Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 73-- Lord Krishna Leaving for Mathura

 Dasakam: 73 –Lord Krishna Leaving for Mathura

While they were talking, Akroora told them how Narada had come to Kamsa and revealed to him the secret of Krishna's birth. He also told them the real reason why he had been sent to Vraja. At this, Krishna and Balarama laughed heartily. Nanda ordered at once that the carriages and presents be got ready for their trip to Mathura. He had it proclaimed throughout Vraja that early the next morning they would proceed to Mathura to witness the great bow-sacrifice.

Next morning as the sun crept over the horizon, Akroora offered his prayers. The boys climbed onto his carriage. Slowly, the carriages and carts started moving towards Mathura. Akroora's chariot was followed by the chariots of Nanda and the other gopas. Behind them came the carts loaded with gifts of milk, curd and butter for Kamsa.

The gopis who can describe the sorrow they felt at the separation from their Lord? When Krishna was starting for Mathura on the chariot driven by Akrura and the gopis were blocking the way, their hearts were numb and heavy with grief. They followed the carriages with heart-rending pleas. They wept and ran behind the chariots for a long distance.  Krishna assured them that He was coming back just after finishing His business in Mathura. He told them not to be overwhelmed and in this way pacified them. Then they crossed the forest with sorrowful animals and sad trees and reached the banks of the Yamunaa River.

Akrura, the son of Gaandini was bathing in the bank of the river Yamuna to perform his daily duties. As soon as he took a dip, he saw the same image in the waters of the river. He saw Krishna in the water and also saw Krishna on the chariot.Akrura again took a dip in the water. The meritorious and fortunate man that he was, he saw Thee The Supreme Being reclining on the Shesha serpent's body bed, resplendent and adorned with the discus, conch, mace and lotus. Thou were surrounded by groups of gods and various siddhaas He was overwhelmed with wonder and became helpless as to what it all was. But is there any wonder in Thy being seen from everywhere as Thou are omnipresent! When he came back after taking his bath, he found Krishna standing there and smiling at him. After making a salutation to Krishna, he sat down in the chariot and proceeded towards Mathura. Akrura became convinced about the divinity and omnipresence of Krishna. 
Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 01

निशमय्य तवाथ यानवार्तां भृशमार्ता: पशुपालबालिकास्ता: ।
किमिदं किमिदं कथं न्वितीमा: समवेता: परिदेवितान्यकुर्वन् ॥१॥

nishamayya tavaatha yaanavaartaaM bhR^ishamaartaaH pashupaalabaalikaastaaH |
kimidaM kimidaM kathaM nvitiimaaH samavetaaH paridevitaanyakurvan || 1

On coming to know of Thy impending departure the cowherd girls were very much saddened. They gathered together and lamented saying -'What is this? How and why is this happening?'

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 02

करुणानिधिरेष नन्दसूनु: कथमस्मान् विसृजेदनन्यनाथा: ।
बत न: किमु दैवमेवमासीदिति तास्त्वद्गतमानसा विलेपु: ॥२॥

karuNaa nidhireSha nandasuunuH kathamasmaan visR^ijedananyanaathaaH |
bata naH kimu daivameva maasiit ititaastvadgata maanasaa vilepuH || 2
The girls with their hearts fixed on Thee bemoaned, How can this son of Nanda who is the seat of mercy, Completely leave us who do not have any other support, Alas what kind of fate do we have?

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 03

चरमप्रहरे प्रतिष्ठमान: सह पित्रा निजमित्रमण्डलैश्च ।
परितापभरं नितम्बिनीनां शमयिष्यन् व्यमुच: सखायमेकम् ॥३॥

charama prahare pratiShThamaanaH saha pitraa nijamitramaNDalaishcha |
paritaapabharaM nitambiniinaaM shamayiShyan vyamuchaH sakhaayamekam || 3
Thou were to leave with Thy father and a group of his friends in the last lap of the night. Thou sent one of Thy companions to the beautiful Gopikas to console those very pretty ones in their great sorrow.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 04

अचिरादुपयामि सन्निधिं वो भविता साधु मयैव सङ्गमश्री: ।
अमृताम्बुनिधौ निमज्जयिष्ये द्रुतमित्याश्वसिता वधूरकार्षी: ॥४॥

achiraadupayaami sannidhiM vO bhavitaa saadhu mayaiva sangamashriiH |
amR^itaambunidhau nimajjayiShye drutamityaashvasitaa vadhuurakaarShiiH || 4
I shall come back near you very soon. You will have many good and happy meetings with me. I will soon immerse you in the nectar of bliss ocean.' Thus Thou gave consolations to the girls.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 05

सविषादभरं सयाच्ञमुच्चै: अतिदूरं वनिताभिरीक्ष्यमाण: ।
मृदु तद्दिशि पातयन्नपाङ्गान् सबलोऽक्रूररथेन निर्गतोऽभू: ॥५॥

saviShaadabharaM sayaach~namuchchaiH atiduuraM vanitaabhiriikshyamaaNaH |
mR^idu taddishi paatayannapaangaan sabalO(a)kruurarathena nirgatO(a)bhuuH || 5
With heightened sorrow and loud imploring when those Gopa maidens,Were seeing thee from a distance, sending to the place where they stood, Thou cast soft sidelong glances in that direction again and againand departed with Balaraama in Akrura's chariot.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 06

अनसा बहुलेन वल्लवानां मनसा चानुगतोऽथ वल्लभानाम् ।
वनमार्तमृगं विषण्णवृक्षं समतीतो यमुनातटीमयासी: ॥६॥

anasaa bahulena vallavaanaaM manasaa chaanugatO(a)tha vallabhaanaam |
vanamaartamR^igaM viShaNNavR^ikshaM samatiitO yamunaataTiimayaasiiH || 6
 Many carts with Gopikas followed Thee as also the minds and thoughts of the Gopikas. Thou crossed the forest with sorrowful animals and sad trees and reached the banks of the Yamunaa River.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 07
नियमाय निमज्य वारिणि त्वामभिवीक्ष्याथ रथेऽपि गान्दिनेय: ।
विवशोऽजनि किं न्विदं विभोस्ते ननु चित्रं त्ववलोकनं समन्तात् ॥७॥

niyamaaya nimajjya vaariNi tvaam abhiviikshyaatha rathe(a)pi gaandineyaH
vivashO(a)jani kinnvidaM vibhOste nanuchitraM tvavalOkanaM samantaat || 7
Akrura, the son of Gaandini was bathing in the waters of the river to perform his daily duties. He saw Thee in the water and also saw Thee on the chariot. He was overwhelmed with wonder and became helpless as to what it all was. But is there any wonder in Thy being seen from everywhere as Thou are omnipresent!.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 08

पुनरेष निमज्य पुण्यशाली पुरुषं त्वां परमं भुजङ्गभोगे ।
अरिकम्बुगदाम्बुजै: स्फुरन्तं सुरसिद्धौघपरीतमालुलोके ॥८॥

punareSha nimajjya puNyashaalii puruShaM tvaaM paramaM bhujangabhOge |
ari kambu gadaambujaiH sphurantaM sura siddhaugha pariitamaalulOke || 8

 Akrura again took a dip in the water. The meritorious and fortunate man that he was, he saw Thee The Supreme Being reclining on the Shesha serpent's body bed, resplendent and adorned with the discus, conch, mace and lotus. Thou were surrounded by groups of gods and various siddhaas
Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 09

स तदा परमात्मसौख्यसिन्धौ विनिमग्न: प्रणुवन् प्रकारभेदै: ।
अविलोक्य पुनश्च हर्षसिन्धोरनुवृत्त्या पुलकावृतो ययौ त्वाम् ॥९॥

sa tadaa paramaatma saukhya sindhau vinimagnaH praNuvan prakaarabhedaiH |
avilOkya punashcha harShasindhOH anuvR^ittyaa pulakaavR^itO yayau tvaam || 9
He was then immeresed in the ocean of supreme bliss and sang the praises unto Thy Saguna and Nirguna forms. Even as Thy vision disappeared, he continued to experience the unlimited bliss and with horripilations all over his body, he went to Thee.

Dasakam: 73 -- Slokam: 10

किमु शीतलिमा महान् जले यत् पुलकोऽसाविति चोदितेन तेन ।
अतिहर्षनिरुत्तरेण सार्धं रथवासी पवनेश पाहि मां त्वम् ॥१०॥

kimu shiitalimaa mahaan jale yat pulakO(a)saaviti chOditena tena |
atiharSha niruttareNa saardhaM rathavaasii pavanesha paahi maaM tvam ||10
Thou asked him if the water was so cold that he had horripillation on his body, as if not knowing the cause. Akrura was speechless because he was immeresed in extreme bliss. Thou  sitting with him on the chariot, O Lord of Guruvaayur! May Thou deign tosave me!


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