Monday, May 9, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 55 -- Krishna's Dance on Kaliya

Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 01

अथ वारिणि घोरतरं फणिनं
प्रतिवारयितुं कृतधीर्भगवन् ।
द्रुतमारिथ तीरगनीपतरुं
विषमारुतशोषितपर्णचयम् ॥१॥

atha vaariNi ghOrataraM phaNinaM 
prativaarayituM kR^itadhiirbhagavan |
drutamaaritha tiiraga niipataruM 
viShamaarutashOShita parNachayam ||1

Oh Lord ! Determined to drive away that deadly serpent from the river, Thou, quickly,climbed on to the Kadamba tree, on the bankof, river with all its leaves dried up, owing tothe poisonous air around it.

Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 02
अधिरुह्य पदाम्बुरुहेण च तं
नवपल्लवतुल्यमनोज्ञरुचा ।
ह्रदवारिणि दूरतरं न्यपत:
परिघूर्णितघोरतरङ्ग्गणे ॥२॥

adhiruhya padaamburuheNa cha taM na
vapallava tulya manOj~naruchaa |
hradavaariNi duurataraM nyapataH
parighuurNita ghOratarangagaNe || 2

Thou placed with Thy feet, which had a pleasing radianceand resembling tender leaves, and climbed that tree on the tree trunk and climbing to the top, and with a long leap jumped far out into the deep waters with swirling fierce waves of the river, and went far down below.

Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 03
भुवनत्रयभारभृतो भवतो
गुरुभारविकम्पिविजृम्भिजला ।
परिमज्जयति स्म धनुश्शतकं
तटिनी झटिति स्फुटघोषवती ॥३॥

bhuvanatraya bhaara bhR^itO bhavatO
gurubhaaravikampi vijR^imbhijalaa |
parimajjayati sma dhanushshatakaM
taTinii jhaTiti sphuTaghOShavatii || 3

When, Thou the bearer of the weight of the three worlds, jumped, Thy immense weight caused the waters to swirl and swell. On the river bed an area of a hundred bows (yards) submerged, as a sudden roar arose from the river.

Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 04 

अथ दिक्षु विदिक्षु परिक्षुभित-
भ्रमितोदरवारिनिनादभरै: ।
स्त्वदुपान्तमशान्तरुषाऽन्धमना: ॥४॥

atha dikshuvidikshu parikshubhita 
bhramitOdara vaari ninaadabharaiH |
stvadupaantamashaantaruShaa(a)ndhamanaaH || 4

The deep whirling swells, generated in the agitated waters, in all directions, due to Thyplunging into it, and the deafening uproar, which accompanied it, enraged the Kaaliya, and he emerged from the waters, and approached Thee in a fit of blinded anger.

Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 05
ज्वलदग्निकणोग्रविषाम्बुधरम् ।
पुरत: फणिनं समलोकयथा
बहुशृङ्गिणमञ्जनशैलमिव ॥५॥

jvaladagnikaNOgraviShaambudharam |
purataH phaNinaM samalOkayathaa
bahushR^ingiNamanjana shailamiva || 5

Thou saw the serpent in front with his thousands of peak like hoods emmitting burning fire flakes and fierce poison fluid, looking like a many peaked black mountain in front of Thee.

Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 06
ज्वलदक्षि परिक्षरदुग्रविष-
श्वसनोष्मभर: स महाभुजग: ।
परिदश्य भवन्तमनन्तबलं
समवेष्टयदस्फुटचेष्टमहो ॥६॥

jvaladakshi parikshara dugraviSha
H shvasanOShmabharaH sa mahaabhujagaH |
paridashya bhavantamanantabalaM 
With its eyes flaming and its breath emitting deadly poisonous fumes, generatingintense heat all round, that serpent lord, bit Thee hard, but finding Thee unmoved,wrapped itself tightly around Thee, who hath unlimited power and strength. Quiteamazing, indeed.

Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 07 
अविलोक्य भवन्तमथाकुलिते
तटगामिनि बालकधेनुगणे ।
समुदीक्ष्य गता यमुनां पशुपा: ।।७॥

avilOkya bhavantamathaakulite
taTagaamini baalakadhenugaNe |
samudiikshya gataa yamunaaM pashupaaH || 7
The Gopa boys and the cows were waitng on the banks were getting worried andrestless, when they did not see Thee, and went to the bank of the river Yamunaa. In the houses in Gokula also the Gopas saw hundreds of evil omens and they also rushed towards Yamuna.
 Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 08
 अखिलेषु विभो भवदीय दशा-
मवलोक्य जिहासुषु जीवभरम् ।
फणिबन्धनमाशु विमुच्य जवा-
दुदगम्यत हासजुषा भवता ॥८॥

akhileShu vibhO bhavadiiyadashaa
M avalOkya jihaasuShu jiivabharam |
phaNibandhanamaashu vimuchya javaat 
udagamyata haasajuShaa bhavataa || 8

Oh Lord ! Seeing Thy condition, all of them, overcome by grief, decided togive up their life in order to save Thee, when, all of a sudden, Thou, freeing Thyself from the deadly grip ofthe serpent, rose above the waters, smiling casually.

Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 09 

अधिरुह्य तत: फणिराजफणान्
ननृते भवता मृदुपादरुचा ।
त्करकङ्कणसङ्कुलसङ्क्वणितम् ॥९॥

adhiruhya tataH phaNiraajaphaNaan
nanR^ite bhavataa mR^idupaadaruchaa |
kalashi~njita nuupura manjumila
t karakankaNa sankula sankvaNitam || 9

Then Thou mounted on the hoods of the serpent king and danced with Thy delicate beautiful feet. The gentle sound of the anklets mingled beautifully and rhythmically with the tinklings of the bangles on Thy wrists.

Dasakam: 055 -- Slokam: 10
जहृषु: पशुपास्तुतुषुर्मुनयो
ववृषु: कुसुमानि सुरेन्द्रगणा: ।
त्वयि नृत्यति मारुतगेहपते
परिपाहि स मां त्वमदान्तगदात् ॥१०॥ 

jahR^iShuH pashupaastutuShurmunayO 
vavR^iShuH kusumaani surendragaNaaH |
tvayi nR^ityati maarutagehapate 
paripaahi sa maaM tvamadaanta gadaat ||10

Seeing Thee dancing, the cowherds exulted; the sages were delighted; and the god’s in heaven sent a shower of flowers. Oh Guruvayurappa! May Thou save me from incurable diseases.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jayashree Ji,
    Today is Poonthanam day, Kumba Maasa - Aswathi Nakshathram day. I stumbled upon your blog post.

    Wow, Hats off to your in-depth spiritual knowledge. Your blog post on your interpretation of Narayaneeyam is truly breathtaking! Your writing is so vivid, and your insights are profound and thought-provoking.

    Thank you for sharing your gift with the world - your words on praise of Lord Krishna have touched my heart and mind in a deeply meaningful way. Keep shining your light and inspiring others with your beautiful writing!"

    May Guruvayura Krishna shower his blessing on you, always.

    -Rukmini Badri
