Saturday, February 12, 2011

Narayaneeyam-Dasakam: 47 Yashodha Tying Krishna to the Mortar

Yashodha Tying Krishna to the Mortar
Once, wishing to feed Krishna with butter, Yashoda began to churn milk in the morning . Very soon, Krishna too awakened and not finding the mother on her bed, He set out to search her. Soon He found her in the courtyard where she was churning the milk. He began to insist for breast feeding at once. So Yashoda stopped churning and began to breast feed Krishna. Affection played on her face. Suddenly the milk kept on the fire pot began to boil. Yashoda left Krishna in order to attend the boiling milk. But the unstiated Krishna filled with anger and broke the pitcher of curd. Then he went inside and began to eat butter, when Yashoda came back, she understood the matter and began to search him with a stick in her hand. After eating butter himself, Krishna was now feeding the monkeys with it. Seeing the mother come in hot pursuit, Krishna jumped over the mortar and ran away. Yashoda chased him, but soon felt tired because of her bulky body. 
( Thanks Google Image)
Thereafter, Yashoda proceeded to tie Krishna as a punishment. She got a rope and tried to tie Krishna. But the rope fell short by two fingers. She joined many ropes together but the result was same. Every time the ropes fell short by two fingers. Soon, Yashoda was bathing in sweat. When Krishna saw his mother in depression, he himself tied in the ropes. Tethering little Krishna to a heavy mortar, Yashoda engaged in usual household tasks. Tethered to the mortar, Krishna glanced at the two Arjun trees, which were standing on the gate like two sentries. He resolved to salve them.

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 01
एकदा दधिविमाथकारिणीं मातरं समुपसेदिवान् भवान् ।
स्तन्यलोलुपतया निवारयन्नङ्कमेत्य पपिवान् पयोधरौ ॥१॥
ekadaa dadhivimaatha kaariNiiM maataraM samupasedivaan bhavaan |
stanya lOlupatayaa nivaarayannankametya papivaan payOdharau || 1

One day you went near your mother , churning curds,Due to the desire to drink milk from her,You stopped her halfway and climbed on her Lap and started sucking her breasts.
 Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 02
अर्धपीतकुचकुड्मले त्वयि स्निग्धहासमधुराननाम्बुजे ।
दुग्धमीश दहने परिस्रुतं धर्तुमाशु जननी जगाम ते ॥२॥
ardhapiita kuchakuDmale tvayi snigdhahaasa madhuraananaambuje |
dugdhamiisha dahane parisrutaM dhartumaashu jananii jagaama te ||2

Oh Lord ! When Thou wert happily engaged in sucking her breasts, which were like lotus buds, with a charming smile playing on the sweet lotus like face. Just then, Thy mother went away in a haste to quickly hold the milk which had overflow on the fire.
Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 03सामिपीतरसभङ्गसङ्गतक्रोधभारपरिभूतचेतसा।
मन्थदण्डमुपगृह्य पाटितं हन्त देव दधिभाजनं त्वया ॥३॥
 saamipiita rasabhanga sangata krOdhabhaara paribhuuta chetasaa |
mantha daNDamupagR^ihya paaTitaM hanta deva dadhi bhaajanaM tvayaa ||

O Lord! Having drunk half way, and as a result the joy being interrupted, Thy mind was overcome with great rage. Oh! Then taking up the churning rod, and alas, broke the curd pot.
Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 04
उच्चलद्ध्वनितमुच्चकैस्तदा सन्निशम्य जननी समाद्रुता ।
त्वद्यशोविसरवद्ददर्श सा सद्य एव दधि विस्तृतं क्षितौ ॥४॥
 uchchalad dhvanitamuchchakaistadaa sannishamya jananii samaadrutaa |
tvadyashO visaravaddadarshasaa sadya eva dadhi vistR^itaM kshitau ||4

Hearing the loud of the pot being broken, Thy mother, who camethere running, found the curd spreading all over the floor, like Thy fame, which spreads everywhere.

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 05
वेदमार्गपरिमार्गितं रुषा त्वमवीक्ष्य परिमार्गयन्त्यसौ ।
सन्ददर्श सुकृतिन्युलूखले दीयमाननवनीतमोतवे ॥५॥
vedamaarga parimaargitaM ruShaa tvaamaviikshya parimaargayantyasau |
sandadarsha sukR^itinyuluukhale diiyamaana navaniitamOtave ||5

Thou who are sought after through the path of the Vedas, were not seen anywhere by Thy angered mother. She, the fortunate one searched everywhere and saw Thee sitting on the mortar feeding butter to the cat.

 Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 06
त्वां प्रगृह्य बत भीतिभावनाभासुराननसरोजमाशु सा ।
रोषरूषितमुखी सखीपुरो बन्धनाय रशनामुपाददे ॥६॥
tvaaM pragR^ihya bata bhiiti bhaavanaa bhaasuraanana sarOjamaashu saa|
rOSha ruuShita mukhii sakhiipurO bandhanaaya rashanaamupaadade ||6
Immediately that Yasoda became very angry, Caught hold of you who had a shining lotus like face, was looking very sweet with pretended fear. As her friends watched, she took a rope to tie Thee up. Oh how foolish of her to think of tying Thee who unties the bonds of all!

 Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 07
बन्धुमिच्छति यमेव सज्जनस्तं भवन्तमयि बन्धुमिच्छती ।
सा नियुज्य रशनागुणान् बहून् द्व्यङ्गुलोनमखिलं किलैक्षत ॥७॥
bandhumichChati yameva sajjanastaM bhavantamayi bandhumichChatii |
saa niyujya rashanaaguNaan bahuun dvyangulOnamakhilaM kilaikshata || 7

Oh God , That Yasoda decided to tie you, All good men want to bind themselves to Thee alone in devotion. That Thou O Lord! Yashodaa desiring to tie, And even though she tied many ropes to tie you,Those ropes always were short by two inches to tie you.

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 08

विस्मितोत्स्मितसखीजनेक्षितां स्विन्नसन्नवपुषं निरीक्ष्य ताम् ।
नित्यमुक्तवपुरप्यहो हरे बन्धमेव कृपयाऽन्वमन्यथा: ॥८॥
vismitOtismata sakhiijanekshitaaM svinnasannavapuShaM niriikshya taam |
nityamuktavapurapyahO hare bandhameva kR^ipayaa(a)nvamanyathaaH || 8

Oh Hari ! As her efforts to bind Thee repeatedly failed, Yasoda, became tired and covered with sweat,when her friends were staring with smile and wonder, Taking pity on her, you had a form which is not bounded,Wonder of wonders ,Gave permission to being tied by your mother.

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 09

स्थीयतां चिरमुलूखले खलेत्यागता भवनमेव सा यदा।
प्रागुलूखलबिलान्तरे तदा सर्पिरर्पितमदन्नवास्थिथा: ॥९॥
 sthiiyataaM chiramuluukhale khaletyaagataa bhavanameva saa yadaa |
praaguluukhalabilaantare tadaa sarpirarpita madannavaasthithaaH ||

Having achieved her aim at last, Yasoda, went back to the house, determined to leaveThee in that state for some time. But Thou sat there happily eating the butter, Thou hadearlier hidden in the hollow of the mortar.

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 10

यद्यपाशसुगमो विभो भवान् संयत: किमु सपाशयाऽनया ।
एवमादि दिविजैरभिष्टुतो वातनाथ परिपाहि मां गदात् ॥१०॥
yadyapaasha sugamO vibhO bhavaan sanyataH kimu sapaashayaa(a)nayaa |
evamaadi divijai-rabhiShTutO vaatanaatha paripaahi maam gadaat || 10

Oh Lord ! The gods in the heaven praised you,“Oh godOnly those who have cut the rope,(pasa), of materialdesire, are able to attain Thee easily; then how could Yasoda bind Thee with the rope(pasa) of worldly attachment? Oh Guruvayurappa ! May Thou save me from my ailments.

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