Monday, March 25, 2013

Narayaneeyam : Dasakam:99-In Praise of Lord's Glory

The prayer of the Vedas
Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 01
 विष्णोर्वीर्याणि को वा कथयतु धरणे: कश्च रेणून्मिमीते
यस्यैवाङ्घ्रित्रयेण त्रिजगदभिमितं मोदते पूर्णसम्पत्
योसौ विश्वानि धत्ते प्रियमिह परमं धाम तस्याभियायां
त्वद्भक्ता यत्र माद्यन्त्यमृतरसमरन्दस्य यत्र प्रवाह: ॥१॥

viShNOrviiryaaNi kO vaa kathayatu dharaNeH kashcha reNuunmimiite
yasyaivaanghritrayeNa trijagadabhimitaM mOdate puurNasampat |
yO(a)sau vishvaani dhatte priya miha paramaM dhaama tasyaabhiyaayaaM
tadbhaktaa yatra maadyantyamR^itarasamarandasya yatra pravaahaH || 1

Who will narrate the greatness of Lord Vishnu? Who is there to count the the sand particles of the universe? The three strides of His feet alone measured the three worlds, and the worlds are full of joy with wealth and prosperity because of the touch of His feet. He alone is the support of the worlds. His supreme abode is dear to me and may I attain it, where Thy devotees enjoy divine bliss there and there is flow of nectar in that place.

Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 02
आद्यायाशेषकर्त्रे प्रतिनिमिषनवीनाय भर्त्रे विभूते-
र्भक्तात्मा विष्णवे य: प्रदिशति हविरादीनि यज्ञार्चनादौ ।
कृष्णाद्यं जन्म यो वा महदिह महतो वर्णयेत्सोऽयमेव
प्रीत: पूर्णो यशोभिस्त्वरितमभिसरेत् प्राप्यमन्ते पदं ते ॥२॥

aadyaayaasheShakartre pratinimiSha naviinaaya bhartre vibhuuteH
bhaktaatmaa viShNave yaH pradishati haviraadiini yaj~naarchanaadau |
kR^iShNaadyaM janma yO vaa mahadiha mahatO varNayetsO(a)yameva
priitaH puurNOyashObhistvaritam- abhisaret praapyamante padaM te || 2

That devotee ,who with devotion in his mind worships throughYagnyas and worship by offering oblations in Homa,That great Vishnu who existed much before the creation of the world,Who created the world , who is new every moment of time, who is Lord of all majesties, or a devotee who describes the incarnations of Lord, like that of Krishna, which is the greatest, he alone will be happy and full of renown, and at the end of his life will quickly attain the abode which is to be attained in the end - Thy abode.

Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 03

 हे स्तोतार: कवीन्द्रास्तमिह खलु यथा चेतयध्वे तथैव
व्यक्तं वेदस्य सारं प्रणुवत जननोपात्तलीलाकथाभि: ।
जानन्तश्चास्य नामान्यखिलसुखकराणीति सङ्कीर्तयध्वं
हे विष्णो कीर्तनाद्यैस्तव खलु महतस्तत्त्वबोधं भजेयम् ॥३॥

he stOtaaraH kaviindraastamiha khalu yathaa chetayadhve tathaiva
vyaktaM vedasya saaraM praNuvata jananOpaatta liilaakathaabhiH |
jaanantashchaasya naamaanyakhilasukhakaraaNiiti sankiirtayadhvaM
he viShNO kiirtanaadyaistava khalu mahatastattvabOdhaM bhajeyam || 3

O you poets, who sing the praise of the kings women etc., in whatever way you know, sing the praise of the Lord who is clear essence of all the Vedas, narrating His deeds in various incarnations. Understand that the chanting of His names confers limitless happiness, and so chant them whole heartedly. O Lord Vishnu! by chanting the names of Thee The Great, I will attain the knowledge of the Truth.

Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 04
 विष्णो: कर्माणि सम्पश्यत मनसि सदा यै: स धर्मानबध्नाद्
यानीन्द्रस्यैष भृत्य: प्रियसख इव च व्यातनोत् क्षेमकारी ।
वीक्षन्ते योगसिद्धा: परपदमनिशं यस्य सम्यक्प्रकाशं
विप्रेन्द्रा जागरूका: कृतबहुनुतयो यच्च निर्भासयन्ते ॥४॥
viShNOH karmaaNi sampashyata manasi sadaa yaiH saH dharmaanabadhnaad
yaaniindrasyaiSha bhR^ityaH priyasakha iva cha vyaatanOt kshemakaarii |
iikshante yOgasiddhaaH parapadamanishaM yasya sanyak prakaashaM
viprendraa jaagaruukaaH kR^itabahunutayO yachcha nirbhaasayante ||4

One should always meditate on the great deeds of Lord Mahaa Vishnu, by which He established righteousness, and by which He helped Indra sometimes as a servant, and some times as a friend, bringing welfare to him and to the whole world. The Lord's supreme state and well illumined Pure Consciousness is experienced by Yogis and Siddhas. Whose greatness great holy men and scholars try to expound by composing many hymns of praise.

Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 05
 नो जातो जायमानोऽपि च समधिगतस्त्वन्महिम्नोऽवसानं
देव श्रेयांसि विद्वान् प्रतिमुहुरपि ते नाम शंसामि विष्णो ।
तं त्वां संस्तौमि नानाविधनुतिवचनैरस्य लोकत्रयस्या-
प्यूर्ध्वं विभ्राजमाने विरचितवसतिं तत्र वैकुण्ठलोके ॥५॥
nO jaatOjaayamaanO(a)pi cha samadhigatastvanmahimnO(a)vasaanaM
deva shreyaamsi vidvaan pratimuhurapi te naama shamsaami viShNO |
taM tvaaM samstaumi naanaavidhanuti vachanairasya lOkatrayasyaapyuurdhvaM
vibhraajamaane virachitavasatiM tatra vaikuNThalOke || 5

Oh God Vishnu , all those who are already born and also those ,Who are going to be born have not yet found the limit of your greatness, And understanding their greatness , I again and again chant your names,I also praise you with several prayers, you who live in Vaikunta,Which is shining above all these three worlds.

Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 06
 आप: सृष्ट्यादिजन्या: प्रथममयि विभो गर्भदेशे दधुस्त्वां
यत्र त्वय्येव जीवा जलशयन हरे सङ्गता ऐक्यमापन् ।
तस्याजस्य प्रभो ते विनिहितमभवत् पद्ममेकं हि नाभौ
दिक्पत्रं यत् किलाहु: कनकधरणिभृत् कर्णिकं लोकरूपम् ॥६॥
aapaH sR^iShTyaadi janyaaH prathamamayi vibhO garbhadeshe dadhustvaaM
yatra tvayyeva jiivaa jalashayana hare sangataa aikyamaapan |
tasyaajasya prabhO te vinihitamabhavat padmamekaM hi naabhau
dik patraM yatkilaahuH kanakadharaNibhR^itkarNikaM lOkaruupam || 6

O Lord of the Universe! At first, at the beginning of the creation water came into existence and held Thee into themselves. O Lord Reclining on the Waters! All the jeevas then were merged and held in Thy being. On Thee the Birthless Lord! There rose one lone lotus from Thy naval with eight petals representing the eight quarters and the golden mountain (Mahaameru) as its pericarp representing all the worlds.

Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 07
 हे लोका विष्णुरेतद्भुवनमजनयत्तन्न जानीथ यूयं
युष्माकं ह्यन्तरस्थं किमपि तदपरं विद्यते विष्णुरूपम् ।
नीहारप्रख्यमायापरिवृतमनसो मोहिता नामरूपै:
प्राणप्रीत्येकतृप्ताश्चरथ मखपरा हन्त नेच्छा मुकुन्दे ॥७॥

he lOkaa viShNuretad bhuvanamajanayattanna jaaniitha yuuyaM
yuShmaakaM hyantarasthaM kimapi tadaparaM vidyate viShNuruupam |
niihaara prakhya maayaa parivR^ita manasO mOhitaa naamaruupaiH
praaNapriityaikatR^iptaashcharatha makhaparaa hanta nechChaa mukunde || 7

Oh World , you do not know that this world was created by Lord Vishnu,And also that within your heart there is another image of Vishnu,And in spite of that fact you spend your time , With your minds covered with the mist of Maayaa, you are infatuated by names and shapes, With the mind and body satisfied with pleasure of senses,And with interest in rituals like Yaga but with no interest in Vishnu.

Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 08
मूर्ध्नामक्ष्णां पदानां वहसि खलु सहस्राणि सम्पूर्य विश्वं
तत्प्रोत्क्रम्यापि तिष्ठन् परिमितविवरे भासि चित्तान्तरेऽपि ।
भूतं भव्यं च सर्वं परपुरुष भवान् किञ्च देहेन्द्रियादि-
ष्वाविष्टोऽप्युद्गतत्वादमृतसुखरसं चानुभुङ्क्षे त्वमेव ॥८॥
muurdhnaamakshNaaM padaanaaM vahasi khalu sahasraaNi sampuurya vishvaM
tat prOtkramyaapi tiShThan parimitavivare bhaasi chittaantare(a)pi|
bhuutaM bhavyaM cha sarvaM parapuruSha bhavaan ki~ncha dehendriyaadiShu
aaviShTO hyudgatatvaadamR^itamukharasaM chaanubhunkshe tvameva || 8

Oh Lord you have thousands of heads, eyes and feet,And though you are everywhere in the world and also outside it,You shine well even in the mind with a very small opening,And Oh Lord who is the divine Purusha,You are all that is past and all that is going to happen,And not only that , though you are pervading in body and senses,You are much above them and enjoy the supreme bliss of liberation

Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 09
 यत्तु त्रैलोक्यरूपं दधदपि च ततो निर्गतोऽनन्तशुद्ध-
ज्ञानात्मा वर्तसे त्वं तव खलु महिमा सोऽपि तावान् किमन्यत् ।
स्तोकस्ते भाग एवाखिलभुवनतया दृश्यते त्र्यंशकल्पं
भूयिष्ठं सान्द्रमोदात्मकमुपरि ततो भाति तस्मै नमस्ते ॥९॥
yattu trailOkyaruupaM dadhadapi cha tatO nirgataH anantashuddha
j~naanaatmaa vartase tvaM tava khalu mahimaa sO(a)pi taavaan kimanyat |
stOkaste bhaaga evaakhila bhuvanatayaa dR^ishyate tryamshakalpaM
bhuuyiShThaM saandramOdaatmakamupari tatO bhaati tasmai namaste || 9

O Infinite Being! Having taken on the form of the three worlds, Thou You exist outside it as the endless and purest knowledge ,And your greatness is indeed wonderful for only a very small part of yourself,Is seen occupying all the three worlds and the rest of it,Which is nearly three fourth of the whole shines above the three worlds,Oh Lord my salutations to you who is like that.

Dasakam: 099 -- Slokam: 10
 अव्यक्तं ते स्वरूपं दुरधिगमतमं तत्तु शुद्धैकसत्त्वं
व्यक्तं चाप्येतदेव स्फुटममृतरसाम्भोधिकल्लोलतुल्यम् ।
सर्वोत्कृष्टामभीष्टां तदिह गुणरसेनैव चित्तं हरन्तीं
मूर्तिं ते संश्रयेऽहं पवनपुरपते पाहि मां कृष्ण रोगात् ॥१०॥
avyaktaM te svaruupaM duradhigamatamaM tattu shuddhaikasattvaM
vyaktaM chaapyetadeva sphuTamamR^itarasaambhOdhi kallOlatulyam |
sarvOtkR^iShTaamabhiiShTaaM tadiha guNarasenaiva chittaM harantiiM
muurtiM te samshraye(a)haM pavanapurapate paahimaaM kR^iShNa rOgaat10

I find it difficult to understand that abstract form of yours which is not clear,But find it very easy to comprehend that pure Sathva form of yours,Which is equivalent to the waves of the great ocean of nectar,And due to that greater than everything that I perceive here,And very pleasant to my mind and I surrender to that form of yours,Oh Lord of Guruvayur , Oh Krishna, save me from all diseases

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