Dasakam: 78 -- Life in Dwaraka, Balarama's Wedding and getting Message from Rukhmani
Vishwakarmaa, the divine architect had employed all his excellent skills in building it and the gods had lavished all their divine embellishments on the city, which was situated in the middle of the ocean. At the instructions of Brahmaa, the king of Revata gave his daughter Revathy in marriage to Balaraama. On this event with all the Yaadavaas, who had assembled, Thou happily performed a great festive celebration. When Rukhmani the daughter of king of Vidharbha, Who was deeply in love with Krishna and wanted to marry lord. Rukhmani who was greatly in love with you, for a very long time, becoming deeply dejected, By this sudden decision against her wishes, Sent a Brahmin with a message, To inform lord about the pain created, By the God of love in her. That Brahmin reached speedily your great city, And became pleased by Krishna, Who is an expert in destroying the sorrows of the world, Received, honoured and worshipped him.
There he receives a message from Rukhmani a princess that she is in love with him and her brother Rugmi is trying to get her married to Shishupala against her wishes, That Brahmin told you, "In the town of Kundini, A princess called Rukmani shines who has, Great love towards you but has lost her courage, And I have been sent by her to meet you. She is praying to Krishna oh Lord of the universe, " Hearing a lot about your goodness even earlier, I have fallen in love with you and now, I understand that Shisupala the king of Chedhi, is coming to steal me and so darling of devotees, Please show mercy and save me from this." And she conveyed message to the Brahmin"If you are forsaking me who does not have any support, I shall take my life away", Your mind was filled with pity. Then Krishna told him, "Oh friend, I have more pain out of love, than her, And so I would bring my darling away from there in the presence of other kings Through a Brahmin Krishna sends message that he will marry her. Along with the highly delighted Braahmin you proceeded, In your chariot and soon reached Kundina.
Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 01
त्रिदिववर्धकिवर्धितकौशलं त्रिदशदत्तसमस्तविभूतिमत् ।
जलधिमध्यगतं त्वमभूषयो नवपुरं वपुरञ्चितरोचिषा ॥१॥
tridasha vardhaki vardhita kaushalaM tridasha datta samasta vibhuutimat |
jaladhimadhyagataM tvamabhuuShayO navapuraM vapura~nchita rOchiShaa || 1
Krishna decorated the island of Dwaraka, which was newly-built in the middle of the ocean, by the divine architect with consummate skill, and which was endowed with all prosperity by the gods.
Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 02
ददुषि रेवतभूभृति रेवतीं हलभृते तनयां विधिशासनात् ।
महितमुत्सवघोषमपूपुष: समुदितैर्मुदितै: सह यादवै: ॥२॥
daduShi revata bhuubhR^iti revatiiM halabhR^ite tanayaaM vidhishaasanaat |
mahitamutsava ghOSha mapuupuShaH samuditairmuditaiH sahayaadavaiH || 2
At the instructions of Brahmaa, the king of Revata gave his daughter Revatee in marriage to Balaraam. On this event with all the Yaadavaas, who had assembled, Thou happily performed a great festive celebration.
Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 03
अथ विदर्भसुतां खलु रुक्मिणीं प्रणयिनीं त्वयि देव सहोदर: ।
स्वयमदित्सत चेदिमहीभुजे स्वतमसा तमसाधुमुपाश्रयन् ॥३॥
स्वयमदित्सत चेदिमहीभुजे स्वतमसा तमसाधुमुपाश्रयन् ॥३॥
atha vidarbhasutaaM khalu rukmiNiiM praNayiniiM tvayideva sahOdaraH |
svayamaditsata chedi mahiibhuje svatamasaa tamasaadhumupaashrayan || 3
Oh God, When Rukhmani the daughter of king of Vidharbha, Who was deeply in love with Thee and wanted to marry Lord Krishna. O Lord! Her brother,Rukmi, due to his ignorance caused by his Tamas guna, of his own will resolved to give her to the Chedi king Shishupaal who was wicked and a friend of Rukmi.
Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 04
चिरधृतप्रणया त्वयि बालिका सपदि काङ्क्षितभङ्गसमाकुला ।
तव निवेदयितुं द्विजमादिशत् स्वकदनं कदनङ्गविनिर्मितं ॥४॥
तव निवेदयितुं द्विजमादिशत् स्वकदनं कदनङ्गविनिर्मितं ॥४॥
chiradhR^ita praNayaa tvayi baalikaa sapadi kaankshita bhanga samaakulaa |
tava nivedayituM dvija maadishat svakadanaM kadananga vinirmitam || 4
For a long time holding love for Thee, becoming deeply dejected, By this sudden decision against her wishes by his brother , Sent a Brahmin with a message, To inform you about the pain created, By the God of love in her.
Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 05
द्विजसुतोऽपि च तूर्णमुपाययौ तव पुरं हि दुराशदुरासदम् ।
मुदमवाप च सादरपूजित: स भवता भवतापहृता स्वयम् ॥५॥
मुदमवाप च सादरपूजित: स भवता भवतापहृता स्वयम् ॥५॥
dvijasutO(a)pi cha tuurNa mupaayayau tava puraM hi duraasha duraasadam |
mudamavaapa cha saadara puujitaH sa bhavataa bhavataapa hR^itaa svayam || 5
The Brahmin soon reached Thy city which is inaccessible to wicked minded people. He was highly delighted and attained great joy on being received with honour by Thyself Who an expert in destroying the sorrows of the world.
Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 06
स च भवन्तमवोचत कुण्डिने नृपसुता खलु राजति रुक्मिणी ।
त्वयि समुत्सुकया निजधीरतारहितया हि तया प्रहितोऽस्म्यहम् ॥६॥
त्वयि समुत्सुकया निजधीरतारहितया हि तया प्रहितोऽस्म्यहम् ॥६॥
sa cha bhavantamavOchata kuNDine nR^ipasutaa khalu raajati rukmiNii |
tvayi samutsukayaa nijadhiirataa rahitayaa hi tayaa prahitOsmyaham || 6
And The Brahmin said to Thee "I have been sent here by the princess Rukmini of Kundina, who is deeply deeply in love with Thee. But has lost her courage, and I have been sent by her to meet you.
Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 07
तव हृताऽस्मि पुरैव गुणैरहं हरति मां किल चेदिनृपोऽधुना ।
अयि कृपालय पालय मामिति प्रजगदे जगदेकपते तया ॥७॥
अयि कृपालय पालय मामिति प्रजगदे जगदेकपते तया ॥७॥
tava hR^itaa(a)smi puraiva guNairahaM harati maaM kila chedi
nR^ipO(a)dhunaa ||
ayi kR^ipaalaya paalaya maamiti prajagade jagadekapate tayaa || 7
She is praying to you oh Lord of the universe, " Hearing a lot about your goodness even earlier, I have fallen in love with you and now, I understand that Shisupala the king of Chedhi, Is coming to steal me O Lord of the worlds! Please show mercy and save me from this.
Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 08
अशरणां यदि मां त्वमुपेक्षसे सपदि जीवितमेव जहाम्यहम् ।
इति गिरा सुतनोरतनोत् भृशं सुहृदयं हृदयं तव कातरम् ॥८॥
इति गिरा सुतनोरतनोत् भृशं सुहृदयं हृदयं तव कातरम् ॥८॥
asharaNaaM yadi maaM tvamupekshase sapadi jiivitameva jahaamyaham |
iti giraa sutanOratanOd bhR^ishaM suhR^idayaM hR^idayaM tava kaataram || 8
If Thou will foresake me, the helpless one, I will certainly end my life soon.', Hearing from that Brahmin friend, the words of Rukmani brought about deep agitation in Thy heart.
Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 09
अकथयस्त्वमथैनमये सखे तदधिका मम मन्मथवेदना ।
नृपसमक्षमुपेत्य हराम्यहं तदयि तां दयितामसितेक्षणाम् ॥९॥
नृपसमक्षमुपेत्य हराम्यहं तदयि तां दयितामसितेक्षणाम् ॥९॥
akathayastvamathainamaye sakhe tadadhikaa mama manmatha vedanaa |
nR^ipasamakshamupetya haraamyahaM tadayi taaM dayitaamasitekshaNaam || 9
Thou then told him, 'O friend! I have more pain out of love, than her; Therefore, I will come, and in presence of the kings, take away the dear dark eyed one.'
Dasakam: 078 -- Slokam: 10
प्रमुदितेन च तेन समं तदा रथगतो लघु कुण्डिनमेयिवान् ।
गुरुमरुत्पुरनायक मे भवान् वितनुतां तनुतां निखिलापदाम् ॥१०॥
गुरुमरुत्पुरनायक मे भवान् वितनुतां तनुतां निखिलापदाम् ॥१०॥
pramuditena cha tena samaM tadaa rathagatO laghu kuNDina meyivaan |
gurumarutpura naayaka me bhavaan vitanutaaM tanutaaM nikhilaapadaam ||10
O Lord of Guruvayur! Along with the highly delighted Brahmin, Thou immediately got into the chariot and soon reached Kundina. O Guruvayurappa! Please, relieve me from all my sorrows.
Hi your work is excellent . Have been searching for Narayaneeyam in translation . Your blog ended my quest!