Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 14: The Kapila Incarnation

The Kapila Incarnation

After the Lord's Varaaha incarnation,the off-spring of Brahma, Swayambhuva Manu’s Incessant devotion to the Lord and continuous effort heruled over the people successfully duringthe entire period of his "Manvantara"(71 mahayugas). During this period, Prajapati Kardama whowas born from Brahma's own shadow,worshipped Lord Narayana for ten thousand years.He was eager to take up the work of 'creation' ofthe species, as instructed by Lord Brahma.Lord Narayana appeared before Kardama in theform contemplated upon by him,seated on the divine Garuda.The Lord blessed him to marryDEVAHUTI, daughter of Manu.He also blessed him to beget nine daughters.The Lord Himself would thereafter,be born to him as a son as the tenth childunder the name of KAPILA.Thereafter, the Lord promised "Moksha" to Kardama.      
Being prompted by the Lord and advised by Narada,Swayambhuva Manu came to Kardama and got his daughter,Devahuti married to him. With the 'Yogic' powerobtained by his devotion to the Lord, Kardama revelledwith his love-lorn Devahuti in an aerial chariot (Vimana),assuming nine divine forms.Thereafter he got nine daughters and was awaitingthe arrival of the Lord in the form of Kapila.Instructed by her husband, Devahuti engaged herselfin devout worship of Narayana.In due course, the Lord Himself was bornas Kapila to teach mankind the means for attainment of salvation.
Kardama then left for the forest fordoing penance as a means for his salvation.Kapila then became a great philosopherand taught the essence of his teachingsto his own mother, Devahuti. 
Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 01 

स मनु: पङ्कजसम्भवाङ्गजन्मा ।
चरितं ते कथयन् सुखं निनाय ॥१॥

sa manuH pankajasambhavaangajanmaa |
charitaM te kathayan sukhaM ninaaya ||
That Swayambhuva Manu, the son of Brahmaa, spent his own Manvantara peacefully, free from all hindrances, constantly worshipping Thy pair of lotus feet and recounting Thy glories.

Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 02

समये खलु तत्र कर्दमाख्यो
द्रुहिणच्छायभवस्तदीयवाचा ।
धृतसर्गरसो निसर्गरम्यं
भगवंस्त्वामयुतं समा: सिषेवे ॥२॥

samaye khalu tatra kardamaakhyO
druhiNachChaayabhavastadiiyavaachaa |
dhR^itasargarasO nisargaramyaM
bhagavamstvaamayutaM samaaH siSheve ||

During this period, Prajapati Kardama whowas born from Brahma's own shadow,worshipped Lord Narayana for ten thousand years.He was eager to take up the work of 'creation' of the species, as instructed by Lord Brahma.
Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 03

  गरुडोपरि कालमेघक्रमं
विलसत्केलिसरोजपाणिपद्मम् ।
हसितोल्लसिताननं विभो त्वं
वपुराविष्कुरुषे स्म कर्दमाय ॥३॥

garuDOpari kaalameghakamraM
vilasatkelisarOjapaaNipadmam |
hasitOllasitaananaM vibhO tvaM
vapuraaviShkuruShe sma kardamaaya ||

Oh Lord ! Thy divine form, seated on the divine Garuda, majestic in colour, like the dark blue cloud, , holding a lustrous lotus flower in Thy hand, with a pleasing smile Lord Narayana appeared before Kardama
Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 04स्तुवते पुलकावृताय तस्मै
मनुपुत्रीं दयितां नवापि पुत्री: ।
कपिलं च सुतं स्वमेव पश्चात्
स्वगतिं चाप्यनुगृह्य निर्गतोऽभू: ॥४॥

stuvate pulakaavR^itaaya tasmai
manuputriiM dayitaaM navaapi putriiH |
kapilaM cha sutaM svameva pashchaat
svagatiM chaapyanugR^ihya nirgatO(a)bhuuH ||

Kardama was praising Thee thrilled with devotion. Thou blessed that he would have Manu's daughter Devahooti as wife. Thou also blessed that he would have nine daughters, that Thou Thyself will be born as his son Kapil and also that he (Kadarma) would finally attain union with Thee ThenThou vanished from his sight.
Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 05स मनु: शतरूपया महिष्या
गुणवत्या सुतया च देवहूत्या ।
समगात् कर्दममागतिप्रतीक्षम् ॥५॥

sa manuH shataruupayaa mahiShyaa
guNavatyaa sutayaa cha devahuutyaa |
samagaat kardamamaagatipratiiksham ||
Swayambhuva Manu under the guidance of Narada, who was prompted by Thee, wentwith his consort, Satarupa and virtuous daughter, Devahoothi, to Kardama, who waslooking forward to their coming.

Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 06

मनुनोपहृतां च देवहूतिं
तरुणीरत्नमवाप्य कर्दमोऽसौ ।
भवदर्चननिवृतोऽपि तस्यां
दृढशुश्रूषणया दधौ प्रसादम् ॥६॥

manunOpahR^itaaM cha devahuutiM
taruNiiratnamavaapya kardamO(a)sau |
bhavadarchananirvR^itO(a)pi tasyaaM
dR^iDhashushruuShaNayaa dadhau prasaadam ||

Kardama married Devahooti who was a gem among women was respectfully given by Manu to Kardama. Kardama, though solely delighted in worshipping Thee, was pleased with her by her dedicated service and affection to him
Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 07

स पुनस्त्वदुपासनप्रभावा-
द्दयिताकामकृते कृते विमाने ।
वनिताकुलसङ्कुलो नवात्मा
व्यहरद्देवपथेषु देवहूत्या ॥७॥

sa punastvadupaasanaprabhaavaaddayitaakaamakR^
ite kR^ite vimaane |
vanitaakulasankulO navaatmaa
vyaharaddevapatheShu devahuutyaa ||

In order to make his beloved Devahoothi happy, Kardama, by virtue of the yogic power,acquired by him through his constant devotion to Thee, adopted a new elegant form,and indulged in romantic pleasures,in the heavenly regions with Devahoothi,accompanied by celestial maidens, in the vimana or aerial pleasure car created byhimself.
Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 08
शतवर्षमथ व्यतीत्य सोऽयं
नव कन्या: समवाप्य धन्यरूपा: ।
वनयानसमुद्यतोऽपि कान्ता-
हितकृत्त्वज्जननोत्सुको न्यवात्सीत् ॥८॥

shatavarShamatha vyatiitya sO(a)yaM
nava kanyaaH samavaapya dhanyaruupaaH |
vanayaanasamudyatO(a)pi kaantaahitakR^
ittvajjananOtsukO nyavaatsiit ||
After spending a hundred years thus and begetting nine very beautiful daughters, Kardama wanted to take up the ascetic life and retire to the forest. Yeilding to his wife's wishes and eagerly awaiting Thy birth as their son, he continued to stay on at home
Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 09

निजभर्तृगिरा भवन्निषेवा-
निरतायामथ देव देवहूत्याम् ।
कपिलस्त्वमजायथा जनानां
प्रथयिष्यन् परमात्मतत्त्वविद्याम् ॥९॥

nijabhartR^igiraa bhavanniShevaa
nirataayaamatha deva devahuutyaam |
kapilastvamajaayathaa janaanaaM
prathayiShyan paramaatmatattvavidyaam || 9

O Lord! To Devahooti who, on the advise of her husband was ever engaged in worshipping Thee, Thou were born as Kapil in order to teach mankind the means for attainment of salvation.
Dasakam: 014 -- Shlokam: 10
 वनमेयुषि कर्दमे प्रसन्ने
मतसर्वस्वमुपादिशन् जनन्यै ।
कपिलात्मक वायुमन्दिरेश
त्वरितं त्वं परिपाहि मां गदौघात् ॥१०॥

vanameyuShi kardame prasanne
matasarvasvamupaadishan jananyai |
kapilaatmaka vaayumandiresha
tvaritaM tvaM paripaahi maaM gadaughaat ||

Happy at having seen Thy Kapila incarnation, Kardama departed to the forest. OhGuruvayurappa ! May Thou who came in the form of Kapila to teach Thy mother theessence of religion, save me from all my sorrows.

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