Monday, November 16, 2009

Narayaneeyam Dashaka -5 THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE --(The Concept of the "VIRATA PURUSHA")

Dasakam: 05 -- Shlokam: 01
व्यक्ताव्यक्तमिदं न किञ्चिदभवत्प्राक्प्राकृतप्रक्षये
मायायाम् गुणसाम्यरुद्धविकृतौ त्वय्यागतायां लयम् ।
नो मृत्युश्च तदाऽमृतं च समभून्नाह्नो न रात्रे: स्थिति-
स्तत्रैकस्त्वमशिष्यथा: किल परानन्दप्रकाशात्मना ॥१॥
vyaktaavyaktamidaM na ki~nchidabhavatpraakpraakR^itaprakshaye
maayaayaam guNasaamyaruddhavikR^itau tvayyaagataayaaM layam |
nO mR^ityushcha tadaa(a)mR^itaM cha samabhuunnaahnO na raatreH sthitistatraikastvamashiShyathaaH
kila paraanandaprakaashaatmanaa ||1
Oh Guruvayoorappa! During the Prakrita Pralaya, this universe made up of the gross and the subtle did not exist.The creative power 'Maya' was lying latent in ThySupreme Consciousness - i.e. Lord Vishnu.
Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 02 
काल: कर्म गुणाश्च जीवनिवहा विश्वं च कार्यं विभो चिल्लीलारतिमेयुषि त्वयि तदा निर्लीनतामाययु: । तेषां नैव वदन्त्यसत्त्वमयि भो: शक्त्यात्मना तिष्ठतां नो चेत् किं गगनप्रसूनसदृशां भूयो भवेत्संभव: ॥२॥
 kaalaH karma guNaashcha jiivanivahaa vishvaM cha kaaryaM vibhO chilliilaaratimeyuShi tvayi tadaa nirliinataamaayayuH | teShaaM naiva vadantyasattvamayi bhOHshaktyaatmanaa tiShThataaM nO chet kiM gaganaprasuunasadR^ishaaM bhuuyO bhavetsambhavaH ||2
Oh Guruvayoorappa! Before Pralaya time everything in the Universe viz. Kala (time), Karma(action), Guna (mood), the Jivathmas (individual souls ) all lay merged in Thy supremeform. The effects of the three qualities of'Sathwa', 'Rajas' and 'Tamas' were neutralisedby keeping them in equilibrium.The Lord alone was there as the supreme bliss and consciousness.   The very concept of "Time",the sum-total of "Karmas"and the three 'Gunas', all the 'Jivas'and the whole Universe were absorbed in the Pure-Bliss-Consciousness. The Srutis do not declare them as being non existent. They remained in causal form. Otherwise, like the non existence of the flowers in the sky, how could they come into existence again.
Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 03
एवं च द्विपरार्धकालविगतावीक्षां सिसृक्षात्मिकां बिभ्राणे त्वयि चुक्षुभे त्रिभुवनीभावाय माया स्वयम् । मायात: खलु कालशक्तिरखिलादृष्टं स्वभावोऽपि च प्रादुर्भूय गुणान्विकास्य विदधुस्तस्यास्सहायक्रियाम् ॥३॥
evaM cha dviparaardhakaalavigataaviikshaaM sisR^ikshaatmikaaM bibhraaNe tvayi chukshubhe tribhuvaniibhaavaaya maayaa svayam | maayaataH khalu kaalashaktirakhilaadR^iShTaM svabhaavO(a)pi cha praadurbhuuya guNaanvikaasya vidadhustasyaassahaayakriyaam ||
At the end of the Prakrita Pralaya consistingof hundred divine years of Brahma, This state lasted for two Parardhas. Lord Vishnu, the Consciosness wakes up.By His mere "glance" ("Eekshana"),'Maya' (the magic power of delusion) came out from the Lord ready for the 'Srishti' (Creation) of the three worlds.Along with Maya also issued forth the concept of Time.
Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 04
मायासन्निहितोऽप्रविष्टवपुषा साक्षीति गीतो भवान् भेदैस्तां प्रतिबिंबतो विविशिवान् जीवोऽपि नैवापर: । कालादिप्रतिबोधिताऽथ भवता संचोदिता च स्वयं माया सा खलु बुद्धितत्त्वमसृजद्योऽसौ महानुच्यते ॥४॥
maayaasannihitO(a)praviShTavapuShaa saakshiiti giitO bhavaan bhedaistaaM pratibimbatO vivishivaan jiivO(a)pi naivaaparaH | kaalaadipratibOdhitaa(a)tha bhavataa sanchOditaa cha svayaM maayaa saa khalu buddhitattvamasR^ijadyO(a)sau mahaanuchyate ||
O Lord! Thou have Maya by Thy side, but are not influenced by it. The scriptures declare Thee as mere witness. Thou art the one and only individual soul reflected on Maya in different forms. Time, action, nature have all been ordained by Thee. Maayaa being aroused by time and prompted by Thee, projected the principle of Intelligence, which is called Mahat.
Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 05
तत्रासौ त्रिगुणात्मकोऽपि च महान् सत्त्वप्रधान: स्वयं जीवेऽस्मिन् खलु निर्विकल्पमहमित्युद्बोधनिष्पाद्क: । चक्रेऽस्मिन् सविकल्पबोधकमहन्तत्त्वं महान् खल्वसौ सम्पुष्टं त्रिगुणैस्तमोऽतिबहुलं विष्णो भवत्प्रेरणात् ॥५॥ tatraasau triguNaatmakO(a)pi cha mahaan sattvapradhaanaH svayaM jiive(a)smin khalu nirvikalpamahamityudbOdhaniShpaadakaH | chakresmin savikalpabOdhakamahantattvaM mahaan khalvasau sampuShTaM triguNaistamO(a)tibahulaM viShNO bhavatpreraNaat ||
Oh Guruvayoorappa! This principle of intelligence is endowed with the three gunas. Being activated by that Supreme Consciosness,and being roused by Time. The principle of Intelligence was projected by Maya.This came to be known as "MAHAT". Although a f "Prakriti" with its constituent qualities of Sathwa, Rajas and Tamas,the 'mahat' was predominantly Sathwa in nature with no separate individuality or status of its own.A bit more of "TAMAS" was then added to "Mahat"and it now came to be known as "AHAMKARA" (Egoity),rooted in separateness, difference and plurality.
Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 06
सोऽहं च त्रिगुणक्रमात् त्रिविधतामासाद्य वैकारिको
भूयस्तैजसतामसाविति भवन्नाद्येन सत्त्वात्मना
देवानिन्द्रियमानिनोऽकृत दिशावातार्कपाश्यश्विनो
वह्नीन्द्राच्युतमित्रकान् विधुविधिश्रीरुद्रशारीरकान् ॥६॥
sO(a)haM cha triguNakramaat trividhataamaasaadya vaikaarikO
bhuuyastaijasataamasaaviti bhavannaadyena sattvaatmanaa |
devaanindriyamaaninO(a)kR^ita dishaavaataarkapaashyashvinO
vahniindraachyutamitrakaan vidhuvidhishriirudrashaariirakaan ||6
Oh Guruvayoorappa! This Ahamkara was again mixed with Sathwa, Rajas and Tamas in various proportions, permutations and combinations.From this came  "VAIKARIKA" (Sathwa predominant),TAIJASA" (Rajas predominant) and "TAMASA" (Tamas predominant).From Vaikarika (Sathwic) were created the Godswho preside over the organs of sense and action and the mind. They are the presiding deities of Gyanendriyaas -(organs of knowledge) which are Dik Devata (of hearing), Vaayu (of touch), Soorya (of seeing), Varuna (of taste) and Ashwini Devatas (of smell). Karmendriyaas - (organs of action) which are Agni (of speech), Indra (of hands), Vishnu (of the legs), Mitra (of excretion) and Prajaapati (of reproduction). Antahkarana -(Inner equipment consisting of Mana, Buddhi, Ahankaara and Chit) which are Moon (of mind), Brahma (of Buddhi- the intellect), Rudra (of Ahamkaara) and Kshetrajna (of Chitt -memory).
Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 07
भूमन् मानसबुद्ध्यहंकृतिमिलच्चित्ताख्यवृत्त्यन्वितं तच्चान्त:करणं विभो तव बलात् सत्त्वांश एवासृजत् । जातस्तैजसतो दशेन्द्रियगणस्तत्तामसांशात्पुन- स्तन्मात्रं नभसो मरुत्पुरपते शब्दोऽजनि त्वद्बलात् ॥७॥ bhuuman maanasa buddhyahankR^iti milachchittaakhya vR^ittyanvitaM tachchaantaH karaNaM vibhO tava balaat sattvaamsha evaasR^ijat | jaatastaijasatO dashendriyagaNastattaamasaamshaatpunastanmaatraM nabhasO marutpurapate shabdO(a)jani tvadbalaat ||
O Lord! The Satwic aspect of Ahamkara created also the ANTHAKKARANA CHITTA,the inner equipments (the mind stuff).From the Rajasic aspect of Ahamkara,the ten sense organs were created(5 Karmendriyaas and 5 Jnanendriyaas). From the Tamasic Ahamkara, sound was born.From sound came space and the element of touch and then came air, fire, taste, water, smell amd earth.These elements by themselves could not create anything.The Supreme Consciousness, the Lord (energy) entered them and activated them and thus created the "BRAHMANDA".
Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 08
श्ब्दाद्व्योम तत: ससर्जिथ विभो स्पर्शं ततो मारुतं तस्माद्रूपमतो महोऽथ च रसं तोयं च गन्धं महीम् । एवं माधव पूर्वपूर्वकलनादाद्याद्यधर्मान्वितं भूतग्राममिमं त्वमेव भगवन् प्राकाशयस्तामसात् ॥८॥ shabdaadvyOma tataH sasarjitha vibhO sparshaM tatO maarutaM tasmaadruupamatO mahO(a)tha cha rasaM tOyaM cha gandhaM mahiim | evaM maadhava puurvapuurvakalanaadaadyaadyadharmaanvitaM bhuutagraamamimaM tvameva bhagavan praakaashayastaamasaat ||
Oh Guruvayoorappa! From the Tanmaatra of (Shabda) the subtle element of sound, came the element (Aakaash) Space and from it touch (Sparsh). From touch (Sparsh) came the element Air (Vaayu) and from it form (Roopa). From form (Roopa) came the element Fire (Agni) and from it Taste (Rasa). From the Tanmaatra of Taste (Rasa) came the element Water (Jala) and from it smell (Gandha). From smell (Gandha) came the element Earth (Bhoomi). O Maadhava! By Thy will, thus from the Tamasa aspect of Ahankaara, were born the five Tanmaatras and the five Pancha Bhootas each element having the qualities of the preceeding one.
Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 09
एते भूतगणास्तथेन्द्रियगणा देवाश्च जाता: पृथङ्- नो शेकुर्भुवनाण्डनिर्मितिविधौ देवैरमीभिस्तदा । त्वं नानाविधसूक्तिभिर्नुतगुणस्तत्त्वान्यमून्याविशं- श्चेष्टाशक्तिमुदीर्य तानि घटयन् हैरण्यमण्डं व्यधा: ॥९॥
ete bhuutagaNaastathendriyagaNaa devaashcha jaataaH pR^ithak
nO shekurbhuvanaaNDa nirmitividhau devairamiibhistadaa | tvaM naanaavidha suuktibhirnutaguNastattvaanyamuunyaavishanshcheShThaa shaktimudiirya taani ghaTayan hairaNyamaNDaM vyadhaaH ||
O Lord! Even though all these elements, sense organs , the organs of action, and their presiding deities came into existence, they could not by themselves create the Brahmaanda. Then the presiding deities sang Thee by various hymns and Thou entered into all of them, activated them and combining them, created the Hiranya Andam which is the Universe.
Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 10
 अण्डं तत्खलु पूर्वसृष्टसलिलेऽतिष्ठत् सहस्रं समा:
निर्भिन्दन्नकृथाश्चतुर्दशजगद्रूपं विराडाह्वयम् ।
साहस्रै: करपादमूर्धनिवहैर्निश्शेषजीवात्मको
निर्भातोऽसि मरुत्पुराधिप स मां त्रायस्व सर्वामयात् ॥१०॥
aNDaM tatkhalu puurvasR^iShTasalile(a)tiShThat sahasraM samaaH nirbhindannakR^ithaashchaturdashajagadruupaM viraaDaahvayam | saahasraiH karapaadamuurdhanivahairnishsheShajiivaatmakO nirbhaatO(a)si marutpuraadhipa sa maaM traayasva sarvaamayaat10
This Brahmanda remained latent for a thousand years.And then came the 14 worlds as "VIRAT",with thousands of hands, thousands of feet, thousands of heads etc. which is known as Thy Viraat Roopa (cosmic form); O Lord of Guruvayoor,Thou who did make these 14 worlds (VIRAT)!Kindly protect me from all my ailments!

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