Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 01
विश्वेश्वरं त्वामभिमत्य विश्वे नन्दं भवज्जातकमन्वपृच्छन् ॥१॥
aalOkya shailOddharaNaadi ruupaM prabhaavamuchchaistava gOpalOkaaH |
vishveshvaraM tvaamabhimatya vishve nandaM bhavajjaatakamanvapR^ichChan || 1
All the cowherds after seeing and after witnessing, Thy superhuman deeds suchGreat acts of yours like the lifting of Govardhana,Started thinking that thy indeed were Lord of all,And they again asked Nandagopa ,about Thy horoscope.
Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 02
गर्गोदितो निर्गदितो निजाय वर्गाय तातेन तव प्रभाव: ।
पूर्वाधिकस्त्वय्यनुराग एषामैधिष्ट तावत् बहुमानभार: ॥२॥
पूर्वाधिकस्त्वय्यनुराग एषामैधिष्ट तावत् बहुमानभार: ॥२॥
gargOditO nirgaditO nijaaya vargaaya taatena tava prabhaavaH |
puurvaadhikastvayyanuraaga eShaamaidhiShTa taavadvahumaana bhaaraH || 2
Thy father told his clansmen of what sage Garg had prophesied about Thy greatness. Thence forward their love and also great respect for Thee increased much more than before.
Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 03
ततोऽवमानोदिततत्त्वबोध: सुराधिराज: सह दिव्यगव्या।उपेत्य तुष्टाव स नष्टगर्व: स्पृष्ट्वा पदाब्जं मणिमौलिना ते ॥३॥
tatO(a)vamaanOdita tattvabOdhaH suraadhiraajaH saha divyagavyaa |
upetya tuShTaava sa naShTagarvaH spR^iShTvaa padaabjaM maNi maulinaa te || 3
Indra realized the truth about Thee. He came to Thee with the divine cow Kaamadhenu, and sang Thy praises. He touched Thy lotus feet with his bejewelled crowned head.
Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 04
स्नेहस्नुतैस्त्वां सुरभि: पयोभिर्गोविन्दनामाङ्कितमभ्यषिञ्चत् ।
ऐरावतोपाहृतदिव्यगङ्गापाथोभिरिन्द्रोऽपि च जातहर्ष: ॥४॥
ऐरावतोपाहृतदिव्यगङ्गापाथोभिरिन्द्रोऽपि च जातहर्ष: ॥४॥
snehasnutaistvaaM surabhiH payObhiH gOvinda naamaankitamabhyaShi~nchat |
airaavatOpaahR^ita divya gangaa paathObhirindrO(a)pi cha jaataharShaH || 4The divine cow Kaamadhenu annointed Thee with her milk overflowing with love for Thee and so Thou were named 'Govinda', the Lord of cows. Indra too, with great enthusiasm, bathed Thee in the waters of the celestial Ganga, brought by his elephant, Airavata.
Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 05
नाकेऽपि वैकुण्ठपदेऽप्यलभ्यां श्रियं प्रपेदे भवत: प्रभावात् ॥५॥
jagattrayeshe tvayi gOkuleshe tathaa(a)bhiShikte sati gOpavaaTaH |
naake(a)pi vaikuNTha pade(a)pyalabhyaaM shriyaM prapede bhavataHprabhaavaat || 5
On Thee, the Lord of the Three Worlds, being crowned as Lord of Gokula, that land of Gokula did, on account of Thy glory, attain prosperity and status,unattainable even in heaven or Vaikunttha itself.
Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 06
कदाचिदन्तर्यमुनं प्रभाते स्नायन् पिता वारुणपूरुषेण ।
नीतस्तमानेतुमगा: पुरीं त्वं तां वारुणीं कारणमर्त्यरूप: ॥६॥
नीतस्तमानेतुमगा: पुरीं त्वं तां वारुणीं कारणमर्त्यरूप: ॥६॥
kadaachidantaryamunaM prabhaate snaayan pitaa vaaruNapuuruSheNa |
niitastamaanetu magaaH puriintvaM taaM vaaruNiiM kaaraNa martyaruupaH || 6
Once very early in the morning, Thy father was bathing in the river Yamunaa. He was taken away by the emissary of Varuna. To bring him back and also to fulfill the purpose of Thy taking human form, Thou went to the city of Varuna .
Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 07
उपागतस्तत्क्षणमात्मगेहं पिताऽवदत्तच्चरितं निजेभ्य: ॥७॥
sasambhramaM tena jalaadhipena prapuujitastvaM pratigR^ihya taatam |
upaagatastatkshaNamaatmagehaM pitaa(a)vadattachcharitaM nijebhyaH || 7
The Lord of the waters, Varuna, was taken by surprise at Thy unexpected appearance. Being welcomed with great respect by Varuna and duly honored by him, Thou were well worshipped by him. Thou immediately returned home with Thy father. Thy father, Nanda, later narrated this incident to his clansmen.
Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 08
हरिं विनिश्चित्य भवन्तमेतान् भवत्पदालोकनबद्धतृष्णान् ॥
निरीक्ष्य विष्णो परमं पदं तद्दुरापमन्यैस्त्वमदीदृशस्तान् ॥८॥
निरीक्ष्य विष्णो परमं पदं तद्दुरापमन्यैस्त्वमदीदृशस्तान् ॥८॥
hariM vinishchitya bhavantametaan bhavatpadaalOkana baddhatR^iShNaan |
niriikshya viShNO paramaM padaM tad duraapamanyaistvamadiidR^ishastaan || 8
The Gopas, being firmly assured in their heart of hearts that Thou wert Hari Himself,thirsted for experiencing Thy state of Supreme Bliss. There upon. Thou showed them that state which is not attainable to men without devotion
Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 09
स्फुरत्परानन्दरसप्रवाहप्रपूर्णकैवल्यमहापयोधौ ।चिरं निमग्ना: खलु गोपसङ्घास्त्वयैव भूमन् पुनरुद्धृतास्ते ॥९॥
sphuratparaananda rasapravaaha prapuurNa kaivalya mahaapayOdhau |
chiraM nimagnaaH khalu gOpasanghaaH tvayaiva bhuuman punaruddhR^itaaste || 9
That family of Gopas did, indeed, remain submerged for a long time in the ocean of divine joy of salvation for a very long time, and By Thee alone they were drawn back to their worldly state of consciousness.
Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 10
करबदरवदेवं देव कुत्रावतारे
निजपदमनवाप्यं दर्शितं भक्तिभाजाम् ।
तदिह पशुपरूपी त्वं हि साक्षात् परात्मा
पवनपुरनिवासिन् पाहि मामामयेभ्य: ॥१०॥
निजपदमनवाप्यं दर्शितं भक्तिभाजाम् ।
तदिह पशुपरूपी त्वं हि साक्षात् परात्मा
पवनपुरनिवासिन् पाहि मामामयेभ्य: ॥१०॥
karabadaravadevaM deva kutraavataare
nijapadamanavaapyaM darshitaM bhaktibhaajaam |
tadiha pashuparuupii tvaM hi saakshaat paraatmaa
pavana puranivaasin paahi maamaamayebhyaH ||10
O Lord! Thy unattainable abode was revealed to the devotees with such ease and clearly as a berry in one's palm. In which other incarnation of Thee has such a thing happened? So, it is certain that here in the form of a cowherd, Thou are the Supreme Self. O Guruvaayurappa! save me from ailments.
Gruvarappa Saranam!