Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 76-- Krishna Sending Uddhava as a Messenger

Krishna Sending Uddhava as a Messenger:
Along with Balaraama Krishna went to sage Sandipani's aashram and mastered all knowledge in just 64 days. Thou brought back Thy guru Sandipani's dead son from Yama's abode and gave him by way of Guru-dakshinaa , in the process, acquiring the conch, Panchajanya, from the demon who had kidnapped the Guru's son and swallowed him after killing him, and then,then went back to Thy city sounding the conch Paanchajanya. Repeatedly thinking overwhelming love of the beautiful Gopikas Krishna sent his close friend Uddahava to them with a message.

There he stayed at Nanda's home. At night, Uddhava enquired about Nanda and Yashoda's wellbeing and about Vraj in general. Next day, when the Gopis got the news of Uddhava's arrival, they thronged in and around Nanda's residence. They recognized the chariot parked in front of the gate. It was the same chariot on which Krishna and Balarama had departed for Mathura. First they thought that their beloved Krishna had returned. But The Gopikas saw Uddhava donning charming clothes and ornaments similar to Krishna. They remembered Krishna again and again and his various deeds and sport in great detail and with their throats almost choked with emotion at the thought, they forgot their natural shyness and somehow managed to speak to Uddhava with faltering words.
Gopis said to him: "O gentleman, Is it that you are sent by the heartless Krishna to comfort his parents ? Where is he? The beloved of the city beauties? O Lord O Hari! Protect us. Alas which one of us women can forget the embrace of the nectarine form, the kisses of intense love and the frolicsome words of the beloved one? The Gopikas bemoaned their fate with such words of despair and were overwhelmed with grief. Uddhava comforted them with Krishna’smessage of deep spiritual import. They came to their normal selves and thereafter experienced his inner presence. Uddhava spent some days with the totally devoted Gopikas joyfully and happily narrating various incidents about Krishna.
The Gopikas always sang songs about Krishna. Everywhere while doing their household chores, they narrated Krishna ‘stales, amongst themselves. They even spoke about Krishna in their dreams.Their actions were mostly imitations of Krishna ‘s actions as they tried to personify Krishna .Everything that there, was permeated by Krishna’s presence. Observing all this that great devotee Uddhava was wonderstruck and left stunned.

Uddhava appreciated the extraordinary fortune of the gopis, who were relieved of all material pangs and anxieties by placing on their beautiful high breasts the lotus feet of Krishna which are worshiped not only by the goddess of fortune but by such exalted demigods as Brahma and Lord Siva, and which great yogis meditate upon within their hearts. Thus Uddhava prayed to be constantly honored by the dust from the lotus feet of the gopis, whose chanting of Lord Krishna's transcendental pastimes has become celebrated all over the three worlds. 

Uddhava consoled and comforted those Gopikas and mitigated their grief with krishna’swords, such as : "I shall come back to you soon; only pressure of work has so fardelayed my coming, grieve not even while I am away, since memory of past association is strong and firm; very soon, with the attainment of Brahmananda, meeting or separation will become one and the same to you.

After living in Vrndavana for some time, Uddhava desired to go back to Krishna, and he begged permission to leave from Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda. He had a farewell meeting with the gopis, and, taking permission from them also, he mounted his chariot to start for Mathura.Krishna heart was filled with delight on seeing Uddhava back from Gokula. Uddhava joyfully exclaimed by the devotion of the Gopikas to Krishna Such devotion is neither seen nor heard of in the whole world. Of what use is the study of so many scriptures and the practices there in. And what is the use here of all penances. May there be salutations to the Gopikaas.'
Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 01
गत्वा सान्दीपनिमथ चतुष्षष्टिमात्रैरहोभि:
सर्वज्ञस्त्वं सह मुसलिना सर्वविद्या गृहीत्वा ।
पुत्रं नष्टं यमनिलयनादाहृतं दक्षिणार्थं
दत्वा तस्मै निजपुरमगा नादयन् पाञ्चजन्यम् ॥१॥
gatvaa saandiipanimatha chatuShShaShTi maatrairahObhiH
sarvaj~nastvaM saha musalinaa sarvavidyaagR^ihiitvaa |
putraM naShTaM yamanilayanaadaahR^itaM dakshiNaarthaM
dattvaa tasmai nijapuramagaa naadayan paa~nchajanyam || 1
Along with Balaraama Thou went to sage Sandipani's aashram and mastered all knowledge in just 64 days. in order to set an example to all, that learning under a preceptor is essential for everyone. By way of Guru Dakshina, Thou didst recover the Guru'sdead son from the abode of Yama and restore him to his parents, and gave him by way of in the process, acquiring the conch, Panchajanya, from the demon who had kidnapped the Guru's son and swallowed him after killing him, and then, return to Thy city, Mathura, sounding the Panchajanya.

 Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 02
स्मृत्वा स्मृत्वा पशुपसुदृश: प्रेमभारप्रणुन्ना:
कारुण्येन त्वमपि विवश: प्राहिणोरुद्धवं तम् ।
किञ्चामुष्मै परमसुहृदे भक्तवर्याय तासां
भक्त्युद्रेकं सकलभुवने दुर्लभं दर्शयिष्यन् ॥२॥

smR^itvaa smR^itvaa pashupa sudR^ishaH premabhaaraH praNunnaaH
kaaruNyena tvamapi vivashaH praahiNOruddhavaM tam |
kinchaamuShmai paramasuhR^ide bhaktavaryaaya taasaaM
bhaktyudrekaM sakalabhuvane durlabhaM darshayiShyan || 2
Repeatedly thinking overwhelming love of the beautiful Gopikas Krishna sent his close friend Uddahava to them with a message. Also with the desire to demonstrate to him the intense devotion of those great devotees which was rare in the whole world.

Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 03
त्वन्माहात्म्यप्रथिमपिशुनं गोकुलं प्राप्य सायं
त्वद्वार्ताभिर्बहु स रमयामास नन्दं यशोदाम् ।
प्रातर्द्दृष्ट्वा मणिमयरथं शङ्किता: पङ्कजाक्ष्य:
श्रुत्वा प्राप्तं भवदनुचरं त्यक्तकार्या: समीयु: ॥३॥

tvanmaahaatmya prathimapishunaM gOkulaM praapya saayaM
tvadvaartaabhirbahu sa ramayaamaasa nandaM yashOdaam |
praatardR^iShTvaa maNimayarathaM shankitaaH pankajaakshyaH
shrutvaa praaptaM bhavadanucharaM tyaktakaaryaaH samiiyuH || 3

Gokula's prosperity was an indication of the magnitude of Thy greatness. Reaching there in the evening, Uddhava delighted Nanda and Yashodaa with Thy many news. In the morning the lotus eyed women of Gokula saw the bejewelled chariot and suspected Thy arrival. They came to know that one of Thy emissaries had come. Abandoning their work, they gathered at the house of Nandagopa.

 Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 04

दृष्ट्वा चैनं त्वदुपमलसद्वेषभूषाभिरामं
स्मृत्वा स्मृत्वा तव विलसितान्युच्चकैस्तानि तानि ।
रुद्धालापा: कथमपि पुनर्गद्गदां वाचमूचु:
सौजन्यादीन् निजपरभिदामप्यलं विस्मरन्त्य: ॥४॥

dR^iShTvaa chainaM tvadupama lasadveShabhuuShaabhiraamaM
smR^itvaa smR^itvaa tava vilasitaanyuchchakaistaani taani |
ruddhaalaapaaH kathamapi punargadgadaaM vaachamuuchuH
saujanyaadiin nijaparabhidaamapyalaM vismarantyaH ||4
The Gopikas saw Uddhava donning charming clothes and ornaments similar to Thine. They remembered Thee again and again and Thy various deeds and sports very thoroughly. They were full of emotions and were choking for words, and somehow managed to speak to Uddhava with faltering words. They had forgotten to obseve the norms of behaviour and courtesies, and the differences between themselves and other.

 Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 05

श्रीमान् किं त्वं पितृजनकृते प्रेषितो निर्दयेन
क्वासौ कान्तो नगरसुदृशां हा हरे नाथ पाया: ।
आश्लेषाणाममृतवपुषो हन्त ते चुम्बनाना-
मुन्मादानां कुहकवचसां विस्मरेत् कान्त का वा ॥५॥

shriiman kiM tvaM pitR^ijanakR^ite preShitO nirdayena
kvaasau kaantO nagara sudR^ishaaM haa hare naatha paayaaH |
aashleShaaNaamamR^itavapuShO hanta te chumbanaanaam
unmaadaanaaM kuhakavachasaaM vismaretkaanta kaa vaa || 5
Is it that you are sent by the heartless Krishna to comfort his parents ? Where is he? The beloved of the city beauties? O Lord O Hari! Protect us. Alas which one of us women can forget the embrace of the nectarine form, the kisses of intense love and the frolicsome words of the beloved one?

Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 06

रासक्रीडालुलितललितं विश्लथत्केशपाशं
मन्दोद्भिन्नश्रमजलकणं लोभनीयं त्वदङ्गम् ।
कारुण्याब्धे सकृदपि समालिङ्गितुं दर्शयेति
प्रेमोन्मादाद्भुवनमदन त्वत्प्रियास्त्वां विलेपु: ॥६॥

raasakriiDaa lulita lalitaM vishlathatkeshapaashaM
mandOdbhinna shramajalakaNaM lObhaniiyaM tvadangam |
kaaruNyaabdhe sakR^idapi samaalingituM darshayeti
premOnmaadaadbhuvanamadana tvatpriyaastvaaM vilepuH || 6
The Gopis who were your sweethearts further cried, due to their excess love O Ocean of Compassion! Reveal to us once that form, so that we may once more embrace that form of Thee!“Please give us your well pressed flower like body ,With disheveled hair due to Rasa Kreeda you played with us,Which is drenched with sweat here and there making it more desirable,For hugging and embracing once more , Oh ocean of mercy “Oh God who attracts all the three worlds by your love.

Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 07

एवंप्रायैर्विवशवचनैराकुला गोपिकास्ता-
स्त्वत्सन्देशै: प्रकृतिमनयत् सोऽथ विज्ञानगर्भै: ।
स्तत्तद्वार्तासरसमनयत् कानिचिद्वासराणि ॥७॥

evaM praayairvivashavachanairaakulaa gOpikaastaaH
tvatsandeshaiH prakR^itimanayat sO(a)tha vij~naana garbhaiH |
bhuuyastaabhirmudita matibhistvanmayiibhirvadhuubhiH
tattadvaartaa sarasamanayat kaanichidvaasaraaNi || 7

The Gopikas bemoaned their fate with such words of despair and were overwhelmed with grief. Uddhava comforted them with Thy message of deep spiritual import. They came to their normal selves and thereafter experienced Thy inner presence. Uddhava spent some days with the totally devoted Gopikas joyfully and happily narrating various incidents about Thee.

Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 08

त्वत्प्रोद्गानै: सहितमनिशं सर्वतो गेहकृत्यं
त्वद्वार्तैव प्रसरति मिथ: सैव चोत्स्वापलापा: ।
चेष्टा: प्रायस्त्वदनुकृतयस्त्वन्मयं सर्वमेवं
दृष्ट्वा तत्र व्यमुहदधिकं विस्मयादुद्धवोऽयम् ॥८॥

tvatprOdgaanaiH sahitamanishaM sarvatO gehakR^ityaM
tvadvaartaiva prasaratimithaH saiva chOtsvaapalaapaaH |
cheShTaaH praayastvadanukR^itayastvanmayaM sarvamevaM
dR^iShTvaa tatra vyamuhadadhikaM vismayaaduddhavO(a)yam ||8

The Gopikas always sang songs about Thee. Everywhere while doing their household chores, they narrated Thine tales, amongst themselves. They even spoke about Thee in their dreams.Their actions were mostly imitations of Thy actions as they tried to personify Thee. Everything that there, was permeated by Thy presence. Observing all this that great devotee Uddhava was wonderstruck and left stunned.

 Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 09

राधाया मे प्रियतममिदं मत्प्रियैवं ब्रवीति
त्वं किं मौनं कलयसि सखे मानिनीमत्प्रियेव।
इत्याद्येव प्रवदति सखि त्वत्प्रियो निर्जने मा-
मित्थंवादैररमदयं त्वत्प्रियामुत्पलाक्षीम् ॥९॥

raadhaayaa me priyatamamidaM matpriyaivaM braviiti
tvaM kiM maunaM kalayasi sakhe maaninii matpriyeva |
ityaadyeva pravadati sakhi tvatpriyO nirjane maam
itthaM vaadairaramayadayaM tvatpriyaamutpalaakshiim || 9

Uddhava lifted the spirits of Thy beloved,This is my Radha's favourite. My dear one speaks like this. My dear friend! Why are you silent like my dear proud one (Radha)?' 'In this way O dear friend (Radha) your beloved (Krishna) speaks to me when we are alone.' With these words Uddhava gladdened Thy dear lotus eyed Radha.

Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 10

एष्यामि द्रागनुपगमनं केवलं कार्यभारा-
द्विश्लेषेऽपि स्मरणदृढतासम्भवान्मास्तु खेद: ।
ब्रह्मानन्दे मिलति नचिरात् सङ्गमो वा वियोग-
स्तुल्यो व: स्यादिति तव गिरा सोऽकरोन्निर्व्यथास्ता: ॥१०॥

eShyaami draaganupagamanaM kevalaM kaaryabhaaraad
vishleShepi smaraNadR^iDhataa sambhavaanmaa(a)stu khedaH |
brahmaanande milati nachiraat sangamO vaa viyOgaH
tulyO vaH syaaditi tava giraa sO(a)karOnnirvyathaastaaH || 10
Uddhava consoled and comforted those Gopikas Passing to them your message “ I would come to visit you soon,I am not coming only due to pressure of work,Do not grieve because even in parting memory becomes very strong,When soon you would get divine joy the attainment of Brahmananda,meeting or separation will become one and the same to you."

Dasakam: 076 -- Slokam: 11
एवं भक्ति सकलभुवने नेक्षिता न श्रुता वा
किं शास्त्रौघै: किमिह तपसा गोपिकाभ्यो नमोऽस्तु ।
इत्यानन्दाकुलमुपगतं गोकुलादुद्धवं तं
दृष्ट्वा हृष्टो गुरुपुरपते पाहि मामामयौघात् ॥११॥

evaM bhaktiH sakalabhuvane nekshitaa na shrutaa vaa
kiM shaastraughaiH kimiha tapasaa gOpikaabhyO namO(a)stu |
ityaanandaakulamupagataM gOkulaaduddhavaM taM
dR^iShTvaa hR^iShTO gurupurapate paahi maamaamayaughaat ||11
O Lord of Guruvayur ! Thy heart was filled with delight on seeing Uddhava back fromGokula, overwhelmed by the devotion of the Gopikas to Thee, exclaiming : "Such devotion is, indeed, rare and unparalleled in all three worlds, and has neither been seen nor heard anywhere. My salutations to the Gopikas. " May Thou save me from all my afflictions.

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