Sunday, July 11, 2010

Narayaneeyam Dasakam-37 Krishna Incarnation: Prelude

Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 01

सान्द्रानन्दतनो हरे ननु पुरा दैवासुरे सङ्गरे
त्वत्कृत्ता अपि कर्मशेषवशतो ये ते न याता गतिम् ।
तेषां भूतलजन्मनां दितिभुवां भारेण दूरार्दिता
भूमि: प्राप विरिञ्चमाश्रितपदं देवै: पुरैवागतै: ॥१॥
saandraanandatanO hare nanu puraa daivaasure sangare
tvatkR^ittaa api karmasheSha vashatO ye te na yaataa gatim |
teShaaM bhuutalajanmanaaM ditibhuvaaM bhaareNa duuraarditaa
bhuumiH praapa viri~nchamaashritapadaM devaiH puraivaagataiH ||1
O Lord Hari! Condensed bliss incarnate! Long ago, in the battle between the Devas and Asuras, some of the Asuras, who did notattain salvation, owing to their remaining merits and demerits, were born again on earthas demons and the earth became terribly afflicted by their burden; so Goddess Earthtook refuge at Brahma's feet, where the gods had already assembled.

Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 02
हा हा दुर्जनभूरिभारमथितां पाथोनिधौ पातुका-
मेतां पालय हन्त मे विवशतां सम्पृच्छ देवानिमान् ।
इत्यादिप्रचुरप्रलापविवशामालोक्य धाता महीं
देवानां वदनानि वीक्ष्य परितो दध्यौ भवन्तं हरे ॥२॥
haa haa durjana bhuuribhaaramathitaaM paathO nidhau paatukaaM
etaaM paalaya hanta me vivashataaM sampR^ichCha devaanimaan |
ityaadi prachura pralaapa vivashaamaalOkya dhaataa mahiiM
devaanaaM vadanaani viikshya paritO dadhyau bhavantaM hare ||2
Oh Hari ! Goddess Earth Crushed by the immense weight of the evil minded people and slowly drowning her in the ocean of sorrow,She called the gods as witnesses to her pathetic state; O Lord! Seeing the Earth in such a helpless state and also looking at the faces of the Devas, who had assembled there, Brahmaa meditated on Thee.

Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 03
ऊचे चाम्बुजभूरमूनयि सुरा: सत्यं धरित्र्या वचो
नन्वस्या भवतां च रक्षणविधौ दक्षो हि लक्ष्मीपति: ।
सर्वे शर्वपुरस्सरा वयमितो गत्वा पयोवारिधिं
नत्वा तं स्तुमहे जवादिति ययु: साकं तवाकेतनम् ॥३॥
uuche chaambuja bhuuramuunayi suraaH satyaM dharitryaa vachO
nanvasyaa bhavataaM cha rakshaNavidhau dakshO hi lakshmiipatiH |
sarve sharvapurassaraa vayamitO gatvaa payO vaaridhiM
natvaa taM stumahe javaaditi yayussaakaM tavaaketanam ||3
Presently, the lotus born Brahmaa agreeing with Goddess Earth, about her sorrowful condition, told to the Devas that what the Mother Earth was saying was indeed true. In the matter of the protection of the Devas and the Earth, Maha Vishnu alone was capable. So all of them and Brahmaa, led by Shiva would quickly go from there to the Milky Ocean to worship Thee

Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 04
ते मुग्धानिलशालिदुग्धजलधेस्तीरं गता: सङ्गता
यावत्त्वत्पदचिन्तनैकमनसस्तावत् स पाथोजभू: ।
त्वद्वाचं हृदये निशम्य सकलानानन्दयन्नूचिवा-
नाख्यात: परमात्मना स्वयमहं वाक्यं तदाकर्ण्यताम् ॥४॥
te mugdhaanilashaali dugdhajaladhestiiraM gataaH sangataaH
yaavattvatpadachintanaika manasastaavatsa paathOjabhuuH |
tvadvaachaM hR^idaye nishamya sakalaan aanandayannuuchivaan
aakhyaataH paramaatmanaa svayamahaM vaakyaM tadaakarNyataam ||4
On the shores of the milky ocean, fanned by the gentle breeze, they engaged in single minded meditation of Thy feet. Thou revealed Thy wish to Brahma, from within his heart and he told them that he had been spoken to by the Supreme Lord Himself, and asked them to listen to those words.

Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 05
जाने दीनदशामहं दिविषदां भूमेश्च भीमैर्नृपै-
स्तत्क्षेपाय भवामि यादवकुले सोऽहं समग्रात्मना ।
देवा वृष्णिकुले भवन्तु कलया देवाङ्गनाश्चावनौ
मत्सेवार्थमिति त्वदीयवचनं पाथोजभूरूचिवान् ॥५॥
jaane diinadashaamahaM diviShadaaM bhuumeshcha bhiimairnR^ipaistatkshepaayabhavaami
yaadavakule sO(a)haM samagraatmanaa |
devaa vR^iShNikule bhavantu kalayaa devaanganaashchaavanau
matsevaarthamiti tvadiiya vachanaM paathOjabhuuruuchivaan ||5
I know the sad state of the gods and of the Earth caused by the cruel kings. For its removal I shall be born in the Yaadava clan with all My powers (as a complete incarnation). The gods may be born in the Vrishni clan as part incarnation, and the wives of the Devas also will be born on the Earth to serve me." Thus Thy words Brahmaa told to the Devas and the Earth

Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 06
श्रुत्वा कर्णरसायनं तव वच: सर्वेषु निर्वापित-
स्वान्तेष्वीश गतेषु तावककृपापीयूषतृप्तात्मसु ।
विख्याते मधुरापुरे किल भवत्सान्निध्यपुण्योत्तरे
धन्यां देवकनन्दनामुदवहद्राजा स शूरात्मज: ॥६॥
shrutvaa karNarasaayanaM tava vachassarveShu nirvaapitasvaanteShviisha
gateShu taavakakR^ipaa piiyuuShatR^iptaatmasu |
vikhyaate madhuraapurekila bhavatsaannidhya puNyOttare
dhanyaaM devakanandanaamudavahadraajaa sa shuuraatmajaH ||6
Oh Lord ! Thy speech was like nectar to their ears and they left with a peaceful mind,contented by Thy flow of kindness. The famous city of Mathura, purified by Thy divine presence, was ruled by King Surasena. His son Vasudeva, married the blessed daughter of Devaka.

Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 07
उद्वाहावसितौ तदीयसहज: कंसोऽथ सम्मानय-
न्नेतौ सूततया गत: पथि रथे व्योमोत्थया त्वद्गिरा ।
अस्यास्त्वामतिदुष्टमष्टमसुतो हन्तेति हन्तेरित:
सन्त्रासात् स तु हन्तुमन्तिकगतां तन्वीं कृपाणीमधात् ॥७॥
udvaahaavasitautadiiya sahajaH kamsO(a)tha sammaanayan
etau suutatayaa gataH pathi rathe vyOmOtthayaa tvadgiraa |
asyaastvaamatiduShTamaShTamasutO hanteti hanteritaH
santraasaatsa tu hantumantikagataaM tanviiM kR^ipaaNiimadhaat ||7
When the marriage ceremony was over Devaki's brother Kansa, in wishing to honour the couple ;he became their charioteer and took to the road in the chariot. Rising from the sky Thy voice said, "You who are very wicked will be killed by her eighth son." Alas! Thus spoken, out of great fear, he then drew his sword to kill the Devaki, who was sitting nearby.

Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 08
गृह्णानश्चिकुरेषु तां खलमति: शौरेश्चिरं सान्त्वनै-
र्नो मुञ्चन् पुनरात्मजार्पणगिरा प्रीतोऽथ यातो गृहान् ।
आद्यं त्वत्सहजं तथाऽर्पितमपि स्नेहेन नाहन्नसौ
दुष्टानामपि देव पुष्टकरुणा दृष्टा हि धीरेकदा ॥८॥
gR^ihNaanashchikureShu taaM khalamatiH shaureshchiraM saantvanairnO
mu~nchan punaraatmajaarpaNagiraa priitO(a)tha yaatO gR^ihaan |
aadyaM tvatsahajaM tathaarpitamapi snehena naahannasau
duShTaanaamapi deva puShTakaruNaa dR^iShTaa hi dhiirekadaa ||8
The evil minded Kansa who had caught hold of Devaki by her hair did not let her go even after Vasudeva pleaded with him for a long time; finally he released her only after Vasudeva promised to give the children who would be born to him; , he was satisfied and went home. . As promised by Vasudeva, Thy first brother was duly given to him but Kamsa did not kill the child out of love. Oh Lord ! It is really strange that even the cruel-hearted are sometimes overcome with mercy.

Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 09
तावत्त्वन्मनसैव नारदमुनि: प्रोचे स भोजेश्वरं
यूयं नन्वसुरा: सुराश्च यदवो जानासि किं न प्रभो ।
मायावी स हरिर्भवद्वधकृते भावी सुरप्रार्थना-
दित्याकर्ण्य यदूनदूधुनदसौ शौरेश्च सूनूनहन् ॥९॥
taavattvanmanasaiva naaradamuniH prOche sa bhOjeshvaraM
yuuyaM nanvasuraaH suraashcha yadavO jaanaasi kiM na prabhO |
maayaavii sa harirbhavadvadhakR^itebhaavii surapraarthanaadityaakarNya
yaduunaduudhunadasau shaureshcha suunuunahan ||9
Then, sage Narada, in keeping with Thy wishes, went to the lord of Bhoja and told to the king of Bhoja, Kansa, that did he not know that his clan was of Asuras, whereas, the Yaadavas were Devas. Hari, the master of the Maayaa, will be born to kill him, as result of the prayers of the Devas. Hearing this, Kansa drove out the Yadavaas and killed the sons of Vasudeva
Dasakam: 037 -- Shlokam: 10
प्राप्ते सप्तमगर्भतामहिपतौ त्वत्प्रेरणान्मायया
नीते माधव रोहिणीं त्वमपि भो:सच्चित्सुखैकात्मक: ।
देवक्या जठरं विवेशिथ विभो संस्तूयमान: सुरै:
स त्वं कृष्ण विधूय रोगपटलीं भक्तिं परां देहि मे ॥१०॥
praapte saptamagarbhataamahipatau tvatpreraNaanmaayayaa
niite maadhava rOhiNiiM tvamapi bhOH sachchitsukhaikaatmakaH |
devakyaa jaTharaM viveshitha vibhO samstuuyamaanaH suraiH
sa tvaM kR^iShNa vidhuuya rOgapaTaliiM bhaktiM paraaM dehi me ||10
At the seventh pregnancy when the king of serpants, Aadishesha entered the womb of Devaki, by Thy prompting, the foetus was transferred to the womb of Rohini by Yoga Maaya. O Maadhava, Thou also who are Existence Conciousness and Bliss alone, entered in Devaki's womb, being well praised by the Devas. O Lord! That Thou O Krishna! May Thou of such glory,remove my numerous maladies and grant me supreme devotion.

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