the Blessings of Jagganatha and Jayadeva Here is an attempt to post Sri Gita
Govindam in three different languages viz., English, Tamil and Sanskrit.
I have my own limits to venture translating
fully the descriptions of sports of love. . I acknowledge my hearty gratitude to Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa Gosvämé
Maharaja whose publication 'Gita Govinda Kavyam',and Translation and notes by
Colin John Holcombe a english translation of Poet Jayadeva's immortal classic,
helped me to understand the Sanskrit work.I have taken references from books
as I referred, picture from google image, video links, slokas from youtube. so
that, it is available to the devotees in one place for reference purposes.
Devotees can refer to them while singing and to learn them. With such an
intention this post is made
Samoda-Damodaraù – Damodara Delighted
1. मेघैर्मेदुरमम्बरं
वनभुवः श्यामाः तमालद्रुमैः
त्वमेव तदिमं राधे गृहं प्रापय।
नन्दनिदेशतः चलितयोः प्रत्यध्वकुञ्जद्रुमं
यमुनाकूले रहः केलयः ॥1||
1. Meghaihi medhuram ambharam vanabhuvah shyämästamäla
naktham bheerurayam thvam eva tadhimam rädhe griham praapaya
ittham nandhanidheshataha chalithayoho prathyadhva
rädhä-mädhavayoho jayanthi yamunaakoole raha kellayaha ||1||
1. மேகை:
மேதுரம் அம்பரம் வணபுவ: ஷ்யாமா தமாலத்ருமை
பீருரயம் த்வமேவ ததிமம் ராதே க்ருஹம் ப்ராபய
நந்த நிதேஷத: சலிதாயோ: ப்ரத்யத்வ குஞ்ஜத்ருமம்
மாதவயோ: ஜயந்தி யமுனாகூலே ரஹ: கேளய: ॥1||
O Radha! Threatening clouds
devour the sky. Blackish tamala trees cast the forest into darkness. Damodara is naturally timid and cannot be alone at
night so take Him home with You.” This is the command from Nanda .Bewildered by
intense joy as She turned toward the bower of desire-trees beside the forest
path. She reached the bank of the Yamuna, and in a secret place initiated Her
love play. Triumph to Radha-Madhava’s confidential pastime. May its sweetness
come alive in the hearts of the devotees.
2. वाग्देवता
करोति जयदेवकविः प्रबन्धम् ||2||
2. Vaagdevathaa charitha chitritha chitthasadhmaa
Padhmävathi charana chaaranna chakravarthee|
Srivaasudeva rathikaeli kathaasamaetham
Etham karothi jayadaevakavihi prabhandham ||2||
2. வாக்
தேவதா சரிதசித்ரித சித்த ஸத்மா
சரண சாரண சக்ரவர்த்தீ\
வாஸுதேவ ரதிகேளி கதா ஸமேதம்
கரோதி ஜெயதேவ கவி: ப்ரபந்தம் ||2||
The heart of the great poet Sri
Jayadeva is like a temple, beautifully decorated with Goddess of speech (Saraswati)
, The author, whose heart is always dancing with desire to serve the lotus feet
of Sri Radha, , composes this great work comprising of the divine plays of SriRadha
and VAsudeva. such a poet Jayadeva is now authoring this poetic lore called
Gita Govindam. The episodes of plays of passion of Rādha and Krishna creating a tremendous upsurge of the radiant
and romantic bhaktirasa within devotees immersed in transcendental emotions.
3. यदि
हरिस्मरणे सरसं मनः
विलासकलासु कुतूहलम्।
तदा जयदेवसरस्वतीम्॥3||
3. yadhi harissmaranae sarasam manaha
yadhi vilaasa kalaasu kuthoohalam |
Madhurakomala kaantha padhaavalim
shrunu thadhaa jayadaeva Sarasvathim ||3||
3. யதிஹரிஸ்மரணே
சரசம் மன:
விலாஸ கலாஸு குதூஹலம்
காந்த பதாவலீம்
ததா ஜெயதேவ ஸரஸ்வதீம் ||3||
If your mind revels in remembering Krishna and if your heart with
feelings of deep love, and if you are curious to know about his inventiveness in
the art of love then listen to these sweet and tender verses and endearing
verses of this collection of songs by the poet Jayadeva.
पल्लवयत्युमापतिधरः सन्दर्भशुद्धिं गिरां
जयदेव एव शरणः श्लाघ्यो
आचार्य गोवर्धन-
कोऽपि न विश्रुतः श्रुतिधरो
धोयी कविक्ष्मापतिः ||4||
4. Vaacha pallavayati umaapathidharahha sandharbhashuddhim
Jaaneethae jayadaeva eva sharanaha shlaadhyoho
dhuroohadrutheh |
Sringaarothara sathpramaeya rachanaihi Aachaarya Govardhana-
spardhee koapi na vishrutaha shruthidharaha dhoyee
kavikshmaapathihi ||4||
பல்லவயதி உமாபதிதர: ஸந்தர்ப்ப ஷூத்திம்கிராம்
ஜெயதேவ ஏவ சரண: ஷ்லாக்யோது
ஸத்ப்ரமேய ரசனை : ஆசார்ய கோவர்தன
கோபி நவிஷ்ருத ரோதோயீகவி க்ஷ்மாபதி:||4||
Poet Umapati can write meticulously in detailed
descriptions; Sharana Kavi is famous for quickly composing inscrutable verses;
Acarya Govardhana has no equal in depicting sringara(erotic sentiment) ; Dhoyi
is a king among poets and can recite anything after hearing; Only Jayadeva knows the situational properness
of words and wordplay. hence he alone is the poet of the day.
Ashtapathi-1-Dasa avataara kiirti dhavalam:
From Here Ashtapathi will be Started
Pralaya-payodhi-jale” is the first of the Gita Govinda
Ashtapadi. It appears just after the poet makes a short introduction, and is a
hymn offered to the ten incarnations of Vishnu. Starting from the
Matsya-avatara, each verse extols the greatness of one incarnation.The
sole purpose of Sri Jayadeva’s writing is to reveal the supreme
sweetness present in Sri Radha-Madhava’s pastimes.The crest jewel of
heroism of Sri Krishna, is the original shelter of all existence. All
verses of this song describe the avatars of Sri Krishna, beginning here
These will be in eight footed stanzas, with a repeatable
stanza at their end. Though all the stanzas are a single verse, they will be
divided into separate units for the sake of easy reading
1.प्रलयपयोधिजले धृतवानसि वेदम् । विहितवहित्रचरित्रमखेदम्॥
केशवाधृतमीनशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-१
केशवाधृतमीनशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-१
pralaya-payodhijale Gopala
Krishna, dhrutavanasi vedam
vihita-vahitra-caritram akhedam |
kesava dhruta-mina-sharira
jaya jagadisa hare!
ப்ரளய-பயோதி-ஜலே த்ருவானஸி வேதம்
த்ருத-மீன-சரீர ஜய ஜகதீஸ ஹரே
O Jagadéesvara! O Hari! When all the waters of all seven
seas deluged the earth, Oh, keshava, You descend to
this temporary world in the form of a fish and save the Vedas from the ocean of
universal devastation. just as a ship effortlessly rescues a drowning man. You
easily acted as a boat in the form of a giant fish just to give protection to
the Vedas, O Supreme Lord,You have appeared as Matsyävatära . Oh, Hari, you are
the Almighty of all the worlds.
2.क्षितिरतिविपुलतरे तवतिष्ठतिपृष्ठे।धरणिधरणकिणचक्रगरिष्ठे
केशव धृतकच्छपरूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-२
dharaṇī-dharaṇa-kina-cakra-gariṣṭhe |
keśava dhṛta-kaccapa-rūpa
jaya jagadīśa hare ||2||
விபுலதரே திஷ்டதி தவ ப்ருஷ்டே
த்ருத-கச்சப-ரூப ஜய ஜகதீஸ ஹரே!
O Jagadeesa! O Hari! Assuming the form of a tortoise, Oh,
Keshava, You took the form of a a huge tortoise and you
held the earth on your tortoiseshell and
lifted the Mandara Mountain rest on his back,and allowed it to churn the ocean
like a wheel. Oh, Hari, you are the Almighty of worlds. May You be victorious!
3.वसति दशनशिखरे धरणीतवलग्ना ।शशिनि कलङ्ककलेव निमग्ना॥
केशव धृतसूकररूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-३
केशव धृतसूकररूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-३
vasati dasana-sikhare Gopala Krishna dharani tava lagna
shasini kalaka-kaleva nimagna |
kesava dhruta-sukara-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||3||
தஸன-ஸிகரே தரணீ தவ லக்னா
கலங்க-கலேவ நிமக்னா
த்ருத-ஸுகர-ரூப ஜய ஜகதீஸ ஹரே!3
O Jagadeesa! Oh, Keshava, Who assumed the form of a boar, you
lifted up the sinking earth with your snout and The Earth rests upon the tip of
Your tusks like a tiny spot upon the moon. Oh, Hari, you are the Almighty of
worlds, Victory to Thee!
करकमलवरे नखमद्भुतशृङ्गम् । दलितहिरण्यकशिपुतनुभृङ्गम्॥
केशव धृतनरहरिरूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-४
tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-çåìgam
keçava dhåta-narahari-rüpa jaya jagadéça hare (4)
கர-கமல-வரே நக-மத்புத-ஸ்ருங்கம்
த்ருத-நரஹரி-ரூப ஜய ஜகதீஸ ஹரே!
O Jagadeesa! O kesava You took the form of Narasimha, part
man and part lion. With the wonderful sharp tips of the nails in your lotus-hands
you tore down the demon Hiranyakashipu like a honey-bee in a lotus flower. O
Hari! God of the world, Victory to Thee!
विक्रमणे बलिमद्भुतवामन । पदनखनीरजनितजनपावन॥
धृतवामनरूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-५
chalayasi vikramane , balimadbhuta-vamana
pada-nakha-nira-janita-jana-pavana |
kesava dhruta-vamana-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||5||
விக்ரமணே பலிமத்புதவாமன
த்ருத-வாமன-ரூப ஜய ஜகதீஸ
O Jagadeesa! O Sri Hari! O Kesava! Who assumed the form of a
dwarf Brahmin Vamana Who by his massive steps deceived Mahabali, the mighty Ganga,
the river, emanating from the nail of whose feet, Made all living beings holy
and divine. Oh, Hari, you are the Almighty of worlds. Victory to Thee!
6.क्षत्रियरुधिरमये जगदपगतपापम् । स्नपयसि पयसि शमितभवतापम्।
केशव धृतभृघुपतिरूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-६
केशव धृतभृघुपतिरूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-६
kashtriya-rudhira-maye , jagad apagata-papam
snapayasi payasi samita-bhava-tapam |
kesava dhruta-bhrugu-pati-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||5||
க்ஷத்ரிய-ருதிரமயே ஜகதபகதபாபம்
பயஸி ஸமித-பவ-தாபம்
த்ருத-ப்ருகுபதி-ரூப ஜய ஜகதீஸ ஹரே!
O Jagadeesa!O Kesava! ,Who assumed the form of Parasurama,Who
bathed the earth with blood of Kshatriyas,Who washed away the sins of the
world,And who calmed down the pains of existence. O Hari, God of the universe,
Victory to Thee!
7. वितरसि दिक्षु रणे दिक्पतिकमनीयम् । दशमुखमौलिबलिम् रमणीयम्॥
केशव धृतरामशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-७
केशव धृतरामशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-७
vitarasi dikshu rane , dik-pati-kamaniyam
dasa-mukha-mauli-bali ramaiyam |
kesava dhruta- Raghupathi rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||7||
திக்ஷ¤ ரணே
தஸமுக-மெளலி-பலிம் ரமணீயம்
த்ருத-ரகுபதி-ரூபா ஜய ஜகதீஸ ஹரே!
O Jagadeesa! O Kesava! You incarnated as Sriram and, during the battle with the ten-headed demon
King Rävaëa, You threw his extremely attractive crowned heads in all directions
as a pleasing offering to Indra and to other to the presiding deities.O Hari,
God of the world, Victory to Thee!
8.वहसि वपुषिविशदेवसनम् जलदाभम् । हलहतिभीतिमिलितयमुनाभम्॥
केशव धृतहलधररूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-८
केशव धृतहलधररूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-८
vahasi vapushi vishade , vasana jaladabham
hala-hati-bhiti-milita-yamunabham |
kesava dhruta-hala-dhara-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||7||
வபுஷி விஸதே வஸனம் ஜலதாபம்
த்ருத-ஹலதர-ரூப ஜய ஜகதீஸ ஹரே!
O Jagadeesa! O Kesava!Taking the form of Balarama Who wore the cloths of colour of the RiverYamuna,over his white body that resemble the beauty of fresh rain clouds. It seems that
the river Yamunä has hidden in Your cloth, fearing the blow of Your plough.( Yamuna
is always fearful of Bala Rama, as she is unaware as to how many more tunnels
he is going to dig and alter her route.)O Hari the Almighty of worlds! Victory
to Thee!
9.निन्दति यज्ञविधेरहह श्रुतिजातम् । सदयहृदयदर्शितपशुघातम्॥
केशव धृतबुद्धशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-९
केशव धृतबुद्धशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-९
nindasi yajña-vidhe ahaha! sruti-jatam
sadaya-hrudaya darshita-pashu-ghatam |
kesava dhruta-buddha-sharira
jaya jagadisa hare ||9||
யக்ஞ-விதேர-ஹஹ ஸ்ருதி-ஜாதம்
த்ருத-புத்த-ஸரீர ஜய ஜகதீஸ ஹரே!
O Jagadeesa! O Kesava! You have assumed
the form of Buddha. Being compassionate and sensitive, with a heart full of
kindness, condemned the animal
sacrifices prescribed in the Vedas. O Hari the Almighty of worlds! Victory to
10. म्लेच्छनिवहनिधने कलयसिकरवालम् । धूमकेतुमिव किमपिकरालम्॥
केशव धृतकल्किशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-१०
केशव धृतकल्किशरीर जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-१०
mleccha-nivaha-nidhane kalayasi karavalam
dhuma-ketum iva kim api karalam |
kesava dhruta-kalki-sharira
jaya jagadisa hare ||9||
ம்லேச்ச-நிவஹ-நிதனே கலயஸி கரவாலம்
இவ கிம் அபி கராலம்!
த்ருத-கல்கி-ஸரீர ஜய ஜகதீஸ ஹரே!
O Jagadeesa! O Kesava! in the form of the Kalki! Who would
appear like a blazing comet, For the destruction of the wicked, you carry a
meteor-like sword in your hand, trailing a train of disaster to them. Hail!
Hari, God of the World, Victory to Thee! (The appearance of a comet in the sky
is a bad omen and when that comet hits the earth it is still worse. And when
Kalki brandishes his sword as gods brandish comets, it is unimaginable and that
suggests the end of that era).
11.श्रीजयदेवकवेरिदमुदितमुदारम् । शृणु सुखदम् शुभदम् भवसारम्।
केशव धृतदशविधरूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-११
केशव धृतदशविधरूप जयजगदीशहरे॥ अ प १-११
sri-jayadeva-kaveridam idam uditam udaram
shrunu sukhadam shubhadam bhava-saram |
kesava dhruta-dashavidha-rupa
jaya jagadisa hare ||10||
ஸ்ரீஜயதேவ-கவேர் இதம் உதிதம் உதாரம்
ஸு க-தம் ஸுப-தம் பவ-ஸாரம் !
ஜய ஜகதீஸ ஹரே
O Jagadeesa! O Kesava! You took ten different forms in your
ten incarnations.May this gem of a hymn composed by poet Jayadeva, which is the
essence in this samsara, bestow
happiness and auspiciousness on those
who hear it. O Hari, God of the World,
Victory to Thee!
Note: The poet is summarising all
these incarnations that are so far said separately Krishna does not figure in
this as an incarnation as He is considered the Supreme Personality of Goodhood
while the other incarnations are only partial potencies of Krishna. Jayadeva
has added Buddha as an incarnation to retain the conventional number of ten
By OS Sunder
Useful. Thank you