Friday, October 14, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 67 -- Disappearance of the Lord Krishna

Disappearance of the Lord Krishna

When Sri Krishna, the most generous and the Almighty Lord thus honored the Gopis by sporting with them, they were elated with pride. They thought that they were superior to all women in the world. Perceiving their arrogance produced by their good fortune and also their great pride, Keshava (Krishna) suddenly disappeared from the spot to curb their pride and to bless them as well. Gopis Suffer Pangs of Separation and Search for Lord Krishna .
At the sudden disappearance of the Lord, the damsels of Vraja (Vrajanganas) became disconsolate. As they were not able to find Him, they were greatly distressed like the she-elephants which miss their leader. Their hearts began to burn in the fire of separation. Their hearts had been so much taken up by the gestures, piercing glances, delightful conversation, sports and frolics and movements of Sri Krishna, that they began to act like Him in a variety of ways. So they imitated His deeds and even called themselves Krishna. "In gait, smiles, looks, way of talking, movement and the like, they all behaved like Sri Krishna. They exhibited in themselves His deportment and graceful activities. They completely identified themselves with Krishna, each one saying to the other, 'I am Krishna.'
"They all sang loudly together His praise and searched for Krishna from forest to forest. They enquired of the trees, the whereabouts of the best of Purushas, who, like ether, is present inside the hearts of all beings and also in the outside world. They said, 'O Asvattha, O Plakshya, O Nyagrodha, have you seen the son of Nanda, who has just disappeared stealing our hearts with His lovely smiles and glances?
'O Kuruvaka, O Asoka, O Naga, O Punnaga, O Champaka! Did Balarama's younger brother, whose very smiles put down the pride of proud women and drive away the anger of offended damsels, go this way? 'O blessed Tulasi, so intensely attached to the feet of Govinda! Did you see thy most beloved Achyuta who always bears thee with the bees on His person? 'O Malati, O Mallika, O Jati, O Juthika! Have you seen Madhava who has gladdened you with the touch of His hands?
'O Chuta (mango tree), O Priyala, O Panasa, O Kovidara Asana, Jambu, Arka, O Asoka, Bilva Bakula, Amra, Rasala, Kadamba, Nipa, O you other trees! You who live for the sake of others and dwell near the banks of the holy Yamuna, tell us where Krishna is, point out to us the way which Krishna has followed. 'O Earth! What great austerity hast thou performed that thou shinest now with thy hair standing on end and enjoyest the joy of being touched by the feet of Keshava? Is thy joy caused by the touch of the Lord's feet at present, or was it caused by the tread of Trivikrama on Thy surface or was it caused by the embrace of the Lord when He had assumed the form of a boar?
'O deer, O friend! Did Achyuta pass this way with His dearest lady giving joy to your eyes with His graceful face and limbs? It seems He did so, because here blows the fragrance of the garland composed of the Kunda flower of Krishna, which has been smeared with the saffron on the bosom of His beloved lady when He had embraced her.

Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 01
 स्फुरत्परानन्दरसात्मकेन त्वया समासादितभोगलीला: ।
असीममानन्दभरं प्रपन्ना महान्तमापुर्मदमम्बुजाक्ष्य: ॥१॥

sphuratparaananda rasaatmakena tvayaa samaasaadita bhOgaliilaaH |
asiimamaanandabharaM prapannaa mahaanta maapurmadamambujaakshyaH || 1

The lotus eyed damsels were allowed to participate in the pleasant sport with Thee, the very pure embodied essence of the resplendent supreme bliss. They were immeresed in boundless bliss and so they fell victim to great pride and self importance

 Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 02
निलीयतेऽसौ मयि मय्यमायं रमापतिर्विश्वमनोभिराम: ।
इति स्म सर्वा: कलिताभिमाना निरीक्ष्य गोविन्द् तिरोहितोऽभू: ॥२॥

niliiyate(a)sau mayi mayyamaayaM ramaapatirvishva manO(a)bhiraamaH |
itisma sarvaaH kalitaabhimaanaaH niriikshya gOvinda tirOhitO(a)bhuuH || 2

Each one of them imagined that this Krishna, Lord of Lakshmi, who charms the wholeworld, has succumbed to my charms unabashedly and totally. O Govinda! Being aware of this Thou didst suddenly vanish from their sight.

Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 03
राधाभिधां तावदजातगर्वामतिप्रियां गोपवधूं मुरारे ।
भवानुपादाय गतो विदूरं तया सह स्वैरविहारकारी ॥३॥

raadhaabhidhaaM taavadajaatagarvaam atipriyaaM gOpavadhuuM muraare |
bhavaanupaadaaya gatO viduuraM tayaa saha svairavihaara kaarii || 3

O Slayer of Mura! One of the Gopikaas, Raadhaa by name, till then had reared no pride. Thou took her along with Thee far away and sported with her at will.

Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 04
तिरोहितेऽथ त्वयि जाततापा: समं समेता: कमलायताक्ष्य: ।
वने वने त्वां परिमार्गयन्त्यो विषादमापुर्भगवन्नपारम् ॥४॥

tirOhite(a)thatvayi jaatataapaaH samamsametaaH kamalaayataakshyaH |
vane vane tvaaM parimaargayantyO viShaadamaapuH bhagavannapaaram || 4
O Lord ! On Thy sudden disappearance, those lotus-eyed damsels joined together,And went on searching for you the various forests from place to place, And were drowned in great sorrow.

 Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 05
हा चूत हा चम्पक कर्णिकार हा मल्लिके मालति बालवल्य: ।
किं वीक्षितो नो हृदयैकचोर: इत्यादि तास्त्वत्प्रवणा विलेपु: ॥५॥

haachuuta haa champaka karNikaara haa mallike maalati baalavallyaH |
kiM viikshitO nO hR^idayaikachOra ityaadi taastvatpravaNaa vilepuH || 5
O mango, O champaka, O Karnikaar, O Mallika, O maalati, O tender creepers! we are in trouble, Did you see the one who has stolen our hearts?' Thus the totally devoted ones asked the fruit and flower trees and lamented.

Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 06 

निरीक्षितोऽयं सखि पङ्कजाक्ष: पुरो ममेत्याकुलमालपन्ती ।
त्वां भावनाचक्षुषि वीक्ष्य काचित्तापं सखीनां द्विगुणीचकार ॥६॥

niriikshitO(a)yaM sakhi pankajaakshaH purO mametyaakula maalapantii |
tvaaM bhaavanaa chakshuShi viikshya kaachittaapaM sakhiinaaMdviguNiichakaara || 6

O Friend! This lotus eyed Krishna, I see before me,' excitedly declared one of the Gopikas, seeing Thee with her imaginative vision. This only doubled the sufferings of her friends.

 Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 07
त्वदात्मिकास्ता यमुनातटान्ते तवानुचक्रु: किल चेष्टितानि ।
विचित्य भूयोऽपि तथैव मानात्त्वया विमुक्तां ददृशुश्च राधाम् ॥७॥

tvadaatmikaastaa yamunaataTaante tavaanuchakruH kila cheShTitaani |
vichitya bhuuyO(a)pi tathaivamaanaattvayaa vimuktaaM dadR^ishushcharaadhaam || 7

Those women who had completely identified,Themselves with you . played a mimicry of your sports,
In the shores of that river Yamuna, And when they were further searching for you, They saw Radha who was also separated from Thee because of her pride
Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 08
तत: समं ता विपिने समन्तात्तमोवतारावधि मार्गयन्त्य: ।
पुनर्विमिश्रा यमुनातटान्ते भृशं विलेपुश्च जगुर्गुणांस्ते ॥८॥

tataH samaM taa vipine samantaattamOvataaraavadhi maargayantyaH |
punarvimishraa yamunaa taTaante bhR^ishaM vilepushcha jagurguNaamste || 8

Together all of them went searching for Thee from end to end in the forest till it was dark. Again coming together on the banks of Yamunaa, And also started telling among themselves about Thy glories and excellences.

Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 09 

तथा व्यथासङ्कुलमानसानां व्रजाङ्गनानां करुणैकसिन्धो ।
जगत्त्रयीमोहनमोहनात्मा त्वं प्रादुरासीरयि मन्दहासी ॥९॥

tathaa vyathaa sankula maanasaanaaM vrajaanganaanaaM karuNaikasindhO |
jagat trayiimOhana mOhanaatmaa tvaM praaduraasiirayi mandahaasii || 9

O ocean of Mercy !Thou then appeared smiling softly in front of the this weeping and crying Gopis whose minds were overcome by grief and pain.

Dasakam: 067 -- Slokam: 10
सन्दिग्धसन्दर्शनमात्मकान्तं त्वां वीक्ष्य तन्व्य: सहसा तदानीम् ।
किं किं न चक्रु: प्रमदातिभारात् स त्वं गदात् पालय मारुतेश ॥१०॥

sandigdha sandarshanamaatmakaantaM tvaaM viikshya tanvyaH sahasaatadaaniim |
kiM kiM na chakruH pramadaatibhaaraat sa tvaM gadaatpaalaya maarutesha ||10

The beautiful women who were doubtful of seeing Thee, when they suddenly saw their own beloved in front, in what all ways did they not show their intensity of joy? That Thou O Lord of Guruvaayur! Save me from misery.

1 comment:

  1. நாராயனீயம் படிக்க நல்லாதான் இருக்கு. தமிழ்ல போட்டா இன்னும் முழுமையா புரியும்.
