Monday, August 6, 2018

Sri jaya Deva Ashtapathi- 2 Bhagavath viboothi varnanam

वेदानुद्धरते जगन्ति वहते भूगोलमुद्बिभ्रते

दैत्यं दारयते बलिं छलयते क्षत्रक्षयं कुर्वते।

पौलस्त्यं जयते हलं कलयते कारुण्यमातन्वते

म्लेच्छान्मूर्च्छयते दशाकृतिकृते कृष्णाय तुभ्यं नमः ||
vedän uddharate, jaganni vahate…, bhügolam udbibhrate

daityam därayate, balim chalayate, kshatrakshayam kurvate… |

paulastyam jayate, halam kalayate, kärunyam ätanvate

mlecchän mürcchayate, dashä-kruti-krute, Krishnaya tubhyam nama: ||
வேதான் உத்தரதே ஜகன்னிவஹதே பூகோளம் உத்பிபப்ரதே

தைத்யம் தாரயதே பலிம் சலயதே க்ஷத்ரக்ஷயம் குர்வதே ..|

பௌலஸ்த்யம் ஜயதே ஹலம் கலயதே காருண்யம் ஆதன்வதே

ம்லேச்சான் மூர்ச்சயதே தஷாக்ருதே கிருஷ்ணாய துப்யம் நம:||
In the ten verses of this first song of Sri Gita Govinda, SriJayadeva has depicted the charming pastimes of the avatäras of BhagavänSri Krishna. That Sri Krishna who manifests Himself asthe ten avatäras has delivered the Vedas in the form of Matsya, upheld the Earth as Kurma, saved Påthvé as Varaha, killed Hiranyakasipu as Narasimha , cheated Bali and made him His own as Vamana, the destroyer of the ksatriyas as Parasurama, took up the plough as Balarama, showed kindness to animals and advocated compassion as Buddha,andwould kill the mlechchas as Kalki,  taking ten different forms on each occasion.O Bhagavan,Oh !Sri Krishana! O You who assume these ten incarnations, obeisance's unto You.

Ashtapathi Songs-2 

धृतकुण्डल कलित ललितवनमा॥
जय जय देव हरे ॥१॥
śrita-kamalā-kuca-maṇḍala dhṛta-kuṇḍala e
jaya jaya deva hare ||dhruvapadaṃ||1

ஸ்ரித கமலாகுச மண்டல த்ருத குண்டல
கலித லலித வனமால ஜய ஜய தேவ ஹரே
 ஹரி கோவிந்த ஹரி கோபால (ஜய ஜய தேவ ஹரே)1

1.OJagadeesa! O Hari! O You who take shelter on the bosom of Lakshmi, He who wears earrings.” The beauty of His lotus face is further enhanced by those makara-shaped earrings. You have donned an extremely attractive forest-flower garland that dangles unto thy knee” Oh, Hari, you are the Almighty of all the worlds. Victory to Thee!


भवखण्डन मुनिजनमानसहंस॥ (जय जय) 2


bhava-khaṇḍana e


jaya jaya deva hare ||2||

தின மணி மண்டல மண்டன

பவ கண்டன

முனிஜன மானஸ ஹம்ஸ

 (ஜய ஜய தேவ ஹரே)

O Jagadeesa! O Hari! You resides within the sun planet in the form of the Indwelling Witness because you are the embellisher of solar system. as a swan swims in maanasa sarovar, a blissful lake in Himalayas You enact Your pastimes upon the minds of saintly people. Oh, Hari, you are the Almighty of all the worlds. Victory to Thee!


जनरञ्जन यदुकुलनलिनदिनेश॥
(जय जय) ||||
jana-rañjana e
jaya jaya deva hare ||3

காளிய விஷதர பஞ்ஜன

 ஜன ரஞ்ஜன யதுகுல

நளின தினேஸ (ஜய ஜய தேவ ஹரே) 

O Jagadeesa! O Hari! Conqueror of the serpent kaliya,(the pride of the one hundred-headed venomous serpent Käliya, who lived in the Yamunä )By subduing Kaliya, Bhagavan gave pleasure to the community of Vraja. (The Yädavas are the cowherd community of Vraja). O As the lotus blossoms with the rising of the sun, the Yadavas flourish when Sri Krishna descends in their dynasty. So, let us hail him. Oh, Hari, you are the Almighty of all the worlds. Victory to Thee! 
मधुमुरनरकविनाशन  गरुडासन

सुरकुलकेलिनिदान  जय जय देव हरे॥  
jaya jaya deva hare ||4||

மது - முற - நரக - வினாஷன


சுர - குல - கேலி - நிதான

ஜய ஜய தேவா ஹரே ||4||

4.O Jagadeesa! O destroyer of the demons Madhu, Mura and Naraka! O You who ride upon Garuda and the cause of happiness of the celestials,Oh, Hari!  you are the Almighty of all the worlds. Victory to Thee!

भवमोचन त्रिभुवनभवननिदान॥  (जय जय) 5



jaya jaya deva hare ||5||

அமல - கமல - தள -லோசன

பவ - மோசன

த்ரிபுவன - பவன -நிதான

ஜய ஜய தேவா ஹரே ||5||

O Jagadeesa! whose clear eyes are like the petals of a spotless lotus , releasing devotees from the endless chain of birth and death and protects all living entities. This reveals His compassion.Oh, Hari!  you are the Almighty of all the worlds. Victory to Thee!


जितदूषण समरशमितदशकण्ठ॥
(जय जय) ॥६॥
jaya jaya deva hare ||6||
ஜனக - சுதா - குச - பூஷன
ஜித - தூஷண
சமர - சமித - தச - கண்ட
ஜய ஜய தேவா ஹரே ||6||

O Jagadeesa! You decorate the daughter of Janaka Maharaja with Your own hands. You killed the demon Dushana (brother of Khara) during Your exile in the Dandaka forest. This is why You are called Jita- Dusana and you restore peace to the world by killing the ten- headed Ravana in battle. O Hari! May You who are adorned with profound dignity and forgiveness be triumphant! Oh, Hari!  you are the Almighty of all the worlds. Victory to Thee!


धृत मन्दर श्रीमुखचन्द्रचकोर॥ (जय जय) ||7



jaya jaya deva hare ||7||
அபிநவ - ஜல - தர - சுந்தர

த்ருத - மந்தர

ஸ்ரீ - முக - சந்த்ர - சகோரா

ஜய ஜய தேவா ஹரே ||7||

O Jagadeesa!In this song, the poet has presented the pastimes of various incarnations of Bhagavan and here establishes the predominance of the romantic hero.Sri Krishna's auspicious form, is beautiful like a captivating fresh rain cloud. O holder of Mandara Mountain (Giriraja). The lotus face of Sri Radha is a constant source of joy for Sri Bhagavan. Just as a cakora bird, The bird who incessantly drink the nectar of  moonlight which is the face of Goddess Lakshmi . Oh, Hari!  you are the Almighty of all the worlds. Victory to Thee!

श्रीजयदेवकवेरिदं कुरुते मुदं|
(जय जय)  ॥८॥
sri-jayadeva-kaver idam -
kurute mudam
mangalam ujjvala-gitam
jaya jaya deva hare ||8||

ஸ்ரீ -ஜெயதேவ -கவேர இதம்

குருதே முதம்

மங்களம் உஜ்வல-கீதம்

ஜய ஜய தேவா ஹரே ||8||

O Jagadeesa!This resplendent song by Poet Jayadeva delights people and  brings auspiciousness. We have surrendered at Your lotus feet. May You confer bliss upon your devotees who hear and recite your glorious qualities and blessing us with the gift of prema-bhakti. Oh, Hari!  you are the Almighty of all the worlds. Victory to Thee!


काश्मीरमुद्रितमुरो मधुसूदनस्य|

व्यक्तानुरागमिव खेलदनङ्ग खेद-

स्वेदांबुपूरमनुपूरयतु प्रियं वः
padmä-payodhara-thati, parirambha-lagna- kashméera

mudritam uro madhusüdhanasya |

vyaktänu rägam iva, khelad-ananga-kheda

svedämbu-püram, anupürayatu priyam va….||9||
பத்மா-பயோதர -தடி, பரிரம்ப -லக்ன - காஷ்மீரா

முத்ரிதம் உரோ மதுசூதனஸ்ய |

வ்யாக்தானு ராகம் இவ, கேலத-அனங்க-கேத

ஸ்வேதாம்பு-பூரம் அனுபூரயது ப்ரியம் வா...….||9||

Krishna embraces Radha in love sport and His chest marked with Her kunguma from Their tight embrace, thus displaying His deep love within. Her kunguma blends there with streams of perspiration from Their amorous passion. May the broad chest of Madhusudana, decorated thus during union with his beloved, fulfill the hearts’ desires of you all.



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