Thursday, October 6, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam 66 -- Delighting the Gopikas

Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 01

उपयातानां सुदृशां कुसुमायुधबाणपातविवशानाम् ।
अभिवाञ्छितं विधातुं कृतमतिरपि ता जगाथ वाममिव ॥१॥
upayaataanaaM sudR^ishaaM kusumaayudha baaNapaata vivashaanaam |
abhivaanichChataM vidhaatuM kR^itamatirapitaa jagaatha vaamamiva || 1

Thou had decided to fulfill the desire of the beautiful women who had come to Thee. They were helpless as they were struck by the flower arrows of love God,. Yet Thou first spoke to them in an unfavorable manner.

Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 02

गगनगतं मुनिनिवहं श्रावयितुं जगिथ कुलवधूधर्मम् ।
धर्म्यं खलु ते वचनं कर्म तु नो निर्मलस्य विश्वास्यम् ॥२॥

gaganagataM muninivahaM shraavayituM jagitha kulavadhuu dharmam |
dharmyaM khalu te vachanaM karmatu nO nirmalasya vishvaasyam || 2

You talked to them about the ideal duties of a wife,To somehow satisfy the sages who have assembled in the sky, Thy words are to be followed for they are in accordance with the Dharma. But the actions of Thee who are ever pure, should not be practiced by others, because Thy actions do not always conform to the good and bad standards of the world.

Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 03

आकर्ण्य ते प्रतीपां वाणीमेणीदृश: परं दीना: ।
मा मा करुणासिन्धो परित्यजेत्यतिचिरं विलेपुस्ता: ॥३॥

aakarNya te pratiipaaM vaaNiimeNiidR^ishaH parandiinaaH |
maa maa karuNaasindhO parityajetyatichiraM vilepustaaH || 3

On hearing Thy unfavorable speech, those doe eyed women were very much grief striken. For long did they plead saying 'O Thou ocean of compassion, do not, O do not forsake us.'

Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 04

तासां रुदितैर्लपितै: करुणाकुलमानसो मुरारे त्वम् ।
ताभिस्समं प्रवृत्तो यमुनापुलिनेषु काममभिरन्तुम् ॥४॥
taasaaM ruditairlapitaiH karuNaakulamaanasO muraare tvam |
taabhiH samaM pravR^ittO yamunaapulineShu kaamamabhirantum || 4

O Thou! Slayer of Mura! Moved with pity by their weeping and pleading, Thou started engaging in amorous sports of passion, Along with them on the sandy stretches of river Yamuna

 Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 05
चन्द्रकरस्यन्दलसत्सुन्दरयमुनातटान्तवीथीषु ।
गोपीजनोत्तरीयैरापादितसंस्तरो न्यषीदस्त्वम् ॥५॥
chandrakarasyanda lasatsundara yamunaa taTaanta viithiiShu |
gOpii janOttariiyairaapaadita samstarO nyaShiidastvam || 5

The sand banks of Yamunaa was lit by beautifully flowing and shining moon light. There Thou sat down on the bed which was made by the Gopikaas by spreading out their upper garment.

Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 06सुमधुरनर्मालपनै: करसंग्रहणैश्च चुम्बनोल्लासै: ।
गाढालिङ्गनसङ्गैस्त्वमङ्गनालोकमाकुलीचकृषे ॥६॥

sumadhura narmaalapanaiH karasangrahaNaishcha chumbanOllaasaiH |
gaaDhaalingana sangaistvamanganaalOka maakulii chakR^iShe || 6

With sweet, playful conversation, linking of hands, amorous kisses and warmembraces, Thou didst make those maidens ecstatic.
Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 07

वासोहरणदिने यद्वासोहरणं प्रतिश्रुतं तासाम् ।
तदपि विभो रसविवशस्वान्तानां कान्त सुभ्रुवामदधा: ॥७॥

vaasOharaNadine yadvaasO haraNaM pratishrutaM taasaam |
vibhO rasavivashasvaantaanaaM kaantasubhruvaamadadaaH || 7

Oh Lord , Oh lover of those maidens whose mind O Lord! Thou had promised to them the stealing of clothes Was steeped in sweet love .Thou fulfilled the promises made to them,By erasing from their mind the difference between. "I" and "Mine". Whose minds were overcome with bliss.

Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 08

कन्दलितघर्मलेशं कुन्दमृदुस्मेरवक्त्रपाथोजम् ।
नन्दसुत त्वां त्रिजगत्सुन्दरमुपगूह्य नन्दिता बाला: ॥८॥
kandalita gharmaleshaM kunda mR^idusmera vaktrapaathOjam |
nandasuta tvaaM trijagat sundaramupaguuhya nanditaa baalaaH || 8

 O Son of Nanda ! Embracing Thee, the most beautiful in all the three worlds, with alotus-like face beaming with a soft, jasmine-like smile, and drops of sweat glistening onThy body, those damsels were transported to heights of ecstasy.

Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 09

विरहेष्वङ्गारमय: शृङ्गारमयश्च सङ्गमे हि त्वम्
नितरामङ्गारमयस्तत्र पुनस्सङ्गमेऽपि चित्रमिदम् ॥९॥

viraheShvangaaramayaH shR^ingaaramayashcha sangame hi tvam |
nitaraamangaaramayastatra punaH sangame(a)pi chitramidam || 9

In seperation with Thee, Thou are unbearable as a burning charcoal. In union indeed Thou are an absolute embodiment of love. O Dear One! Wonderful it indeed is that in union also, here again the women were delighted.

Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 10

 राधातुङ्गपयोधरसाधुपरीरम्भलोलुपात्मानम् ।
आराधये भवन्तं पवनपुराधीश शमय सकलगदान् ॥१०॥
raadhaa tunga payOdhara saadhu pariirambha lOlupaatmaanam |
aaraadhaye bhavantaM pavana puraadhiisha shamaya sakalagadaan ||10

O Lord of Guruvaayur! I worship Thee who are eager in mind to nicely embrace the bulging breasts of Raadhaa. I pray to Thee to eradicate all the ailments

1 comment:

  1. ரொம்ப நாள் கழிச்சு பதிவு போட்டிருக்கீங்க. நாராயணீயம் எப்ப படிச்சாலுமே சுகமான அனுபவம்தான்.
