Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 42 -- Slaying of Sakatasura

In  his  previous  life  Sakatasura  was  born  in  the  Caksusa  Manvantara  as tha son of Hiranyaksa ana was name  Utkatca  He  had the body of a giant and was extremely powerful. In order  to  give  vent  to  his strength he  would sometimes  go  to  harass  Lomasá muni á great sage by uprooting and scattering the  trees  near his ashrama.
One day after doing his mischief Utkatcá insolently  approached  the  muni  and  towering  over  him  sneered   contemptuously  Infuriated  by  this arrogant display of  defiance  Lomasá  muni  addressed him sternly: "O  fool, because your intelligence is diseased you  erroneously  think that you can vandalize and defile my asramá with  impunity  considering  me á helpless old man and nothing more Because  you  have so grieviously abused the facility of physical form I curse  you to henceforth become á ghost." As  á  serpent leaves its skin Utkatcá immediately  vacated  his  body. As  he  found himself floating in  the  ether  he  became  very astonished. With á new found respect and repentant heart he  humbly submitted himself at the feet of the sage saying: "O best of the rsis. O ocean of mercy kindly be compassionate to  me.  Until now I was completely unaware of your potency.  I  beg  you to allow me to enter my body again." 
In his lifetime Lomasá muni had seen 10 Brahmas come and go. If  the curse of such a person is in itself a benediction then  what  to speak of his blessing! 
Seeing  the  demon's  change  of  heart  Lomasá  muni   relented  somewhat saying: "You  must remain in this subtle form until the  present  6th  manvantará is finished. Then in the following  Vaivasvatá  Manvantara,  at  the end of the 28th Dvapará  yuga  the  Supreme  Personality  of  Godhead Lord Krsna wilì manifest  His  earthly  pastimes.  At that time you will be liberated when He kills  you  with á strike of His lotus foot."As  fortold  by Lomasá muni Utkatcá became Sakatasurá  in  Krisná Lila and was sent byu Kamsá to kill the Lord.
"When Sri Krsna was only three months old and was just trying to turn backside up, before He even attempted to crawl, mother Yasoda wanted to observe a ritualistic ceremony with her friends for the good fortune of the child. Such a ritualistic ceremony is generally performed with ladies who also have small children. 

When mother Yasoda saw that Krsna was falling asleep, because of other engagements she put the child underneath a household cart, called sakata, and while the child was sleeping, she engaged herself in other business pertaining to the auspicious ritualistic ceremony. Underneath the cart was a cradle, and mother Yasoda placed the child in that cradle. Because  ghosts  drift helplessly when in open air they  try  to  occupy some place where the air is not moving when they wish  to  remain  stationary. Considering this, as soon as  Sakatasurá  had  spotted  baby Krsná lying underneath á heavy cart, he entered it  in his ethereal body and caused it to collapse violently on  the Lord The child was sleeping, but suddenly He awakened and, as usual for a child, began to kick His small legs. This kicking shook the cart, which collapsed with a great sound, breaking completely and spilling all its contents.

At  once  Krishná  kicked  the  dismantled  cart  and  thus  Sakatasurá was immediately freed from his subtle body  Attaining  his  spiritual form he spontaneously offered his  obeisances  to  the  Lord Children who were playing nearby immediately informed mother Yasoda that the cart had broken, and therefore she hastily arrived there in great anxiety with the other gopis. Mother Yasoda immediately took the child on her lap and allowed Him to suck her breast. Then various types of Vedic ritualistic ceremonies were performed with the help of the brahmanas. Not knowing the real identity of the child, the brahmanas showered the child with blessings." .  

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 01

कदापि जन्मर्क्षदिने तव प्रभो निमन्त्रितज्ञातिवधूमहीसुरा ।
महानसस्त्वां सविधे निधाय सा महानसादौ ववृते व्रजेश्वरी ॥१॥

kadaa(a)pi janmarkshadine tava prabhO nimantritaj~naati vadhuu mahiisuraa |
mahaanasastvaaM savidhe nidhaaya saa mahaanasaadau vavR^ite vrajeshvarii || 1

Oh Lord ! Once on Thy birth day, Yasoda, the queen of Vraja, had invited thewomenfolk, relatives and Brahmins for a feast in her house. Leaving Thee near a bigcart, she was busy in the kitchen, preparing the dishes and making arrangements to receive the guests.

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 02 
ततो भवत्त्राणनियुक्तबालकप्रभीतिसङ्क्रन्दनसङ्कुलारवै: ।
विमिश्रमश्रावि भवत्समीपत: परिस्फुटद्दारुचटच्चटारव: ॥२॥

tatO bhavattraaNa niyukta baalaka prabhiiti sankrandana sankulaaravaiH |
vimishramashraavi bhavatsamiipataH parisphuTaddaaru chaTachchaTaaravaH || 2

Then from near Thee, was heard the fearful cries and confused voices of various boys who were appointed to protect Thee, which was mingled with the sound of the crackling and breaking sound of wood.
Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 03 

ततस्तदाकर्णनसम्भ्रमश्रमप्रकम्पिवक्षोजभरा व्रजाङ्गना: ।
भवन्तमन्तर्ददृशुस्समन्ततो विनिष्पतद्दारुणदारुमध्यगम् ॥३॥

tatastadaakarNana sambhrama shrama prakampi vakshOjabharaa vrajaanganaaH |
bhavantamantardadR^ishussamantatO viniShpataddaaruNa daarumadhyagam || 3

Then hearing the terrific sound, frightened, the Gopikas came running with their heavy breasts heaving because of the effort and anxiety. They saw Thee lying amongst the frightful big pieces of broken wood strewn all around.

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 04 

शिशोरहो किं किमभूदिति द्रुतं प्रधाव्य नन्द: पशुपाश्च भूसुरा: ।
भवन्तमालोक्य यशोदया धृतं समाश्वसन्नश्रुजलार्द्रलोचना: ॥४॥

shishOrahO kiM kimabhuuditi drutaM pradhaavya nandaH pashupaashchabhuusuraaH |
bhavantamaalOkya yashOdayaa dhR^itaM samaashvasannashru jalaardralOchanaaH || 4

Alas! What! What has happened to the child!' Nanda, the cowherds and the Brahmins came rushing there, with tears flowing downtheir eyes, wailing loudly about the child's fate; seeing Thee safe in Yasoda's hands,they sighed happily in relief.

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 05 

कस्को नु कौतस्कुत एष विस्मयो विशङ्कटं यच्छकटं विपाटितम् ।
न कारणं किञ्चिदिहेति ते स्थिता: स्वनासिकादत्तकरास्त्वदीक्षका: ॥५॥

kaskO nu kautaskuta eSha vismayO vishankaTaM yachChakaTaM vipaaTitam |
na kaaraNaM ki~nchidiheti te sthitaaH svanaasikaadattakaraasvadiikshakaaH || 5

What ! What happened and how! This is a wonder! This huge cart is shattered! Wonderstruck at who could have done this and what could have caused such a wideand big cart to shatter to pieces, they stood with fingers on their noses, looking atThee.

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 06 

कुमारकस्यास्य पयोधरार्थिन: प्ररोदने लोलपदाम्बुजाहतम् ।
मया मया दृष्टमनो विपर्यगादितीश ते पालकबालका जगु: ॥६॥

kumaarakasyaasya payOdharaarthinaH prarOdane lOlapadaambujaahatam |
mayaa mayaa dR^iShTamanO viparyagaaditiisha te paalaka baalakaa jaguH || 6

Oh Lord ! The children who had been taking care of Thee, averred that the baby, cryingfor breast milk, had kicked the cart with its beautiful lotus feet and thus the cart was upset and fell down and that they had all seen it happen.

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 07 

भिया तदा किञ्चिदजानतामिदं कुमारकाणामतिदुर्घटं वच: ।
भवत्प्रभावाविदुरैरितीरितं मनागिवाशङ्क्यत दृष्टपूतनै: ॥७॥

bhiyaa tadaa kinchidajaanataamidaM kumaarakaaNaaM atidurghaTaM vachaH |
bhavatprabhaavaavidurairitiiritaM manaagivaashankyata dR^iShTapuutanaiH || 7

The people assembled there knew little of Thy greatness. So they treated the children'sversion of the episode as an outcome of their fear and ignorance, and dismissed itlightly as unlikely and unreliable. But those (like Nanda), who had seen Poothana,suspected that there may be something amiss.

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 08 

प्रवालताम्रं किमिदं पदं क्षतं सरोजरम्यौ नु करौ विरोजितौ।
इति प्रसर्पत्करुणातरङ्गितास्त्वदङ्गमापस्पृशुरङ्गनाजना: ॥८॥

pravaalataamraM kimidaM padaM kshataM sarOjaramyau nu karau virOjitau |
iti prasarpatkaruNaatarangitaa stvadangamaapaspR^ishuranganaajanaaH || 8

The women of Vraja, full of solace, caressed Thy body, cooing softly, whether Pink like tender leaves, these legs, have they been hurt? These hands, charming like the lotuses, have they been injured?' Thus with overflowing sympathy and moved with such concern, the women folk stroked Thy body gently.

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 09 

अये सुतं देहि जगत्पते: कृपातरङ्गपातात्परिपातमद्य मे ।
इति स्म सङ्गृह्य पिता त्वदङ्गकं मुहुर्मुहु: श्लिष्यति जातकण्टक: ॥९॥

aye sutaM dehi jagatpateH kR^ipaa tarangapaataatparipaatamadya me |
iti sma sangR^ihya pitaa tvadangakaM muhurmuhuH shliShyati jaatakaNTakaH || 9

O Yashoda! Give me my son. By the Lord's showers of mercy today my son was saved!' Thus saying and collecting Thee in his arms, Thy father embraced Thee again and again, with hairs standing onend, unable to control his emotions.

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam: 10 
अनोनिलीन: किल हन्तुमागत: सुरारिरेवं भवता विहिंसित: ।
रजोऽपि नो दृष्टममुष्य तत्कथं स शुद्धसत्त्वे त्वयि लीनवान् ध्रुवम् ॥१०॥

anOniliinaH kila hantumaagataH suraarirevaM bhavataa vihimsitaH |
rajO(a)pi nO dR^iShTamamuShya tatkathaM sa shuddhasattve tvayi liinavaandhruvam || 10

The demon who came in the disguise of a cart to kill Thee, was himself destroyed byThee. How come even the dust of his body was not to be seen? Most certainly, hemust have been absorbed in Thy Sublime Purity.

Dasakam: 042 -- Shlokam:11
प्रपूजितैस्तत्र ततो द्विजातिभिर्विशेषतो लम्भितमङ्गलाशिष: ।
व्रजं निजैर्बाल्यरसैर्विमोहयन् मरुत्पुराधीश रुजां जहीहि मे ॥११॥

prapuujitaistatra tatO dvijaatibhiH visheShatO lambhita mangalaashiShaH |
vrajaM nijaiH baalyarasaiH vimOhayan marutpuraadhiisha rujaaM jahiihi me || 11
O Lord of Guruvaayur! The Braahmins who were invited and were well honoured specially conferred their auspicious blessings on Thee. With Thy captivating childish sweet ways, Thou delighted the whole of Vraja.Oh Guruvayurappa ! May Thou sheer away my sufferings.

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