Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cosmic Form of the Lord Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 6

The "Brahmanda", the nucleus of the Universe evolved itself.The Lord thus became the Virat --the Universe of fourteen worlds.The 14 worlds consisted of the following sevenhigher spheres and seven nether regions. Higher worlds : Bhuh,Bhuvah,Suvah,Mahah, Jana Tapah,Satyam
Nether worlds :Atala ,Vitala ,Sutala, Rasatala,Talatala,Mahatala,Patala
Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 01
एवं चतुर्दशजगन्मयतां गतस्य
पातालमीश तव पादतलं वदन्ति ।
पादोर्ध्वदेशमपि देव रसातलं ते
गुल्फद्वयं खलु महातलमद्भुतात्मन् ॥१॥

evaM chaturdashajaganmayataaM gatasya
paataalamiisha tava paadatalaM vadanti |
paadOrdhvadeshamapi deva rasaatalaM te
gulphadvayaM khalu mahaatalamadbhutaatman ||

O Lord! Thou took the wonderful form of the fourteen worlds as Thy Viraat Swaroopa : The soles of Thy feet are Patala; the upper part of Thy feet are Rasatala and Thy pair of ankles are Mahatala

Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 02
जङ्घे तलातलमथो सुतलं च जानू
किञ्चोरुभागयुगलं वितलातले द्वे ।
क्षोणीतलं जघनमम्बरमङ्ग नाभि-
र्वक्षश्च शक्रनिलयस्तव चक्रपाणे ॥२॥

janghe talaatalamathO sutalaM cha jaanuu
ki~nchOrubhaagayugalaM vitalaatale dve |
kshONiitalaM jaghanamambaramanga naabhirvakshashcha
shakranilayastava chakrapaaNe ||

Oh Lord Chakrapani ! The shanks became Talatala.The knees became Sutala.The Lord's thighs became Vitala and Atala.The earth came from the Lord's hip.His navel became the sky.His chest became Swarga, the Suvar loka. which is the abode of Indra.

Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 03
ग्रीवा महस्तव मुखं च जनस्तपस्तु
फालं शिरस्तव समस्तमयस्य सत्यम् ।
एवं जगन्मयतनो जगदाश्रितैर-
प्यन्यैर्निबद्धवपुषे भगवन्नमस्ते ॥३॥

griivaa mahastava mukhaM cha janastapastu
phaalaM shirastava samastamayasya satyam |
evaM jaganmayatanO jagadaashritairapyanyairnibaddhavapuShe
bhagavannamaste ||

O Lord! Thy body is the whole universe. The Lord's neck became Mahar loka and the face became Jana loka.The forehead became Tapaloka. Satyaloka is the head of the Lord. . Of all the other things of which the universe is made, Thy body is also conceived of being made up of all that. O Lord! salutations to Thee.

Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 04
  त्वद्ब्रह्मरन्ध्रपदमीश्वर विश्वकन्द
छन्दांसि केशव घनास्तव केशपाशा: ।
उल्लासिचिल्लियुगलं द्रुहिणस्य गेहं
पक्ष्माणि रात्रिदिवसौ सविता च नेत्रै ॥४॥
tvadbrahmarandhrapadamiishvara vishvakanda
Chandaamsi keshava ghanaastava keshapaashaaH |
ullaasichilliyugalaM druhiNasya gehaM
pakshmaaNi raatridivasau savitaa cha netre ||

Oh Lord who are the root cause of the Universe ! The Lord's body is conceived as made up ofall other things in the Universe also.The Vedas came from the "BRAHMARANDHRA" (crown of the head).Clouds came from his hair.the eyebrows are the abode of Brahma.The eyelashes are the night and day.The eyes became the Sun.
Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 05
निश्शेषविश्वरचना च कटाक्षमोक्ष: कर्णौ दिशोऽश्वियुगलं तव नासिके द्वे । लोभत्रपे च भगवन्नधरोत्तरोष्ठौ तारागणाश्च दशना: शमनश्च दंष्ट्रा ॥५॥ nishsheShavishvarachanaa cha kaTaakshamOkshaH karNau dishO(a)shviyugalaM tava naasike dve | lObhatrape cha bhagavannadharOttarOShThau taaraagaNaashcha radanaaHshamanashcha damShTraa ||
Oh Lord ! Thy glances became the creation of the whole Universe.The ears became the "directions" (Quarters).The nostril became the Aswini Devas.The lower and upper lips became 'greed' and 'modesty'.The teeth are the stars. The molars are Yama.
Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 06
माया विलासहसितं श्वसितं समीरो जिह्वा जलं वचनमीश शकुन्तपङ्क्ति: । सिद्धादय: स्वरगणा मुखरन्ध्रमग्नि- र्देवा भुजा: स्तनयुगं तव धर्मदेव: ॥६॥ maayaa vilaasahasitaM shvasitaM samiirO jihvaa jalaM vachanamiisha shakuntapanktiH | siddhaadayaH svaragaNaa mukharandhramagnirdevaa bhujaaH stanayugaM tava dharmadevaH ||
Oh Lord ! Thy radiant smile became 'Maya',the breath became the wind, tongue became water,the speech birds, the tunes the siddhas,the mouth fire, hands became Gods and the chest became Dharmadeva.
Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 07
पृष्ठं त्वधर्म इह देव मन: सुधांशु - रव्यक्तमेव हृदयंबुजमम्बुजाक्ष । कुक्षि: समुद्रनिवहा वसनं तु सन्ध्ये शेफ: प्रजापतिरसौ वृषणौ च मित्र: ॥७॥ pR^iShThaM tvadharma iha deva manaH sudhaamshuravyaktameva hR^idayaambujamambujaaksha | kukshiH samudranivahaa vasanaM tu sandhye shephaH prajaapatirasau vR^iShaNau cha mitraH ||
Oh Lotus-eyed Lord ! The lord's back became adharma, his mind became the Moon and the abdomen became ocean. Thy garments are the two twilights; Thy private parts are the GodBrahma and Thy scrotum is the God Mitra.
Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 08
श्रोणीस्थलं मृगगणा: पदयोर्नखास्ते हस्त्युष्ट्रसैन्धवमुखा गमनं तु काल: । विप्रादिवर्णभवनं वदनाब्जबाहु- चारूरुयुग्मचरणं करुणांबुधे ते ॥८॥ shrONiisthalaM mR^igagaNaaH padayOrnakhaaste hastyuShTrasaindhavamukhaa gamanaM tu kaalaH | vipraadivarNabhavanaM vadanaabjabaahuchaaruuruyugmacharaNaM karuNaambudhe te ||
Oh Merciful One ! The animals came from Thy ‘s waist.The nails of his feet became elephants, camels, horses etc.His movement became Time.The four castes based on division of labour camefrom his face, hands, thighs, and feet.
Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 09
संसारचक्रमयि चक्रधर क्रियास्ते वीर्यं महासुरगणोऽस्थिकुलानि शैला: । नाड्यस्सरित्समुदयस्तरवश्च रोम जीयादिदं वपुरनिर्वचनीयमीश ॥९॥
samsaarachakramayi chakradhara kriyaaste
viiryaM mahaasuragaNO(a)sthikulaani shailaaH | naaDyassaritsamudayastaravashcha rOma jiiyaadidaM vapuranirvachaniiyamiisha ||
O Ocean of mercy! The animal world is Thy lower-back and the elephants camels and horses are the nails of Thy feet. Time is Thy movement. The four varnas -Brahmins, Kshatriyaa, Vaishyaa and Shoodraas originated from Thy lotus face, hands, charming thighs and feet, respectively.
ईदृग्जगन्मयवपुस्तव कर्मभाजां कर्मावसानसमये स्मरणीयमाहु: । तस्यान्तरात्मवपुषे विमलात्मने ते वातालयाधिप नमोऽस्तु निरुन्धि रोगान् ॥१०॥ iidR^igjaganmayavapustava karmabhaajaaM karmaavasaanasamaye smaraNiiyamaahuH | tasyaantaraatmavapuShe vimalaatmane te vaataalayaadhipa namO(a)stu nirundhi rOgaan ||
This is the VIRAT form of the Lordand this form is meditated upon at the end ofall Vedic Karmas and also at the time of death." O Lord of Guruvayoor", concludes the poet at the end of the 6th Dasaka,"You are the In-dweller of that Virat form. Human beings who are bound by the law of Karma should remember this Viraat (cosmic) form of Thine, which is of the nature of pure Sattva, at the end of all rituals, and when desirous of liberation and at the time of death. O Lord of Guruvaayur! Have mercy on me and eradicate my ailments!"

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