Monday, June 7, 2010

Narayaneeyam- Dasakam:34 Incarnation Of Lord Rama - 1

Ramayana is one of the most read and famous epics of all times. Maharshi Valmiki wrote the Ramayana epic. Dasharatha was the king of Kosala, an ancient kingdom that was located in present day Uttar Pradesh. Ayodhya was its capital. Dasharatha was loved by one and all. His subjects were happy and his kingdom was prosperous. Even though Dasharatha had everything that he desired, he was very sad at heart; he had no children. Dasharatha was advised by his family priest Vashishtha to perform a fire sacrifice ceremony to seek the blessings of God for children. Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, decided to manifest himself as the eldest son of Dasharatha in order to kill Ravana.
From the sacrificial fire and handed to Dasharatha a bowl of rice pudding, saying, "God is pleased with you and has asked you to distribute this rice pudding (payasa) to your wives - they will soon bear your children.The king received the gift joyfully and distributed the payasa to his three queens, Kausalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra. Kausalya, the eldest queen, gave birth to the eldest son Rama. Bharata, the second son was born to Kaikeyi and Sumitra gave birth to the twins Lakshmana and Shatrughna. The four princes grew up to be tall, strong, handsome, and brave. Of the four brothers, Rama was closest to Lakshmana and Bharata to Shatrughna. One day, the revered sage Viswamitra came to Ayodhya.
Viswamitra blessed Dasharatha and asked him to send Rama to kill the Rakshasas who were disturbing his fire sacrifice. Rama was then only fifteen years old. Dasharatha was taken aback. Rama was too young for the job. He offered himself, but sage Viswamitra knew better. The sage insisted upon his request and assured the king that Rama would be safe in his hands. Ultimately, Dasharatha agreed to send Rama, along with Lakshmana, to go with Viswamitra. Dasharatha strictly ordered his sons to obey Rishi Viswamitra and fulfill all his wishes.
The party of Viswamitra, Rama, and Lakshmana soon reached Dandaka forest where the Rakshasi Tadaka lived with her son Maricha. A fierce battle ensued between the huge Rakshasi and Rama. Finally, Rama pierced her heart with a deadly arrow and Tadaka crashed down to the earth. Maricha was thrown many, many miles away into the sea. All other demons were slain by Rama and Lakshmana. Viswamitra completed the sacrifice and the sages rejoiced and blessed the princes.Viswamitra was pleased. He taught Rama several Mantras (divine chants), with which Rama could summon many divine weapons (by meditation) in order to fight against evil.
Viswamitra, Rama, and Lakshmana headed towards the city of Mithila, the capital of the kingdom of Janaka. King Janaka invited Viswamitra to attend the great fire sacrifice ceremony that he had arranged. When Viswamitra arrived with Rama and Lakshmana at the court, King Janaka received them with great respect. Viswamitra introduced Rama and Lakshmana to Janaka.Rama bent the bow and married Sita. Lakshmana married Sita's sister Urmila. Bharata and Shatrughna married Sita's cousins Mandavi and Shrutakirti. Dasharatha returned to Ayodhya with his sons and their new brides.
For the next twelve years Rama and Sita lived happily in Ayodhya. Then Dasharatha announced the decision and gave orders for the coronation of Rama. During this time, Bharata and his favorite brother, Shatrughna, had gone to see their maternal grandfather and were absent from Ayodhya. While Rama is all set for coronation, his step-mother, Dasharatha’s second wife, Kaikeyi, wants her son, Bharata, to become king. Before the aged king could hand over his crown to his eldest son Rama, Dasaratha is destined to die. And instead of being crowned king of Ayodhya, Rama is sent into exile in the forest for fourteen year by an intrigue in the palace and a quirk of fate.
Images- From Google . Thanks Google!

Rama goes to the forest, accompanied by wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, and they live as recluses among the hermits that lead a life of meditative retreat in the deep woods. Bharata, whose mother's evil plot won him the throne, goes to meet Rama in the forest and pleads him to return to the capital. As Rama declines to break his vow given to his deceased father, Bharata is compelled to go back to Ayodhya with his sandals, which he places on the throne as the symbol of Rama’s continuing monarchy.
Thus set out Rama with Sita and Lakshmana on his 14 year long exile in the forests of India. 

Then one day, a Demoness saw Rama and was mesmerized by his charming personality. She tried to seduce him but he ignored her completely. She then tries to seduce Lakshmana, but enraged, he cuts off her nose. Thoroughly insulted, she goes back to her brother Ravana, the Demon king of Lanka and complains about what happened. Ravana seeks revenge by abducting Sita and captivating her in his palace. Determined and confident, Rama sets out to find her. He is helped by a group of monkeys who put in their best efforts to get Sita back from Lanka. Ravana is spoken of as a powerful demon, who was blessed by many Gods. His only flaw was vanity.

While searching for Seetaa, the dying Jataayu informed Thee that Raavana had abducted Seetaa and also had inflicted fatal wounds on him, when offered resistence.Thou performed the funeral rites of this friend Jataayu. On the way the monster Kabandha obstructed Thee and was killed. Thou then gave salvation to the ascetic woman Shabari and also got to meet Hanumaana on the banks of the river Pampaa, to Thy great delight.

After a long walk, Rama and Lakshmana reached the Rishyamukha mountain to meet Sugriva. In due course, Vali was killed and Sugriva became the king of Kishkindha. Soon after Sugriva took over the kingdom of Vali, he ordered his army to proceed in the search of Sita. After overcoming many obstacles, at last Hanuman reached Lanka. He soon contracted his body and alighted as a tiny insignificant creature. He soon passed through the city unnoticed and managed to enter the palace quietly. He went through every chamber but could not see Sita.

Finally, Hanuman located Sita in one of the gardens of Ravana, called Ashoka grove (Vana). She was surrounded by the Rakshashis who were guarding her. Hanuman hid on a tree and watched Sita from a distance. She was in deep distress, crying and praying to God for her relief. 
"To Be Cont"

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 01
गीर्वाणैरर्थ्यमानो दशमुखनिधनं कोसलेष्वृश्यशृङ्गे
पुत्रीयामिष्टिमिष्ट्वा ददुषि दशरथक्ष्माभृते पायसाग्र्यम् ।
तद्भुक्त्या तत्पुरन्ध्रीष्वपि तिसृषु समं जातगर्भासु जातो
रामस्त्वं लक्ष्मणेन स्वयमथ भरतेनापि शत्रुघ्ननाम्ना ॥१॥

giirvaaNairarthyamaanO dashamukhanidhanaM kOsaleShvR^ishyashR^inge
putriiyaamiShTimiShTvaa daduShi dasharathakshmaabhR^ite paayasaagryam |
tadbhuktyaa tatpurandhriiShvapi tisR^iShu samaM jaatagarbhaasu jaatO
raamastvaM lakshmaNena svayamatha bharatenaapi shatrughna naamnaa || 1
The Devas prayed to Thee for the distruction of Raavana. In the kingdom of Kosala, the sage Rishyashringa performed the Putrakaameshti Ynjya on the request of the King Dashratha. From the Yanajya emerged the divine paayasa which the king distributed among his three wives, by eating it they concieved simultaneously. . Thou,who had been entreated by the gods to destroy Ravana, Thyself incarnated as Rama,and along with Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrugna, took birth there.

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 02
कोदण्डी कौशिकस्य क्रतुवरमवितुं लक्ष्मणेनानुयातो
यातोऽभूस्तातवाचा मुनिकथितमनुद्वन्द्वशान्ताध्वखेद: ।
नृणां त्राणाय बाणैर्मुनिवचनबलात्ताटकां पाटयित्वा
लब्ध्वास्मादस्त्रजालं मुनिवनमगमो देव सिद्धाश्रमाख्यम् ॥२॥

kOdaNDii kaushikasya kratuvaramavituM lakshmaNenaanuyaatO
yaatO(a)bhuustaatavaachaa munikathita manudvandvashaantaadhva khedaH |
nR^INaaM traaNaaya baaNairmuni vachanabalaat taaTakaaM paaTayitvaa
labdhvaa(a)smaadastra jaalaM munivanamagamO deva siddhaashramaakhyam || 2

Oh Lord ! Upholding Thy father's word, Thou, carrying the bow Kodanda, went alongwith Lakshmana, to guard the noble sacrifice of sage Viswamitra. The sage taughtThee two mantras Bala and Atibala to remove Thy fatigue. At the sage's behest, Thou tore apart thedemoness Tataka with arrows for the protection of the people. Having acquired fromthe sage, the host of divine missiles, Thou reached Siddhasrama, the hermitage of the sage.
Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 03मारीचं द्रावयित्वा मखशिरसि शरैरन्यरक्षांसि निघ्नन्
कल्यां कुर्वन्नहल्यां पथि पदरजसा प्राप्य वैदेहगेहम् ।
भिन्दानश्चान्द्रचूडं धनुरवनिसुतामिन्दिरामेव लब्ध्वा
राज्यं प्रातिष्ठथास्त्वं त्रिभिरपि च समं भ्रातृवीरैस्सदारै: ॥३॥

maariichaM draavayitvaa makhashirasi sharairanyarakshaamsi nighnan
kalyaaM kurvannahalyaaM pathi padarajasaa praapya vaidehageham |
bhindaanashchaandrachuuDaM dhanuravanisutaamindiraameva labdhvaa
raajyaM praatiShThathaastvaM tribhirapi cha samaMbhraatR^iviiraissadaaraiH || 3

When the sacrifice began, Thou drove away Mareecha with Thy arrows and killed other Rakshasas. On the way to Videha, from there, Thou liberated Ahalya, (who had beencursed to become a stone by her husband, sage Gautama), with the dust of Thy feet and blessed her. Reaching the palace of Videha, and breaking the bow of Lord Sivathere, Thou won the hand of Sita, daughter of the earth, (and in reality the incarnationof Goddess Lakshmi), and married her. Then along with Thy three brothers, who were married to the three sisters of Sita, Thou set out to Thy kingdom, accompanied by the four new brides.
Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 04आरुन्धाने रुषान्धे भृगुकुल तिलके संक्रमय्य स्वतेजो
याते यातोऽस्ययोध्यां सुखमिह निवसन् कान्तया कान्तमूर्ते ।
शत्रुघ्नेनैकदाथो गतवति भरते मातुलस्याधिवासं
तातारब्धोऽभिषेकस्तव किल विहत: केकयाधीशपुत्र्या ॥४॥

aarundhaane ruShaandhe bhR^igukulatilake sankramayya svatejO
yaate yaatO(a)syayOdhyaaM sukhamiha nivasan kaantayaa kaantamuurte |
shatrughnenaikadaa(a)thO gatavati bharate maatulasyaadhi vaasaM
taataarabdhO(a)bhiShekastava kila vihataH kekayaadhiisha putryaa ||4

Oh Lord! On the way home, Thou encountered Parasurama, thejewel of the Bhrigu clan, who blinded by anger, waged a battle with Thee; losing thebattle he surrendered his lustre to Thee. Thou reached Ayodhya and lived happily withThy dear wife. Then once, when Bharata had gone to his uncle's house, along withSatrugna, Thy father made arrangements for Thy coronation but was stopped by Thystep-mother, Kaikeyi
Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 05

तातोक्त्या यातुकामो वनमनुजवधूसंयुतश्चापधार:
पौरानारुध्य मार्गे गुहनिलयगतस्त्वं जटाचीरधारी।
नावा सन्तीर्य गङ्गामधिपदवि पुनस्तं भरद्वाजमारा-
न्नत्वा तद्वाक्यहेतोरतिसुखमवसश्चित्रकूटे गिरीन्द्रे ॥५॥

taatOktyaa yaatukaamO vanamanuja vadhuusanyutashchaapadhaaraH
pauraanaarudhya maarge guhanilayagatastvaM jaTaachiiradhaarii |
naavaa santiirya gangaamadhi padavi punastam bharadvaajamaaraannatvaa
tadvaakyahetOratisukhamavasashchitrakuuTe giriindre || 5
In accordance with Thy father's orders, Thou, taking bow and arrow in hand, and in thecompany of Thy brother and Thy wife, set out to the forest. Restraining the citizens ofAyodhya from following Thee to the forest, and sending them back home, Thou cameto the house of Guha. (the boatman). Here donning matted hair and garments made ofbark, Thou wert ferried across the river Ganges by Guha, and meeting SageBharadwaja nearby, paid Thy respects to him. Following his advice, Thou lived veryhappily on the lofty Chitrakuta Mountains.

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 06

श्रुत्वा पुत्रार्तिखिन्नं खलु भरतमुखात् स्वर्गयातं स्वतातं
तप्तो दत्वाऽम्बु तस्मै निदधिथ भरते पादुकां मेदिनीं च
अत्रिं नत्वाऽथ गत्वा वनमतिविपुलं दण्डकं चण्डकायं
हत्वा दैत्यं विराधं सुगतिमकलयश्चारु भो: शारभङ्गीम् ॥६॥

shrutvaaputraartikhinnaM khalu bharatamukhaat svarga yaataM svataataM
taptO datvaa(a)mbu tasmai nidadhitha bharate paadukaaM mediniiM cha |
atriM natvaa(a)tha gatvaa vanamati vipulaM daNDakaM chaNDakaayaM
hatvaa daityaM viraadhaM sugatimakalayashchaaru bhOH shaarabhangiim || 6
Hearing from Bharat about Thy father's demise on account of the pangs of seperation from the son (Thee), Thou were tormented and performed Tarpana for him. Then Thou bestowed Thy sandals and the kingdom to Bharata and paid homage to sage Atri. Going into the dense vast forest Dandaka, Thou killed the ferocious bodied demon Viraadha, and Thou graciously gave salvation to sage Shaarabhangee.

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 07

नत्वाऽगस्त्यं समस्ताशरनिकरसपत्राकृतिं तापसेभ्य:
प्रत्यश्रौषी: प्रियैषी तदनु च मुनिना वैष्णवे दिव्यचापे ।
ब्रह्मास्त्रे चापि दत्ते पथि पितृसुहृदं वीक्ष्य भूयो जटायुं
मोदात् गोदातटान्ते परिरमसि पुरा पञ्चवट्यां वधूट्या ॥७॥

natvaa(a)gastyaM samastaasharanikara sapatraakR^itiM taapasebhyaH
pratyashrauShiiH priyaiShii tadanu cha muninaa vaiShNave divyachaape |
brahmaastre chaapi datte pathi pitR^isuhR^idaM viikshya bhuuyO jaTaayuM
mOdaad gOdaataTaante pariramasi puraa pa~nchavaTyaaM vadhuuTyaa || 7
Thou, who wished to protect the sages, took a pledge to annihilate the entire host ofrakshasas, and then bowing down to sage Agastya, Thou received from him the divinebow of Vishnu, the missile of Brahma and other weapons. On setting out from there,Thou wert happy to meet on the way, Thy father's friend, Jatayu, the eagle. From thenon, Thou lived happily with Thy wife at Panchavati, on the banks of the river, Godavari

Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 08

प्राप्ताया: शूर्पणख्या मदनचलधृतेरर्थनैर्निस्सहात्मा
तां सौमित्रौ विसृज्य प्रबलतमरुषा तेन निर्लूननासाम् ।
दृष्ट्वैनां रुष्टचित्तं खरमभिपतितं दूषणं च त्रिमूर्धं
व्याहिंसीराशरानप्ययुतसमधिकांस्तत्क्षणादक्षतोष्मा ॥८॥

praaptaayaaH shuurpaNakhyaa madanachaladhR^iterarthanairnissahaatmaa
taaM saumitrau visR^ijya prabalatamaruShaa tena nirluuna naasaam |
dR^iShTvainaaM ruShTachittaM kharamabhipatitaM duuShaNaM cha trimuurdhaM
vyaahimsiiraasharaanapyayuta samadhikaaM statkshaNaadakshatOShmaa ||8

Shoorpanakhaa approached Thee overcome with passion. Annoyed by her love lorn advances, Thou sent her away to Lakshmana who in great rage cut off her nose. Khar Dooshana and Trishira seeing her state came to attack Thee in great anger. O Thou! Whose powers know no decline, Thou killed them and other more than ten thousand Raakshasas all at once then and there.
Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam: 09सोदर्याप्रोक्तवार्ताविवशदशमुखादिष्टमारीचमाया-
सारङ्ग सारसाक्ष्या स्पृहितमनुगत: प्रावधीर्बाणघातम् ।
तन्मायाक्रन्दनिर्यापितभवदनुजां रावणस्तामहार्षी-
त्तेनार्तोऽपि त्वमन्त: किमपि मुदमधास्तद्वधोपायलाभात् ॥९॥

sOdaryaa prOktavaartaavivasha dashamukhaadiShTa maariichamaayaa
saarangaM saarasaakshyaa spR^ihitamanugataH praavadhiirbaaNaghaatam |
tanmaayaakranda niryaapita bhavadanujaaM raavaNastaamahaarShiittenaarttO(
a)pi tvamantaH kimapi mudamadhaastadvadhOpaaya laabhaat || 9

Ravana's sister Shurpanakhaa gave an account of Sita by which he was infatuated and ordered Maareech to become the illusive deer. The lotus eyed Seetaa, made a desire for the deer and Thou went after it and killed it with an arrow. As Maareech died, he gave an illusive cry imitating Raama. Hearing the cry , Sita sent away Thy younger brother Lakshmana after him. Finding her alone Raavana abducted. Sita Though Thou were grieved at this, Thou also felt some joy as this gave a good reason to kill Ravana.
Dasakam: 034 -- Shlokam:10
 भूयस्तन्वीं विचिन्वन्नहृत दशमुखस्त्वद्वधूं मद्वधेने-
त्युक्त्वा याते जटायौ दिवमथ सुहृद: प्रातनो: प्रेतकार्यम् ।
गृह्णानं तं कबन्धं जघनिथ शबरीं प्रेक्ष्य पम्पातटे त्वं
सम्प्राप्तो वातसूनुं भृशमुदितमना: पाहि वातालयेश ॥१०॥

bhuuyastanviiM vichinvannahR^ita dashamukhastvadvadhuuM madvadhenetyuktvaa
yaate jaTaayau divamatha suhR^idaH praatanOH pretakaaryam |
gR^ihNaanaM taM kabandhaM jaghanitha shabariiM prekshya pampaataTe tvaM
sampraaptO vaatasuunuM bhR^ishamuditamanaaH paahi vaataalayesha ||10

While searching for Sita, the dying Jataayu informed Thee that Ravana had abducted Sita and also had inflicted fatal wounds on him, when offered resistence.Thou performed the funeral rites of this friend Jataayu. On the way the monster Kabandha obstructed Thee and was killed. Thou then gave salvation to the ascetic woman Shabari and also got to meet Hanuman on the banks of the river Pampaa, to Thy great delight. O Lord of Guruvaayur! protect me.

1 comment:

  1. Permission for the Pictures taken for Pictorial Ramayana from your website
    Dear Sir,
    I request you to kindly give me permission to use the pictures which I have taken from your website for the use of our book named ‘Pictorial Ramayana’ which would be printed by the book trust Sri Sathya Sai Books and publications, Prasanthi Nilayam.
    Dr. Gowri
