Monday, December 7, 2009

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 9 -- Creation of the Universe

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 01
Brahma searching on all four Directions:
स्थितस्स कमलोद्भवस्तव हि नाभिपङ्केरुहे

कुत: स्विदिदमम्बुधावुदितमित्यनालोकयन् ।

तदीक्षणकुतूहलात् प्रतिदिशं विवृत्तानन-

श्चतुर्वदनतामगाद्विकसदष्टदृष्ट्यम्बुजाम् ॥१॥

sthitassa kamalOdbhavastava hi naabhipankeruhe
kutaH svididamambudhaavuditamityanaalOkayan |
tadiikshaNa kutuuhalaat pratidishaM vivR^ittaananashchaturvadanataamagaad
vikasadaShTadR^iShTyambujaam || 1
Sitting in the lotus on Thy navel Brahma could not at first discover the source of that lotus.Being eager to know its origin, He was thus endowed with four faces and lotus-like eight beautiful eyes. thereby acquiring four faces with eight eyes like full-blown lotuses.he turned his face on all directions and thereby got four faces with eight eyes.He could not yet find out his origin. 
Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 02
महार्णवविघूर्णितं कमलमेव तत्केवलं
विलोक्य तदुपाश्रयं तव तनुं तु नालोकयन् ।

क एष कमलोदरे महति निस्सहायो ह्यहं

कुत: स्विदिदम्बुजं समजनीति चिन्तामगात् ॥२॥
mahaarNavavighuurNitaM kamalameva tatkevalaM
vilOkya tadupaashrayaM tava tanuM tu naalOkayan |
ka eSha kamalOdare mahati nissahaayO hyahaM
kutaH svididamambujaM samajaniiti chintaamagaat || 2
Brahmaa found himself to be all alone in the huge lotus in the mighty ocean and not perceiving Thy divineform propping it up, He saw the stem supporting the lotus but was unable to see Thy body and wondered as to who he was helpless and all alone and also of the source of the lotus.Thereafter, he began to ask himself,"Who am I? From where did I come from?"This self-enquiry led him on to a search at the physical level.
Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 03
 अमुष्य हि सरोरुह: किमपि कारणं सम्भ्वे-

दिति स्म कृतनिश्चयस्स खलु नालरन्ध्राध्वना ।

स्वयोगबलविद्यया समवरूढवान् प्रौढधी -

स्त्वदीयमतिमोहनं न तु कलेवरं दृष्टवान् ॥३॥
amuShya hi sarOruhaH kimapi kaaraNaM sambhaved
iti sma kR^itanishchayaH sa khalu naalarandhraadhvanaa |
svayOgabalavidyayaa samavaruuDhavaan prauDhadhiistvadiiyamatimOhanaM
na tu kalebaraM dR^iShTavaan || 3
Brahmaa who was of mighty intellect decided that there must definitely be some source of this lotus. Using his yogic power he descended through the hollow of the lotus stem to look for the cause. He, however could not not see Thy most enchanting form.

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 04
तत: सकलनालिकाविवरमार्गगो मार्गयन्

प्रयस्य शतवत्सरं किमपि नैव संदृष्टवान् ।

निवृत्य कमलोदरे सुखनिषण्ण एकाग्रधी:

समाधिबलमादधे भवदनुग्रहैकाग्रही ॥४॥

tataH sakalanaalikaa vivaramaargagO maargayan
prayasya shatavatsaraM kimapi naiva sandR^iShTavaan |
nivR^itya kamalOdare sukhaniShaNNa ekaagradhiiH
samaadhi balamaadadhe bhavadanugrahaikaagrahii ||4
Even after delving deeply through every hole in the lotus stalk and searching anxiously spent a hundred divine years. Realizing his ignorance, Brahma now started to meditate on the Lord with one-pointed intellect.After absorption in the Lord for a hundred divine years,

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 05
 Brahma had the vision ofthe Lord
शतेन परिवत्सरैर्दृढसमाधिबन्धोल्लसत्-

प्रबोधविशदीकृत: स खलु पद्मिनीसम्भव: ।

अदृष्टचरमद्भुतं तव हि रूपमन्तर्दृशा

व्यचष्ट परितुष्टधीर्भुजगभोगभागाश्रयम् ॥५॥

shatena parivatsaraiH dR^iDha samaadhi bandhOllasatprabOdhavishadiikR^
itaH sa khalu padminii sambhavaH |
adR^iShTacharamadbhutaM tava hi ruupamantardR^ishaa
vyachaShTa parituShTadhiiH bhujagabhOga bhaagaashrayam || 5
After spending a hundred divine years in a state of deep trance (samadhi), The knowledge of Reality then dawned on him. Brahma had the vision ofthe Lord reclining on Aadisesha. The form of the Lord seen by Brahmawas a wonderful one never seen before. So he was full of happiness and contentment.
Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 06
Namudari Worship The divine Form which was shown to Lord Brahma

मणिस्फुरितमेखलं सुपरिवीतपीताम्बरम् ।

कलायकुसुमप्रभं गलतलोल्लसत्कौस्तुभं

वपुस्तदयि भावये कमलजन्मे दर्शितम् ॥६॥
kiriiTa makuTOllasatkaTakahaarakeyuurayug
maNisphuritamekhalaM supariviita piitaambaram |
kalaaya kusumaprabhaM galatalOllasatkaustubhaM
vapustadayi bhaavaye kamalajanmane darshitam || 6
Nambudari was describing that divine form which was shown to lotus-born God Brahma,O Lord! The Lord was shining with a crown,bracelets, necklaces and other ornaments shining with gems.The Lord was wearing the yellow silk (Pitambara)and shining like a blue lily flower and wearing the Kausthubha jewel round the neck and sparkling like the Kalaya flower. I worship that divine form,
Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 07
Brahma  worshipping the Lord
 श्रुतिप्रकरदर्शितप्रचुरवैभव श्रीपते

हरे जय जय प्रभो पदमुपैषि दिष्ट्या दृशो: ।

कुरुष्व धियमाशु मे भुवननिर्मितौ कर्मठा-

मिति द्रुहिणवर्णितस्वगुणबंहिमा पाहि माम् ॥७॥
shrutiprakaradarshita prachuravaibhava shriipate
hare jaya jaya prabhO padamupaiShi diShTyaa dR^ishOH |
kuruShva dhiyamaashu me bhuvananirmitau karmaThaaM
iti druhiNavarNita svaguNabanhimaa paahi maam || 7
Oh Lord of Lakshmi ! Oh Thou of Infinite Glory whose supremacyhas been described by the various scriptures ! It is my good fortune that I have been blessed with this divine vision of You.Pray, O Lord, make my intellect sufficiently sharp so that I will be capable of creating the worlds". Thou, whose abundance of good qualities has thus been praised byBrahma, Oh Lord! protect me.

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 08
The Supreme Lord blessed Brahma
लभस्व भुवनत्रयीरचनदक्षतामक्षतां
गृहाण मदनुग्रहं कुरु तपश्च भूयो विधे ।
भवत्वखिलसाधनी मयि च भक्तिरत्युत्कटे-
त्युदीर्य गिरमादधा मुदितचेतसं वेधसम् ॥८॥

labhasva bhuvanatrayiirachanadakshataamakshataaM
gR^ihaaNa madanugrahaM kuru tapashcha bhuuyO vidhe |
bhavatvakhila saadhanii mayi cha bhaktiratyutkaTe
tyudiirya giramaadadhaa muditachetasaM vedhasam || 8
The Supreme Lord blessed Brahma with unlimited skill for the creation of the three worlds and advised him todo tapas, penance to intensify his devotion to the Lord.Accordingly, Brahma did intense "TAPAS" for a hundred years.Having gained more spiritual and mental power. encouraged Brahma to pray to Thee with more intense fervour and delighted him withmore boons than he asked for.

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 09
शतं कृततपास्तत: स खलु दिव्यसंवत्सरा-
नवाप्य च तपोबलं मतिबलं च पूर्वाधिकम् ।
उदीक्ष्य किल कम्पितं पयसि पङ्कजं वायुना
भवद्बलविजृम्भित: पवनपाथसी पीतवान् ॥९॥

shataM kR^ita tapaastataH sa khalu divya sanvatsaraan
avaapya cha tapObalaM matibalaM cha puurvaadhikam |
udiikshya kila kampitaM payasi pankajaM vaayunaa
bhavadbalavijR^imbhitaH pavanapaathasii piitavaan || 9
Then God Brahma did penance for a hundred divine years and acquired more strength from penance and more intelligence than ever before. Seeing the lotus trembling in thewater due to the wind, he inhaled both the wind and water, heartened by Thy moral support.
Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 10
God Brahma, created the three worlds
तवैव कृपया पुनस्सरसिजेन तेनैव स:

प्रकल्प्य भुवनत्रयीं प्रववृते प्रजानिर्मितौ ।

तथाविधकृपाभरो गुरुमरुत्पुराधीश्वर

त्वमाशु परिपाहि मां गुरुदयोक्षितैरीक्षितै: ॥१०॥
tavaiva kR^ipayaa punassarasijena tenaiva saH
prakalpya bhuvanatrayiiM pravavR^ite prajaanirmitau |
tathaa vidha kR^ipaabharO gurumarutpuraadhiishvara
tvamaashu paripaahi maaM gurudayOkshitairiikshitaiH ||10
Once more, by Thy blessing, God Brahma, created the three worlds from that lotus and started creating various kinds of beings.These three worlds, BHUH, BHUVAH and SUVAH comprised all the 14 worlds. Oh Guruvayurappa ! Thy glance overflowing with great mercy on me and protect me soon.

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