Thee. Now he was overwhelmed with intense joy when by the order of the king himself he was preparing to see and meet Thee.

Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 03

सोऽयं रथेन सुकृती भवतो निवासं
गच्छन् मनोरथगणांस्त्वयि धार्यमाणान् ।
आस्वादयन् मुहुरपायभयेन दैवं
सम्प्रार्थयन् पथि न किञ्चिदपि व्यजानात् ॥३॥

sOyaM rathena sukR^itii bhavatO nivaasaM
gachChanmanOratha gaNaamstvayi dhaaryamaaNaan |
aasvaadayanmuhurapaaya bhayena daivaM
sampraarthayan pathi na ki~nchidapi vyajaanaat || 3
That Blessed Akroora who was coming in a chariot to see you, On the way his innumerable thoughts were centered around Thee and so he again and again experienced Thy presence.Again and again remembering his wishes regarding you and enjoying them, Thee and praying to God all the timeto remove all obstacles to the coming meeting. He did not know about anything that was happening outside him
 Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 04

द्रक्ष्यामि वेदशतगीतगतिं पुमांसं
स्प्रक्ष्यामि किंस्विदपि नाम परिष्वजेयम् ।
किं वक्ष्यते स खलु मां क्वनु वीक्षित: स्या-
दित्थं निनाय स भवन्मयमेव मार्गम् ॥४॥

drakshyaami vedashatagiitagatiM pumaamsaM
sprakshyaami kimsvidapi naama pariShvajeyam |
kiM vakshyate sa khalu maaM kvanu viikshitaH syaat
itthaM ninaaya sa bhavanmayameva maargam ||4
All through the journey, Akrura was immersed in the following thoughts,“Would I be able to see him who has been sung about by Vedas? Will I be able to touch him even slightly? Will he embrace me? What will he say to me? Where would I be able to see him? He went along the way thinking in this manner.
  Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 05

भूय: क्रमादभिविशन् भवदंघ्रिपूतं
वृन्दावनं हरविरिञ्चसुराभिवन्द्यम् ।
आनन्दमग्न इव लग्न इव प्रमोहे
किं किं दशान्तरमवाप न पङ्कजाक्ष ॥५॥

bhuuyaH kramaadabhivishan bhavadanghripuutaM
bR^indaavanaM haraviri~nchasuraabhivandyam |
aanandamagna iva lagna iva pramOhe
kiM kiM dashaantaramavaapa na pankajaaksha || 5
Thereafter, as he gradually entered Brindavan, sanctified by Thy lotus feet, and worshipped by even Siva, Brahma and other gods, he was, as it were, completely immersed in Bliss, or under a spell. O Lotus-eyed Lord ! What states of ecstasy did henot experience then !

 Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 06

 पश्यन्नवन्दत भवद्विहृतिस्थलानि
पांसुष्ववेष्टत भवच्चरणाङ्कितेषु ।
किं ब्रूमहे बहुजना हि तदापि जाता
एवं तु भक्तितरला विरला: परात्मन् ॥६॥

pashyannavandata bhavadvihR^itisthalaani
paamsuShvaveShTata bhavachcharaNaankiteShu |
kiM bruumahe bahujanaa hi tadaa(a)pi jaataa
evaM tu bhaktitaralaa viralaaH paraatman || 6

He saluted and worshipped the spots where you had played,He rolled in the dust which had the stamp of your lotus like feet,Oh Supreme divine being , what shall I say? In those days too, therewere many people on the earth, but very few, indeed, whose devotion was comparable in intensity with that of Akrura.

  Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 07

सायं स गोपभवनानि भवच्चरित्र-
गीतामृतप्रसृतकर्णरसायनानि ।
पश्यन् प्रमोदसरितेव किलोह्यमानो
गच्छन् भवद्भवनसन्निधिमन्वयासीत् ॥७॥

saayaM sa gOpabhavanaani bhavachcharitra
giitaamR^ita prasR^ita karNarasaayanaani |
pashyan pramOdasariteva kilOhyamaanO
gachChan bhavadbhavana sannidhimanvayaasiit || 7
 Akrura reached the vicinity of Thy residence by dusk. He passed by the houses of the Gopas from where flowed the soothing to the ear, nectar like strains sung about Thy sportive deed. Seeing this.and walked as if he was floating in the river of joy

 Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 08

तावद्ददर्श पशुदोहविलोकलोलं
भक्तोत्तमागतिमिव प्रतिपालयन्तम् ।
भूमन् भवन्तमयमग्रजवन्तमन्त-
र्ब्रह्मानुभूतिरससिन्धुमिवोद्वमन्तम् ॥८॥

taavaddadarsha pashudOha vilOkalOlaM
bhaktOttamaagatimiva pratipaalayantam |
bhuuman bhavantamayamagrajavantamantaH
brahmaanubhuutirasa sindhumivOdvamantam || 8
 O Infinite Lord!, As soon as Akroora reached your presence,He saw thee with Balarama interestingly seeing the milking of the cows, and it seemed like Thou were awaiting the arrival of a great devotee (Akrura himself)

  Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 09

द्वौ पीतनीलरुचिराम्बरलोभनीयौ ।
मन्दस्मितार्द्रवदनौ स युवां ददर्श ॥९॥

saayantanaaplava visheSha viviktagaatrau
dvau piitaniila ruchiraambara lObhaniiyau |
naatiprapa~ncha dhR^itabhuuShaNa chaaruveShau
mandasmitaardravadanau sa yuvaaM dadarsha || 9
Akrura saw Thee and Balaraam, both neat and tidy after the evening bath, dressed in beautiful yellow and blue garments, wearing a few ornaments and looking charming in appearance. A soft smile played on Thy gentle faces.

 Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam: 10

दूराद्रथात्समवरुह्य नमन्तमेन-
मुत्थाप्य भक्तकुलमौलिमथोपगूहन् ।
हर्षान्मिताक्षरगिरा कुशलानुयोगी
पाणिं प्रगृह्य सबलोऽथ गृहं निनेथ ॥१०॥

duuraadrathaatsamavaruhya namantamenam
utthaapya bhaktakulamauli mathOpaguuhan |
harShaanmitaakshara giraa kushalaanuyOgii
paaNiM pragR^ihya sabalO(a)tha gR^ihaM ninetha || 10

The crown of the devotees Akrura got down from the chariot. Thou lifted him up in great joy as he prostrated before Thee. Thou didst lift him up and embrace him with great pleasure;and, enquiring about his welfare with a few words Holding his hand Thou and Balaraam led him to Thy house.

  Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam:11

नन्देन साकममितादरमर्चयित्वा
तं यादवं तदुदितां निशमय्य वार्ताम् ।
गोपेषु भूपतिनिदेशकथां निवेद्य
नानाकथाभिरिह तेन निशामनैषी: ॥११॥

nandena saakamamitaadaramarchayitvaa
taM yaadavaM taduditaaM nishamayya vaartaam |
gOpeShu bhuupati nidesha kathaaM nivedya
naanaakathaabhiriha tena nishaamanaiShiiH || 11
After doing the honours to that Yadava (Akrura), along with Nandagopa, and and listened to the message of his mission. Thou communicated to the Gopas about the news of the king's command. That night Thou spent conversing with Akrura on various matters.

 Dasakam: 072 -- Slokam:12

चन्द्रागृहे किमुत चन्द्रभगागृहे नु
राधागृहे नु भवने किमु मैत्रविन्दे ।
धूर्तो विलम्बत इति प्रमदाभिरुच्चै-
राशङ्कितो निशि मरुत्पुरनाथ पाया: ॥१२॥

chandraagR^ihe kimuta chandrabhagaa gR^ihe nu
raadhaa gR^ihe nu bhavane kimu maitravinde |
dhuurtO vilambata iti pramadaabhiruchchaiH
aashankitO nishi marutpuranaatha paayaaH ||12
That night Thou failed to meet the Gopikas., the Gopikas imagined Thee of deceitfully spending the night with one or the other of Thy several beloveds, such as Chandra, Chandrabhaga,Radha, or Mitravinda. O Lord of Guruvayur, may Thou protect me.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam:71Slaying of Keshi and Vyomaasura

Slaying of Keshi and Vyomaasura
Keshi was a mighty demon, whose appearance was that of a wild horse. Like all demons, he can take any form, but the horse form was his natural one. When he went to battle, he took this form, and no one on earth had the power to even stand against such a mighty horse with powerful hoofs. Even the Devas would tremble, when Keshi whinnied his war cry. Kamsa knew what Keshi could do, but he also knew what Krishna could do to demons like Keshi. Yet, he was not averse to the idea of sending Keshi to Krishna. This wicked Asura, even though he had assumed the form of a Gandharva frightened all the worlds with his fierce voices. the way he stood on his hind legs and waved the hooves made everyone run hear and there in fear and tears.

Krishna saw the demon Keshi the Horse  and went straight to a whinnying Keshi and took the fighting posture. With a terrifying war cry, Keshi came thundering down on Lord Krishna, in an intention to trample him. But, Lord Krishna decided to punish the horse,and jumped away and caught hold of Keshis hind legs. , and placed his strong club like arm into his mouth. At that time the arm increased in size and choked the horse to death. Even though the Asura was in the form of a horse, he attained oneness with Krishna.By killing that horse (the sacrificial animal in the Aswamedha Yajna), Krishna  perform a new kind of Aswamedha (shorn of its rituals). The celestials, in their delight at Thy deed, praised Krishna by Thy new appellation, "Kesava" (slayer of Kesi.

Kamsa never grew tired of sending demons after demons in attempts to kill his nephew, Lord Krishna. But, none of the demons came back alive. They never came back at all. Every one of them was killed either by Krishna or Balarama.

One day, Kamsa sent a demon, by name Vyomasura. This demonic character had a special power. Normally he appeared as a harmless bat, but when he decided to create trouble, he would enlarge his body a million times. Then he would kill and wreck havoc. He even had the habit of drinking the blood of his victims.

Vyomasura went to Vrindavan and hid in the mountains. Krishna and his friends used to go daily on that way, as the cows found good pasture in that area. Once the cows were put to browse on the grass, Krishna and his friends would start to play. That day, while they were playing Lambs-Thieves-Guards, Vyomasura deceitfully kidnapped the unassuming friends of Krishna, one after another, and put them inside a cave. He then sealed the cave with rocks.

Lord Krishna sensed this and rushed to the cave. There, the bat demon was just lying on a rock at the entrance. Krishna took him and held him in his firm grip. Vyomasura initiated his gigantic form and tried to grow. But, Krishna held him more firmly and consequently Vyomasura was choked.


As Vyomasura gasped for breath, Krishna released him and then there was fierce battle between the two. At the end, Lord Krishna threw Vyomasura down on the ground and killed him. He then released all his friends from that cave.
Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 01
यत्नेषु सर्वेष्वपि नावकेशी केशी स भोजेशितुरिष्टबन्धु: ।

त्वां सिन्धुजावाप्य इतीव मत्वा सम्प्राप्तवान् सिन्धुजवाजिरूप: ॥१॥
yatneShu sarveShvapi naavakeshii keshii sa bhOjeshituriShTabandhuH |
tvaM sindhujaavaapya itiiva matvaa sampraaptavaan sindhujavaajiruupaH || 1

A close friend of the Bhoja king Kansa, Keshi was never unsuccessful in any of his attempts. He took the form of a horse from the land of Sindhu, thinking that Thou were easily accessible to those born off Sindhu (ocean) as Thou are to Laxmi Devi.

 Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 02

गन्धर्वतामेष गतोऽपि रूक्षैर्नादै: समुद्वेजितसर्वलोक: ।

भवद्विलोकावधि गोपवाटीं प्रमर्द्य पाप: पुनरापतत्त्वाम् ॥२॥
gandharvataameSha gatO(a)pi ruukshairnaadaiH samudvejita sarvalOkaH |
bhavadvilOkaavadhi gOpavaaTiiM pramardya paapaH punaraapatattvaam || 2

  This wicked Asura, even though he had assumed the form of a Gandharva frightened all the worlds with his fierce voices. Thee saw the demon Keshi the Horse  and went straight to a whinnying Keshi and took the fighting posture. Until he set sight on Thee, the evil one distructed Gokula and then rushed to attack Thee.

Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 03

तार्क्ष्यार्पिताङ्घ्रेस्तव तार्क्ष्य एष चिक्षेप वक्षोभुवि नाम पादम् ।

भृगो: पदाघातकथां निशम्य स्वेनापि शक्यं तदितीव मोहात् ॥३॥
taarkshyaarpitaanghrestava taarkshya eSha chikshepa vakshObhuvi naamapaadam |
bhR^igOH padaaghaata kathaaM nishamya svenaapi shakyaM taditiiva mOhaat || 3
That demon in the guise of Tharkshya, (horse) kicked on the chest, Thee, whose feetwere placed on Tharkshya (Garuda), Thy vehicle. Perhaps having heard of the episodeof Sage Bhrigu kicking Thee on the chest, he thought he too could do so.
Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 04

प्रवञ्चयन्नस्य खुराञ्चलं द्रागमुञ्च चिक्षेपिथ दूरदूरम्

सम्मूर्च्छितोऽपि ह्यतिमूर्च्छितेन क्रोधोष्मणा खादितुमाद्रुतस्त्वाम् ॥४॥
prava~nchayannasya khuraa~nchalaM draak amuM cha chikshepitha duuraduuram |
sammuurchChitO(a)pi hyatimuurchChitena krOdhOShmaNaakhaaditumaadrutastvaam || 4
Evading his kick, Thou didst immediately hurl him to a great distance. Though renderedunconscious for a moment, he soon rushed at Thee with increased rage, to eat Thee.
Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 05

त्वं वाहदण्डे कृतधीश्च वाहादण्डं न्यधास्तस्य मुखे तदानीम् ।

तद् वृद्धिरुद्धश्वसनो गतासु: सप्तीभवन्नप्ययमैक्यमागात् ॥५॥
tvaM vaahadaNDe kR^itadhiishcha baahaa daNDaM nyadhaastasyamukhetadaaniim |
tadvR^iddhiruddha shvasanO gataasuH saptii bhavannapyayamaikyamaagaat || 5
Thou decided to punish the horse, and placed Thy strong club like arm into his mouth. At that time the arm increased in size and choked the horse to death. Even though the Asura was in the form of a horse, he attained oneness with Thee.

Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 06

आलम्भमात्रेण पशो: सुराणां प्रसादके नूत्न इवाश्वमेधे ।

कृते त्वया हर्षवशात् सुरेन्द्रास्त्वां तुष्टुवु: केशवनामधेयम् ॥६॥
aalambha maatreNa pashOH suraaNaaM prasaadake nuutna ivaashvamedhe |
kR^ite tvayaa harShavashaat surendraastvaaM tuShTuvuH keshava naamadheyam ||6
Merely by the killing of the animal the gods were full of joy. This was as if it were a new Ashvamedha sacrifice done by Thee. Delighted, the gods hailed Thee giving Thee the name Keshava, the killer of Keshi.

Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 07

कंसाय ते शौरिसुतत्वमुक्त्वा तं तद्वधोत्कं प्रतिरुध्य वाचा।

प्राप्तेन केशिक्षपणावसाने श्रीनारदेन त्वमभिष्टुतोऽभू: ॥७॥
kamsaaya te shaurisutatva muktvaa taM tadvadhOtkaM pratirudhya vaachaa |
praaptena keshikshapaNaavasaane shriinaaradena tvamabhiShTutO(a)bhuuH || 7
Sage Naarada had told Kansa that Thou were the son of Vasudeva. Kansa eagerly set out to kill Vasudeva but was verbally dissuaded by Shri Naarada to do so. At the end of Keshi's destruction Naarada came to Thee and sung Thy praises.

 Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 08

कदापि गोपै: सह काननान्ते निलायनक्रीडनलोलुपं त्वाम् ।

मयात्मज: प्राप दुरन्तमायो व्योमाभिधो व्योमचरोपरोधी ॥८॥
kadaa(a)pi gOpaiH saha kaananaante nilaayana kriiDana lOlupaM tvaam |
mayaatmajaH praapa durantamaayO vyOmaabhidhO vyOmacharOparOdhii || 8
One day Thou were engaged in playing the game of hide and seek with the Gopa boys. Just then the son of Maya, an Asura named Vyoma who had immense magical powers and who was an enemy of the gods, approached Thee.

 Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 09

स चोरपालायितवल्लवेषु चोरायितो गोपशिशून् पशूंश्च

गुहासु कृत्वा पिदधे शिलाभिस्त्वया च बुद्ध्वा परिमर्दितोऽभूत् ॥९॥
sa chOrapaalaayita vallaveShu chOraayitO gOpashishuun pashuumshcha |
guhaasu kR^itvaa pidadhe shilaabhiH tvayaa cha buddhvaaparimarditO(a)bhuut || 9
He, in the game, mingled among the boys who were playing as thief and policemen. Vyoma playing as thief put the Gopa boys and the cows in a cave and closed the mouth of the cave with a stone. As Thou understood the situation, Vyoma was killed by Thee.

Dasakam: 071 -- Slokam: 10

एवं विधैश्चाद्भुतकेलिभेदैरानन्दमूर्च्छामतुलां व्रजस्य ।

पदे पदे नूतनयन्नसीमां परात्मरूपिन् पवनेश पाया: ॥१०॥

evaM vidhaishchaadbhuta kelibhedaiH aanandamuurchChaamatulaaM vrajasya |
pade pade nuutanayannasiimaaM paraatmaruupin pavanesha paayaaH ||10

O Supreme Being! Thou made Vraja every now and then, enhance unlimited joy of the people  and theincomparable and bliss with such strange and different kinds of sports . O Lord of Guruvaayur! protect me.