Thursday, January 20, 2011

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 45 -- Krishna Leela (Krishna's Childhood Pranks)

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 01
अयि सबल मुरारे पाणिजानुप्रचारै:
किमपि भवनभागान् भूषयन्तौ भवन्तौ ।
चलितचरणकञ्जौ मञ्जुमञ्जीरशिञ्जा-
श्रवणकुतुकभाजौ चेरतुश्चारुवेगात् ॥१॥
ayi sabala muraare paaNijaanu prachaaraiH
kimapi bhavanabhaagaan bhuuShayantau bhavantau |
chalita charaNaka~njau ma~njuma~njiira shi~njaa
shravaNa kutuka bhaajau cheratushchaaru vegaat || 1 

Oh Murari ! Thou along with Thy brother Balarama, crawled all over the house on Thy hands and knees, lighting up the place most charmingly. Eager to hear the tinkling sound of Thy anklet bells, on Thy lotus feet, the two of Thee, ankle trinkets tinkled pleasingly, and so to increase the pleasing sound Thou charmingly moved about with more briskness.

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 02

मृदु मृदु विहसन्तावुन्मिषद्दन्तवन्तौ
वदनपतितकेशौ दृश्यपादाब्जदेशौ ।
मतिमहरतमुच्चै: पश्यतां विश्वनृणाम् ॥२॥

mR^idu mR^idu vihasantau unmiShaddantavantau
vadana patita keshau dR^ishya paadaabja deshau |
bhuja galita karaanta vyaalagat kankaNaankau
matimaharatamuchchaiH pashyataaM vishvanR^INaam ||2

The gentle smile revealing the pearly white teeth, the curls of hair falling on the face,the soles of the lotus feet showing while crawling and the bangles sliding down thy arms and resting on the wrists, with all these charming features, the two of Thee, enchanted the hearts of the spectators.

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 03
अनुसरति जनौघे कौतुकव्याकुलाक्षे
किमपि कृतनिनादं व्याहसन्तौ द्रवन्तौ ।
वलितवदनपद्मं पृष्ठतो दत्तदृष्टी
किमिव न विदधाथे कौतुकं वासुदेव ॥३॥

anusarati janaughe kautuka vyaakulaakshe
kimapi kR^ita ninaadaM vyaahasantau dravantau |
valita vadanapadmaM pR^iShThatO dattadR^iShTii
kimiva na vidadhaathe kautukaM vaasudeva ||3

Oh Vaasudeva ! How great all the people who followed with indulgent,expectant looks, Thee and Thy brother, as the two of Thee crawling rapidly, and gurgling softly, turned Thy lotuslike faces and smiled charmingly at them. . What incredible joyful excitement Thou caused when Thou did so!

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 04
द्रुतगतिषु पतन्तावुत्थितौ लिप्तपङ्कौ
दिवि मुनिभिरपङ्कै: सस्मितं वन्द्यमानौ ।
द्रुतमथ जननीभ्यां सानुकम्पं गृहीतौ
मुहुरपि परिरब्धौ द्राग्युवां चुम्बितौ च ॥४॥
drutagatiShu patantau utthitau liptapankau
divi munibhirapankaiH sasmitaM vandyamaanau |
drutamatha jananiibhyaaM saanukampaM gR^ihiitau
muhurapi parirabdhau draagyuvaaM chumbitau cha || 4

As Thou two moved fast, the two of Thee would fall down and get mudstained; Thytwo mothers would come rushing there and cradling Thee both lovingly in their arms,would kiss and caress Thee both repeatedly The taintless sages in heaven, saw these pranks and smiled at Thee and saluted Thee worshipfully.

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 05
स्नुतकुचभरमङ्के धारयन्ती भवन्तं
तरलमति यशोदा स्तन्यदा धन्यधन्या ।
कपटपशुप मध्ये मुग्धहासाङ्कुरं ते
दशनमुकुलहृद्यं वीक्ष्य वक्त्रं जहर्ष ॥५॥
snuta kuchabharamanke dhaarayantii bhavantaM
taralamati yashOdaa stanyadaa dhanyadhanyaa |
kapaTapashupa madhye mugdhahaasaankuraM te
dashanamukula hR^idyaM viikshya vaktraM jaharSha ||5

The tender hear ted Yashodaa with overflowing and full breasts, held Thee in her lap and fed Thee. How extremely fortunate and blessed she was as she did so. O Thou! The seeming cowherd boy! In between the feeding Thou smiled bewitchingly, revealing the charming jasmine buds like teeth, and seeing Thy face she was filled with delight
Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 06
तदनुचरणचारी दारकैस्साकमारा-
न्निलयततिषु खेलन् बालचापल्यशाली ।
भवनशुकविडालान् वत्सकांश्चानुधावन्
कथमपि कृतहासैर्गोपकैर्वारितोऽभू: ॥६॥

tadanu charaNachaarii daarakaiH saakamaaraat
nilayatatiShu khelan baalachaapalyashaalii |
bhavana shuka biDaalaan vatsakaamshchaanudhaavan
kathamapi kR^itahaasaiH gOpakaiH vaaritO(a)bhuuH ||6

Then, as Thou grew a little bigger and could walk steadily, Thou, along with other cowherd children, in neighboring houses, would play and engage in childish pranks and mischief, chasing household pets, like parrots, cats and calves and The Gopaas witnessed with joyful laughter.

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 07
हलधरसहितस्त्वं यत्र यत्रोपयातो
विवशपतितनेत्रास्तत्र तत्रैव गोप्य: ।
विगलितगृहकृत्या विस्मृतापत्यभृत्या
मुरहर मुहुरत्यन्ताकुला नित्यमासन् ॥७॥

haladhara sahitastvaM yatra yatrOpayaatO
vivasha patita netraaH tatra tatraiva gOpyaH |
vigalita gR^ihakR^ityaa vismR^itaapatya bhR^ityaaH
murahara muhuratyantaakulaa nityamaasan || 7

Oh Murari ! Wherever Thou wandered, playing, with Thy brother Balarama the gopis, oblivious of their household duties, forgetting their children and servants, followed Thee, with star-struck eyes, bewildered and at the same time, delighted by Thy charming appearance

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 08
प्रतिनवनवनीतं गोपिकादत्तमिच्छन्
कलपदमुपगायन् कोमलं क्वापि नृत्यन् ।
सदययुवतिलोकैरर्पितं सर्पिरश्नन्
क्वचन नवविपक्वं दुग्धमप्यापिबस्त्वम् ॥८॥
pratinava navaniitaM gOpikaadattamichChan
kalapadamupagaayan kOmalaM kvaapi nR^ityan |
sadayayuvati lOkairarpitaM sarpirashnan
kvachana navavipakvaM dugdhamapyaapibastvam || 8

Thou would sweetly sing and sometimes charmingly dance about with the desire of getting fresh butter. The young women full of affection gave Thee butter which Thou ate and also gave freshly boiled milk which Thou drank with delight.

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 09

मम खलु बलिगेहे याचनं जातमास्ता-
मिह पुनरबलानामग्रतो नैव कुर्वे ।
इति विहितमति: किं देव सन्त्यज्य याच्ञां
दधिघृतमहरस्त्वं चारुणा चोरणेन ॥९॥
mama khalu baligehe yaachanaM jaatamaastaam
iha punarabalaanaamagratO naiva kurve |
iti vihitamatiH kiM deva santyajya yaach~naaM
dadhighR^itamaharastvaM chaaruNaa chOraNena ||9

Oh Lord ! In the house of Mahaabali I had to go begging. Let that be. Here now in front of these ladies I am not going to do so again.' O Lord! Thus deciding Thou gave up begging for curd and ghee etc and resorted to pleasantly stealing and butter through Thy ingenious tricks in in clever delightful ways.
 Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam:10
तव दधिघृतमोषे घोषयोषाजनाना-
मभजत हृदि रोषो नावकाशं न शोक: ।
हृदयमपि मुषित्वा हर्षसिन्धौ न्यधास्त्वं
स मम शमय रोगान् वातगेहाधिनाथ ॥१०॥
tava dadhighR^itamOShe ghOShayOShaajanaanaam
abhajata hR^idi rOShO naavakaashaM na shOkaH |
hR^idayamapi muShitvaa harShasindhau nyadhaastvaM
sa mama shamaya rOgaan vaatagehaadhinaatha || 10
Oh Gurvayurappa ! The gopis bore no ill will toward Thee for stealing their curds and butter and they were never angry or unhappy for that, because Thou had stolen their hearts and drowned them in the ocean of bliss. May Thou of such divine acts, save me from disease
 Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam:11

shaakhaagera(a)tha vidhuM vilOkya phalamityambaaM cha taataM muhuH
sampraarthyaatha tadaa tadiiyavachasaa prOtkshiptabaahau tvayi |
chitraM deva shashii sa te karamagaatkiM bruumahe sampatajjyOtirmaNDalapuuritaakhilavapuH
praagaa viraaDruupataam ||
Once, seeing the moon above the trees, Thou, thinking it to be a fruit, pestered Thy parents to get it for Thee and being told by them in sport, to ask it to come down, and behold, the moon descended straight into Thy hands as also the entire collection of stars with which Thou attained Thy Virat Purusha form.

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam:12

kiM kiM batedamiti sambhramabhaajamenaM
brahmaarNave kshaNamamuM parimajjya taatam |
maayaaM punastanayamOhamayiiM vitanvannaanandachinmaya
jaganmaya paahi rOgaat ||

Thy father, struck speechless with wonder by this vision, had hardly seen it for amoment, when Thou, drawing the veil of Maya, that cover of filial affection, before his eyes, assumed Thy form of a child, the picture of innocence. May Thou who are the embodiment of the Universe and that of Absolute Bliss, protect me from illness.

1 comment:

  1. The last 2 slokas 11th & 12th seems to be added later on as that is not there in Guruvayur Devaswom publication
