Dasakam: 069 -- Slokam: 01
हारजालवनमालिकाललितमङ्गरागघनसौरभम् ।
रासकेलिपरिभूषितं तव हि रूपमीश कलयामहे ॥१॥

keshapaashadhR^ita pinichChakaavitati sanchalanmakarakuNDalam
haarajaala vanamaalikaa lalitamangaraagaghana saurabham |
piitacheladhR^ita kaa~nchi kaa~nchitamuda~nchadamshumaNi nuupuram
raasakeli paribhuuShitaM tava hi ruupamiisha kalayaamahe || 1
O Lord ! A bunch of peacock feathers adorning the beautiful in the locks of the hair the peacock feather, makarakundalam (in the ears), vanamala and other chains ( on the chest), sandal and other sweet smelling anointments, a golden belt on the yellow garment (on the hip), sparkling anklets with gems (on the feet), so do I meditate on your blessed form that has been specially decorated for theperformance of the Rasa Kreeda
गण्डलोलमणिकुण्डले युवतिमण्डलेऽथ परिमण्डले ।
अन्तरा सकलसुन्दरीयुगलमिन्दिरारमण सञ्चरन्
मञ्जुलां तदनु रासकेलिमयि कञ्जनाभ समुपादधा: ॥२॥
taavadeva kR^itamaNDane kalita ka~nchuliika kuchamaNDale
gaNDalOlamaNikuNDale yuvati maNDale(a)tha parimaNDale |
antaraa sakala sundarii yugalamindiraaramaNa sa~ncharan
manjulaantadanu raasakelimayi ka~njanaabha samupaadadhaaH || 2
O Padmanabha ! Amidst those damsels, dressed properly, with garments covering their bosoms and jewelled ear-rings brushing their cheeks And with gem studded ear ornaments waving over their cheeks,Stood in a circular formation round you, Oh Consort of Goddess Lakshmi,You started moving round in between every twoof the beautiful women and performed the very beautiful,And performed the very pretty Rasa Kreeda dance.
दूरतोऽपि खलु नारदागदितमाकलय्य कुतुकाकुला ।
नाकतो युगपदागता वियति वेगतोऽथ सुरमण्डली ॥३॥
vaasudeva tava bhaasamaanamiha raasakeli rasasaurabhaM
duuratO(a)pi khalu naaradaagaditamaakalayya kutukaakulaa |
veShabhuuShaNa vilaasa peshala vilaasinii shatasamaavR^itaa
naakatO yugapadaagataa viyati vegatO(a)tha suramaNDalii || 3
O Vaasudeva! Naarada described Thy resplendent, fragrant and beautiful Raas Leelaa. Hearing about it from far, groups of gods, full of eagerness came from the heaven and quickly gathered in the sky. They were accompanied by hundreds of beautiful women who were experts in dressing up and in adorning themselves with jewellery and also in amorous display.
Dasakam: 069 -- Slokam: 04
लोभनीयमृदुपादपातकृततालमेलनमनोहरम् ।
पाणिसंक्वणितकङ्कणं च मुहुरंसलम्बितकराम्बुजं
श्रोणिबिम्बचलदम्बरं भजत रासकेलिरसडम्बरम् ॥४॥
veNunaadakR^ita taanadaanakala gaanaraaga gatiyOjanaa
lObhaniiya mR^idu paada paata kR^ita taala melana manOharam |
paaNisankvaNita kankaNaM cha muhuramsalambita karaambujam
shrONi bimbachaladambaraM bhajata raasakeli rasa Dambaram ||4
O, devotees come all , observe, savour and share in the grandeur and majesty of the rasakreedaWhich was done with the sweet songs sung along with the music of the flute,And the very slow and regular pretty steps and hand claps of the dancers,With the jingling sound made by the bangles in the back ground,With dance steps in which you placed your hands on the shoulders of the beauties,And with the sound of the tearing cloths worn over hip by the Gopis. On such enthralling majesty of the Rasa leela let us meditate.
Dasakam: 069 -- Slokam: 05
नर्तनेऽथ ललिताङ्गहारलुलिताङ्गहारमणिभूषणे ।
सम्मदेन कृतपुष्पवर्षमलमुन्मिषद्दिविषदां कुलं
चिन्मये त्वयि निलीयमानमिव सम्मुमोह सवधूकुलम् ॥५॥
shraddhayaa virachitaanugaana kR^ita taara taara madhurasvare
nartane(a)tha lalitaangahaara lulitaangahaara maNi bhuuShaNe |
sammadenakR^ita puShpavarShamalamunmiShaddiviShadaaM kulam
chinmaye tvayi niliiyamaanamiva sammumOha savadhuukulam || 5
As though in competition, the singers raised their voices in successive strains as the musical notes reached higher in pitch. The beautiful limbs of the dancers moved delightfully displacing their necklaces and the begemmed ornaments on their body. The groups of gods watched with extreme joy and showered rains of flowers. Along with their women-folk they watched entranced completely submerged in the Pure Consciousness i.e. in Thee.
Dasakam: 069 -- Slokam: 06
स्विन्नसन्नतनुवल्लरी तदनु कापि नाम पशुपाङ्गना
कान्तमंसमवलम्बते स्म तव तान्तिभारमुकुलेक्षणा ॥
काचिदाचलितकुन्तला नवपटीरसारघनसौरभं
वञ्चनेन तव सञ्चुचुम्ब भुजमञ्चितोरुपुलकाङ्कुरा ॥६॥
svinnasannatanuvallarii tadanu kaa(a)pi naama pashupaanganaa
kaantamamsa mavalambate sma tava taantibhaara mukulekshaNaa |
kaachidaachalita kuntalaa navapaTiirasaara navasaurabhaM
va~nchanena tava sa~nchuchumba bhujama~nchitOru pulakaankuram || 6
One of the damsels, whose slender, creeper-like body was exhausted and perspiring, and whose eyes were half-closed due to fatigue, leaned on Thy lovely shoulder. Another, with locks disheveled and hairs standing on end all over her body due to the sprouting thrill of joy, profusely kissed Thy arm, which was fragrant with fresh sandal paste, on the pretext of smelling it.
कापि गण्डभुवि सन्निधाय निजगण्डमाकुलितकुण्डलं
पुण्यपूरनिधिरन्ववाप तव पूगचर्वितरसामृतम् ।
इन्दिराविहृतिमन्दिरं भुवनसुन्दरं हि नटनान्तरे
त्वामवाप्य दधुरङ्गना: किमु न सम्मदोन्मददशान्तरम् ॥७॥
kaa(a)pi gaNDabhuvi sannidhaaya nijagaNDamaakulita kuNDalaM
puNya puura nidhiranvavaapa tava puugacharvita rasaamR^itam |
indiraa vihR^iti mandiraM bhuvanasundaranhi naTanaantare
tvaamavaapya dadhuranganaaH kimu na sammadOnmada dashaantaram || 7
Another Gopi due to the good things that she has done ,When her ear rings waved , pressed her own cheek on Thy cheek, with earrings dangling on them. She enjoyed the thrill as she intook the nectar like juice from the betel chewed by Thee. The Gopikaas, during the dance, having achieved Laxmi's sport field, Thee, the most beautiful in all the worlds, what states of joyous intoxication did they not attain?
ब्रह्मसम्मदरसाकुला: सदसि केवलं ननृतुरङ्गना: ।
नाविदन्नपि च नीविकां किमपि कुन्तलीमपि च कञ्चुलीं
ज्योतिषामपि कदम्बकं दिवि विलम्बितं किमपरं ब्रुवे ॥८॥
gaanamiisha virataM krameNa kila vaadyamelanamupaarataM
brahma sammadarasaakulaaH sadasi kevalaM nanR^ituranganaaH |
naavidannapi cha niivikaaM kimapi kuntaliimapi cha ka~nchuliiM
jyOtiShaamapi kadambakaM divi vilambitaM kimaparaM bruve || 8
O Lord ! Gradually, the singing came to a stop, and the instruments too fell silent. Onlythe Gopikas, immersed in the Bliss Supreme (Brahmananda) continued to dance, onthe dance-floor, even unaware and unmindful of their dishevelled tresses and loosenedblouses. Why, the constellations of stars too stood still in the sky! What more need Isay ?
केलिसम्मृदितनिर्मलाङ्गनवघर्मलेशसुभगात्मनाम् ।
मन्मथासहनचेतसां पशुपयोषितां सुकृतचोदित-
स्तावदाकलितमूर्तिरादधिथ मारवीरपरमोत्सवान् ॥९॥
mOdasiimni bhuvanaM vilaapya vihR^itiM samaapya cha tatO vibhO
kelisammR^idita nirmalaanganavagharmalesha subhagaatmanaam |
manmathaasahana chetasaaM pashupayOShitaaM sukR^ita chOditaH
taavadaakalita muurti raadadhitha maaraviira paramOtsavaan || 9
Dasakam: 069 -- Slokam:1 0The world was engulfed in the highest bliss as the Raas Dance ended. After that ,Oh Lord you blessed the entire world with a great joyous state, And also stopped the love sports and those beautiful Gopis ,Who were more pretty due to their body being covered with sweat ,Due to the great effort involved in the dance sport of Rasa Kreeda,And whose mind was not able to tolerate their demands of passion, Thou assumed as many forms as they were in number and performed an amorously great festivity.
स्वैरमीश ननु सूरजापयसि चारुनाम विहृतिं व्यधा: ।
काननेऽपि च विसारिशीतलकिशोरमारुतमनोहरे
सूनसौरभमये विलेसिथ विलासिनीशतविमोहनम् ॥१०॥
kelibheda parilOlitaabhi-ratilaalitaabhi rabalaalibhiH
svairamiishananu suurajaapayasi chaaru naama vihR^itiM vyadhaaH |
kaanane(a)pi cha visaarishiitala kishOra maaruta manOhare
suunasaurabha maye vilesitha vilaasinii shata vimOhanam || 10
O Lord! The women were exhausted by the varied sports and were fondly caressed. Thou performed sports with them at will in the waters of Yamunaa.Thou also went around in the forests where a cool gentle breeze was blowing filled with the fragrance of flowers, which dazed the large number of women with estatic joy
कामिनीरिति हि यामिनीषु खलु कामनीयकनिधे भवान्
पूर्णसम्मदरसार्णवं कमपि योगिगम्यमनुभावयन् ।
ब्रह्मशङ्करमुखानपीह पशुपाङ्गनासु बहुमानयन्
भक्तलोकगमनीयरूप कमनीय कृष्ण परिपाहि माम् ॥११॥
kaaminiiriti hi yaaminiiShu khalu kaamaniiyaka nidhe bhavaan
puurNasammada rasaarNavaM kamapi yOgigamyamanubhaavayan |
brahmashankara mukhaanapiiha pashupaanganaasu bahumaanayan
bhaktalOka gamaniiyaruupa kamaniiya kR^iShNa paripaahi maam ||11
O treasure-house of Beauty ! Thou didst, during those nights of Rasa Leela, thusbestow on those maidens the ecstatic experience of Infinite Bliss, which is attainableonly by Yogis, and also inculcate esteem for these mere cowherd women, in the mindsof Brahma, Sankara and other Gods. O Guruvayoorappa! O Krishna ! protect me.
Amazing meaning! Thank you for translation :)
ReplyDeleteVery useful. Amazing meaning. Thank u for translation
ReplyDeleteThanks you very much for great translation. I am referring when ever I am reading Narayaneeyam.
ReplyDeleteThanks you very much for great translation. I am referring when ever I am reading Narayaneeyam.
ReplyDeleteVery divine