Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 41 -- Cremation of Putana

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 01

व्रजेश्वरै: शौरिवचो निशम्य समाव्रजन्नध्वनि भीतचेता: ।
निष्पिष्टनिश्शेषतरुं निरीक्ष्य कञ्चित्पदार्थं शरणं गतस्वाम् ॥१॥

vrajeshvaraH shaurivachO nishamya samaavrajannadhvani bhiitachetaaH |
niShpiShTa nishsheShataruM niriikshya ka~nchitpadaarthaM sharaNaM
gatastvaam || 1

After listening to the ominous sayings of Vasudeva, the head of the cowherd clan,Nanda, was hurrying home with a heart full of apprehension. As he neared his house,he saw a huge apparition lying on the ground, with uprooted trees, fallen all round it.Fearing the worst, he took refuge in Thee.

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 02
 निशम्य गोपीवचनादुदन्तं सर्वेऽपि गोपा भयविस्मयान्धा: ।
त्वत्पातितं घोरपिशाचदेहं देहुर्विदूरेऽथ कुठारकृत्तम् ॥२॥

nishamya gOpiivachanaadudantaM sarve(a)pi gOpaa bhayavismayaandhaaH |
tvatpaatitaM ghOrapishaacha dehaM dehurviduure(a)tha kuThaarakR^ittam || 2

Hearing from their womenfolk, all that had happened, the cowherds were filled withamazement and fear. Then, chopping up the fearsome body, that Thou had flungdown, they carried it far away and burnt it.

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 03

 त्वत्पीतपूतस्तनतच्छरीरात् समुच्चलन्नुच्चतरो हि धूम: ।
शङ्कामधादागरव: किमेष किं चान्दनो गौल्गुलवोऽथवेति ॥३॥

tvatpiita puutastana tachChariiraat samuchchalannuchchatarO hi dhuumaH |
shankaamadhaadaagaravaH kimeShaH kiM chaandanO gaulgulavO(a)thaveti || 3

The breasts of Pootanaa were made pure by Thy having sucked them. Therefore, when her body was burnt, huge volumes of smoke rose in the sky, so fragrant that it produced doubt in the minds of the people as to what it was - agaru, sandalwood, or gulgulu (frankincense) incense.

 Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 04
मदङ्गसङ्गस्य फलं न दूरे क्षणेन तावत् भवतामपि स्यात् ।
इत्युल्लपन् वल्लवतल्लजेभ्य: त्वं पूतनामातनुथा: सुगन्धिम् ॥४॥

madangasangasya phalaM na duure kshaNena taavad bhavataamapi syaat |
ityullapanvallavatallajebhya-stvaM puutanaamaatanuthaassugandhim || 4

By imparting fragrance to Poothana's body, Thou hinted to the wise cowherds that thefruit of Thy touch, was not far away, but easily accessible and it would soon be theirs too. The conferring of fragrance / blessings on Pootanaa was, as though, to prove that.

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 05

चित्रं पिशाच्या न हत: कुमार: चित्रं पुरैवाकथि शौरिणेदम् ।
इति प्रशंसन् किल गोपलोको भवन्मुखालोकरसे न्यमाङ्क्षीत् ॥५॥

chitraM pishaachyaa na hataH kumaara-shchitraM puraivaakathi shauriNedam |
iti prashamsan kila gOpalOkO bhavanmukhaalOkarase nyamaankshiit || 5

Marvelling that the infant was not killed by the demoness and that Vasudeva'sprediction had come true, the cowherds were overcome by the joy of seeing Thy face.

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 06 

दिनेदिनेऽथ प्रतिवृद्धलक्ष्मीरक्षीणमाङ्गल्यशतो व्रजोऽयम् ।
भवन्निवासादयि वासुदेव प्रमोदसान्द्र: परितो विरेजे ॥६॥

dine dine(a)tha prativR^iddhalakshmii-rakshiiNa maangalya shatO vrajOyam |
bhavannivaasaadayi vaasudeva pramOdasaandraH paritO vireje || 6

O Vaasudeva! Day by day this Gokul developed with prosperity and undiminished auspiciousness as a result of Thy living there. Happiness and undeceiving virtue shone everywhere

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 07 

गृहेषु ते कोमलरूपहासमिथ:कथासङ्कुलिता: कमन्य: ।
वृत्तेषु कृत्येषु भवन्निरीक्षासमागता: प्रत्यहमत्यनन्दन् ॥७॥

gR^iheShu te kOmalaruupahaasa-mithaH kathaa sankulitaaHkamanyaH
vR^itteShu kR^ityeShu bhavanniriikshaa samaagataaH pratyahamatyanandan || 7

In their houses the beautiful Gopikas kept talking to each other about Thy charming form and smile. Having completed their daily chores they assembled in great joy to watch Thee andrejoiced greatly in Thy presence.

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 08 

अहो कुमारो मयि दत्तदृष्टि: स्मितं कृतं मां प्रति वत्सकेन ।
एह्येहि मामित्युपसार्य पाणी त्वयीश किं किं न कृतं वधूभि: ॥८॥

ahO kumaarO mayi dattadR^iShTiH smitaM kR^itaM maaM prati vatsakena |
ehyehi maamittyupasaarya paaNii tvayiisha kiM kiM na kR^itaM vadhuubhiH || 8

Oh Lord ! The gopis fondled and caressed Thee in numerous ways,O the boy is looking at me,' 'his smile is directed towards me', 'come, come to me', thus remarking they streched out their hands to hold Thee. O Lord! What all was not done by the Gopikas endearingly.

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 09 

भवद्वपु:स्पर्शनकौतुकेन करात्करं गोपवधूजनेन ।
नीतस्त्वमाताम्रसरोजमालाव्यालम्बिलोलम्बतुलामलासी: ॥९॥

bhavadvapusparshana kautukena karaatkaraM gOpavadhuujanena |
niitastvamaataamra sarOjamaalaa vyaalambilOlambatulaamalaasiiH || 9

They passed Thee from hand to hand, each one of them eager to touch Thy body. As they did so, Thou looked like a honey beetle moving from one very red lotus to another strung together in a garland ofred lotuses.
Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam:1 0

निपाययन्ती स्तनमङ्कगं त्वां विलोकयन्ती वदनं हसन्ती ।
दशां यशोदा कतमां न भेजे स तादृश: पाहि हरे गदान्माम् ॥१०॥

nipaayayantii stanamankagaM tvaaM vilOkayantii vadanaM hasantii |
dashaaM yashOdaa katamaaM na bheje sa taadR^ishaH paahi hare gadaanmaam ||10

O ! What states of joy did Yashodaa, Nanda's wife, not attain as she took Thee in her lap and suckled Thee, with her eyes fixed on Thy smiling face. O Lord Hari! Who are thus! May Thou save me from all ailments. OhGuruvayurappa ! Free me from disease and make me Thy servant.

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