Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam: 01
वेदैस्सर्वाणि कर्माण्यफलपरतया वर्णितानीति बुध्वा तानि त्वय्यर्पितान्येव हि समनुचरन् यानि नैष्कर्म्यमीश । मा भूद्वेदैर्निषिद्धे कुहचिदपि मन:कर्मवाचां प्रवृत्ति- र्दुर्वर्जं चेदवाप्तं तदपि खलु भवत्यर्पये चित्प्रकाशे ॥१॥
vedaiH sarvaaNi karmaaNyaphala para tayaa varNitaaniiti buddhvaa
taani tvayyarpitaanyeva hi samanucharanyaani naiShkarmyamiisha |
maa bhuudvedairniShiddhe kuhachidapi manaHkarmavaachaaM pravR^ittiH
durvarjaM chedavaaptaM tadapi khalu bhavatyarpaye chitprakaashe || 1
Understanding that the Vedas tell us that expect all actions are to be to be performed without attachment to, or in expectation. , Oh God, I completely dedicate all such rituals to you and escape from the attachment to them. And I understand that I should not do anything prohibited by Vedas, And suppose by chance I am forced to undertake any such prohibited actions, I would also dedicate them to Thee alone the very light of consciousness.!1
Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam: 02
yastvanyaH karmayOgastava bhajanamayastatra chaabhiiShTamuurtim
hR^idyaaM satvaikaruupaaM dR^iShadi hR^idi mR^idi kvaapi vaa bhaavayitvaa |
puShpairgandhairnivedyairapi cha virachitaiH shaktitO bhaktipuutaiH
nityam varyaam saparyaam vidadhadayi vibhO tvatprasaadam bhajeyam || 2
Oh God, in the mode of worship that is different from that prescribed by Vedas,I would visualize you in the pretty and purely cent percent Sathva Saatvic form of Thee I will invoke in my heart as an image of stone or clay or any other material and worship with offerings of flowers, incense and food, according to my capacity. O Lord! devotedly performing Thy worship, I will seek Thy grace.2
Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam: 03
स्त्रीशूद्रास्त्वत्कथादिश्रवणविरहिता आसतां ते दयार्हा-
स्त्वत्पादासन्नयातान् द्विजकुलजनुषो हन्त शोचाम्यशान्तान् ।
वृत्त्यर्थं ते यजन्तो बहुकथितमपि त्वामनाकर्णयन्तो
दृप्ता विद्याभिजात्यै: किमु न विदधते तादृशं मा कृथा माम् ॥३॥
striishuudraastvatkathaadi shravaNavirahitaa aasataaM te dayaarhaaH
tvatpaadaasannayaataan dvijakulajanuShOhanta shOchaamyashaantaan |
vR^ittyartham te yajantO bahukathitamapi tvaamanaakarNayantO
dR^iptaa vidyaabhijaatyaiH kimu na vidadhate taadR^isham maa kR^ithaamaam || 3
I sympathize with women and low-born classes who do not have the good fortune to listen to narrations of Thy deeds and excellences and for chanting Thy names. I especially, however, bewail the fate of those high caste persons who, even with ample opportunities to worship Thee, Are more interested in pleasures of life or sacrifice this great opportunity, For the sake of earning their livelihood and in spite of being taught by you several times, Do not care to understand your teachings and I am wondering within myself, About all that these people can do due to pride coming out of wisdom and high birth. O Lord, may Thou prevent me from becoming one like these.3
Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam: 04
पापोऽयं कृष्णरामेत्यभिलपति निजं गूहितुं दुश्चरित्रं
निर्लज्जस्यास्य वाचा बहुतरकथनीयानि मे विघ्नितानि ।
भ्राता मे वन्ध्यशीलो भजति किल सदा विष्णुमित्थं बुधांस्ते
निन्दन्त्युच्चैर्हसन्ति त्वयि निहितमतींस्तादृशं मा कृथा माम् ॥४॥
paapO(a)yaM kR^iShNa raametyabhilapati nijaM guuhituM dushcharitraM
nirlajjasyaasya vaachaa bahutara kathaniiyaani me vighnitaani |
bhraataa me vandhyashiilO bhajati kila sadaa viShNumitthaM budhaamste
nindantyuchchairhasanti tvayinihitamatiimstaadR^ishaM maakR^ithaa maam || 4
Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam: 05
श्वेतच्छायं कृते त्वां मुनिवरवपुषं प्रीणयन्ते तपोभि-
स्त्रेतायां स्रुक्स्रुवाद्यङ्कितमरुणतनुं यज्ञरूपं यजन्ते ।
सेवन्ते तन्त्रमार्गैर्विलसदरिगदं द्वापरे श्यामलाङ्गं
नीलं सङ्कीर्तनाद्यैरिह कलिसमये मानुषास्त्वां भजन्ते ॥५॥
Those worldly undevoted people laugh loudly at the wise people who are devoted to Thee with their minds absorbed in Thee. They speak spitefully of them with statements like “Rama, Krishna”, so that is heard in all directions and due to his shameless shouting, I am not able to say several things that I really want to say. My brother is a hypocrite and feigns to worship Vishnu all the time.' And these non devotees make fun of your devotees, Who have surrendered their mind to you and O Lord! please do not make me one of them. 4
shvetachChaayaM kR^ite tvaaM munivaravapuShaM priiNayante tapObhiH
tretaayaaM sruksruvaadyankita maruNatanuM yaj~naruupaM yajante |
sevante tantramaargairvilasadarigadaM dvaapare shyaamalaangam
niilaM sankiirtanaadyairiha kalisamaye maanuShaastvaam bhajante || 5
सोऽयं कालेयकालो जयति मुररिपो यत्र सङ्कीर्तनाद्यै-
र्निर्यत्नैरेव मार्गैरखिलद न चिरात्त्वत्प्रसादं भजन्ते ।
जातास्त्रेताकृतादावपि हि किल कलौ सम्भवं कामयन्ते
दैवात्तत्रैव जातान् विषयविषरसैर्मा विभो वञ्चयास्मान् ॥६॥
In the Krita Yuga, people do penance by invoking Thee in the white and resplendentform of an illustrious sage. In the Treta Yuga they worship Thee as the Yajna Purusha itself, red in complexion marked with Sruka and Sruva (the Yaagyic acessories). According to the Taantric rites and rituals, in the Dwaapara Yuga, people worship Thee with a blue complexion resplendent with mace and discus etc. In this Kali Yuga Thou with a blue complexion are worshipped by people, with the chanting of Thy various names.5
Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam: 06
sO(a)yaM kaaleya kaalO jayati muraripO yatra sankiirtanaadyaiH
niryatnaireva maargairakhilada na chiraat tvatprasaadaM bhajante |
jaataastretaa kR^itaadau api hi kila kalau sambhavaM kaamayante
daivaattatraiva jaataan viShaya viSharasairmaa vibhO va~nchayaasmaan || 6
O Slayer of Mura! Glory be to this Kali Yuga, as those born in it attain Thy Grace effortlessly and speedily through the chanting of Thy names alone. So much so, that, even those born in the earlier Yugas (Krita, Treta and Dwapara) are said to yearn for birth in Kali Yuga. And fortunately we are born in this Kali age and Oh Lord, Please do not make us get interested in the poison of worldly pleasures.6
Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam: 07
भक्तास्तावत्कलौ स्युर्द्रमिलभुवि ततो भूरिशस्तत्र चोच्चै:
कावेरीं ताम्रपर्णीमनु किल कृतमालां च पुण्यां प्रतीचीम् ।
हा मामप्येतदन्तर्भवमपि च विभो किञ्चिदञ्चद्रसं त्व-
य्याशापाशैर्निबध्य भ्रमय न भगवन् पूरय त्वन्निषेवाम् ॥७॥
bhaktaastaavatkalau syurdramila bhuvi tatO bhuurishastatrachOchchaiH
kaaveriim taamraparNiimanu kila kR^itamaalaaM cha puNyaam pratiichiim |
haa maamapyetadantarbhavamapi cha vibhO ki~nchida~nchadrasaM tvayi
aashaapaashairnibadhya bhramaya na bhagavan puuraya tvanniShevaam || 7
In the Kali age devotees are found everywhere more so in the Dravida region,And even there more on the banks of Cauvery, Thamraparni , Kruthamala, the holy west, the devotees will be more. Oh Lord of Guruvayur!, Please do not tie me, who was born in this region and also possessing some devotion, tightly by the rope of worldly pleasures and help me, Fulfill my desire of serving you always with devotion.7
Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam: 08
दृष्ट्वा धर्मद्रुहं तं कलिमपकरुणं प्राङ्महीक्षित् परीक्षित्
हन्तुं व्याकृष्टखड्गोऽपि न विनिहतवान् सारवेदी गुणांशात् ।
त्वत्सेवाद्याशु सिद्ध्येदसदिह न तथा त्वत्परे चैष भीरु-
र्यत्तु प्रागेव रोगादिभिरपहरते तत्र हा शिक्षयैनम् ॥८॥
dR^iShTvaa dharmadruhaM taM kalimapakaruNaM praa~Nmahiikshit pariikshit
hantuM vyaakR^iShTa khaDgO(a)pi na vinihatavaan saaravedii guNaamshaat |
tvatsevaadyaashu siddhyedasadiha na tathaa tvatpare chaiSha bhiiruH
yattupraageva rOgaadibhirapaharate tatra haa shikshayainam ||8
Once king Pareekshit saw the merciless Kali who is the enemy of Dharma (righteousness), and to kill him, he drew his sword also. But he did not kill Kali, because Kali is a knower of the essence of Truth, and also because it has some good features. In Kali, Thy worship bears results very soon where as evil deeds take time to bring fruits. Kali is also afraid of Thy devotees, so he tries to take them away by disease etc., even before their devotion becomes firm. For this O Lord! This Kali is really very cruel and so please punish him.8
Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam: 09
गङ्गा गीता च गायत्र्यपि च तुलसिका गोपिकाचन्दनं तत्
सालग्रामाभिपूजा परपुरुष तथैकादशी नामवर्णा: ।
एतान्यष्टाप्ययत्नान्यपि कलिसमये त्वत्प्रसादप्रवृद्ध्या
क्षिप्रं मुक्तिप्रदानीत्यभिदधु: ऋषयस्तेषु मां सज्जयेथा: ॥९॥
gangaa giitaa cha gaayatryapi cha tulasikaa gOpikaa chandanaM tat
saalagraamaabhi puujaa parapuruSha tathaikaadashii naamavarNaaH |
etaanyaShTaapyayatnaanyayi kalisamaye tvatprasaada pravR^iddhyaa
kshipraM mukti pradaaniityabhidadhuH R^iShayasteShu maam sajjayethaaH || 9
देवर्षीणां पितृणामपि न पुन: ऋणी किङ्करो वा स भूमन् ।
योऽसौ सर्वात्मना त्वां शरणमुपगतस्सर्वकृत्यानि हित्वा ।
तस्योत्पन्नं विकर्माप्यखिलमपनुदस्येव चित्तस्थितस्त्वं
तन्मे पापोत्थतापान् पवनपुरपते रुन्धि भक्तिं प्रणीया: ॥१०॥
O Supreme Lord! In this Kali Yuga great sages have pointed out that Ganges, Bhgawad Gita, Gayathri mantra, Tulasi leaf, Gopi Chandana, Saligrama , Ekadasi fasting,And chanting of your holy names are the eight methods , which are easy to practice, lead one to salvation in this Kali age, O Lord !And so please grant me interest and desire to practice them with devotion.9
Dasakam: 092 -- Slokam:10
devarShiiNaaM pitR^INaamapi cha punarR^iNii kinkarO vaa sa bhuuman
yO(a)sau sarvaatmanaa tvaaM sharaNamupagataH sarvakR^ityaani hitvaa |
tasyOtpannaM vikarmaapyakhilamapanudasyeva chittasthitastvam
tanme paapOtthataapaan pavanapurapate rundhi bhaktiM praNiiyaaH ||10
O Lord of the Universe! Who so ever, whole heartedly takes refuge in Thee, abandoning all actions, is no longer a debtor to the gods or sages, Pitris (or Manes), or a servant to them. Even if he has done any misdeeds, they are destroyed by Thee who do reside in his heart. O Lord of Guruvaayur! destroy my sorrows caused by sins committed by me,And make my devotion to you perfect and ever living.10
Blessings of Sri Guruvayurappan is always with you for your great contribution!had tears in my eyes reading and learning the meaning. Thank you! Revathy Sankaran.