Monday, February 20, 2012

Narayaneeyam Dasakam-77Love with Sairandhri and killing of Jarasandha and Kala yavana

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 01

सैरन्ध्र्यास्तदनु चिरं स्मरातुराया
यातोऽभू: सुललितमुद्धवेन सार्धम् ।
आवासं त्वदुपगमोत्सवं सदैव
ध्यायन्त्या: प्रतिदिनवाससज्जिकाया: ॥१॥

sairandhryaastadanu chiraM smaraaturaayaa
yaatO(a)bhuuH sulalitamuddhavena saardham |
aavaasaM tadupagamOtsavaM sadaiva
dhyaayantyaaH pratidinavaasa sajjikaayaaH ||1
Thou went well adorned with Uddhava to the house of Sairandhree who had given perfumed unguents to Thee while entering Mathura), who, ever since then, had been stricken with love for Thee and was always looking forward to Thy visit to her house and therefore adorning herself and decorating her house day after day, in anticipation of that great event.

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 02
उपगते त्वयि पूर्णमनोरथां
प्रमदसम्भ्रमकम्प्रपयोधराम् ।
विविधमाननमादधतीं मुदा
रहसि तां रमयाञ्चकृषे सुखम् ॥२

upagate tvayi puurNa manOrathaaM
pramada sambhrama kampra payOdharaam |
vividha maananamaadadhatiiM mudaa
rahasi taaM ramayaaM chakR^iShe sukham ||2

 As soon as On Thy arrival to her house, her mind attained satisfaction her breasts heaved out of immense delight and excitement, in fulfillment of her longing, and she welcomed Thee with great respect and honored Thee in various ways Thou happily delighted her in privacy

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 03

पृष्टा वरं पुनरसाववृणोद्वराकी
भूयस्त्वया सुरतमेव निशान्तरेषु ।
सायुज्यमस्त्विति वदेत् बुध एव कामं
सामीप्यमस्त्वनिशमित्यपि नाब्रवीत् किम् ॥३॥

pR^iShTaa varaM punarasaavavR^iNOdvaraakii
bhuuyastvayaa suratameva nishaantareShu |
saayujyamasitvati vadet budha eva kaamaM
saamiipyamastvanishamityapi naabraviit kim || 3
when Thou were ready to leave At the time she was asked by Thee as to what boon she wanted that pitiable woman prayed that she may get to enjoy in the same manner with Thee some more nights also. Only the wise and discriminating person would seek liberation becoming one with Thee. But, It is surprising that she did not ask your company forever?what prevented her from wanting close proximity with Thee forever?

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 04

ततो भवान् देव निशासु कासुचिन्मृगीदृशं तां निभृतं विनोदयन् ।
अदादुपश्लोक इति श्रुतं सुतं स नारदात् सात्त्वततन्त्रविद्बबभौ ॥४॥

tatO bhavaan deva nishaasu kaasuchit
mR^igiidR^ishaM taaM nibhR^itaM vinOdayan |
adaadupashlOka iti shrutaM sutaM
sa naaradaatsaattvata tantravidbabhau ||4
O Lord! Subsequently Thou on some nights delighted the doe eyed one in secret. Thou gave her a son who came to be well known as Upashloka. He learnt the knowledge in Saattvat Tantra from Naarada and shone as an exponent there of.

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 05

अक्रूरमन्दिरमितोऽथ बलोद्धवाभ्या-
मभ्यर्चितो बहु नुतो मुदितेन तेन ।
एनं विसृज्य विपिनागतपाण्डवेय-
वृत्तं विवेदिथ तथा धृतराष्ट्र्चेष्टाम् ॥५॥

akruura mandiramitO(a)tha balOddhavaabhyaam
abhyarchitO bahu nutO muditena tena |
enaM visR^ijya vipinaagata paaNDaveyavR^
ittaM viveditha tathaa dhR^itaraaShTra cheShTaam || 5

 Thou went with Balaraama and Uddhava to Akrura's house. Akrura received Thee with high honours and worshipped Thee with hymns. Thou sent away Akrura to gather the news of the Pandavaas who had returned from the forest and also understood from him the activities of Dritharashtra

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 06

विघाताज्जामातु: परमसुहृदो भोजनृपते-
र्जरासन्धे रुन्धत्यनवधिरुषान्धेऽथ मथुराम् ।
रथाद्यैर्द्योर्लब्धै: कतिपयबलस्त्वं बलयुत-
स्त्रयोविंशत्यक्षौहिणि तदुपनीतं समहृथा: ॥६॥

vighaataajjaamaatuH paramasuhR^idO bhOjanR^ipateH
jaraasandhe rundhatyanavadhiruShaa(a)ndhe(a)tha mathuraam |
rathaadyairdyOlabdhaiH katipaya balastvaM balayutaH
trayOvimshatyakshauhiNi tadupaniitaM samahR^ithaaH || 6
Jarasandha who was a close friend and father in law of Kamsa,Was blinded with rage at your slaying of Kamsa,And not able to properly think about possibility or otherwise,Came for war with the kingdom of Mathura, Thou, accompanied by Balarama,equipping Thyself with a chariot called from heaven and a small army, requisitioned from the heavens,didst wipe out 23 Akshouhinis of Jarasandha's army. Akshouhini is a large army comprised of 21,870 chariots, as many elephants, 65,610 cavalry and 1,09,350infantry.

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 07

बद्धं बलादथ बलेन बलोत्तरं त्वं
भूयो बलोद्यमरसेन मुमोचिथैनम् ।
कोऽन्यस्ततो हि बलपौरुषवांस्तदानीम् ॥७॥

baddhaM balaadatha balena balOttaraM tvaM
bhuuyO balOdyamarasena mumOchithainam |
nishsheSha digjaya samaahR^ita vishvasainyaat
kO(a)nyastatO hi balapauruShavaamstadaaniim || 7

 Jaraasandha of extraordinary strength was forcefully tied up by Balaraama. Thou wanted him to come back with an army, so Thou released him. At that time there was no one more powerful than him for having conquered all the kings in all the directions and who comandeered their armies

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 08

भग्न: स लग्नहृदयोऽपि नृपै: प्रणुन्नो
युद्धं त्वया व्यधित षोडशकृत्व एवम् ।
अक्षौहिणी: शिव शिवास्य जघन्थ विष्णो
सम्भूय सैकनवतित्रिशतं तदानीम् ॥८॥

bhagnaH sa lagna hR^idayO(a)pi nR^ipaiH praNunnO
yuddhaM tvayaa vyadhita ShODasha kR^itva evam |
akshauhiNiiH shiva shivaasya jaghantha viShNO
sambhuuya saikanavati trishataM tadaaniim || 8
Even after repeatedly suffering defeat at Thy hands, He was broken hearted and humiliated by defeat in the battle. He attacked Thee sixteen times prompted by the smaller kings. O Vishnu! You destroyed 391 of his Akshauhini armies altogether. What a wonder!

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 09

अष्टादशेऽस्य समरे समुपेयुषि त्वं
दृष्ट्वा पुरोऽथ यवनं यवनत्रिकोट्या ।
त्वष्ट्रा विधाप्य पुरमाशु पयोधिमध्ये
तत्राऽथ योगबलत: स्वजनाननैषी: ॥९॥

aShTaadashe(a)sya samare samupeyuShi tvaM
dR^iShTvaa purO(a)tha yavanaM yavana trikOTyaa |
tvaShTraa vidhaapya puramaashu payOdhi madhye
tatraa(a)tha yOgabalataH svajanaananaiShiiH || 9
Nothing daunted, Jarasandha he came the eighteenth time with a three crore Yavana army,Led by Kala Yavana, Thou constructed a city in the middle of the sea, by Vishwakarma (architect of the Devas) transport all Thy people to it by Thy Yogic powers.

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 10

पदभ्यां त्वां पद्ममाली चकित इव पुरान्निर्गतो धावमानो
म्लेच्छेशेनानुयातो वधसुकृतविहीनेन शैले न्यलैषी: ।
सुप्तेनांघ्र्याहतेन द्रुतमथ मुचुकुन्देन भस्मीकृतेऽस्मिन्
भूपायास्मै गुहान्ते सुललितवपुषा तस्थिषे भक्तिभाजे ॥१०॥

padbhyaaM tvaM padmamaalii chakita iva puraannirgatO dhaavamaanO
mlechCheshenaanuyaatO vadhasukR^ita vihiinena shaile nyalaiShiiH |
suptenaanghryaahatena drutamatha muchukundena bhasmiikR^ite(a)smin
bhuupaayaasmai guhaante sulalita vapuShaa tasthiShe bhaktibhaaje || 10

Adorned with a lotus garland, Thou ran from the city on foot feigning fright and surprise On foot , and Kalayavana who was not blessed enough to die from hands of God.Pursued you and you entered in to a cave in the forest and hid yourself there,And Kala yavana who was pursuing you entered the cave and kicked a sleeping figure ,There, thinking it was you and king Muchukunda who was sleeping there woke up,And made Kala yavana in to ashes and you showed your divine form,To that king who was one of your very famous devotees

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam: 11

ऐक्ष्वाकोऽहं विरक्तोऽस्म्यखिलनृपसुखे त्वत्प्रसादैककाङ्क्षी
हा देवेति स्तुवन्तं वरविततिषु तं निस्पृहं वीक्ष्य हृष्यन् ।
मुक्तेस्तुल्यां च भक्तिं धुतसकलमलां मोक्षमप्याशु दत्वा
कार्यं हिंसाविशुद्ध्यै तप इति च तदा प्रात्थ लोकप्रतीत्यै ॥११॥

aikshvaakO(a)haM viraktO(a)smyakhila nR^ipasukhe tvatprasaadaikakaankshii
haa deveti stuvantaM varavitatiShu taM niHspR^ihaM viikshya hR^iShyan |
muktestulyaaM cha bhaktiM dhutasakalamalaaM mOkshamapyaashu dattvaa
kaaryaM himsaa vishuddhyai tapa iti cha tadaa praattha lOkapratiityai || 11
Oh God , that king told you, King Muchukunda praised Thee, saying : " O Lord ! “I am a king of the Ikshuvaku clan ,And when I started hating all luxuries that belong to the king,And started wanting only your grace I renounced all pleasures”,And as he did not ask for any boons whatsoever, you became pleased,And bestowed on him devotion to you which was equal to salvation,And salvation also in a very short period of time, and directed him, to do penance to purify the deeds of having caused pain to people during his rule. In the course of his life when he was a king and also later.,So that this would set an example to all others who hurt others.

Dasakam: 077 -- Slokam:12 

तदनु मथुरां गत्वा हत्वा चमूं यवनाहृतां
मगधपतिना मार्गे सैन्यै: पुरेव निवारित: ।
चरमविजयं दर्पायास्मै प्रदाय पलायितो
जलधिनगरीं यातो वातालयेश्वर पाहि माम् ॥१२॥

tadanu mathuraaM gatvaa hatvaa chamuuM yavanaahR^itaaM
magadhapatinaa maarge sainyaiH pureva nivaaritaH |
charamavijayaM darpaayaasmai pradaaya palaayitO
jaladhi nagariiM yaatO vaataalayeshvara paahi maam ||12

Returning to Mathura, and destroying the Yavana army, and being obstructed asbefore by Jarasandha and his army, . To inflate his pride, Thou gave him the last (eighteenth) victory by fleeing to the ocean city of Dwaarakaa. O Lord of Guruvaayur! save me.

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