Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sri Jayadeva Ashtapathi 3 Vasanthakala Varnanam

Vasanta raga is prominent in springtime. In yati täla there are three beats, short and fast. The word sakhé conveys the feeling of intimate friendship. It’s springtime, and poor Radha is desperately looking for Krishna.Deserted lovers pass their time with great difficulty in this provocative spring season. Sri Hari steals the mind, heart and very life of everyone by His sweet pastimes, so separation from Him at this time becomes all the more painful and intolerable. The  great  poet ShriJayadeva  has  depicted  the  pre-eminent  virtues of Sri Radha-Madhava by describing Their auspicious and endearing meeting.

Vasanthakala Varnanam:

वसन्ते वासन्तीकुसुमसुकुमारैरवयवैः

भ्रमन्तीं कान्तारे बहुविहितकृष्णानुसरणां

अमन्दं कन्दर्पज्वरजनितचिन्ताकुलतया

वलत्पादां राधां सरसमिदमूचे सहचरी
vasante vasanti-kusuma-sukumarai: avayavai:
bhramantim kaantare bahu-vihita-krishnaanusaraam |
amandam kandarppa-jvara-janita-chintaakulatayaa
valad-padaam radham sarasamidam uche saha-chari ||10||

வஸந்தே வாஸந்தீ -குஸும -ஸுகுமாரை : அவையவை:
பிரமந்தீம் காந்தாரே பஹு-விஹித கிருஷ்ணானுஸாரம் |
அமன்தம் கந்தர்ப்ப-ஜ்வர - ஜனித சிந்தாகுலதயா
வளத் பாதாம் ராதாம் ஸரஸமிதம் ஊசே ஸஹ-சரீ ||10||

It’s springtime, and poor Radha is desperately looking for Krishna, whose tender limbs were soft as madhava flowers, She wanders hurriedly in the forests following in the footsteps of Krishna and her feet start aching. At that time, her intimate friend lovingly addressed her as follows to heighten the mood.
Ashtapathi- 3 Song



विहरति हरिरिह सरसवसन्ते |
नृत्यति युवतिजनेन समं सखि|  विरहिजनस्य दुरन्ते 1


madhukara-nikara-karambita-kokila-kujita-kuñja-kutire |

viharati haririha sarasa-vasante

nrityati yuvati-janena samam sakhi, virahi-janasya thurante -Radhe ||1|

லலித - லவங்க - லதா - பரிசீ லன - கோமள -மலய -ஸமீரே

மதுகர -நிகர -கரம்பித-கோகில -கூஜித-குஞ்ஜ குடீரே |

விஹரதி ஹரிரிஹ ஸரஸ -வஸந்தே
நருத்யதி யுவதி- ஜநேன ஸமம் ஸகி விரஹி-ஜனஸ்ய துரந்தே - ராதே ||1||

The Malayan breeze was already cool, gentle and fragrant, the bumblebees buzz around the abundantly blooming bakula flowers.” O Radha!, this springtime brings endless agony to the desperate and lonely-hearted. And over there Madhava is romancing and dancing with  those other fortunate maidens , dancing in a festival of love.


अलिकुल-संकुल-कुसुम-समूह-निराकुल-वकुल-कलापे॥  (विहरति)2

unmada-madana-manoratha-pathika-vadhu-jana-janita-vilape |

ali-kula-sankula-kusuma-samuha-nirakula-vakula-kalape - Radhe ||2||
உன்மத மதன மனோரத பதிக வதூ-ஜன- ஜனித-விலாபே |
அளி-குல-ஸங்குல -குஸும-சமூஹ-நிராகுல -வகுல -கலாபே -ராதே||2||

In this springtime The madhulati trees has full with bunches of yellow flowers, while swarms of bumblebeesbuzz around the abundantly blooming bakulaflowers. ... the season that heightens the joys and longings of womenfolk distanced from their lovers, only to land them in lovesickness. O Radhe! and over there Madhava is romancing and dancing with those other fortunate maidens. He steals the mind, heart and very life of everyone by His sweet pastimes, so separation from Him at this time becomes all the more painful and intolerable.


युवजन-हृदय-विदारण-मनसिज-नखरुचि-किंशुकजाले॥ (विहरति)3

mriga-mada-saurabha, rabhasa-vashamvada-nava-dala-maala-tamaale |

yuva-jana-hrudaya-vidaarana manasija, nakha-ruci-kimshuka-jale - Radhe ||3||
ம்ருக -மத -ஸௌரப ரபஸ -வஷம்வத - நவ -தள -மால-தமாலே |

யுவ-ஜன -ஹ்ருதய -விதாரண மனஸிஜ நக-ருசி -கிம்ஷுக- ஜாலே ||3||

All directions are now beautified by the scent of musk flowing from  the  newly  grown  tamäla leaves.  Fresh and fragrant Kinsuka flowers resembles Manmadha's nails which turned red because he pierced the hearts of lovers with his nails.O Radhe!and over there Madhava is romancing and dancing with those other fortunate maidens , dancing in a festival of love.


मिलित-शिलीमुख-पाटलपटल-कृतस्मरतूण-विलासे॥ (विहरति)4

madana-mahipati-kanaka-danda-ruchi, kesara-kusuma-vikaase

milita-shili-mukha-paatala-patala, kruta-smara-thoona-vilaase - Radhe ||4||

மதன - மஹீபதி-கனக -தண்ட -ருசி -கேஸர-குஸும -விகாஸே|

மிலித -ஷிலி-முக-பாடல -படல - க்ருத -ஸ்மர-தூண-விலாேஸ - ராதே ||4||

Now the bloomed golden flowers of kesara are in shine with the sheen of the golden sceptre of kingly Love god, the ruler of spring; bunches of cup like daffodils are in the fashion with his quivers; bees swarming on those flowers are rendered as his arrows . It appeared as though Manmadha was at war with Gopikas in love.O Radhe! in such a spring there Madhava is romancing and dancing with those other fortunate maidens., dancing in a festival of love.


विरहि-निकृन्तन-कुन्दमुखाकृति-केतकि-दन्तुरिताशे॥ (विहरति)5

vigalita-lajjita-jagatha -avalokana-taruna-karuna-kruta-haase |

virahi-nikrunthana-kunta-mukhakruti, ketaki-thanthuri tase - Radhe ||5||

விகளித - லஜ்ஜித - ஜகத - அவலோகன - தருண -கருண- க்ருத - ஹாஸே|

விரஹி-நிக்ருந்தன -குந்த -முகாக்ருதி கேதகி - தந்துரி தாஸே - ராதே ||5||

Now the fully bloomed tender whitish flowers of karuna trees  burst  into  bloom  as  if  laughing  at a world gone shameless under the influence of spring. The Ketaki flowers shaped like spear brightly blossoming in all directions and gratifying  the  whole  atmosphere,  pierce  the  hearts  of  those who are separated from their lovers.O Radhe! what more can I say? In springtime the lovelorn abandon their shyness and cry in separation from their lovers. in such a spring there Madhava is romancing and dancing with those other fortunate maidens , dancing in a festival of love.

माधविका-परिमल-मिलिते नवमालिकयाऽतिसुगन्धौ।

मुनिमनसामपिमोहनकारिणि तरुणाकारणबन्धौ॥ (विहरति)6

maadhavika-parimala-milite nava-mali-kayaati-sugandhau |

muni-manasam-api mohana-karini tarunaakaarana-bandhau - Radhe ||6||

மாதவிகா -பரிமள -மிளிதே நவ -மாலி -கயாதி- ஸுகந்த|

முனி-மானஸம்-அபி மோஹன-காரிணி தருணாகாரண -பந்து-ராதே||6||

The nectar of spring flowers and the aroma of Madhavi, chameli andnavamallika flowers spread their soft fragrance during the spring season. It seduces the hearts of even hermits and saints. who suddenly become bewildered. This enchanting springtime is the natural friend of the young.O Radhe!in such a spring there Madhava is romancing and dancing with those other fortunate maidens , dancing in a festival of love. 


बृन्दावन-विपिने-परिसर-परिगत-यमुनाजल-पूते॥  (विहरति)7

sphuradati -mukta-lataa-parirambhana, mukulita-pulakita-chute |

vrundavana-vipine parisara-parigata-yamuna-jala-poote- Radhe ||7||

ஸ்புரததி - முக்த-லதா -பரிரம்பன முகுளித-புலகித -சூதே |

வ்ருந்தாவன -விபினே பரிஸார-பரிகத -யமுனா -ஜல பூதே - ராதே ||7||

In spring season 'Atimukta' creepers are twining around mango trees  in an overarching manner tickling those mango trees. where River yamuna is surging, enwreathing and sanctifying that place with her waters,.O Radhe!in such a spring there Sri Hari is affectionately playing with Gopis in the pure water of the Yamuna that flows alongside those forest grove's called Brindavana.

श्रीजयदेवभणितमिदं उदयति हरिचरणस्मृतिसारं।

सरस-वसन्त-समय-वनवर्णन-मनुगत-मदनविकारम् (विहरति)8

sri-jayadeva-bhanitam idam udayati, hari-carana-smruti-saaram |

sarasa-vasanta-samaya-vana-varnanam, anugata-madana-vikaram - Radhe ||8||

 ஸ்ரீ-ஜெயதேவ -பணிதம் இதம் உதயதி ஹரி -சரண -ஸ்ம்ருதி -ஸாரம்|
ஸரஸ -வஸந்த -ஸமய -வன -வர்ணனம் அனுகத-மதன-விகாரம் - ராதே ||8||

Sri Jayadeva, sings  of  the  beauty  of  the  springtime  forest  suffused with Radha's ecstatic transformations of love. when She is overwhelmed with anxiety in separation from Sri Krishna. May this auspicious song, which stimulates powerful remembrance of the lotus feet of Sri Hari. May  those  who  are  disturbed  by  lust  have  the  opportunity to hear this song so that their heart disease may be eradicated forever.

दरविदलित मल्लीवल्ली चञ्चत्पराग-
प्रकटित-पटवासै-र्वासयन्काननानि ।
इह हि दहति चेतः केतकी-गन्ध-बन्धुः
प्रसरदसमबाण-प्राणवद्गन्धवाहः ॥9||

Dara vidalita-valli- malli-sanchat-paräaga

prakatitha-pata-väsai:, väasayan käana-näani |

iha hi, dahati cheta:, ketaki-gandha-bandhu:

prasarad asamabäana präanavad-gandhaväaha:||9||

தரவித விதளித-வல்லி-மல்லி -சஞ்சத -பராக

ப்ரகடித -பத -வாஸ வாஸயான் கான-னானி|

இஹ ஹி தஹதி சேத கேதகி - கந்த -பந்தூ:

ப்ரஸரத் அஸமபாண ப்ராணவத்-கந்தவாஹா:||9||

O sakhi, look! The spring breeze spreads the fragrance of the half-open of ketaké flowers and spreading throughout the forest of Vrinadavan.  The gently moving breeze burns the hearts of those who are separated from their loved one behaves exactly like Kämadeva scorches lonely lovers. Thus it is seen that they are like minded friends.


नीयन्ते पथिकैः कथं कथमपि ध्यानावधानक्षण-
प्राप्तप्राणसमासमागमरसोल्लासैरमी वासराः॥10||

unmeelan madhu-gandha-lubtha-madhupa, vyädhütha-chütaänkura

kreedath kokila-käkali-kalakalai:, uthkeérëna-karna-jvara: |

niyanthe pathikai:, katham kathamapi, dhyäanä….vadhäana

kshana präapta-präana, samäa samaagama, rasolläsai:, amiväsaräa:||10||

உன் மீளன மது -கந்த -லுப்த -மதுப-வ்யாதுத -சூதான்குர

கிரீட த் கோகில - காகலி -கலகலை உத்கீரேண கர்ண -ஜ்வர :|

நியந்தே பதிகை கதம் கதமபி த்யான வதான

க்ஷண ப்ராப்த - ப்ராண ஸமா ஸமாகம ரஸோல்லை அமிவாஸரா :||10||

Spring is the season when the mango tree sprout buds and spreads its frgrance all round. Attracted by this the honey bees  flock to the mango tree and hang on the sprouting buds.  cuckoos sitting in the mango trees reverberates in all directions, and stirs feelings of deep regret in the hearts of deserted lovers. The cooing of these playful birds causes an outbreak of high fever in their ears of couples separated by long distance. The cuckoos’ voices remindthem of their lovers, who are as dear to them as life itself, and for a moment, as they meditate on their faces, they feel as if theyhave united with them.



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