Monday, November 30, 2009

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 8 --Mahapralaya or The Great Deluge

Dasakam: 8 --Mahapralaya or The Great Deluge

Before creation took place  we had  a concept of TIME,as it is computed in our Puranas.360 human years constitute one year for the Gods(Divine year or "Divya Varsha").12,000 such divine years form a "Chatur Yuga"or "Maha Yuga"  A "Chatur Yuga" or "Mahayuga"consists of four Yugas (ages) put together. The four yugas are:Krita Yuga--4800 divine years,Treta Yuga--3600 divine years,Dwapara Yuga--2400 divine years andKali Yuga--1200 divine years.Total       = 12,000 divine years with 43,20,000 human years.  71 such Maha Yugas/Chatur Yugas make a "MANVANTARA".
14 such Manvantaras are clubbed together to form a "KALPA"We are today living in the  seventh Manvantara,known as"Vaivaswata Manvantara".The 14 Manvantaras that go into the makingof a Kalpa constitute just one day for Brahma. Brahma is our mythological God of creation. At the end of his day, Brahma goes to sleep during his night.His night extends for the same period as his day,i.e. the same time for a Kalpa.During this night, there is no 'creation' activity and it is called a "Naimittika Pralaya. Brahma gets up again for his next day or Kalpa. 360 such days or Kalpas of Brahma make one year for him.In this manner a Brahma lives for his 100 years.

Before Creation started, there was Mahapralaya or the Great Deluge. During this period, there was no Universe. At the end of the Pralaya lasting for 100 years of Brahma,there was a will for Creation.

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 01
एवं तावत् प्राकृतप्रक्षयान्ते
ब्राह्मे कल्पे ह्यादिमे लब्धजन्मा ।
ब्रह्मा भूयस्त्वत्त एवाप्य वेदान्
सृष्टिं चक्रे पूर्वकल्पोपमानाम् ॥१॥

evaM taavatpraakR^ita prakshayaante
braahme kalpe hyaadime labdhajanmaa |
brahmaa bhuuyastvatta evaapya vedaan
sR^iShTiM chakre puurvakalpOpamaanaam

At the end of the Prakrit Pralaya, in the first Kalpa which is known as Braahma Kalpa, Brahmaa came into existence. He got the knowledge of the Vedas from Thee alone and began creation in the same way as in the previous Kalpas.

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 02
सोऽयं चतुर्युगसहस्रमितान्यहानि
तावन्मिताश्च रजनीर्बहुशो निनाय ।
निद्रात्यसौ त्वयि निलीय समं स्वसृष्टै-
र्नैमित्तिकप्रलयमाहुरतोऽस्य रात्रिम् ॥२॥

sO(a)yaM chaturyuga sahasramitaanyahaani
taavanmitaashcha rajaniirbahushO ninaaya |
nidraatyasau tvayi niliiya samaM svasR^iShTai
rnaimittikapralayamaahuratO(a)sya raatrim ||
One thousand Chaturyugaas make one day for this Brahma, and an equal duration is his night. During his day time he creates and at night he sleeps, Hence his night is known as Naimittika Pralaya when along with his creation he merges in Thee. Thus he spent many days and nights.

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 03
अस्मादृशां पुनरहर्मुखकृत्यतुल्यां
सृष्टिं करोत्यनुदिनं स भवत्प्रसादात् ।
प्राग्ब्राह्मकल्पजनुषां च परायुषां तु
सुप्तप्रबोधनसमास्ति तदाऽपि सृष्टि: ॥३॥

asmaadR^ishaaM punaraharmukha kR^itya tulyaaM
sR^iShTiM karOtyanudinaM sa bhavatprasaadaat |
praagbraahmakalpa januShaaM cha paraayuShaaM tu
supta prabOdhana samaa(a)sti tadaa(a)pi sR^iShTiH ||

As each day begins, with Thy blessing Brahma goes on with the act of creation, as we perform our daily rituals at dawn. For those who were born before the Braahma Kalpa also wake up at the dawn of the new Kalpa after a long night's sleep.  
Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 04
पञ्चाशदब्दमधुना स्ववयोर्धरूप-
मेकं परार्धमतिवृत्य हि वर्ततेऽसौ ।
तत्रान्त्यरात्रिजनितान् कथयामि भूमन्
पश्चाद्दिनावतरणे च भवद्विलासान् ॥४॥

pa~nchaashadabdamadhunaa svavayO(a)rdharuupaM
ekaM paraardhamativR^itya hi vartate(a)sau |
tatraantyaraatri janitaan kathayaami bhuuman
pashchaaddinaavataraNe cha bhavadvilaasaan ||
O Infinite Being! Brahmaa ruling over the present cycle has now completed fifty years of his life,which is known as one paraardha. I shall now narrate Thy sportive activities during the previous night of Brahma and at the beginning of the next morning of the present paraardha. .(Our 1000x4 yugas = 1 day of Brahma Kalpa, and similarly, our 1000x4 yugas = 1 nightof Brahma Kalpa. Our 2000x4 yugas =1 day + 1 night of Brahma. 360 days (includingnights) of Brahma = 1 year of Brahma. 100 years of Brahma = Brahma's full age whichis the duration of the great deluge also.)

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 05
दिनावसानेऽथ सरोजयोनि:
सुषुप्तिकामस्त्वयि सन्निलिल्ये ।
जगन्ति च त्वज्जठरं समीयु-
स्तदेदमेकार्णवमास विश्वम् ॥५॥

dinaavasaane(a)tha sarOja yOniH
suShupti kaamastvayi sannililye |
jaganti cha tvajjaTharaM samiiyu
tadedamekaarNavamaasavishvam ||

O Lord! At the end of a creative day of Brahmaa, desirous of sleep lay merged in Thee worlds also took refuge in Thy abdomen and the whole universe became one big ocean.

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 06
तवैव वेषे फणिराजि शेषे
जलैकशेषे भुवने स्म शेषे ।
स्वयोगनिद्रापरिमुद्रितात्मा ॥६॥

tavaiva veShe phaNiraaji sheShe
jalaikasheShe bhuvane sma sheShe
aananda saandraanubhava svaruupaH
svayOganidraa parimudritaatmaa ||

When the entire universe was enveloped in water, Thou being the soul of complete bliss, resting on Adisesha (King of serpents),who is another manifestation of Thee,became deeply immersed in yoga nidraa, in a state of pure bliss

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 07

kaalaakhya shaktiM pralayaavasaane
prabOdhayetyaadishataa kilaadau |
tvayaa prasuptaM parisuptashaktivrajena
tatraakhila jiivadhaamnaa ||
 Thou resorted to sleep with all the various energies and the jeevas merged in Thee.All the Jivas merge in the Lord at the time of sleep,even as all our thoughts, anxieties and worries merge in the Bliss that is 'myself' when we sleep.At the end of the Pralaya the power of "Time"awakens the Lord as it awakens us from our sleep.Thou commanded Thy power which is called Time to awaken Thee at the end of the deluge (Pralaya). Then, at the beginning of the Pralaya.

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 08
चतुर्युगाणां च सहस्रमेवं

त्वयि प्रसुप्ते पुनरद्वितीय

कालाख्यशक्ति: प्रथमप्रबुद्धा

प्राबोधयत्त्वां किल विश्वनाथ ॥८॥

chaturyugaaNaaM cha sahasramevaM
tvayi prasupte punaradvitiiye |
kaalaakhya shaktiH prathama prabuddhaa
praabOdhayattvaaM kila vishvanaatha ||
Oh Viswanatha ! It is said that Kalashakthi or the force of Time, awakened Thee afterThou had slept for a thousand fourfold yugas

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 09
विबुध्य च त्वं जलगर्भशायिन्
विलोक्य लोकानखिलान् प्रलीनान् ।
तेष्वेव सूक्ष्मात्मतया निजान्त: -
स्थितेषु विश्वेषु ददाथ दृष्टिम् ॥९॥

vibudhya cha tvaM jalagarbhashaayin
vilOkya lOkaanakhilaan praliinaan |
teShveva suukshmaatmatayaa nijaantaH
sthiteShu vishveShu dadaatha dR^iShTim ||
Oh Lord who were lying in the ocean bed ! On awakening Thou threw a collective glance at all the worlds merged in Thyself.
Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam: 10

 ततस्त्वदीयादयि नाभिरन्ध्रा
दुदञ्चितं किंचन दिव्यपद्मम् ।


संक्षेपरूपं मुकुलायमानम् ॥१०॥

tatastvadiiyaadayi naabhirandhraaduda~
nchitaM kinchana divyapadmam |
niliina nishsheSha padaartha maalaa
sanksheparuupaM mukulaayamaanam ||
Then, O Lord! His 'glance within', or in simple language "wills "to start 'creation' all over again. Then there comes out of the Lord's navela lotus bud of great brilliance. There emerged from Thy naval hole a wonderful divine lotus in the form of a bud, containing in subtle form all the worlds that remained merged in Thee. This lotus bud contains the seed of all previous entities.

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam:11

तदेतदंभोरुहकुड्मलं ते
कलेवरात् तोयपथे प्ररूढम् ।
बहिर्निरीतं परित: स्फुरद्भि:
स्वधामभिर्ध्वान्तमलं न्यकृन्तत् ॥११॥

tadetadambhOruha kuDmalaM te
kalebaraattOyapathe praruuDham |
bahirniriitaM paritaH sphuradbhiH
svadhaamabhirdhvaantamalaM nyakR^intat ||
Then, O Lord! There emerged from Thy naval hole a wonderful divine lotus in the form of a bud, This lotus bud that came out from the navelof the Lord dispelled all darkness around.

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam:12

संफुल्लपत्रे नितरां विचित्रे
तस्मिन् भवद्वीर्यधृते सरोजे ।
स पद्मजन्मा विधिराविरासीत्
स्वयंप्रबुद्धाखिलवेदराशि: ॥१२॥

samphulla patre nitaraaM vichitre
tasmin bhavadviiryadhR^ite sarOje |
sa padmajanmaa vidhiraaviraasiit
svayaM prabuddhaakhila vedaraashiH ||

O Lord! In the fully blossomed petals of the wonderful lotus,  , Lord Brahmaa (the creator) appeared with all the Vedas self manifested in him.

Dasakam: 008 -- Shlokam:13
अस्मिन् परात्मन् ननु पाद्मकल्पे
त्वमित्थमुत्थापितपद्मयोनि: ।
अनन्तभूमा मम रोगराशिं
निरुन्धि वातालयवास विष्णो ॥१३॥
asmin paraatman nanu paadmakalpe
tvamitthamutthaapita padmayOniH |
anantabhuumaa mama rOgaraashiM
nirundhi vaataalayavaasa viShNO || 13
O Supreme Lord of incomprehensible powers, in this age known as the Paadma Kalpa, Thou thus brought into existence the Creator Brahmaa. O Lord Vishnu! Who has manifested in the temple of Guruvaayur, please eradicate my ailments.


  1. Mind boggling! Rational mathematical and scientific calculations and predictions!

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Wonderful. In fact the last stanza is having power to cure even cancer, an confirmed by Kanchi Maha Perival

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    A very good Explanation of Shri Narayaneeyam

  4. Anonymous6:36 AM

    A very good Explanation of Shri Narayaneeyam
