Monday, August 27, 2012

Narayaneeyam - Dasakam 91:The Path of Devotion

The Path of Devotion to God
Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam: 01
श्रीकृष्ण त्वत्पदोपासनमभयतमं बद्धमिथ्यार्थदृष्टे-
र्मर्त्यस्यार्तस्य मन्ये व्यपसरति भयं येन सर्वात्मनैव ।
यत्तावत् त्वत्प्रणीतानिह भजनविधीनास्थितो मोहमार्गे
धावन्नप्यावृताक्ष: स्खलति न कुहचिद्देवदेवाखिलात्मन् ॥१॥
shriikR^iShNa tvatpadOpaasanamabhayatamaM baddhamithyaartha dR^iShTeH
martasyaartasya manye vyapasarati bhayaM yena sarvaatmanaiva |
yattaavattvatpraNiitaaniha bhajanavidhiinaasthitO mOhamaarge
dhaavannapyaavR^itaakshaH skhalati na kuhachiddevadevaakhilaatman ||1

“O Sri Krishna! I learn (from my own experience) that for a man afflicted (by the three-fold miseries), and whose mind is firmly bound by the illusion of the body, service at Your feet (alone) is the ultimate refuge, by which, fear (including that of Samsara) totally gets eliminated. O Lord of Lords, and One of Cosmic form !On this account, (if) a person, established in these paths of worship laid down by You ,runs along the path of delusion even with his eyes blind-folded, certainly ,he does not slip anywhere!

Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam: 02
भूमन् कायेन वाचा मुहुरपि मनसा त्वद्बलप्रेरितात्मा   यद्यत् कुर्वे समस्तं तदिह परतरे त्वय्यसावर्पयामि ।   जात्यापीह श्वपाकस्त्वयि निहितमन:कर्मवागिन्द्रियार्थ-   प्राणो विश्वं पुनीते न तु विमुखमनास्त्वत्पदाद्विप्रवर्य: ॥२॥  
bhuuman kaayena vaachaa muhurapi manasaa tvadbalapreritaatmaa
yadyatkurve samastaM tadiha paratare tvayyasaavarpayaami |
jaatyaapiiha shvapaakastvayi nihita manaH karmavaagindriyaartha
praaNO vishvaM puniite na tu vimukhamanaastvatpadaadvipravaryaH || 2  
“O All-pervading One!, whose mind is prompted by Your power consign, again, I offer and dedicate to Thee, , the Supreme Spirit who are here in the form of Lord Guruvaayur. Even if one is of low birth,(if) one’s mind, actions, speech, organs, all sensual enjoyments and even vital energies are fixed at Thy feet, he sanctifies the worlds. It is not so even if a person is a Braahmin and is indifferent minded towards Thee.
Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam: 03  
भीतिर्नाम द्वितीयाद्भवति ननु मन:कल्पितं च द्वितीयं     तेनैक्याभ्यासशीलो हृदयमिह यथाशक्ति बुद्ध्या निरुन्ध्याम् ।     मायाविद्धे तु तस्मिन् पुनरपि न तथा भाति मायाधिनाथं तं   त्वां भक्त्या महत्या सततमनुभजनीश भीतिं विजह्याम् ॥३॥  
bhiitirnaama dvitiiyaadbhavati nanu manaH kalpitaM cha dvitiiyaM
tenaikyaabhyaasa shiilO hR^idayamiha yathaashakti buddhyaa nirundhyaam |
maayaa viddhetu tasmin punarapi na tathaa bhaati maayaadhinaathaM
tattvaaM bhaktyaa mahatyaa satatamanubhajanniisha bhiitiM vijahyaam || 3  
Fear is caused by a second something which is different from us and. Is the result of imagination of the mind and so think, Continuously that all things are only one and . I will try to control my mind with effort and discriminative intelligence. But when this discriminative intelligence is overpowered and inflicted by Maaya, the consciousness of oneness does not reveal itself again. Therefore, O Lord! by constantly worshipping Thee with great Bhakti, I will overcome all fear.
Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam: 04
भक्तेरुत्पत्तिवृद्धी तव चरणजुषां सङ्गमेनैव पुंसा-     मासाद्ये पुण्यभाजां श्रिय इव जगति श्रीमतां सङ्गमेन ।     तत्सङ्गो देव भूयान्मम खलु सततं तन्मुखादुन्मिषद्भि-     स्त्वन्माहात्म्यप्रकारैर्भवति च सुदृढा भक्तिरुद्धूतपापा ॥४॥  
bhakterutpatti vR^Iddhii tava charaNajuShaaM sangamenaiva pumsaam
aasaadye puNya bhaajaaM shriya iva jagati shriimataaM sangamena |
tatsangO deva bhuuyaan mama khalu satataM tanmukhaadunmiShadbhiH
tvanmaahaatmya prakaarairbhavati cha sudR^iDhaa bhaktiruddhuuta paapaa || 4  
“O Lord! In this world, having association with the rich alone assures one toacquire wealth and multiply it. Similarly, constant association with those devotees, who are fortunate enough to take refuge and offer service at Your lotus feet . And so God, please provide me company of such devotees without break,And hearing your greatness which emerges from their mouth, Would remove all my sins and I would develop strong devotion towards you.
Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam: 05  
श्रेयोमार्गेषु भक्तावधिकबहुमतिर्जन्मकर्माणि भूयो     गायन् क्षेमाणि नामान्यपि तदुभयत: प्रद्रुतं प्रद्रुतात्मा ।     उद्यद्धास: कदाचित् कुहचिदपि रुदन् क्वापि गर्जन् प्रगाय-     न्नुन्मादीव प्रनृत्यन्नयि कुरु करुणां लोकबाह्यश्चरेयम् ॥५॥  
shreyO maargeShu bhaktaavadhika bahumatirjanmakarmaaNi bhuuyO
gaayan kshemaaNi naamaanyapi tadubhayataH pradrutaM pradrutaatmaa |
udyaddhaasaH kadaachitkuhachidapi rudan kvaapi garjan pragaayan
unmaadiiva pranR^ityannayi kuru karuNaaM lOkabaahyashchareyam || 5  
With preference for the path of devotion among the paths leading to Moksha, singing repeatedly about Your incarnations and deeds and also chant Thy grace conferring names. I may burst into laughter or cry suddenly, or at times roar or sing and dance about like a mad man, And travel away from the routine of the very ordinary people. O Lord ! Show compassion on me!”  
Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam: 06  
भूतान्येतानि भूतात्मकमपि सकलं पक्षिमत्स्यान् मृगादीन्    मर्त्यान् मित्राणि शत्रूनपि यमितमतिस्त्वन्मयान्यानमानि ।    त्वत्सेवायां हि सिद्ध्येन्मम तव कृपया भक्तिदार्ढ्यं विराग-    स्त्वत्तत्त्वस्यावबोधोऽपि च भुवनपते यत्नभेदं विनैव ॥६॥  
bhuutaanyetaani bhuutaatmakamapi sakalaM pakshimatsyaan mR^igaadiin
martyaan mitraaNi shatruunapi yamitamatiH tvanmayaanyaanamaani |
tvatsevaayaaM hi siddhyenmama tava kR^ipayaa bhaktidaarDhyaM viraagaH
tvattattvasyaavabOdhO(a)pi cha bhuvanapate yatnabhedaM vinaiva || 6    
I salute the five elements like earth , which are you yourself, The birds , fishes , animals and others, men , relations ,Enemies and the entire universe made of these five elements, that they are all Thy forms alone Thus with my mind balanced with Bhakti I will always be in Thy service and worship Thee. O Lord of the Universe! On this account, by your grace, may I attain firmness of devotion in worshipping You sense of detachment and also knowledge of Your true nature, without any separate effort.
Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam: 07
नो मुह्यन् क्षुत्तृडाद्यैर्भवसरणिभवैस्त्वन्निलीनाशयत्वा-    च्चिन्तासातत्यशाली निमिषलवमपि त्वत्पदादप्रकम्प: ।   इष्टानिष्टेषु तुष्टिव्यसनविरहितो मायिकत्वावबोधा- ज्ज्योत्स्नाभिस्त्वन्नखेन्दोरधिकशिशिरितेनात्मना सञ्चरेयम् ॥७॥  
nO muhyan kshuttR^iDaadyairbhavasaraNi bhavaistvanniliinaashayatvaat
chintaasaatatyashaalii nimiShalavamapi tvatpadaadaprakampaH |
iShTaaniShTeShutuShTi vyasana virahitO maayikatvaavabOdhaat
jyOtsnaabhistvannakhendOradhika shishiritenaatmanaa sanchareyam || 7  
“By virtue of my mind having merged in You, not being overpowered by hunger, thirst, etc., I shall constantly meditate on Thy feet, and will not deviate even for a fraction of a second from them. With the knowledge that good and bad and gratification and aversion are an effect of Maayaa I will be indifferent to them. . I would travel peacefully without any sorrow or joy, and with a mind rendered exceedingly coolby the rays of the moons of Your toe-nails!”
Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam: 08
भूतेष्वेषु त्वदैक्यस्मृतिसमधिगतौ नाधिकारोऽधुना चे-     त्त्वत्प्रेम त्वत्कमैत्री जडमतिषु कृपा द्विट्सु भूयादुपेक्षा ।    अर्चायां वा समर्चाकुतुकमुरुतरश्रद्धया वर्धतां मे     त्वत्संसेवी तथापि द्रुतमुपलभते भक्तलोकोत्तमत्वम् ॥८॥  
bhuuteShveShu tvadaikya smR^iti samadhigatau naadhikaarO(a)dhunaa chet
tvatprema tvatkamaitrii jaDamatiShu kR^ipaa dviTsu bhuuyaadupekshaa |
archaayaaM vaa samarchaa kutukamurutarashraddhayaa vardhataaM me
tvatsamsevii tathaa(a)pi drutamupalabhate bhaktalOkOttamatvam || 8  
, “O Lord! the highest form of devotion isto attain the consciousness of oneness with Youin these living beings is lacking in me at this time,may there arise loving devotion to You,friendship of Your devotees,kindness towards the ignorant,and indifference towards enemies.Or, may the desire to offer worship to Your image with enhanced dedication grow within me.At least that way, one who worships You, quickly,attains excellence among Your devotees.” Like that I would soon get the superior position of your devotee.  
Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam: 09
आवृत्य त्वत्स्वरूपं क्षितिजलमरुदाद्यात्मना विक्षिपन्ती    जीवान् भूयिष्ठकर्मावलिविवशगतीन् दु:खजाले क्षिपन्ती ।     त्वन्माया माभिभून्मामयि भुवनपते कल्पते तत्प्रशान्त्यै    त्वत्पादे भक्तिरेवेत्यवददयि विभो सिद्धयोगी प्रबुद्ध: ॥९॥  
aavR^itya tvatsvaruupaM kshiti jala marudaadyaatmanaa vikshipantii
jiivaan bhuuyiShThakarmaavali vivasha gatiin duHkhajaale kshipantii |
tvanmaayaa maa(a)bhibhuunmaamayi bhuvanapate kalpate tatprashaantyai
tvatpaade bhaktirevetyavadadayi vibhO siddhayOgii prabuddhaH || 9    
“O Lord of Guruvayoor! Let not that Maya who is, thus, projecting herself in thecosmic form of the Universe comprising the fourteen worlds and throwing theJivas of various categories like Devas, asuras, humans, animals, etc., into thewoeful ocean of Samsara bound by the unending cycles of transmigration with the respective karmas and their results, O Lord of Universe! May that Maayaa not overpower attack and enslave me! For warding off thisMaya, devotion to Your lotus feet alone is the remedy!”
Dasakam: 091 -- Slokam:10
दु:खान्यालोक्य जन्तुष्वलमुदितविवेकोऽहमाचार्यवर्या-    ल्लब्ध्वा त्वद्रूपतत्त्वं गुणचरितकथाद्युद्भवद्भक्तिभूमा ।    मायामेनां तरित्वा परमसुखमये त्वत्पदे मोदिताहे     तस्यायं पूर्वरङ्ग: पवनपुरपते नाशयाशेषरोगान् ॥१०॥  
duHkhaanyaalOkya jantuShvalamudita vivekO(a)hamaachaaryavaryaat
labdhvaa tvadruupatattvaM guNa charita kathaadyudbhavadbhakti bhuumaa |
maayaamenaaM taritvaa paramasukhamaye tvatpade mOditaahe
tasyaayaM puurvarangaH pavanapurapate naashayaasheSharOgaan ||10  
“Having seen sufferings in living beings, and gaining more power of discrimination and attaining the knowledge of Your true nature from the best of Gurus, and with devotion born out of listening to (Your)virtues and stories of (Your) incarnations, may I, after crossing this Maya,stay happily at Your divine feet, which will give me great delight. To achieve this, this is the first step. O Lord! of Guruvaayur! Remove my numerous ailments.

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