Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dasakam: 40 -- Salvation of Putana

Pootana, the demon woman, knew that she could not kill the baby Krishna if his parents knew of her true identity. By means of her magic, the fiery looking Pootana transformed herself in to a beautiful motherly woman and entered Gokul. She carried poison in her breasts. She visited Yashoda’s house and seeing the baby Krishna sleeping in the bassinet, she admired Him so much that Yashoda thought that she was really a good woman fond of Krishna . Thus, when Pootana made a request to let her give Krishna her breast to feed Him, Yashoda was hesitant at first but yielded to Pootana’s insistent appeals to her motherly feelings. Pootana took the baby Krishna in to her lap and began feeding Him her poison. Krishna of course knew her tricks and her true identity. He sucked the poisoned milk out of her breast along with her life force itself. Pootana screamed in pain and lay dead immediately. Yashoda and her friends came out to see what had happened. To their horror they saw a great asura woman lying dead and Krishna playing on her body innocently. Pootana’s body was so big that Nanda and his neighbors had to cut it in to several pieces so they could carry and cremate them.

Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 01
तदनु नन्दममन्दशुभास्पदं नृपपुरीं करदानकृते गतम्।
समवलोक्य जगाद भवत्पिता विदितकंससहायजनोद्यम: ॥१॥

tadanu nandamamandashubhaaspadaM nR^ipapuriiM karadaanakR^ite gatam |
samavalOkya jagaada bhavatpitaa viditakamsasahaayajanOdyamaH || 1

Nanda (who is the abode of undiminished virtues), went to the king's city to pay his tributes (taxes). On meeting him, Thy father Vasudeva who knew of the activities of Kansa and his supporters, told him that.

Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 02
अयि सखे तव बालकजन्म मां सुखयतेऽद्य निजात्मजजन्मवत् ।
इति भवत्पितृतां व्रजनायके समधिरोप्य शशंस तमादरात् ॥२॥

ayi sakhe tava baalaka janma maaM sukhayate(a)dya nijaatmaja janmavat |
iti bhavatpitR^itaaM vrajanaayake samadhirOpya shashamsa tamaadaraat || 2

Congratulating the head of the cowherds, (Nanda) on the birth of a son to him, Thyfather told him that he was as happy as he would be if it had been born to him, thushonoring him with the status of being Thy father.

Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 03
इह च सन्त्यनिमित्तशतानि ते कटकसीम्नि ततो लघु गम्यताम् ।
इति च तद्वचसा व्रजनायको भवदपायभिया द्रुतमाययौ ॥३॥

iha cha santyanimitta shataani te kaTakasiimni tatO laghu gamyataam |
iti cha tadvachasaa vrajanaayakO bhavadapaayabhiyaa druta maayayau || 3

Thy father, (Vasudeva), drew Nanda's attention andhe said "Here there are bad omens in hundreds and soon at your residence also it will not be safe, so you should return soon". Thus by Vasudeva's words, apprehending danger to Thee, Nanda quickly returned.

Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 04

अवसरे खलु तत्र च काचन व्रजपदे मधुराकृतिरङ्गना ।
तरलषट्पदलालितकुन्तला कपटपोतक ते निकटं गता ॥४॥

avasare khalu tatra cha kaachana vrajapade madhuraakR^itiranganaa |
taralaShaTpada laalita kuntalaa kapaTapOtaka te nikaTaM gataa || 4

Just then there in Gokula, some beautiful looking woman with honey bees hovering around the sweet smelling flowers in her hair locks, entered. O Thou! In the guise of a child, she approached Thee.

Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 05
सपदि सा हृतबालकचेतना निशिचरान्वयजा किल पूतना ।
व्रजवधूष्विह केयमिति क्षणं विमृशतीषु भवन्तमुपाददे ॥५॥

sapadi saa hR^itabaalaka chetanaa nishicharaanvayajaa kila puutanaa |
vrajavadhuuShviha keyamiti kshaNaM vimR^ishatiiShu bhavantamupaadade || 5

Quickly she, Pootanaa, born in the clan of demons, who had taken the lives of many children, lifted Thee up, even as the Vraja women were for a second wondering as to who she was.
Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 06

 ललितभावविलासहृतात्मभिर्युवतिभि: प्रतिरोद्धुमपारिता ।
स्तनमसौ भवनान्तनिषेदुषी प्रददुषी भवते कपटात्मने ॥५॥

lalita bhaavavilaasahR^itaatmabhi-ryuvatibhiH pratirOddhumapaaritaa |
stanamasau bhavanaantaniSheduShii pradaduShii bhavate kapaTaatmane || 6

Her charming appearance and graceful movements captivated the minds of the Gopis who were unable to stop her from making advances. So this Pootanaa took her seat inside the house as she applied Thee, the illusive child, to her breasts.

Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 07

समधिरुह्य तदङ्कमशङ्कितस्त्वमथ बालकलोपनरोषित: ।
महदिवाम्रफलं कुचमण्डलं प्रतिचुचूषिथ दुर्विषदूषितम् ॥७॥

samadhiruhya tadankamashankitastvamatha baalakalOpana rOShitaH |
mahadivaamraphalaM kuchamaNDalaM pratichuchuuShitha durviShaduuShitam || 7

Then Thou, full of resentment for her slaying of several babies, climbed on to her lap,without any misgiving, and sucked vigorously at her swollen breast, smeared all round with deadly poison, as if it were a mango fruit.

Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 08

असुभिरेव समं धयति त्वयि स्तनमसौ स्तनितोपमनिस्वना ।
निरपतद्भयदायि निजं वपु: प्रतिगता प्रविसार्य भुजावुभौ ॥८॥

asubhireva samaM dhayati tvayi stanamasau stanitOpama nisvanaa |
nirapatad bhayadaayi nijaM vapuH pratigataa pravisaarya bhujaavubhau || 8

When Thou sucked the breast along with her life force. This Pootanaa fell down with a thunder like noise reverting to her natural ferocious body with both hands streching out.

Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 09

भयदघोषणभीषणविग्रहश्रवणदर्शनमोहितवल्लवे ।
व्रजपदे तदुर:स्थलखेलनं ननु भवन्तमगृह्णत गोपिका: ।।९॥

bhayadaghOShaNabhiiShaNa vigraha shravaNadarshana mOhita vallave |
vrajapade taduraHsthanakhelanaM nanu bhavantamagR^ihNata gOpikaaH || 9

The whole of Gokul stood stunned hearing the terrifying sound and seeing the frightful form. The Gopis picked Thee up even as Thou were playing on the chest of the dead demoness.

 Dasakam: 040 -- Shlokam: 10
भुवनमङ्गलनामभिरेव ते युवतिभिर्बहुधा कृतरक्षण: ।
त्वमयि वातनिकेतननाथ मामगदयन् कुरु तावकसेवकम् ॥१०॥

bhuvana mangala naamabhireva te yuvatibhirbahudhaa kR^itarakshaNaH |
tvamayi vaataniketananaatha maamagadayan kuru taavaka sevakam ||10

Oh Thou who art the embodiment of goodness in the whole world ! the young Gopikas,chanting Thy own names, sought to protect Thee (from evil), in many ways. OhGuruvayurappa ! Free me from disease and make me Thy servant

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