Friday, April 13, 2012

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 80 -- The Story of Syamantaka Jewel

The  Story of SyamantakaMani

There was a king of the name Satrajit, a Yadava nobleman. He was a great devotee of the Sun-god or Surya. Satrajit while walking along the sea shore was praying ardently to Sun-god. Sun-god pleased with Satrajit`s devotion himself appeared and stood before him and god awarded Satrajit as a blessing, the precious gemstone Syamantaka Mani. Satrajit later presented Syamantaka Mani to his brother Prasena, used to wear the gem often, and once while walking in the woods with it, he was attacked by a lion, which killed him and fled with the jewel. Then the lion was attacked by Jambavan, described as a `bear`, killed it after a fierce fight and took the Syamantaka jewel.

It was rumoured that Lord Krishna wanted to possess Syamantaka Mani or jewel. Thus when Prasena did not return, people started to accuse Krishna for the murder of Prasena and for the theft of the precious stone. With the purpose to prove his innocence, Krishna wanted to find out the true offender and recover the Syamantaka Mani. As he followed on the search of the dead Prasena, Krishna came to the place were he found the dead body of Prasena and his horse. . He followed the tracks of a bear, which finally led him to the entrance of Jambavan`s cave. In that cave Jambavan`s children were playing with the Syamantaka Mani. Jambavan entered the cave and found Krishna; There was a combat between Krishna and Jambavan that lasted for twenty-one days, defeated him, got back the Syamantaka Mani, and returned to Dwaraka. Krishna later married Jambavati, Jambavan`s daughter. 

Krishna then called Satrajit and to him the entire story of the Syamantaka jewel`s recovery, gave the gemstone back to him. Satrajit did not want to take the jewel but Krishna forced him to take. Satrajit accepted the jewel, but with great shame and remorse. He went back to his home, and there he decided to offer Lord Krishna not only the jewel but also his daughter, Satyabhama. Sri Krishna accepted the hand of Satrajit`s daughter, Satyabhama, who was endowed with all divine qualities. But Krishna refused to take the jewel and returned it to King Satrajit.
Some days later, Krishna and Balarama were going towards Hastinapur after hearing the rumours that the Pandavas have been burnt to their deaths in a fire. In the mean time Kritavarma, Akrura and Satadhanwa, wanted to steal the Syamantaka Mani from Satrajit. Thus in Krishna`s absence from Dwaraka Satadhanva at one night entered the house of Satrajit and murdered him to death and stole the jewel .

Satyabhama was mournful and rushed to Hastinapur to inform Krishna about the horrifying death of her father Satrajit. Krishna and Balarama immediately started for Dwaraka to avenge Satrajit`s death, hearing of which Satadhanwa fled on his horse, keeping the jewel with Akrura. Satadhanwa was chased down by Krishna and Balarama and finally killed by Krishna near Mithila. Later Krishna returned to Dwaraka, and upon realizing that Akrura had already fled to Kashi with the Syamantaka jewel, summoned him up, and asked him to admit his guilt. When Akrura obeyed what Krishna had said then He let him keep it, on the clause that Akrura had to stay in the city of Dwaraka.


Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 01
 सत्राजितस्त्वमथ लुब्धवदर्कलब्धं
दिव्यं स्यमन्तकमणिं भगवन्नयाची: ।
तत्कारणं बहुविधं मम भाति नूनं
तस्यात्मजां त्वयि रतां छलतो विवोढुम् ॥१॥
satraajitastvamatha lubdhavadarkalabdhaM
divyaM syamantakamaNiM bhagavannayaachiiH |
tatkaaraNaM bahuvidhaM mama bhaati nuunaM
tasyaatmajaaM tvayi rataaM ChalatO vivODhum || 1

Oh God, later you then begged Sathrajit to give you, The Syamanthaka gem that he got from Sun God, And I feel that the reason for that are many, The real reason for Thy action, to mymind, was to create an occasion for winning the hand of his daughter, Satyabhama, who was in love with Thee.

Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 02
 अदत्तं तं तुभ्यं मणिवरमनेनाल्पमनसा
प्रसेनस्तद्भ्राता गलभुवि वहन् प्राप मृगयाम् ।
अहन्नेनं सिंहो मणिमहसि मांसभ्रमवशात्
कपीन्द्रस्तं हत्वा मणिमपि च बालाय ददिवान् ॥२॥

adattaM taM tubhyaM maNivaraM anenaalpamanasaa
prasenastad bhraataa galabhuvi vahan praapamR^igayaam |
ahannenaM sinhO maNimahasi maamsabhramavashaat
kapiindrastaM hatvaa maNimapi cha baalaaya dadivaan || 2

Declining Thy request, The narrow minded one (Satraajit) did not give the precious jewel to Thee. Satrajit permitted his brother Prasena towear it round his neck while out hunting. And one lion Mistaking the glittering jewel for a piece ofmeat, a lion killed Prasena, and, in turn, it was killed by the monkey-King, Jambavan,who took the jewel and gave it to his child as a toy.

Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 03
 शशंसु: सत्राजिद्गिरमनु जनास्त्वां मणिहरं
जनानां पीयूषं भवति गुणिनां दोषकणिका ।
तत: सर्वज्ञोऽपि स्वजनसहितो मार्गणपर:
प्रसेनं तं दृष्ट्वा हरिमपि गतोऽभू: कपिगुहाम् ॥३॥

shashamsuH satraajidgiramanu janaastvaaM maNiharaM
janaanaaM piiyuuShaM bhavati guNinaaM dOShakaNikaa |
tataH sarvaj~nO(a)pi svajanasahitO maargaNaparaH
prasenaM taM dR^iShTvaa harimapi gatO(a)bhuuH kapiguhaam || 3

Influenced by the allegations of Satraajit, people believed, Thou had stolen the jewel by killing his brother, . Even a slight fault in the conduct of the virtuous person is like nectar for people in general, for it gives them a chance to slight that person. In spite of the fact that Thou knew everything about the jewel, , Thou went Like an ordinary man started to search for Syamnthaka along with others, And seeing the body of Prasena as well as the lion, were led to the monkey (Jaambavaan's) cave.

Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 04
 भवन्तमवितर्कयन्नतिवया: स्वयं जाम्बवान्
मुकुन्दशरणं हि मां क इह रोद्धुमित्यालपन् ।
विभो रघुपते हरे जय जयेत्यलं मुष्टिभि-
श्चिरं तव समर्चनं व्यधित भक्तचूडामणि: ॥४॥

bhavantaM avitarkayan ativayaaH svayaM jaambavaan
mukunda sharaNaM hi maaM ka iha rOddhumityaalapan |
vibhO raghupate hare jaya jayetyalaM muShTibhiH
chiramstava samarchanaM vyadhita bhakta chuuDaamaNiH ||4

Jambhavan, that very old and very great devotee of Thine, not recognising Thy identity and so exclaimed, 'who has come to obstruct me who has Mukund as his only resort?' Who dares oppose me who has surrendered completely to Sri Rama, And also shouting "Oh Rama who is everywhere, Oh Hari, Victory be to Thee!, he worshipped Thee with blows of his fists.

Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 05

बुध्वाऽथ तेन दत्तां नवरमणीं वरमणिं च परिगृह्णन् ।
अनुगृह्णन्नमुमागा: सपदि च सत्राजिते मणिं प्रादा: ॥५॥

buddhavaa(a)tha tena dattaaM navaramaNiiM varamaNiM cha parigR^ihNan |
anugR^ihNannamumaagaaH sapadi cha satraajite maNiM praadaaH || 5

Finally when Jaambavaan recognized Thee, he gave to Thee his young daughter and the jewel. Thou accepted them and blessed him, and immediately returned and gave back the jewel, the Syamantaka Mani, to Satraajit.

Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 06
तदनु स खलु ब्रीलालोलो विलोलविलोचनां
दुहितरमहो धीमान् भामां गिरैव परार्पिताम् ।
अदित मणिना तुभ्यं लभ्यं समेत्य भवानपि
प्रमुदितमनास्तस्यैवादान्मणिं गहनाशय: ॥६॥
tadanu sa khalu vriilaalOlO vilOla vilOchanaaM
duhitaramahO dhiimaan bhaamaaM giraivaparaarpitaam |
adita maNinaa tubhyaM labhyaM sametya bhavaanapi
pramudita manaastasyaivaadaanmaNiM gahanaashayaH || 6

Later that very intelligent Sathrajit, Disturbed by the shame of his earlier act, then gave his daughter, Satyabhama, (who had earlier been pledged to another,Satadhanva, by word of mouth only), along with the Syamantaka jewel Whose actions cannot be guessed by any body else, Became happy when you got what you wanted and, Returned back the Syamanthaka Gem to Satrajit.

Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 07
 व्रीलाकुलां रमयति त्वयि सत्यभामां
कौन्तेयदाहकथयाथ कुरून् प्रयाते ।
ही गान्दिनेयकृतवर्मगिरा निपात्य
सत्राजितं शतधनुर्मणिमाजहार ॥७॥
vriilaakulaam ramayati tvayi satyabhaamaaM
kaunteya daaha kathayaa(a)thakuruun prayaate |
hii gaandineya kR^itavarma giraanipaatya
satraajitaM shatadhanuH maNimaajahaara || 7

When Thou were delighting the shy Satyabhaamaa, there was the news of Kunti's sons being burnt in the wax palace. So Thou went hurry to Hastinapua.. Alas! During Thy absence, Satadhanva, at the instigation of Akrura and Kritavarma, killed Satrajit and took the jewel away.

Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 08
 शोकात् कुरूनुपगतामवलोक्य कान्तां
हत्वा द्रुतं शतधनुं समहर्षयस्ताम् ।
रत्ने सशङ्क इव मैथिलगेहमेत्य
रामो गदां समशिशिक्षत धार्तराष्ट्रम् ॥८॥

shOkaat kuruunupagataaM avalOkya kaantaaM
hatvaa drutaM shatadhanuM samaharShayastaam |
ratne shashanka iva maithila gehametya
raamO gadaaM samashishikshata dhaartaraaShTram || 8

Satyabhaama was overcome with grief and came to Hasthinapura to tell The news of her father's death, without any delay you killed Sathadanwa, And made Sathyabhama happy, meanwhile Balarama, Who had some misgivings about the whereabouts of Syamanthaka gem, Went to the capital of Mithila and where he trained Duryodhana in fighting with the mace

Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 09
 अक्रूर एष भगवन् भवदिच्छयैव
सत्राजित: कुचरितस्य युयोज हिंसाम् ।
अक्रूरतो मणिमनाहृतवान् पुनस्त्वं
तस्यैव भूतिमुपधातुमिति ब्रुवन्ति ॥९॥
akruura eSha bhagavan bhavadichChayaiva
satraajitaH kucharitasya yuyOja himsaam |
akruuratO maNimanaahR^itavaan punastvaM
tasyaiva bhuutimupadhaatumiti bruvanti || 9

This, Akrura, O Lord! By Thy will alone caused the death of the notorious Satraajit. It is said that with a mind to bring about his prosperity, Thou did not take back the jewel from Akrura to bring about his prosperity

Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 10
भक्तस्त्वयि स्थिरतर: स हि गान्दिनेय-
स्तस्यैव कापथमति: कथमीश जाता ।
विज्ञानवान् प्रशमवानहमित्युदीर्णं
गर्वं ध्रुवं शमयितुं भवता कृतैव ॥१०॥

bhaktastvayi sthirataraH sa hi gaandineyaH
tasyaiva kaapathamatiH kathamiisha jaataa |
vij~naanavaan prashamavaanahamityudiirNaM
garvaM dhruvaM shamayituM bhavataa kR^itaiva || 10

O Lord ! Akrura was very firmly devoted toThee How could there be an evil thought in his mind (of killing Satraajit and getting the jewel)? Surely, it must have been brought about by Thee to destroy his pride, That he was a very great man with mental peace and wisdom.
Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 11
यातं भयेन कृतवर्मयुतं पुनस्त-
माहूय तद्विनिहितं च मणिं प्रकाश्य ।
तत्रैव सुव्रतधरे विनिधाय तुष्यन्
भामाकुचान्तशयन: पवनेश पाया: ॥११॥

yaataM bhayena kR^itavarmayutaM punastaM
aahuuya tadvinihitaM cha maNiM prakaashya |
tatraiva suvratadhare vinidhaaya tuShyan
bhaamaakuchaantashayanaH pavanesha paayaaH ||11

Akrura who had run away out of fear, with Kritvarma. Thou called him again and brought out the jewel hidden with him. Thou then let him retain the jewel who was of good conduct, and satisfied him. Thou then lived happily with Satyabhaamaa reclining on her bosom. O Lord of Guruvaayur! Save me.

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