Though I didn’t learn music
formally but listen to classical songs and Bhajan from my teenage. Sampradaya
Bhajana or Dakhshina Bharatha Sampradaya Bhajana is the tradition of Bhajans in
India and as the name suggests particularly in South India. It's the collection
of Kirtanas and Namavalis in specific order. This is very simple and can be
done thought the day and night without any effort or rules. Added to it, if the
Naama is uttered with Music (Sruti, Raaga and Thaala), it gives a soothing
effect and takes the mind to "layam". It, therefore, makes it easy to
get one pointed attention and at the same time, it is more pleasant to the ears
that singing or listening to Ashtapadi.
Ashtapadi (Gita Govinda)
itself is a very popular Maha-Kavyam, being sung and heard sung for years and
holds a prime position. one would have rarely understood the importance and
influence of singing/listening to the Ashtapadi. I found
especially interesting to learn Gita
govind until much later, by learning all these songs Though I am able to find
the explanation I try to find word to word meaning of the ashtapadi. So I
started reading Books about Gita Govinda and Meaning. I refers books of,
Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja who translate sankrit to english. Translation
and notes by Colin John Holcombe. in upcoming weeks you will find a collection
of different renditions of Jayadeva’s Gita Govinda Ashtapadis..
The Ashtapadi is a work by
Jayadeva, a great devotee of Krishna. It is replete with elements conducive to
bhakti rasa—music and dance. It was composed by Jayadeva at the Jagannatha
Kshetra of Puri, while his wife, Padmavati, danced to its music. Both music and dance are among the sixty-four
kinds of offerings made to god at the time of pooja or worship. Each of these
offerings helps us to invoke the Lord’s karuna or compassion on us. Of these,
music and dance have very intense, personal significance. The Lord is of the
form of music. The art of dance is a mingling of music with the ambient air
Since it is a song (geetha) about
Govinda, it is called the Geethagovinda. Since it is composed in eight padas
(in keeping with rhythms of dance), So it is also called the Ashtapadi. Several
slokas are added to the songs in the beginning and in the end. Many writers
have specified the raga and tala in which these verses are set. Yet others sing
these as taught by their gurus. This work has been composed in twelve sargas,
bearing the Dvadashakshari mantra (twelve-syllable mantra) of Krishna. The
names given by Jayadeva to each of these sargas are also unique and meaningful.
They bestow grace upon devotees.
The basis for this work is the 5 chapters 29 to 33 of
Srimadbhagavatam (known as Rasapanchadhyaayi) which describe the events leading
to the rasaleela, the great dance on the banks of the Yamuna where each gopi thinks
that Krishna is with her in Srimadbhagavatam, however, does not specifically
talk about a gopi named Radha though Radha is described as the very heart of
Krishna in some of the other Puranas. the predominant sentiment is
sringara(erotic sentiment) in all its various moods in relation to the divine
love between Radha and Krishna. The ecstasy of union, the agony of separation, the anxious moments
of wait for the loved one are all treated with sensitivity and poetic
excellence. The whole work is divided
into twelve chapters ( sargas), each chapter containing one or more prabandhas.
There are 24 prabandhas each containing couplets grouped into eight called Ashtapadis, songs with refrain specific to
that Ashatapadi. There are in all 24
Ashtapadis in Gita Govindam. Each Chapter may have one or more slokas in different metres of Sanskrit poetry
interspersed with the Ashtapadis. It is
said that the Poet-devotee Jayadeva would sing the Ashtapadis and his wife
Padmavati would dance to the music.
There have been many choreographic works
to enact and present the Ashtapadis
as a dance drama.
List of Ashtapadis
Pralayapayodijale -Raga-Sowrashtram
2. Shrutha Kamala -
3. Lalitha Lavanga
- Usaini / Vasantha
4. Chandana
Charcharitha- Pantuvarali
5. Sanchara - Thodi
6. Nibhtutha -
7. Maamiyam -
8. Nindathi
chandanam - Sowrashtram (also Dwijavanthi)
9. Sthanavini -
10. Vahathi -
11. Rathi sukha -
12. Naatha hare -
13. Kathithasamaye - Ahiri
14. Smarasamaro -
15. Samudhita -
16. Anilatarala -
17. Rajanijanitha -
18. Harirabhi -
19. Vadasiyadi -
20. Virachita -
21. Manjutara -
How about further Ashtabadhi from 5Th
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