Monday, July 30, 2012

Narayaneeyam - Dasakam 88 Santhana Gopalam

As per request of his mother Devaki, Lord Krishna brought back from the Suthala world a ll his dead siblings and later gave them salvation. He also helped Arjuna to keep up his promise of saving from death an expected child of a Brahmin , by taking him to Vaikunta.Hearing the news that you had brought back alive the dead sons of your teacher,Devaki , your mother, who earlier itself wanted to see her six dead children ,And on her request you brought those six sons who were earlier sons of Mareechi,And later due to the curse of Brahma were reborn as sons of Hiranyakasipu,From the land of Suthala by approaching Mahabali, who gave them to you,And after showing them to your mother sent them back to your own place.Once desirous of giving blessing to your great devotees,Sruthadeva who was a very famous learned Brahmin,And king Nahulaswa another of your greatest devotees ,You went along with great many sages to the town of Mithila. With the desire to bless both the great well known Braahmina Shrutadeva and the deeply devoted king Bahulaashwa, Thou went to Mithilaa along with many ascetics.You took two different forms and reached,Both their houses simultaneously,And while one worshipped you in a very grand manner,The other offered and worshipped you the food and vegetables ,Which he managed to get as alms on that day, but you, We re pleased with both of them and gave salvation to both.

Later when a Brahmin lamented at the death of his sons, one after another,And when he cried, though you were the sustainer of the entire universe, You consoled him saying that “Who can stop the results of Karma?”And I think that you did like this in order to humble the pride of Arjuna,And his misconception that you are but only an ordinary human being,And to show him your abode Vaikunta and make him realize the great truth. This is also a story of Lord Krishna removing the evil thought from Arjuna that nobody is there to beat him in this world. On a fine day, Brahmin came to the Yadava Sabha carrying the dead body of a new born baby and he tells that his 8 kids died upon birth and this is the dead body of the 9th one. Lord Krishna won't mind him at all. When the people started talking, “ Alas, This Brahmin has borne eight sons,And it is due to the indifference of Krishna that they were not saved”,And at that time Arjuna happened to visit your town of Dwaraka,And was living there due to the close friendship with you,And a ninth son was born to the Brahmin who also died,And hearing the sorrowful wail of the Brahmin Arjuna took an oath that,”If I do not succeed in saving this Brahmin’s next child, I would enter the fire.”
Then that very proud Arjuna went to the house of the Brahmin,Without your knowledge and completely enveloped the labour room ,By a fortress made out of his divine arrows and in spite of that,When the new born baby suddenly died like the previous times,Arjuna using his yogic powers reached the cities of Yama, Indra and other places,And searched for the baby there and when all his efforts failed,And was trying to immolate himself in fire, you stopped him. Then you proceeded to the west along with Arjuna , in a super fast chariot,Crossed the horizon, drove away the deep darkness there using your Sudarshana wheel,And to Arjuna who was blinded by the strong rays of the Sudarshana,You pointed out a place after the seven seas and told , “Look, look”,And showed him your abode which is not touched by base qualities.

Hey Supreme God you along with your friend then saw yourself,Lying on the bed of a serpent wearing divine ornaments,Armed with divine weapons, wearing a robe of yellow silk,With the black colour of the newly formed cloud,Whose body shining with the deep luster of Goddess Lakshmi,Who is the chief of the trinity of Gods, who is the greatest in all worlds,Who is the only meaning of all Vedas and personification of salvation. The two of you are Myself alone. In one the divinity is potent and it is latent in the other, so you two seem different. To meet you I Myself took away the sons of the Braahmin. You may now take them away.' With such words the Supreme Lord gave away the children which Thou gave back to the Braahmina, while Arjun sang Thy glory. You are the Supreme Brahmam born to give salvation,
In this manner Thou delighted the world by various sportive activities nurtured the Vrishni clan and performed many sacrificial rites and Yagnyas To all those who surrendered at your lotus like feet,But have taken this incarnation with,A so called cause of lightening the burden of earth,And with sports such as these you were,Entertaining the entire world as well as,Performing several Aswamedha sacrifices,Entertaining thousands of doe eyed damsels,By your incomparable sports of love,And exhibited a human form belonging to the Yadhu clan. Oh God , at that time due to immense devotion towards you,Sage Narada with mind immersed with bliss was mostly staying in Dwaraka,And once Vasudeva you father who had done only good ,Learnt the essence of philosophical knowledge from him,And the great devotee and wise Udhava learnt this from you yourself,And it is believed that for the sake of the good of the world, To this day he is staying in the Badrikashrama for the benefit of the world.
O Infinite Lord! Thy exalted incarnation as Krishna shines in all its uniqueness where all people everywhere effortlessly overcome all sorrows and attained spiritual union with various means of friendship, fear, love, hatred, attachment and other unique methods. Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please eradicate all the afflictions of this world,And instill in every one the feeling of the acme of supreme devotion.
Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 01
प्रागेवाचार्यपुत्राहृतिनिशमनया स्वीयषट्सूनुवीक्षां काङ्क्षन्त्या मातुरुक्त्या सुतलभुवि बलिं प्राप्य तेनार्चितस्त्वम् । धातु: शापाद्धिरण्यान्वितकशिपुभवान् शौरिजान् कंसभग्ना- नानीयैनान् प्रदर्श्य स्वपदमनयथा: पूर्वपुत्रान् मरीचे: ॥१॥
praagevaachaarya putraahR^iti nishamanayaa sviiya ShaTsuunuviikshaaM
kaankshantyaa maaturuktyaa sutalabhuvi baliM praapya tenaarchitastvam |
dhaatuH shaapaaddhiraNyaanvitakashipubhavaan shaurijaan kamsabhagnaan
aaniiyainaan pradarshya svapadamanayathaaH puurvaputraan mariicheH || 1
Thy mother, Devaki, whose six sons, born before Thee, had been killed by Kamsa, hadbeen thirsting to see them. Hearing the news that you had brought back alive the dead sons of your teacher Sage Sandipani, Thou went to the Sutala land and met Mahaabali and were greatly honoured by him. From there Thou brought back the six sons who were originally Marichi's sons and were later born to Hiranyakashipu by a curse of Brahmaa. They later took birth as Vasudeva and Devaki's sons, who were killed by Kansa. Thou took them to Thy abode
Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 02 श्रुतदेव इति श्रुतं द्विजेन्द्रं बहुलाश्वं नृपतिं च भक्तिपूर्णम् । युगपत्त्वमनुग्रहीतुकामो मिथिलां प्रापिथं तापसै: समेत: ॥२॥
shrutadeva iti shrutaM dvijendraM
bahulaashvaM nR^ipatincha bhaktipuurNam |
yugapattvamanugrahiitu kaamO
mithilaaM praapitha taapasaiH sametaH || 2
Once desirous of giving blessing to your great devotees,Sruthadeva who was a very famous learned Brahmin,And king Nahulaswa another of your greatest devotees , With the desire to bless both the great well known Braahmina Shrutadeva and the deeply devoted king Bahulaashwa, Thou went to Mithilaa along with many sages.
Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 03
गच्छन् द्विमूर्तिरुभयोर्युगपन्निकेत- मेकेन भूरिविभवैर्विहितोपचार: अन्येन तद्दिनभृतैश्च फलौदनाद्यै- स्तुल्यं प्रसेदिथ ददथ च मुक्तिमाभ्याम् ॥३॥
gachChan dvimuurtirubhayOryugapanniketam
ekena bhuurivibhavairvihitOpachaaraH |
anyena taddina bhR^itaishcha phalaudanaadyaiH
tulyaM praseditha dadaatha cha muktimaabhyaam || 3
Thou went to the house of both of them at the same time by assuming two identical forms. One, the king received and worshipped Thee with plenty of rich offerings. While the other, the Braahmina worshipped Thee and offered to Thee the fruits and rice and other things obtained as alms that day. Thou were equally pleased with both of them and gave salvation to both.
Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 04
भूयोऽथ द्वारवत्यां द्विजतनयमृतिं तत्प्रलापानपि त्वम् को वा दैवं निरुन्ध्यादिति किल कथयन् विश्ववोढाप्यसोढा: जिष्णोर्गर्वं विनेतुं त्वयि मनुजधिया कुण्ठितां चास्य बुद्धिं तत्त्वारूढां विधातुं परमतमपदप्रेक्षणेनेति मन्ये ॥४॥
bhuuyO(a)tha dvaaravatyaaM dvijatanaya mR^itiM tatpralaapaanapi tvaM
kO vaa daivaM nirundhyaaditi kila kathayan vishvavODhaa(a)pyasO(a)DhaaH |
jiShNOrgarvaM vinetuM tvayi manujadhiyaa kuNThitaaM chaasya buddhiM
tattvaaruuDhaaM vidhaatuM paramatama pada perakshaNeneti manye ||4
When, in Dwaraka, a Brahmana saw his sons dying one after the other and was loudly amending their loss, Thou You consoled him saying that “Who can stop the results of Karma?”And I think that you did like this in order to humble the pride of Arjuna,And his misconception that you are but only an ordinary human being, And to show him your abode Vaikunta and make him realize the great truth.
 Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 05
नष्टा अष्टास्य पुत्रा: पुनरपि तव तूपेक्षया कष्टवाद: स्पष्टो जातो जनानामथ तदवसरे द्वारकामाप पार्थ: मैत्र्या तत्रोषितोऽसौ नवमसुतमृतौ विप्रवर्यप्ररोदं श्रुत्वा चक्रे प्रतिज्ञामनुपहृतसुतसन्निवेक्ष्ये कृशानुम् ॥५॥
naShTaa aShTaasya putraaH punarapi tava tuupekshayaa kaShTavaadaH
spaShTO jaatO janaanaamatha tadavasare dvaarakaamaapa paarthaH |
maitryaa tatrOShitO(a)sau navamasutamR^itau vipravaryaprarOdaM
shrutvaa chakre pratij~naaM anupahR^itasutaH sannivekshye kR^ishaanum || 5
As the Brahmana had already lost eight sons, people began to speak ill of Thee at Thy indifference towards the Braahmina even after he had lost eight sons. And it is due to the indifference of Krishna that they were not saved”, At that time Arjuna came and stayed at Dwaarikaa on a friendly visit. When he heard the wailing and lamentations of the Braahminaa on having lost his ninth son, he was very much moved. He vowed to bring back the son failing which he would immolate himself in fire.
Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 06
मानी स त्वामपृष्ट्वा द्विजनिलयगतो बाणजालैर्महास्त्रै रुन्धान: सूतिगेहं पुनरपि सहसा दृष्टनष्टे कुमारे । याम्यामैन्द्रीं तथाऽन्या: सुरवरनगरीर्विद्ययाऽऽसाद्य सद्यो मोघोद्योगपतिष्यन् हुतभुजि भवता सस्मितं वारितोऽभूत् :॥६
maanii sa tvaamapR^iShTvaa dvijanilayagatO baaNajaalairmahaastraiH
rundhaanaH suutigehaM punarapi sahasaa dR^iShTa naShTe kumaare |
yaamyaamaindriiM tathaa(a)nyaaH suravara nagariirvidyayaa(a)(a)saadya sadyO
mOghOdyOgaH patiShyan hutabhuji bhavataa sasmitaM vaaritO(a)bhuut || 6
Then that very proud Arjuna went to the house of the Brahmin,When the tenth child was to be born, the proud Arjuna went to the Braahmin's house without telling Thee. He made a protective web with his arrows and divine missles around the labour room. Again suddenly the child's body disappeared. Immediately Arjuna with his yogic powers went in search for the infant to the houses of Yama , Indra and other gods. As all his efforts were in vain he was about to enter the fire when Thou smilingly prevented him from doing so.
Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 07
सार्धं तेन प्रतीचीं दिशमतिजविना स्यन्दनेनाभियातो लोकालोकं व्यतीतस्तिमिरभरमथो चक्रधाम्ना निरुन्धन् । चक्रांशुक्लिष्टदृष्टिं स्थितमथ विजयं पश्य पश्येति वारां पारे त्वं प्राददर्शकिमपि हि तमसां दूरदूरं पदं ते :॥७॥
saardhaM tena pratiichiiM dishamati javinaa syandanenaabhiyaatO
lOkaalOkaM vyatiitastimira bharamathO chakradhaamnaa nirundhan |
chakraamshukliShTa dR^iShTiM sthitamatha vijayaM pashya pashyeti vaaraaM
paare tvaM praadadarshaH kimapi hi tamasaaM duura duuraM padaM te || 7
Thou rode with Arjun on a very fast chariot and went past the mountain Lokaaloka towards the west. The intense darkness there, then, dispelling the intense darkness with the brilliance of Thy disc,Sudarshana, and telling Arjuna "Look, look", whose eyeswere dazzled by the rays issuing from Thy disc)And showed him your abode which is not touched by base qualities. Thy undescribable abode in the far distance beyond the Seven Seas, and entirely transcending the touchof Tamoguna and Rajoguna.
Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 08
तत्रासीनं भुजङ्गाधिपशयनतले दिव्यभूषायुधाद्यै- रावीतं पीतचेलं प्रतिनवजलदश्यामलं श्रीमदङ्गम् । मूर्तीनामीशितारं परमिह तिसृणामेकमर्थं श्रुतीनां त्वामेव त्वं परात्मन् प्रियसखसहितो नेमिथ क्षेमरूपम् ॥८॥
tatraasiinaM bhujangaadhipa shayanatale divyabhuuShaayudhaadyaiH
aaviitaM piitachelaM pratinavajalada shyaamalaM shriimadangam |
muurtiinaamiishitaaraM paramiha tisR^iNaa mekamarthaM shrutiinaaM
tvaameva tvaM paraatman priyasakha sahitO nemitha kshemaruupam || 8
There seated was He on the bed constituted of the king serpant Aadishesha. He was adorned with ornaments and divine weapons and yellow silk garment. Goddess Laxmi was at his side and His form had the splendour of dark fresh rain bearing clouds. He is the Supreme Ruler over the Trinity of Brahmaa Vishnu and Mahesh and is the sole subject of all the Vedas and scriptures. To That Being, the embodiment of Moksha and identical to Thyself, Thou and Thy dear friend Arjun prostrated.
 Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 09
युवां मामेव द्वावधिकविवृतान्तर्हिततया विभिन्नौ सन्द्रष्टुं स्वयमहमहार्षं द्विजसुतान् । नयेतं द्रागेतानिति खलु वितीर्णान् पुनरमून् द्विजायादायादाप्रणुतमहिमा पाण्डुजनुषा ॥९॥
yuvaaM maameva dvaavadhika vivR^itaantarhitatayaa
vibhinnau sandraShTuM svayamaha mahaarShaM dvijasutaan |
nayetaM draagetaaniti khalu vitiirNaan punaramuun
dvijaayaadaayaadaaH praNutamahimaa paaNDujanuShaa || 9
 Lord Mahavishnu handed over the Brahmana's children to Thee, saying that He hadbrought them in order to bring Thee and Arjuna to his abode, as He wished to see bothof you, who were, in truth, He Himself, though appearing different, His divinity beingfully manifest in one (Krishna) and latent or obstructed in the other (Arjuna).Commanded by Him to take the children quickly, Thou didst return with them andrestore them to the Brahmana, while Thy glory was extolled by Arjuna.
 Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 10
एवं नानाविहारैर्जगदभिरमयन् वृष्णिवंशं प्रपुष्ण- न्नीजानो यज्ञभेदैरतुलविहृतिभि: प्रीणयन्नेणनेत्रा: भूभारक्षेपदम्भात् पदकमलजुषां मोक्षणायावतीर्ण: पूर्णं ब्रह्मैव साक्षाद्यदुषु मनुजतारूषितस्त्वं व्यलासी ॥१०॥
evaM naanaavihaarairjagadabhiramayan vR^iShNivamshaM prapuShNan
iijaanO yaj~nabhedaiH atulavihR^itibhiH priiNayanneNanetraaH |
bhuubhaarakshepadambhaat padakamalajuShaaM mOkshaNaayaavatiirNaH
puurNaM brahmaiva saakshaadyaduShu manujataaruuShitastvaM vyalaasiiH || 10
In this manner Thou delighted the world by various sportive activities nurtured the Vrishni clan and performed many sacrificial rites and Yagnyas. Thou pleased the gazelle eyed wives with unparalleled sportive endearments and on the pretext of unburdening the earth gave liberation to many dependents and devotees. Thou, the incarnate Infinite Brahman Itself appeared in a material form and shone through the veil of a human form amonst the Yaadavas.
 Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam:11
प्रायेण द्वारवत्यामवृतदयि तदा नारदस्त्वद्रसार्द्र- स्तस्माल्लेभे कदाचित्खलु सुकृतनिधिस्त्वत्पिता तत्त्वबोधम् । भक्तानामग्रयायी स च खलु मतिमानुद्धवस्त्वत्त एव प्राप्तो विज्ञानसारं स किल जनहितायाधुनाऽऽस्ते बदर्याम् ॥११॥
praayeNa dvaaravatyaamavR^itadayi tadaa naaradastvadrasaardraH
tasmaallebhe kadaachitkhalu sukR^itanidhi stvatpitaa tattvabOdham |
bhaktaanaamagrayaayii sa cha khalu matimaan uddhavastvatta eva
praaptO vij~naanasaaraM sa kilajanahitaayaadhunaa(a)(a)ste badaryaam || 11
OhLord!, at that time due to immense devotion towards you,Sage Narada with mind immersed with bliss was mostly staying in Dwaraka, And once Vasudeva your father who had done only good ,Learnt the essence of philosophical knowledge from him,And the great devotee and wise Udhava learnt this from you yourself, And it is believed that for the sake of the good of the world,this day he is staying in the Badrikashrama for the benefit of the world.
Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 12
सोऽयं कृष्णावतारो जयति तव विभो यत्र सौहार्दभीति- स्नेहद्वेषानुरागप्रभृतिभिरतुलैरश्रमैर्योगभेदै: । आर्तिं तीर्त्वा समस्ताममृतपदमगुस्सर्वत: सर्वलोका: स त्वं विश्वार्तिशान्त्यै पवनपुरपते भक्तिपूर्त्यै च भूया: ॥१२॥
sO(a)yaM kR^iShNaavataarO jayati tava vibhO yatra sauhaarda bhiiti
sneha dveShaanuraaga prabhR^itibhiratulairashramairyOgabhedaiH |
aartiM tiirtvaa samastaamamR^itapadamaguH sarvataH sarvalOkaaH
sa tvaM vishvaartishaantyai pavanapurapate bhaktipuurtyai cha bhuuyaaH || 12
O Infinite Lord! Thy exalted incarnation as Krishna shines in all its uniqueness where all people everywhere effortlessly overcome all sorrows and attained spiritual union with various means of friendship, fear, love, hatred, attachment and other unique methods. May Thou O Lord of Guruvaayur! for the removal of world's sorrows having incarnated also deign to endow full devotion.

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