Sunday, November 22, 2009

Birth of Hiranyagarbha-Creation of Brahma Narayanneeyam Dashaka 7

Narayaneeyam-Dashaka 7

Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 01
एवं देव चतुर्दशात्मकजगद्रूपेण जात: पुन-
स्तस्योर्ध्वं खलु सत्यलोकनिलये जातोऽसि धाता स्वयम् ।
यं शंसन्ति हिरण्यगर्भमखिलत्रैलोक्यजीवात्मकं
योऽभूत् स्फीतरजोविकारविकसन्नानासिसृक्षारस: ॥१॥

evaM deva chaturdashaatmaka jagadruupeNa jaataH punaH
tasyOrdhvaM khalu satyalOkanilaye jaatO(a)si dhaataa svayam |
yaM shamsanti hiraNyagarbhamakhila trailOkya jiivaatmakaM
yO(a)bhuut sphiitarajO vikaara vikasannaanaa sisR^ikshaarasaH ||

Oh Guruvayurappa ! Thou who manifested in the form of the fourteen worlds, again by Thy own will, manifested as Brahma, in Satyaloka which is the highest and loftiest of all the worlds.This Brahma is known as Hiranya Garbh (the golden egg) the cosmic intelligence of all the beings of the three worlds. With the upsurge of Rajoguna, Thou as this Hiranya Garbha became desirous of creating various beings.
Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 02
सोऽयं विश्वविसर्गदत्तहृदय: सम्पश्यमान: स्वयं
बोधं खल्वनवाप्य विश्वविषयं चिन्ताकुलस्तस्थिवान् ।
तावत्त्वं जगतां पते तप तपेत्येवं हि वैहायसीं
वाणीमेनमशिश्रव: श्रुतिसुखां कुर्वंस्तप:प्रेरणाम् ॥२॥

sO(a)yaM vishvavisarga dattahR^idayaH sampashyamaanaH svayaM
bOdhaM khalvanavaapya vishvaviShayaM chintaakulastasthivaan |
taavattvaM jagataaM pate tapa tapetyevaM hi vaihaayasiiM
vaaNiimenamashishravaH shrutisukhaaM kurvamstapaH preraNaam

O Lord !This Brahma who was infused by the desire for manifold creation, contemplated deeply about it but remained confused as he lacked the necessary knowledge for it. Thou,unseen by him, urged him to do penance by whispering sweetly in his ear O Lord! willed by Thee, Brahma heard two pleasant words 'Tapa,Tapa' coming from nowhere, which prompted him to do penance.
Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 03
कोऽसौ मामवदत् पुमानिति जलापूर्णे जगन्मण्डले
दिक्षूद्वीक्ष्य किमप्यनीक्षितवता वाक्यार्थमुत्पश्यता ।
दिव्यं वर्षसहस्रमात्ततपसा तेन त्वमाराधित -
स्तस्मै दर्शितवानसि स्वनिलयं वैकुण्ठमेकाद्भुतम् ॥३॥

kO(a)sau maamavadat pumaaniti jalaapuurNe jaganmaNDale
dikshuudviikshya kimapyaniikshitavataa vaakyaarthamutpashyataa |
divyaM varShasahasramaattatapasaa tena tvamaaraadhitastasmai
darshitavaanasi svanilayaM vaikuNThamekaa(a)dbhutam ||

The entire Universe was enveloped in water Brahma looked around in all the directions to look for the revered person who whispered in his ear. The world was engulfed in water and there was no one to be seen. He could not see Thee but obeying Thy command he did penance for a thousand divine years he did penance and worshipped Thee. Thou , then revealed Thy wonderful abode Vaikunth to Brahma.

Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 04
माया यत्र कदापि नो विकुरुते भाते जगद्भ्यो बहि:
शोकक्रोधविमोहसाध्वसमुखा भावास्तु दूरं गता: ।
सान्द्रानन्दझरी च यत्र परमज्योति:प्रकाशात्मके
तत्ते धाम विभावितं विजयते वैकुण्ठरूपं विभो ॥४॥

maayaa yatra kadaapi nO vikurute bhaate jagadbhyO bahiH
shOkakrOdhavimOhasaadhvasamukhaa bhaavaastu duuraM gataaH |
saandraanandajharii cha yatra paramajyOtiHprakaashaatmake
tatte dhaama vibhaavitaM vijayate vaikuNTharuupaM vibhO ||
O All pervading Lord! Where Maayaa has no influence and which is located beyond the fourteen worlds, In it there is no Maya or illusion like sorrow,anger delusion fear are left far behind,such is Thy abode Vaikunth. Herein is only the continuousoutpouring of complete happiness. Thou revealed to Brahma, this supreme abode ofVaikunta shining beyond all comparison.
Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 05
यस्मिन्नाम चतुर्भुजा हरिमणिश्यामावदातत्विषो नानाभूषणरत्नदीपितदिशो राजद्विमानालया: । भक्तिप्राप्ततथाविधोन्नतपदा दीव्यन्ति दिव्या जना- तत्ते धाम निरस्तसर्वशमलं वैकुण्ठरूपं जयेत् ॥५॥ yasminnaama chaturbhujaa harimaNishyaamaavadaatatviShO naanaabhuuShaNaratnadiipitadishO raajadvimaanaalayaaH | bhaktipraaptatathaavidhOnnatapadaa diivyanti divyaa janaastatte dhaama nirastasarvashamalaM vaikuNTharuupaM jayet ||
In Thy abode which is known as Vaikunth, live the divine beings who have four arms and their complexion is like deep blue lustre of sapphire. lit up by the precious gems in the ornaments that adorn them, live in shiningaerial cars. Their extreme devotion to Thee has earned them a place in this high abode which is pure and sinless.
Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 06
नानादिव्यवधूजनैरभिवृता विद्युल्लतातुल्यया
विश्वोन्मादनहृद्यगात्रलतया विद्योतिताशान्तरा ।
त्वत्पादांबुजसौरभैककुतुकाल्लक्ष्मी: स्वयं लक्ष्यते
यस्मिन् विस्मयनीयदिव्यविभवं तत्ते पदं देहि मे ॥६॥
naanaadivyavadhuujanairabhivR^itaa vidyullataatulyayaa
vishvOnmaadanahR^idyagaatralatayaa vidyOtitaashaantaraa |
tvatpaadaambujasaurabhaikakutukaallakshmiiH svayaM lakshyate
yasmin vismayaniiyadivyavibhavaa tatte padaM dehi me ||
Brahma, who had this vision of Vaikunta, saw the form of Goddess Lakshmi serving the Lord. In this divine abode Goddess Mahalakshmi, who illuminates the entire world with her. Her, Laxmi's, slender and beautiful form is like the streak of lightening which enchants and captivates the whole world and enlightens the quarters. She being deeply attached to the fragrance of Thy lotus feet is herself always there, in Vaikunth, which abounds in astounding divine riches. Oh Lord ! Please bless meand grant me a place in this wonderful abode of Thine.
Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 07
 तत्रैवं प्रतिदर्शिते निजपदे रत्नासनाध्यासितं
भास्वत्कोटिलसत्किरीटकटकाद्याकल्पदीप्राकृति ।
श्रीवत्साङ्कितमात्तकौस्तुभमणिच्छायारुणं कारणं
विश्वेषां तव रूपमैक्षत विधिस्तत्ते विभो भातु मे ॥७॥
 tatraivaM pratidarshite nijapade ratnaasanaadhyaasitaM bhaasvatkOTi lasatkiriiTa kaTakaadyaakalpa diipraakR^iti | shriivatsaankitamaatta kaustubhamaNichChaayaaruNaM kaaraNaM vishveShaaM tava ruupamaikshata vidhistatte vibhO bhaatu me ||
Brahma had also a vision of the Lord,the very source of creation,seated on a throne of diamonds and shininglike the brilliance of a thousand Suns.The Lord was adorned with "Srivastha" and "Kausthubha".The Lord that Brahma saw had four arms shiningwith a conch, a mace, a discus and a lotus flower.Brahma was overwhelmed with this marvelous vision.He prayed to the Lord to grant him both duality and non-duality existing in harmony.
Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 08
कालांभोदकलायकोमलरुचीचक्रेण चक्रं दिशा -
मावृण्वानमुदारमन्दहसितस्यन्दप्रसन्नाननम् । राजत्कम्बुगदारिपङ्कजधरश्रीमद्भुजामण्डलं स्रष्टुस्तुष्टिकरं वपुस्तव विभो मद्रोगमुद्वासयेत् ॥८॥
kaalaambhOda kalaayakOmala ruchiichakreNa chakraM dishaam aavR^iNvaanamudaara mandahasita syanda prasannaananam | raajatkambu gadaari pankajadhara shriimad bhujaamaNDalaM sraShTustuShTikaraM vapustava vibhO madrOgamudvaasayet
O Lord! May that marvellous form of Thine, enchanting Brahma with its all pervading dazzlinglight Beautiful like the dark clouds, or the Kalaya flowers A charming benevolent smile is sported on Thy pleasant face. Thy four arms are adorned with the sacred conch, discus, mace and lotus. That form of Thine gave immense pleasure to Brahmaa. Thy four arms holding the conch,mace,disc and lotus, cure all my maladies.
Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 09
दृष्ट्वा सम्भृतसम्भ्रम: कमलभूस्त्वत्पादपाथोरुहे
हर्षावेशवशंवदो निपतित: प्रीत्या कृतार्थीभवन् ।
जानास्येव मनीषितं मम विभो ज्ञानं तदापादय
द्वैताद्वैतभवत्स्वरूपपरमित्याचष्ट तं त्वां भजे ॥९॥
dR^iShTvaa sambhR^itasambhramaH kamalabhuustvatpaadapaathOruhe
harShaaveshavashanvadO nipatitaH priityaa kR^itaarthiibhavan | jaanaasyeva maniiShitaM mama vibhO j~naanaM tadaapaadaya dvaitaadvaitabhavatsvaruupaparamityaachaShTa taM tvaaM bhaje
O Lord of the Universe! Seeing Thy divine form, Brahma, overwhelmed by Thy vision. He fell at Thy lotus feet and prostrated. He prayed to Thee that Thou surely knew his desire to create, and so he asked for the required knowledge. OhLord ! I pray to Thee who granted the revelation of Thy supreme divine form to Brahma.
Dasakam: 007 -- Shlokam: 10
आताम्रे चरणे विनम्रमथ तं हस्तेन हस्ते स्पृशन् बोधस्ते भविता न सर्गविधिभिर्बन्धोऽपि सञ्जायते । इत्याभाष्य गिरं प्रतोष्य नितरां तच्चित्तगूढ: स्वयं सृष्टौ तं समुदैरय: स भगवन्नुल्लासयोल्लाघताम् ॥१०॥ aataamre charaNe vinamramatha taM hastena haste spR^ishan bOdhaste bhavitaa na sargavidhibhirbandhO(a)pi sa~njaayate | ityaabhaaShya giraM pratOShya nitaraaM tachchittaguuDhaH svayaM sR^iShTau taM samudairayaH sa bhagavannullaasayOllaaghataam ||
Brahmaa was with full humbleness prostating at Thy crimson feet. Thou touched his hand with Thy hands and said to him that he would get the knowledge requiered for creation, and also that he will not be tainted by the act of creation. Thus encouraging him, Thine ownself hidden in Brahma's heart spurred him on tobegin the act of creation. Oh Lord ! Bless me with good health.

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