Friday, February 5, 2010

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 15 --Lord Kapila's Teachings

After the Lord's re-instatement of the Earthin its orbit during His Varaaha incarnation,the off-spring of Brahma, Swayambhuva Manu’s Incessant devotion to the Lord and continuous effort heruled over the people successfully duringthe entire period of his "Manvantara"(71 mahayugas).This was possible to him only because of his Incessant devotion to the Lord and continuous effort  to remember the Lord by recounting His glories.   
During this period, Prajapati Kardama whowas born from Brahma's own shadow,worshipped Lord Narayana for ten thousand years.He was eager to take up the work of 'creation' of the species, as instructed by Lord Brahma.Lord Narayana appeared before Kardama in theform contemplated upon by him,seated on the divine Garuda.The Lord blessed him to marryDEVAHUTI, daughter of Manu.He also blessed him to beget nine daughters.The Lord Himself would thereafter,be born to him as a son as the tenth childunder the name of KAPILA.Thereafter, the Lord promised "Moksha" to Kardama.      
Being prompted by the Lord and advised by Narada,Swayambhuva Manu came to Kardama and got his daughter,Devahuti married to him. With the 'Yogic' power obtained by his devotion to the Lord, Kardama revelled with his love-lorn Devahuti in an aerial chariot (Vimana),assuming nine divine forms.Thereafter he got nine daughters and was awaiting the arrival of the Lord in the form of Kapila.instructed by her husband, Devahuti engaged herself in devout worship of Narayana.In due course, the Lord Himself was bornas Kapila to teach mankind the means for attainment of salvation. 
Kardama then left for the forest for doing penance as a means for his salvation.Kapila then became a great philosopher and taught the essence of his teachings to his own mother, Devahuti. 

Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 01
मतिरिह गुणसक्ता बन्धकृत्तेष्वसक्ता
त्वमृतकृदुपरुन्धे भक्तियोगस्तु सक्तिम् ।
महदनुगमलभ्या भक्तिरेवात्र साध्या
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥१॥
matiriha guNasaktaa bandhakR^itteShvasaktaa
tvamR^itakR^iduparundhe bhaktiyOgastu saktim |
mahadanugamalabhyaa bhaktirevaatra saadhyaa
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadiiH ||

Thou in Thy incarnation as Kapila, advised Devahoothi thus: The human mind gets attracted to material objects Mind becomes the cause of bondagewhen it is attached to sense objects.When it is detached from them, it becomes the cause for liberation. Hence we should follow in the footsteps of great souls and have only the goal ofdevotion in our heart
Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 02प्रकृतिमहदहङ्काराश्च मात्राश्च भूता-
न्यपि हृदपि दशाक्षी पूरुष: पञ्चविंश: ।
इति विदितविभागो मुच्यतेऽसौ प्रकृत्या
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥२॥
prakR^itimahadahankaaraashcha maatraashcha bhuutaanyapi
hR^idapi dashaakshii puuruShaH pa~nchavimshaH |
iti viditavibhaagO muchyate(a)sau prakR^ityaa
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadiiH ||

There are twenty-four basic principles governing human existence in this world. Theyare Prakriti, (Primordial Nature), Mahat-tatva (the great Spirit),Ahankaara (I sense), the five Tanmaatraas (sound, smell, touch, form, taste), the five Bhootaas (subtle elements- space,air,fire, water, earth), Antahkarana (mind and its various modes), the ten Indriyaas (Organs, five of knowledge-hearing, seeing, touch, taste smell, and five of action-speech,hands,legs,anus,genitals), and Purush (Atman), these are the twentyfive categories. When the Purusha realizes the distinctiveness of these categories, he is liberated from the bondage of Pakriti.Thus Thou incarnate as Kapila, instructed Devahooti

Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 03
प्रकृतिगतगुणौघैर्नाज्यते पूरुषोऽयं
यदि तु सजति तस्यां तत् गुणास्तं भजेरन् ।
मदनुभजनतत्त्वालोचनै: साऽप्यपेयात्
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥३॥
prakR^itigataguNaughairnaajyate puuruShO(a)yaM
yadi tu sajati tasyaaM tadguNaastaM bhajeran |
madanubhajanatattvaalOchanaiH saa(a)pyapeyaat
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadiiH ||

This Purusha or soul is far above the numerous qualities relating to Prakriti or matter. Ifthe Purusha gets attached to Prakriti, her qualities influence him. Prakriti will leave its hold on Purusha if he constantly worships Me and enquires into My real nature. Thou incarnate as Kapila thus instructed Devahooti.

Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 04
गरुडसमधिरूढं दिव्यभूषायुधाङ्कम् ।
रुचितुलिततमालं शीलयेतानुवेलं
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥४॥
garuDasamadhiruuDhaM divyabhuuShaayudhaankam |
ruchitulitatamaalaM shiilayetaanuvelaM
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadiiH ||

Having purified the mind by control of the senses and by meditative postures, one should constantly meditate on My form, adorned with divine ornaments and weapons, seated on Garuda and blue and lustruous like the Tamaala tree. Thus ,Thou instructed Devahooti incarnate as Kapila.
Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 05
मम गुणगणलीलाकर्णनै: कीर्तनाद्यै-
र्मयि सुरसरिदोघप्रख्यचित्तानुवृत्ति: ।
भवति परमभक्ति: सा हि मृत्योर्विजेत्री
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥५॥
mama guNagaNaliilaakarNanaiH kiirtanaadyairmayi
surasaridOghaprakhyachittaanuvR^ittiH |
bhavati paramabhaktiH saa hi mR^ityOrvijetrii
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadiiH ||

Listening to the Lord's virtuous attributes and stories of His sportive phenomena,chanting His names repeatedly and singing His glories will inspire intense devotionwhich flows unhindered like the heavenly river Ganges. Such a great devotion ispowerful enough to conquer Death. Thus Thou advised Devahoothi in Thy incarnationas Kapila.
Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 06
अहह बहुलहिंसासञ्चितार्थै: कुटुम्बं
प्रतिदिनमनुपुष्णन् स्त्रीजितो बाललाली ।
विशति हि गृहसक्तो यातनां मय्यभक्त:
कपिलतनुरितित्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥६॥

ahaha bahulahimsaasa~nchitaarthaiH kuTumbaM
pratidinamanupuShNan striijitO baalalaalii |
vishati hi gR^ihasaktO yaatanaaM mayyabhaktaH
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadiiH ||

Alas! Men acquire wealth by unfair and cruel means for the support of their own families who is a slave to physical passion, and love of children. Being devoid of devotion to Me, intensely attached to the worldly possessions, they are led to the sufferings of hell. Thus, Thou instructed Devahooti, as Kapil incarnate

Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 07

युवतिजठरखिन्नो जातबोधोऽप्यकाण्डे
प्रसवगलितबोध: पीडयोल्लङ्घ्य बाल्यम् ।
पुनरपि बत मुह्यत्येव तारुण्यकाले
कपिलतनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥७॥
yuvatijaTharakhinnO jaatabOdhO(a)pyakaaNDe
prasavagalitabOdhaH piiDayOllanghya baalyam |
punarapi bata muhyatyeva taaruNyakaale
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadiiH

In the womb of the mother, a man goes through endless woes and although havingreal wisdom, he has no means of overcoming his sorrows. When he comes out in theworld he forgets that knowledge, and is afflicted by several maladies in his childhood.Again on attaining adolescence he becomes, unfortunately, a slave to carnal passion.Thus Thou advised Devahoothi in Thy incarnation as Kapila.

Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 08
पितृसुरगणयाजी धार्मिको यो गृहस्थ:
स च निपतति काले दक्षिणाध्वोपगामी ।
मयि निहितमकामं कर्म तूदक्पथार्थं
कपिल्तनुरिति त्वं देवहूत्यै न्यगादी: ॥८॥
pitR^isuragaNayaajii dhaarmikO yO gR^ihasthaH
sa cha nipatati kaale dakshiNaadhvOpagaamii |
mayi nihitamakaamaM karma tuudakpathaarthaM
kapilatanuriti tvaM devahuutyai nyagaadiiH

That householder who leads a virtuous life propitiating the gods and his ancestors,goes to the southern path and after the merits earned by him are exhausted, falls backon the earth to begin a new cycle of life. But if our action and devotion are dedicated tothe Lord without any expectation of its fruit, we will go toward the northern path ofsalvation. Thus Thou advised Devahoothi, in Thy incarnation as Kapila.
Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam: 09
इति सुविदितवेद्यां देव हे देवहूतिं
कृतनुतिमनुगृह्य त्वं गतो योगिसङ्घै: ।
विमलमतिरथाऽसौ भक्तियोगेन मुक्ता
त्वमपि जनहितार्थं वर्तसे प्रागुदीच्याम् ॥९॥
iti suviditavedyaaM deva he devahuutiM
kR^itanutimanugR^ihya tvaM gatO yOgisanghaiH |
vimalamatirathaa(a)sau bhaktiyOgena muktaa
tvamapi janahitaarthaM vartase praagudiichyaam

O Lord! Having thus known all that was to be known, Thou blessed Devahooti, who was singing Thy praise. She had attained the purity of mind and was liberated by following the path of devotion. Thou also left with a group of ascetics and Thou do stay even now, in the North East for the good of the people.

Dasakam: 015 -- Shlokam:10
 परम किमु बहूक्त्या त्वत्पदाम्भोजभक्तिं
सकलभयविनेत्रीं सर्वकामोपनेत्रीम् ।
वदसि खलु दृढं त्वं तद्विधूयामयान् मे
गुरुपवनपुरेश त्वय्युपाधत्स्व भक्तिम् ॥१०॥
parama kimu bahuuktyaa tvatpadaambhOjabhaktiM
sakalabhayavinetriiM sarvakaamOpanetriim |
vadasi khalu dR^iDhaM tvaM tadvidhuuyaamayaan me
gurupavanapuresha tvayyupaadhatsva bhaktim ||

Oh Supreme Lord ! What more can be said in this regard ? Thou hast mostemphatically declared that devotion to Thy lotus feet alone can remove all our fearsand grant all our desires. May Thou, Oh Guruvayurappa cure all my afflictions andkindle in my heart that devotion to Thee.

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