Friday, April 9, 2010

Narayaneeyam Daskam-25 The Narasimha Incarnation

Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 01
स्तंभे घट्टयतो हिरण्यकशिपो: कर्णौ समाचूर्णय-
न्नाघूर्णज्जगदण्डकुण्डकुहरो घोरस्तवाभूद्रव: ।
श्रुत्वा यं किल दैत्यराजहृदये पूर्वं कदाप्यश्रुतं
कम्प: कश्चन संपपात चलितोऽप्यम्भोजभूर्विष्टरात् ॥१॥

stambhe ghaTTayatO hiraNyakashipOH karNau samaachuurNayan
aaghuurNajjagadaNDakuNDa kuharO ghOrastavaabhuudravaH |
shrutvaa yaM kila daityaraaja hR^idaye puurvaM kadaa(a)pyashrutaM
kampaH kashchana sampapaata chalitO(a)pyambhOjabhuurviShTaraat || 1

As Hiranyakashipu struck at the pillar, he heard a terrific sound which split his ears.Thy roar was so fierce that it made everything inside the vessel of Brahmaanda tremble. Hearing this sound which was never heard before, the Asura king king's heart was shaken by an unknown feeling of dread. Even the lotus born Brahmaa was shaken from his throne.

Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 02
दैत्ये दिक्षु विसृष्टचक्षुषि महासंरम्भिणि स्तम्भत:
सम्भूतं न मृगात्मकं न मनुजाकारं वपुस्ते विभो ।
किं किं भीषणमेतदद्भुतमिति व्युद्भ्रान्तचित्तेऽसुरे
विस्फूर्ज्जद्धवलोग्ररोमविकसद्वर्ष्मा समाजृम्भथा: ॥२
daitye dikshu visR^iShTachakshuShi mahaasanrambhiNi stambhataH
sambhuutaM na mR^igaatmakaM na manujaakaaraM vapuste vibhO |
kiM kiM bhiiShaNametadadbhutamiti vyudbhraantachitte(a)sure
visphuurjaddhavalOgrarOmavikasadvarShmaa samaajR^imbhathaaH

As the Asura cast his eyes all around in great confused excitement, from the pillar emerged, O Lord! Thy  form which was neither of a beast nor of a human being. While the Asura in an agitated state of mind wondered as to what this terrific creature could be,  Thou expanded into a form with a shining body on which sharp hair was bristling.

Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 03
तप्तस्वर्णसवर्णघूर्णदतिरूक्षाक्षं सटाकेसर-
प्रोत्कम्पप्रनिकुम्बितांबरमहो जीयात्तवेदं वपु: ।
व्यात्तव्याप्तमहादरीसखमुखं खड्गोग्रवल्गन्महा-
जिह्वानिर्गमदृश्यमानसुमहादंष्ट्रायुगोड्डामरम् ॥३॥
taptasvarNa savarNa ghuurNadatiruukshaakshaM saTaakesara
prOtkampapranikumbitaambaramahO jiiyaattavedaM vapuH |
vyaatta vyaapta mahaadariisakhamukhaM khaDgOgravalganmahaajihvaanirgama
dR^ishyamaana sumahaadanShTraayugODDaamaram ||

May this divine form of Thine flourish and conquer. Thy eyes shining like molten gold,rolling fiercely; Thy copious, flying mane seeming to obscure the entire sky; Thy mouthwide open like a huge cave, with its long projecting tongue, flitting like a sword; the twoincisor teeth on either side of the tongue, looking fierce and terrible. Oh Lord ! Thisform of Thine is the wonder of wonders.
 Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 04
उत्सर्पद्वलिभङ्गभीषणहनु ह्रस्वस्थवीयस्तर-
ग्रीवं पीवरदोश्शतोद्गतनखक्रूरांशुदूरोल्बणम् ।
व्योमोल्लङ्घि घनाघनोपमघनप्रध्वाननिर्धावित-
स्पर्धालुप्रकरं नमामि भवतस्तन्नारसिंहं वपु: ॥४॥
utsarpadvalibhanga bhiiShaNahanuM hrasvasthaviiyastara
griivampiivaradOshshatOdgata nakhakruuraamshuduurOlbaNam |
vyOmOllanghi ghanaaghanOpamaghana pradhvaana nirdhaavitasparddhaaluprakaraM
namaami bhavatastaM naarasinhaM vapuH ||

Oh Lord !  I salute Thy Man-Lion form Narasimha form of Thine which is a fusion of man and lion; the fierce looking jaw, criss crossed by swollen nerve ends, seeming to tear thecheeks apart, the short, stout neck, the hundreds of strong hands with pointed claws,emitting fiery rays, the terrible roar like that of thunder clouds, driving away theenemies; I bow down to all these divine features of Thy Narasimha form.
Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 05
नूनं विष्णुरयं निहन्म्यमुमिति भ्राम्यद्गदाभीषणं
दैत्येन्द्रं समुपाद्रवन्तमधृथा दोर्भ्यां पृथुभ्याममुम् ।
वीरो निर्गलितोऽथ खड्गफलकौ गृह्णन्विचित्रश्रमान्
व्यावृण्वन् पुनरापपात भुवनग्रासोद्यतं त्वामहो ॥५॥

nuunaM viShNurayaM nihanmyamumiti bhraamyadgadaabhiiShaNaM
daityendraM samupaadravantamadhR^ithaa dOrbhyaaM pR^ithubhyaamamum |
viirO nirgalitO(a)tha khaDgaphalakegR^ihNan vichitra shramaan
vyaavR^iNvan punaraapapaata bhuvanagraasOdyataM tvaamahO ||

The Asura king rushed towards Thee, Realising without doubt that this must be Vishnu and that he would kill him. He was caught hold of by Thy powerful two arms. The mighty Asura slipped out from Thy clutches. Then grabbing a sword and shield, he displayed astonishing feats of swordsmanship and rushed towards Thee, who were in a mood to swallow all the worlds. O what a wonder!

Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 06

भ्राम्यन्तं दितिजाधमं पुनरपि प्रोद्गृह्य दोर्भ्यां जवात्
द्वारेऽथोरुयुगे निपात्य नखरान् व्युत्खाय वक्षोभुवि ।
निर्भिन्दन्नधिगर्भनिर्भरगलद्रक्ताम्बु बद्धोत्सवं
पायं पायमुदैरयो बहु जगत्संहारिसिंहारवान् ॥६॥

bhraamyantaM ditijaadhamaM punarapi prOdgR^ihya dOrbhyaaM javaat
dvaare(a)thOruyuge nipaatya nakharaan vyutkhaaya vakshObhuvi |
nirbhindannadhigarbha nirbharagaladraktaambu baddhOtsavaM
paayaM paayamudairayO bahujagatsanhaari sinhaaravaan ||

Catching hold of the wicked Asura quickly with two hands, who was circling around, Thou threw him flat on Thy lap in the doorway, deeply embedded Thy nails in his chest and tore it open. Thou then with great glee drank again and again the blood that gushed out of the Asura's  body, fiercely roaring with lion roars which were powerful enough to shatter the whole universe.
Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 07
त्यक्त्वा तं हतमाशु रक्तलहरीसिक्तोन्नमद्वर्ष्मणि
प्रत्युत्पत्य समस्तदैत्यपटलीं चाखाद्यमाने त्वयि ।
भ्राम्यद्भूमि विकम्पिताम्बुधिकुलं व्यालोलशैलोत्करं
प्रोत्सर्पत्खचरं चराचरमहो दु:स्थामवस्थां दधौ ॥७॥
tyaktvaa taM hatamaashu raktalahariisiktOnnamadvarShmaNi
pratyutpatya samasta daityapaTaliiM chaakhaadyamaane tvayi |
bhraamyadbhuumi vikampitaambudhikulaM vyaalOlashailOtkaraM
prOtsarpatkhacharaM charaacharamahO duHsthaamavasthaaM dadhau ||

Abondoning the dead Asura, Thou sprang up hastily with Thy gigantic body bathed in blood and started eating up the entire host of Asuras. O What a wonder! All the worlds whirled, the oceans got turbulent, the mountains trembled, the stars and celestial luminaries and all animate and inanimate things got scattered. Universe, affecting both movable and immovable objects .A state of total and unbearable chaos took over.

Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 08
तावन्मांसवपाकरालवपुषं घोरान्त्रमालाधरं
त्वां मध्येसभमिद्धकोपमुषितं दुर्वारगुर्वारवम् ।
अभ्येतुं न शशाक कोपि भुवने दूरे स्थिता भीरव:
सर्वे शर्वविरिञ्चवासवमुखा: प्रत्येकमस्तोषत ॥८॥

taavanmaamsa vapaakaraalavapuShaM ghOraantra maalaadharaM
tvaaM madhye sabhamiddhakOpamuShitaM durvaara gurvaaravam |
abhyetuM na shashaaka kO(a)pi bhuvane duure sthitaa bhiiravaH
sarve sharvaviri~ncha vaasava mukhaaH pratyekamastOShata ||

Thy body looking gruesome with its gory coating of flesh and fat, and wearing the bloodsoaked entrails of the demon, like a garland, Thou wert seated in the midst of the assembly hall, roaring loudly with uncontrollable rage. At that time, none had the courage to come near Thee, in the entire world. All gods, including Siva, Brahma and Indra, stood afar, out of fear, praising Thee, individually. 

Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam: 09
भूयोऽप्यक्षतरोषधाम्नि भवति ब्रह्माज्ञया बालके
प्रह्लादे पदयोर्नमत्यपभये कारुण्यभाराकुल: ।
शान्तस्त्वं करमस्य मूर्ध्नि समधा: स्तोत्रैरथोद्गायत-
स्तस्याकामधियोऽपि तेनिथ वरं लोकाय चानुग्रहम् ॥९॥

bhuuyO(a)pyakshata rOShadhaamni bhavati brahmaaj~nayaa baalake
prahlaade padayOrnamatyapabhaye kaaruNya bhaaraakulaH |
shaantastvaM karamasya muurdhni samadhaaH stOtrairathOdgaayataH
tasyaakaamadhiyO(a)pi tenitha varaM lOkaaya chaanugraham ||

Even then, when Thou were still in a state of unabated rage, by Brahmaa's instruction the boy Prahlaad free of fear prostrated at Thy feet. Thou calmed down being overcome by love and compassion and placed Thy hand on Prahlaad's head. He burst into a hymn in praise of Thee and unasked for received a boon from Thee which was for the benefit of the whole world.
Dasakam: 25-- Shlokam:10
 एवं नाटितरौद्रचेष्टित विभो श्रीतापनीयाभिध-
श्रुत्यन्तस्फ़ुटगीतसर्वमहिमन्नत्यन्तशुद्धाकृते ।
तत्तादृङ्निखिलोत्तरं पुनरहो कस्त्वां परो लङ्घयेत्
प्रह्लादप्रिय हे मरुत्पुरपते सर्वामयात्पाहि माम् ॥१०॥
evaM naaTita raudracheShTita vibhO shriitaapaniiyaabhidha
shrutyantasphuTagiita sarvamahimannatyanta shuddhaakR^ite |
tattaadR^iN nikhilOttaraM punarahO kastvaaM parOlanghayet
prahlaada priya he marutpurapate sarvaamayaatpaahi maam ||

In this way Thou enacted a drama of ferocity. O All Pervading Lord! As described in the Shruti named Taapaneeya, as per the hymns of Thy excellences sung there in, Thou are absolutely pure and free from anger. Thou who are thus, superceding everything else, O Lord! who can overcome Thee? O Thou who are fond of Prahlaad! O Lord of Guruvaayur! be pleased to cure me of all my ailments and protect me from all maladies.


  1. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Jay Jagannath

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Sri Prahalada Varada Lakshmi Narasimha Namaha🙏

  3. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Sri Prahalada Varada Lakshmi Narasimha Namaha🙏
