Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Narayaneeyam Dasakam 31-The Humbling of Bali

Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 01
 प्रीत्या दैत्यस्तव तनुमह:प्रेक्षणात् सर्वथाऽपि
त्वामाराध्यन्नजित रचयन्नञ्जलिं सञ्जगाद ।
मत्त: किं ते समभिलषितं विप्रसूनो वद त्वं
वित्तं भक्तं भवनमवनीं वाऽपि सर्वं प्रदास्ये ॥१॥

priityaa daityastava tanumahaH prekshaNaat sarvathaa(a)pi
tvaamaaraadhyannajita rachayanna~njaliM sa~njagaada |
mattaH kiM te samabhilaShitaM viprasuunO vada tvaM
vyaktaM bhaktaM bhavanamavaniiM vaa(a)pi sarvaM pradaasye || 1

Oh Thou of Invincible Form ! Impressed on seeing Thy glorious majestic sight, the Asura Bali honored and worshiped Thee in every way. He said with folded palms 'What do you desire from me? O Brahmin boy, you say, is it wealth, food, house or land or everything. I shall give you all.'
Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 02

तामीक्षणां बलिगिरमुपाकर्ण्य कारुण्यपूर्णोऽ-
प्यस्योत्सेकं शमयितुमना दैत्यवंशं प्रशंसन् ।
भूमिं पादत्रयपरिमितां प्रार्थयामासिथ त्वं
सर्वं देहीति तु निगदिते कस्य हास्यं न वा स्यात् ॥२॥

taamakshiiNaaM baligiramupaakarNya kaaruNyapuurNO-
(a)pyasyOtsekaM shamayitumanaa daityavamshaM prashamsan |
bhuumiM paadatrayaparimitaaM praarthayaamaasitha tvaM
sarvaM dehiiti tu nigadite kasya haasyaM na vaa syaat || 2
Hearing these generous words of Bali, Thou who art full of mercy, but still wishing tocurb his pride, praised the demon clan profusely and requested him for three feet of land, measured by Thy paces alone, , if Thou asked him to give all that was his.

Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 03

विश्वेशं मां त्रिपदमिह किं याचसे बालिशस्त्वं
सर्वां भूमिं वृणु किममुनेत्यालपत्त्वां स दृप्यन् ।
यस्माद्दर्पात् त्रिपदपरिपूर्त्यक्षम: क्षेपवादान्
बन्धं चासावगमदतदर्होऽपि गाढोपशान्त्यै ॥३॥

vishveshaM maaM tripadamiha kiM yaachase baalishastvaM
sarvaaM bhuumiM vR^iNu kimamunetyaalapattvaaM sa dR^ipyan |
yasmaaddarpaat tripadaparipuurtyakshamaH kshepavaadaan
bandhaM chaasaavagamadatadarhO(a)pi gaaDhOpashaantyai || 3

Bali was very disappointed with Vamana's humble demand and said, " When I am ready to grant you a whole continent, what all you want is only three paces of land ?To me, who is the lord of all the three worlds how do you ask for mere three paces of earth? You simpleton! Of what use is this? Ask for the whole earth.' Thus he proudly told Thee. Because of this pride he failed to give fully even three paces of earth and invited ridicule and bondage. Bali did not deserve it but he was subjected to all this for acquiring complete detachment.
Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 04 

पादत्रय्या यदि न मुदितो विष्टपैर्नापि तुष्ये-
दित्युक्तेऽस्मिन् वरद भवते दातुकामेऽथ तोयम् ।
दैत्याचार्यस्तव खलु परीक्षार्थिन: प्रेरणात्तं
मा मा देयं हरिरयमिति व्यक्तमेवाबभाषे ॥४॥

paadatrayyaa yadi na muditO viShTapairnaapi tuShyedityukte(
a)smin varada bhavate daatukaame(a)tha tOyam |
daityaachaaryastava khalu pariikshaarthinaH preraNaattaM
maa maa deyaM harirayamiti vyaktamevaababhaaShe|| 4

Oh Varada ! When Thou told him that he who is not satisfied with three steps of land will not be satisfied even by the three worlds, Bali was about to pour the pre-gift oblation water to Thee. To test Bali's integrity, and so by Thy prompting the Guru of Asuras, Shukraachaarya, told him clearly to refrain from giving the gift.
Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 05

याचत्येवं यदि स भगवान् पूर्णकामोऽस्मि सोऽहं
दास्याम्येव स्थिरमिति वदन् काव्यशप्तोऽपि दैत्य: ।
विन्ध्यावल्या निजदयितया दत्तपाद्याय तुभ्यं
चित्रं चित्रं सकलमपि स प्रार्पयत्तोयपूर्वम् ॥५॥

yaachatyevaM yadi sa bhagavaan puurNakaamO(a)smi sO(a)haM
daasyaamyeva sthiramiti vadan kaavyashaptO(a)pi daityaH |
vindhyaavalyaa nijadayitayaa dattapaadyaaya tubhyaM
chitraM chitraM sakalamapi saH praarpayattOyapuurvam || 5

Bali firmly said that he would consider himself blessed if the Lord himself comes begging to him thus, and so he would certainly make the gift. For such a disobedience Shukraachaarya cursed him. Then, to Thee whose feet had already been washed by the waters poured by Bali's wife Vindhyaavali, he proceeded to offer everything with the pouring of the water. That was indeed the wonderof wonders.
Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 06

निस्सन्देहं दितिकुलपतौ त्वय्यशेषार्पणं तद्-
व्यातन्वाने मुमुचु:-ऋषय: सामरा: पुष्पवर्षम् ।
दिव्यं रूपं तव च तदिदं पश्यतां विश्वभाजा-
मुच्चैरुच्चैरवृधदवधीकृत्य विश्वाण्डभाण्डम् ॥६॥

nissandehaM ditikulapatau tvayyasheShaarpaNaM tat
vyaatanvaane mumuchurR^IShayaH saamaraaH puShpavarSham |
divyaM ruupaM tava cha tadidaM pashyataaM vishvabhaajaamuchchairuchchairavR^
idhadavadhiikR^itya vishvaaNDabhaaNDam || 6 

When the lord of the Diti clan, thus dedicated all his belongings to Thee, without anyroom for doubt or misgiving, the sages along with the gods showered flowers on Thee. While the entire world was watching, Thy divine dwarf-like form, grew to phenomenal dimensions, spanning the entire cosmos and beyond, until Thy feet touched Brahma'sabode, Satyaloka.
Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 07

त्वत्पादाग्रं निजपदगतं पुण्डरीकोद्भवोऽसौ
कुण्डीतोयैरसिचदपुनाद्यज्जलं विश्वलोकान् ।
हर्षोत्कर्षात् सुबहु ननृते खेचरैरुत्सवेऽस्मिन्
भेरीं निघ्नन् भुवनमचरज्जाम्बवान् भक्तिशाली ॥७॥

tvatpaadaagraM nijapadagataM puNDariikOdbhavO(a)sau
kuNDiitOyairasichadapunaadyajjalaM vishvalOkaan |
harShOtkarShaat subahu nanR^ite khecharairutsave(a)smin
bheriinnighnan bhuvanamacharajjaambavaan bhaktishaalii || 7

As the tip of Thy feet reached its own realm, the Satyalok, Brahmaa washed the foot with the water from his kamandalu-jug. That water, which became Aakaash Ganga, purified all the worlds. The Gandharvaas danced and danced in ecstasy. On this auspicious occassion the great devotee Jaambavaan went around the world beating the drum.
Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 08

तावद्दैत्यास्त्वनुमतिमृते भर्तुरारब्धयुद्धा
देवोपेतैर्भवदनुचरैस्सङ्गता भङ्गमापन् ।
कालात्माऽयं वसति पुरतो यद्वशात् प्राग्जिता: स्म:
किं वो युद्धैरिति बलिगिरा तेऽथ पातालमापु: ॥८॥

taavaddaityaastvanumatimR^ite bharturaarabdhayuddhaaH
devOpetairbhavadanucharaissangataa bhangamaapan |
kaalaatmaa(a)yaM vasati puratO yadvashaat praagjitaaH smaH
kiM vO yuddhairiti baligiraa te(a)tha paataalamaapuH || 8

O Lord! The Asuras started to fight with the Devas without their master Bali's permission.They were defeated by Thy emissaries who had come there and were fighting on the Deva's side. Bali told them that the Lord in the form of Time was standing before them by whose grace they had won earlier, and was now against them. So it was no use to fight. At this the Asuras went away to Paataala.

Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 09पाशैर्बद्धं पतगपतिना दैत्यमुच्चैरवादी-
स्तार्त्तीयीकं दिश मम पदं किं न विश्वेश्वरोऽसि ।
पादं मूर्ध्नि प्रणय भगवन्नित्यकम्पं वदन्तं
प्रह्लाद्स्तं स्वयमुपगतो मानयन्नस्तवीत्त्वाम् ॥९॥

paashairbaddhaM patagapatinaa daityamuchchairavaadii
staarttiiyiikaM disha mama padaM kiM na vishveshvarO(a)si |
paadaM muurdhni praNaya bhagavannityakampaM vadantaM
prahlaadastaM svayamupagatO maanayannastaviittvaam || 9

Garuda, Thy attendent had tied Bali with ropes by this time. Thou asked him loudly, 'Show me the place for my third step. Are you not the lord of the three worlds?' Without any hesitation Bali requested Thee to place Thy foot on his head to measure the third step. Prahlaad himself appeared by Bali's side, praised him and sang hymns of praises to Thee.
Dasakam: 031 -- Shlokam: 10

दर्पोच्छित्त्यै विहितमखिलं दैत्य सिद्धोऽसि पुण्यै-
र्लोकस्तेऽस्तु त्रिदिवविजयी वासवत्वं च पश्चात् ।
मत्सायुज्यं भज च पुनरित्यन्वगृह्णा बलिं तं
विप्रैस्सन्तानितमखवर: पाहि वातालयेश ॥१०॥

darpOchChittyai vihitamakhilaM daitya siddhO(a)si puNyairlOkaste(
a)stu tridivavijayii vaasavatvaM cha pashchaat |
matsaayujyaM bhaja cha punarityanvagR^ihNaabaliM taM
vipraissantaanitamakhavaraH paahi vaataalayesha ||10

Then addressing the lord of demons, Thou explained to him that all this was done to destroy his pride. Thou blessed him saying that owing to his good deeds, he had been liberated; that he would reach the world beyond heaven; that he would attain a status equal to that of Indra; and that he would finally be merged in Thee. With these words, Thou had the interrupted sacrifices completed by the Brahmins. Oh Guruvayurappa ! Please protect me.

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