Monday, May 7, 2012

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 82Defeat Of Banasura and Salvation of Nruga

Defeat Of Banasura and Salvation of Nruga

Rukmini's son, Pradyumna, was kidnapped by Sambhara, And you killed Sambhara and returned back along with Rati Devi, Pradyumna wasKamadeva, reborn after being burnt to ashes by Lord Siva in anger. After kidnappinghim on birth, Sambara threw him into the sea, where he was swallowed by a fish,which was caught by a fisherman and brought to Sambara's house. When cut open bySambara's cook for making a dish for Sambara, Pradyumna came out of the belly ofthe fish and was secretly brought up by Rati who was then staying in Sambara's household and had recognized him as Kamadeva reborn.) Pradyumna also carriedaway Rukmi's daughter, Rukmavati, (by her good fortune), who later bore him a son, who was the son of Pradhyumna, AnirudhaMarried Rochana who was the daughter of the son of Rugmi,And you had attended this marriage and during this marriage,Balarama killed Rugmi after quarreling with him over gambling.

Banasura, the 1000 handed bahktha of Lord Siva and the son of Mahabali had a daughter named Usha and she loved Krishna's grand son Anirudha even though she had not seen him at all. Usha used to see his swaroopa by the expert painting of Chitralekha who can draw pictures of any one by her artistic hand. She also by her swayogabalam brought Anirudhan from Dwaraka to Usha's courtyard. Both Usha and Anirudha lived together for some time until one day Banasura came to know about this and he ties Anirudha by the Nagastram and kept him as a prisoner. Krishna came to know about this by Naradamaharshi's news and started to attack Banasura and his rajyam Sonithapur.
Since Banasuran is the bhaktha of Siva , all the armies of Sivaganas also started battling against Krishna along with Banasura and his armies. A long battle followed. Banasura fought against Yuyudhanan , Siva's son Subramanyan fought against Krishna's son Pradyumnan and Krishna himself fought against Lord Siva.Siva got fainted by Krishna's Sammohnastram and Subramanya ran away by Pradymnan's attack.Banasura also returned defeated by Krishna and Siva jwara also got defeated by Krishnajwara and Sivajwara started praising Krishna and promised that those who read this story will not be affected by any jwara in the future. When Banasura came back for the war with Krishan , He started breaking each of his thousand hands when Siva requested Krishna not to kill Bana Krishna left him alone.and Bana honored and respected you, and you, Returned to Dwaraka along with Usha and Aniruddha.

 your incarnation as Krishna is the greatest because,You again and again defeated Lord Devendra,Defeated Varuna when he kidnapped Nandagopa,Defeated Kala, the god of death, when you brought back your teacher's son,Defeated Agni when you swallowed the forest fire,Defeated Lord Brahma when he stole the calves of Gokula, And defeated Lord Shiva in this war with Bana. Later Krishna offered shapamoksham to the Nrugaraja whonwas in the Nruga form due to a Brahmana shapam and instructed your own people of the greatness, Of Devotion to Brahmins.

Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 01

प्रद्युम्नो रौक्मिणेयः स खलु तव कला शम्बरे नाहर^इतस्तं
हत्वा रत्या सहापतो निजपुरमहररद्रुक्मि कन्यां च धनयां|
तत्पुत्रोथानिरुद्धो गुणनिधिरवःअद्रोचनां  रुक्मी पौत्रीं
ततोद्वाहे गतस्त्वं न्यवधि मुसलिना रुकम्यपि द्युउत  वैरात||1

pradyumnO raukmiNeyaH sa khalu tava kalaa shambareNaahR^itastaM
hatvaa ratyaa sahaaptO nijapuramaharadrukmi kanyaaM cha dhanyaam |
tatputrO(a)thaaniruddhO guNanidhiravahadrOchanaaM rukmi pautriiM
tatrOdvaahe gatastvaM nyavadhi musalinaa rukmyapi dyuuta vairaat || 1

Rukmini's (and Thy) son, Pradyumna, returned to Dwaraka with Rati, after killing thedemon Sambara, who had kidnapped him as soon as he was born. (Pradyumna wasKamadeva, reborn after being burnt to ashes by Lord Siva in anger. After kidnappinghim on birth, Sambara threw him into the sea, where he was swallowed by a fish,which was caught by a fisherman and brought to Sambara's house. When cut open bySambara's cook for making a dish for Sambara, Pradyumna came out of the belly ofthe fish and was secretly brought up by Rati .away Rukmi's daughter, Rukmavati, (by her good fortune), who later bore him a son, And later the good natured Anirudha who was the son of Pradhyumna,Married Rochana who was the daughter of the son of Rugmi,And you had attended this marriage and during this marriage,Balarama killed Rugmi after quarreling with him over gambling

 Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 02

बाणस्य सा बलिसुतस्य सहस्रबाहो:
माहेश्वरस्य महिता दुहिता किलोषा |
त्वत्पौत्रमेनमनिरुद्धमद^इष्ट पूर्वं
स्वप्ने अनुभुउय भगवान विरहातुरा भूत् ||2

baaNasya saa balisutasya sahasrabaahOH
maaheshvarasya mahitaa duhitaa kilOShaa |
tvatpautramenamaniruddhamadR^iShTa puurvaM
svapne(a)nubhuuya bhagavan virahaaturaa(a)bhuut || 2

The demon, Bana, of a thousand arms, son of Bali (devotee of Siva), had a daughter,Usha, O Lord, that Usha, having enjoyed, in a dream, of your grandson Anirudha, whom she had never seen, fell in love with himand suffered the pangs of separation.

 Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 03
 य्गिन्यतीव कुशला खलु चित्रलेखा
तस्याः सखी विलिखती तरुनानषेषान |
तत्रानिरुद्धमुषया विदितं निशायाम्
आनेष्ट योगबलतो भवतो निकेतात् || 3

yOginyatiiva kushalaa khalu chitralekhaa
tasyaaH sakhii vilikhatii taruNaanasheShaan |
tatraaniruddhamuShayaa viditaM nishaayaam
aaneShTa yOgabalatO bhavatO niketaat || 3

Usha recognised Aniruddha from the pictures drawn by hercompanion, Chitralekha, (daughter of Kumbhanda) who is a Yogini and also very clever, and was a good artist besides. Due to her yogic powers Chitralekha,took away Anirudha from your home of Dwaraka and gave him to Usha her friend.

 Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 04

कन्यापुरे दयितया सुखमारमन्तं
चैनं कथा न्चन बबन्धुषि शर्वबन्धौ
श्रीनारद्क्त तदुदन्त -दुरन्तरोषैः
त्वं तस्य शोनितपुरं यदुभिम्यरुन्धाः 4

kanyaapure dayitayaa sukhamaaramantaM
chainaM katha~nchana babandhuShi sharvabandhau |
tvaM tasya shONitapuraM yadubhirnyarundhaaH ||4

Aniruddha, who was having a joyous time with Usha in the Virgin house of his daughter wasspotted by Bana who, promptly, managed with some difficulty, to seize and imprison him. He imprisoned him and on hearing the news from Narada, you, Became very angry and encircled Sonithapura along with other Yadavas.

 Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 05
 पुरिइपालः शैलप्रिय दुहित्र^इनाथो अस्य भगवान
समं भुउत व्रातैयदुबलमशन्कं निरुरुधे |
महा प्राणो बाणो झटिति युयुधानेन युयुधे
गुहः प्रद्युम्नेन त्वमपि पुरःअन्त्रा जघटिषे ||

puriipaalaH shailapriya duhitR^inaathO(a)sya bhagavaan
samaM bhuuta vraatairyadubalamashankaM nirurudhe |
mahaa praaNO baaNO jhaTiti yuyudhaanena yuyudhe
guhaH pradyumnena tvamapi purahantraa jaghaTiShe || 5

Lord Siva Who was the the guardian deity  of Bana's palace,Along with his Bhoothas stopped the army,The mighty Bana speedily fought With Sathyaki,And Lord Subrahmanya fought with Pradhyumna,And you fought with the great Lord Shiva himself who wasthe destroyer of the three Puras.

 Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 06

निरुद्धाशे शास्त्रे मुमुहुषि  तवास्त्रे णा गिरिशे
द्रुता भूता भीताः प्रमथकुलवीराः प्रमथिताः |
परास्कन्दत स्कन्दलः कुसुमषर बानैश्च सचिवः
सकुम्भान्दो भाण्डं नावमिव बलेनाशु बिभिदे ||

niruddhaasheShaastre mumuhuShi tavaastreNa girishe
drutaa bhuutaa bhiitaaH pramathakulaviiraaH pramathitaaH |
paraaskandat skandaH kusumashara baaNaishcha sachivaH
sa kumbhaaNDO bhaaNDaM navamiva balenaashu bibhide || 6

All the arrows of Lord Shiva, neutralised, was rendered unconscious by Thy Mohanasthra. The scared Bhoothas ran away and you crushed all Pramadhas Siva's attendants). And Skanda was defeated by the arrows of Pradhyumna, while Kumbhanda, the minister was crushed like a pot by Balarama.

Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 07

चापानां प न्चशत्या प्रसभमुपगते चिन्न चप्पे थ बाणे
व्यर्थेयाते समेतो ज्वरपतिरशनैरज्वरी त्वज्ज्वरेण |
ज्नानीस्तुत्वा अथ दत्त्वा तव चरितजुषां विज्वरं सज्वरोअगात
प्रायोअन्त्राज नानवन्तोअपि च बहुतमसा रौद्रचेश ता हि रौद्राः ||7

chaapaanaaM pa~nchashatyaa prasabhamupagate Chinna chaape(a)tha baaNe
vyartheyaate sametO jvarapatirashanairajvari tvajjvareNa |
j~naaniistutvaa(a)tha dattvaa tava charitajuShaaM vijvaraM sajvarO(a)gaat
praayO(a)ntarj~naanavantO(a)pi cha bahutamasaa raudracheShTaa hi raudraaH || 7

Then came Bana with five hundred arrows and opposed you mightily,And soon returned when all his bows were completely shattered, The Saiva fever (Lord of fevers) was overwhelmed by Thy(Vaishnava) fever, , whereupon, that Saiva fever realized the truth and praised you and it blessed That those who understood this story would not be affected by any fever. And went away and though Rudra's followers are also intelligent,Due to predominance of Thamas in them are generally cruel.

 Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 08
बाणं नानायुधोग्रं पुनरभिपतितं दर्पदोशादिवितन्वन
निर्लुउनाशे सदोषं सपदि बुबुधुषा शङ्करेनोपगितः |
तद्वाचा शिष्टबाहु द्वित्यमुभयतो निर्भयं तत्प्रियं तं
मुक्त्वा तद्दत्तमानो निजपुरमगमः सानिरुद्धः सहोषः ||

baaNaM naanaayudhOgraM punarabhipatitaM darpadOShaadvitanvan
nirluunaasheShadOShaM sapadi bubudhuShaa shankareNOpagiitaH |
tadvaachaa shiShTabaahu dvitayamubhayatO nirbhayaM tatpriyaM taM
muktvaa taddattamaanO nijapuramagamaH saaniruddhaH sahOShaH || 8

When you started cutting all the hands of Bana,Who opposed you only due to his arrogance,And who was armed with very many weapons,Except for two hands on each side of his body,Lord Shankara suddenly woke up and praised you,And as per the request of Lord Shiva,You let Bana have two hands on each side and made him fearless,Because he was a devotee of Lords shiva and in turn,Bana honoured and respected you, and Thou didst return to Thy abode to Dwaraka along with Usha and Aniruddha.

Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 09
 मुहुस्तावच्चक्रं वरुनमजयो नन्दहरणे
यमं बालानिइतौ दवदहन पाने अनिल सखं|
विधिं वत्सस्तेये गिरिशमिह बान्यस्य समरे
विभो विश्त्कर्शी तदयमवतारो जयति ते || 9

muhustaavachChakraM varuNamajayO nandaharaNe
yamaM baalaaniitau davadahana paane(a)nila sakham |
vidhiM vatsasteye girishamiha baaNasya samare
vibhO vishvOtkarShii tadayamavataarO jayati te || 9

Oh Lord, your incarnation as Krishna is the greatest because, Thy repeated victories over Indra, over Varuna (when Nandagopa was kidnapped byhim while bathing, DefeatedYama, the god of death, when you brought back your teacher's son Sandeepani. Defeated Agni when you swallowed the forest fire. Defeated Lord Brahma when he stole the calves of Gokula, And defeated Lord Shiva in this war with Bana.

 Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 10

 दिविजरुषा कर^इकलास वपुर्धरं
नर^इगनिर^इपं त्रिदिवालय माप्यन |
निजजने द्विजभक्तिमनुत्तमां
उपदिशन पवनेश्वर पाहि  माम् ||

dvijaruShaa kR^ikalaasa vapurdharaM
nR^iganR^ipaM tridivaalaya maapayan |
nijajane dvijabhaktimanuttamaam
upadishan pavaneshvara paahi maam ||10

Oh Lord of Guruvayur, you send to heaven King Nriga, Who was made in to a chameleon due to Brahmin's curse, And instructed your own people of the greatness, efficacy of devotion to holy men Brahmins.Oh Guruvayurappa! Please, protect me.

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