Friday, August 6, 2010

Narayaneeyam Dasakam-38 The Krishna Incarnation !

The Krishna Incarnation

Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam: 01
आनन्दरूप भगवन्नयि तेऽवतारे
प्राप्ते प्रदीप्तभवदङ्गनिरीयमाणै: ।
कान्तिव्रजैरिव घनाघनमण्डलैर्द्या-
मावृण्वती विरुरुचे किल वर्षवेला ॥१॥

aananda ruupa bhagavannayi te(a)vataare
praapte pradiipta bhavadanganiriiyamaaNaiH |
kaantivrajairiva ghanaaghanamaNDalairdyaamaavR^
iNvatii viruruche kila varShavelaa ||1

Oh Lord ! When Thy hour of incarnation approached, it was the rainyseason, with dark clouds covering the sky. The rays of light emanating from Thy divine,dark blue form, seemed to light up the entire atmosphere.
Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam: 02
आशासु शीतलतरासु पयोदतोयै-
राशासिताप्तिविवशेषु च सज्जनेषु ।
नैशाकरोदयविधौ निशि मध्यमायां
क्लेशापहस्त्रिजगतां त्वमिहाविरासी: ॥२॥
aashaasu shiitalataraasu payOda tOyairaashaasitaapti
vivasheShu cha sajjaneShu |
naishaakarOdayavidhau nishi madhyamaayaaM
kleshaapahasitrajagataaM tvamihaaviraasiiH ||2

Oh Lord !When all the directions had been well cooled by the rain waters, when the virtuous people were overwhelmed with the joy of the impending fulfillment of their desires, and the moon was rising at midnight, Thou the remover of all sorrows, appeared here on this earth, embodied as Krishna.

Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam: 03
बाल्यस्पृशाऽपि वपुषा दधुषा विभूती-
रुद्यत्किरीटकटकाङ्गदहारभासा ।
मेघासितेन परिलेसिथ सूतिगेहे ॥३॥
baalyaspR^ishaa(a)pi vapuShaa dadhuShaa vibhuutii
rudyatkiriiTa kaTakaangada haarabhaasaa |
shankhaarivaarijagadaa paribhaasitena
meghaasitena parilesitha suutigehe ||3

Thou shone in the birth chamber, though in the from of a child, with Thy body adorned with the divine majesties, shining crown, bracelets, shoulder ornaments, beautiful necklace, conch, discus, lotus, mace, beautiful as the hue of the rain bearing clouds
Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam: 04
मन्दाक्षलक्षितकटाक्षविमोक्षभेदै: ।
तन्मन्दिरस्य खलकंसकृतामलक्ष्मी-
मुन्मार्जयन्निव विरेजिथ वासुदेव ॥४॥

vakshaHsthalii sukhaniliina vilaasi lakshmiimandaaksha
lakshita kaTaaksha vimOksha bhedaiH |
tanmandirasya khala kamsakR^itaamalakshmiimunmaarjayanniva
virejitha vaasudeva ||4
O Vaasudeva! Thou did shine in that prison house with the glorious Lakshmi Devi comfortably resting on Thy bosom. The side glances of varied graces, with shyful eyes, cast by her, dispersed away the inauspiciousness of the prison caused by the wicked Kansa.

Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam: 05
शौरिस्तु धीरमुनिमण्डलचेतसोऽपि
दूरस्थितं वपुरुदीक्ष्य निजेक्षणाभ्याम् ॥
स्तुष्टाव दृष्टिमकरन्दरसं भवन्तम् ॥५॥
shauristu dhiiramunimaNDala chetasO(a)pi
duurasthitaM vapurudiikshya nijekshaNaabhyaam |
aanandabaaShpa pulakOdgamagadgadaardrastuShTaava
dR^iShTimakarandarasaM bhavantam.5

Thy divine form which is unapproachable to the minds of many aspiring sages, when Vasudeva saw with his own eyes, he had horripilation all over his body, his eyes were full of tears of joy and with a choked and melting voice he sang praised Thee, whose sight is like nectar honey for the bee like eyes.
Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam: 06
देव प्रसीद परपूरुष तापवल्ली-
निर्लूनदात्रसमनेत्रकलाविलासिन् ।
खेदानपाकुरु कृपागुरुभि: कटाक्षै-
रित्यादि तेन मुदितेन चिरं नुतोऽभू: ॥६॥
deva prasiida parapuuruSha taapa valliinirluunadaatra
samanetra kalaavilaasin |
khedaanapaakuru kR^ipaagurubhiH kaTaakshairityaadi
tena muditena chiraM nutO(a)bhuuH ||6

Thou were praised with prayers for a long time by Vasudeva who was filled with joy, saying that 'O Lord! cut down the creeper of all my sorrows with Thy sharp sword like playful eyes. O Supreme Being! Remove all my sufferings with Thy side glances laden with compassion.'
Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam: 07
मात्रा च नेत्रसलिलास्तृतगात्रवल्या
स्तोत्रैरभिष्टुतगुण: करुणालयस्त्वम् ।
प्राचीनजन्मयुगलं प्रतिबोध्य ताभ्यां
मातुर्गिरा दधिथ मानुषबालवेषम् ॥७॥
maatraa cha netra salilaastR^ita gaatravalyaa
stOtrairabhiShTuta guNaH karuNaalayastvam |
praachiinajanmayugalaM pratibOdhya taabhyaaM
maaturgiraa dadhitha maanuShabaalaveSham ||7

And by Thy mother Devaki's tears whose delicate creeper like body was covered and made wet , Thy excellences were praised by hymns. Thou, the abode of mercy, then explained to them,Thy parents, about their two previous births. Then at the request of Thy mother Devaki, Thou assumed the form of a human infant child.
Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam: 08
त्वत्प्रेरितस्तदनु नन्दतनूजया ते
व्यत्यासमारचयितुं स हि शूरसूनु: ।
त्वां हस्तयोरधृत चित्तविधार्यमार्यै-
रम्भोरुहस्थकलहंसकिशोररम्यम् ॥८॥

tvatpreritastadanu nanda tanuujayaa te
vyatyaasamaarachayituM sa hi shuurasuunuH |
tvaaM hastayOradhR^ita chittavidhaaryamaaryairambhOruhasthakalahamsa
kishOra ramyam ||8

Then impelled by Thee, Vasudeva, got ready to exchange Thee with the daughter ofNanda. Thou, who art conceivable only in the minds of revered sages, and Thou, who art pleasing like the young swan seated in a lotus, wert lifted by Vasudeva, in his hands.
Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam: 09
जाता तदा पशुपसद्मनि योगनिद्रा ।
निद्राविमुद्रितमथाकृत पौरलोकम् ।
त्वत्प्रेरणात् किमिव चित्रमचेतनैर्यद्-
द्वारै: स्वयं व्यघटि सङ्घटितै: सुगाढम् ॥९॥
jaataa tadaa pashupasadmani yOganidraa
nidraavimudritamathaakR^ita pauralOkam |
tvatpreraNaatkimiva chitramachetanairyaddvaaraiH
svayaM vyaghaTi sanghaTitaissugaaDham || 9

At that time, Thy Maya, Yoganidra, who had been born in the cowherd, Nanda's house,put all the city dwellers to sleep, through her yogic powers, activated by Thee. But whatis more amazing is that the firmly locked inanimate (prison) doors opened by themselves
Dasakam: 038 -- Shlokam:10
शेषेण भूरिफणवारितवारिणाऽथ
स्वैरं प्रदर्शितपथो मणिदीपितेन ।
त्वां धारयन् स खलु धन्यतम: प्रतस्थे
सोऽयं त्वमीश मम नाशय रोगवेगान् ॥१०॥

sheSheNa bhuuriphaNavaarita vaariNaa(a)tha
svairaM pradarshitapathO maNidiipitena |
tvaaM dhaarayan sa khalu dhanyatamaH pratasthe
sO(a)yaM tvamiisha mama naashaya rOgavegaan || 

Then the most blessed, Vasudeva, set out, with his path lighted by the shining crest jewels of the serpentAdi Sesha, who with his hoods held above Vasudeva's head,shielded him from the rain. Oh Lord of such great deeds ! May Thou destroy the severity of my ailments


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

    It is very soothing to read about Lord Krishna! Thanks

  2. Om namo Bhagavathe Vaasudevaya
    Om Sreekrishna Paramathmane namah

  3. Om namo Bhagavathe Vaasudevaya
    Om Sreekrishna Paramathmane namah
