Monday, November 28, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam-70 SALVATION OF SUDARSHANA

In this manner, as Krishna were entertaining the Gopikaas and they were immersed in bliss, . Nanda had taken a vow that when Krishna became twelve years of age, he would offer a special worship to the family goddess, Ambika. Along with neighbours and friends, Nandagopa  went to the temple of the goddess with gifts of milk, curd, butter ,milk-sweets. Thou went along with them to the temple which was in the forest named Ambikaa. 

After the divine festival had been performed, they all slept happily in the night. Then a fierce snake swallowed Nanda Gopa. When the snake did not loosen its hold even after being severely beaten with burning logs of wood, the Gopas appealed to Krishna for help. Krishna rushed to his father's rescue. He touched the back of the snake with his foot. At once, the ugly python changed into a handsome and shining vidyadhara, who bowed low before Krishna with folded hands.

Krishna asked him who he was. He replied, "My name is Sudarshana. I am a celestial magician. I had become very proud of my skill and beauty. One day I had gone to the forest in my chariot. There the Rishi Angira was sitting in deep meditation. I flew over himin my chariot a hundred times. Aroused from his meditation he cursed me intobeing a python, saying that I would be released from it by the grace of Krishna. That is why I came and seized Nanda Gopa’s foot. Please forgive me." With deep prostration, he mounted his chariot and sped away to Swaragaloka.

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam:1

इति त्वयि रसाकुलं रमितवल्लभे वल्लवा:
कदापि पुरमम्बिकामितुरम्बिकाकानने ।
समेत्य भवता समं निशि निषेव्य दिव्योत्सवं
सुखं सुषुपुरग्रसीद्व्रजपमुग्रनागस्तदा ॥१॥

iti tvayi rasaakulaM ramitavallabhe vallavaaH
kadaa(a)pi puramambikaakamitu rambikaakaanane |
sametya bhavataasamaM nishi niShevya divyOtsavaM
sukhaM suShupuragrasiid vrajapamugra naagastadaa || 1

In this manner, as Thou were entertaining the Gopikaas and they were immersed in bliss, the Gopas went to the temple of Lord Shiva, Ambikaa's (Paarvati's) husband. Thou went along with them to the temple which was in the forest named Ambikaa. After the divine festival had been performed, they all slept happily in the night. Then a fierce snake swallowed Nanda Gopa.

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam: 2

समुन्मुखमथोल्मुकैरभिहतेऽपि तस्मिन् बला-
दमुञ्चति भवत्पदे न्यपति पाहि पाहीति तै: ।
तदा खलु पदा भवान् समुपगम्य पस्पर्श तं
बभौ स च निजां तनुं समुपसाद्य वैद्यधरीम् ॥२॥

samunmukha mathOlmukairabhihate(a)pi tasmin balaat
amu~nchati bhavatpade nyapati paahi paahiiti taiH |
tadaa khalu padaa bhavaan samupagamya pasparsha taM
babhau sa cha nijaaM tanuM samupasaadya vaidyaadhariim || 2

When the snake did not loosen its hold even after being severely beaten with burninglogs of wood, the Gopas appealed to Thee for help. As Thou approached the snake,which was all the time looking towards Thee, and placed Thy foot on it, immediately, it the snake regained its original form of a Vidyadhara and glistened.

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam:3

सुदर्शनधर प्रभो ननु सुदर्शनाख्योऽस्म्यहं
मुनीन् क्वचिदपाहसं त इह मां व्यधुर्वाहसम् ।
भवत्पदसमर्पणादमलतां गतोऽस्मीत्यसौ
स्तुवन् निजपदं ययौ व्रजपदं च गोपा मुदा ॥३

sudarshanadhara prabhO nanu sudarshanaakhyO(a)smyahaM
muniin kvachidapaahasaM ta iha maaM vyadhurvaahasam |
bhavatpada samarpaNaat amalataaM gatO(a)smiityasau
stuvannijapadaM yayau vrajapadaM cha gOpaa mudaa || 3

Praising Thee, saying: "O Wielder of the Sudarshana,! I am Sudarshana,by name. and I got changed to this form of a python through the curse of sage for ridiculing them, they cursed me to remain here as a python. I have reached purification by the touch of Thy feet.' Thus praising Thee, he went back to his abode, while the Gopas also happily returned to Vraja.

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam:4

कदापि खलु सीरिणा विहरति त्वयि स्त्रीजनै-
र्जहार धनदानुग: स किल शङ्खचूडोऽबला: ।
अतिद्रुतमनुद्रुतस्तमथ मुक्तनारीजनं
रुरोजिथ शिरोमणिं हलभृते च तस्याददा: ॥४॥

kadaa(a)pi khalu siiriNaa viharati tvayi striijanaiH
jahaara dhanadaanugaH sa kila shankhachuuDO(a)balaaH |
atidrutamanudrutastvamatha muktanaariijanaM
rurOjitha shirOmaNiM halabhR^ite cha tasyaadadaaH ||4

Once indeed in Balaraam's company and with the women folk Thou were strolling about. Shankhachooda, an emmissary of Kubera, kidnapped the women. Thou hastily persued him and liberated the women .Then taking away his crest jewel Shankhachooda, give it to Balarama.

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam:5

दिनेषु च सुहृज्जनैस्सह वनेषु लीलापरं
मनोभवमनोहरं रसितवेणुनादामृतम् ।
विचिन्त्य किमु नालपन् विरहतापिता गोपिका: ॥५॥

dineShu cha suhR^ijjanaiH saha vaneShu liilaaparaM
manObhavamanOharaM rasitaveNunaadaamR^itam |
bhavantamamariidR^ishaamamR^ita paaraNaadaayinaM
vichintya kimu naalapan virahataapitaa gOpikaaH || 5

During the day time when you were wandering all over the forest with friends,The Gopis who were feeling the pangs of separation from you , thought of you,As the one as pretty as God of Love himself , who played sweet notes on flute, Thy sight was like a drink of nectar to the eyes of the celestial damsels.

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam:6

भोजराजभृतकस्त्वथ कश्चित् कष्टदुष्टपथदृष्टिररिष्ट: ।
निष्ठुराकृतिरपष्ठुनिनादस्तिष्ठते स्म भवते वृषरूपी ॥६॥

bhOjaraajabhR^itakastvatha kashchitkaShTaduShTapatha dR^iShTirariShTaH |
niShThuraakR^itirapaShThu ninaadastiShThate sma bhavate vR^iSharuupii || 6

Then an Asura called Arishta , who was the servant of Kamsa,Who was very fierce looking and was bent upon causing pain,Appeared before thee in the form of a loudly bellowing bull.

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam:7

शाक्वरोऽथ जगतीधृतिहारी मूर्तिमेष बृहतीं प्रदधान: ।
पङ्क्तिमाशु परिघूर्ण्य पशूनां छन्दसां निधिमवाप भवन्तम् ॥७॥

shaakvarO(a)tha jagatiidhR^iti haarii muurtimeSha bR^ihatiiM pradadhaanaH |
panktimaashu paridhuurNya pashuunaaM ChandasaaM nidhimavaapa bhavantam || 7

Then this bull who was the plunderer of the peace of the world, he assumed a form which was huge and driving away the herds of cows, soon approached Thee who are repository of Vedas.

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam:8

तुङ्गशृङ्गमुखमाश्वभियन्तं संगृहय्य रभसादभियं तम् ।
भद्ररूपमपि दैत्यमभद्रं मर्दयन्नमदय: सुरलोकम् ॥८॥

tungashR^ingamukhamaashvabhiyantaM sangR^ihayya rabhasaadabhiyaM tam |
bhadraruupamapi daityamabhadraM mardayannamadayaH suralOkam || 8

Raising his horns and head he was rushing hastily towards Thee. Thou caught hold of him swiftly and fearlessly who was an inauspicious Asura, though he was in an auspicious form of a bull. Thou then crushed him to death and so delighted the gods.

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam:  9

चित्रमद्य भगवन् वृषघातात् सुस्थिराऽजनि वृषस्थितिरुर्व्याम् ।
वर्धते च वृषचेतसि भूयान् मोद इत्यभिनुतोऽसि सुरैस्त्वम् ॥९॥

chitra madya bhagavan vR^iShaghaataat susthiraa(a)janivR^iShasthitirurvyaam |
vardhate cha vR^iSha chetasi bhuuyaanmOda ityabhinutO(a)si suraistvam || 9

Oh Lord , by thus killing the bull(Vrusha),You established rule of Dharma in earth(vrusha),And in the heaven and the mind of Indra(Vrushaa) , and great joy prevails in the mind of Indra (Vrishaa) too. How wonderful, indeed!”. And you were addressed and prayed by the devas.

Dasakam: 070 -- Slokam: 10
औक्षकाणि परिधावत दूरं वीक्ष्यतामयमिहोक्षविभेदी ।
इत्थमात्तहसितै: सह गोपैर्गेहगस्त्वमव वातपुरेश ॥१०॥

aukshakaaNi paridhaavata duuraM viikshyataamaya mihOkshavibhedii |
itthamaattahasitaiH sahagOpaiH gehagastvamava vaatapuresha ||10

You then returned home along with the Gopa boys,Who were playfully warning, “Hey Bulls, Run far away. See here is this slayer of bulls.' Thou went home with the Gopas who were joking in this manner. O Lord of Guruvaayur! Save me.

1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful pictures and stories nicely narrated.
