Friday, March 12, 2010

Narayaneeyan Dasakam-21 Modes of Worship of the Lord

Modes of Worship of the Lord

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 01
मध्योद्भवे भुव इलावृतनाम्नि वर्षे
गौरीप्रधानवनिताजनमात्रभाजि ।
शर्वेण मन्त्रनुतिभि: समुपास्यमानं
सङ्कर्षणात्मकमधीश्वर संश्रये त्वाम् ॥१॥

madhyOdbhave bhuva ilaavR^ita-naamni varShe
gauriipradhaana-vanitaajanamaatra-bhaaji |
sharveNa mantranutibhissamupaasyamaanaM
sankarShaNaatmaka-madhiishvarasamshraye tvaam || 1
 Oh Lord! In the middle of the earth is the region called Ilaavrata. This is inhabited exclusively by women with Gauri (Parvati) as their chief. Lord Siva, Who is present there, is worshipping Thee, with sacred mantras and hymns of praise. I take refuge in Thee, who are the Supreme Lord of all.

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 02

भद्राश्वनामक इलावृतपूर्ववर्षे
भद्रश्रवोभि: ऋषिभि: परिणूयमानम् ।
ध्यायामि देव हयशीर्षतनुं भवन्तम् ॥२॥

bhadraashvanaamaka ilaavR^itapuurvavarShe
bhadrashravObhirR^IShibhiH pariNuuyamaanam |
kalpaantaguuDha nigamOddharaNa praviiNaM
dhyaayaami deva hayashiirShatanuM bhavantam || 2

Oh Lord ! To the east of Ilavrita, is the region of Bhadraswa, where the sages calledBhadrasravas, are praising Thee, in the form of Hayagreeva, who was competent toretrieve the vedas, from concealment, at the end of the Kalpa, during the deluge. I meditate on that Hayagreeva form of Thee, the embodiment of knowledge.
Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 03
ध्यायामि दक्षिणगते हरिवर्षवर्षे
प्रह्लादमुख्यपुरुषै: परिषेव्यमाणम् ।
ज्ञानप्रदं नरहरिं भगवन् भवन्तम् ॥३॥

dhyaayaami dakshiNagate harivarShavarShe
prahlaadamukhyapuruShaiH pariShevyamaaNam |
uttunga shaanta dhavalaakR^iti-mekashuddhaj~
naanapradaM narahariM bhagavan bhavantam || 3
Oh Lord ! To the south of Ilaavrata is Harivarsha. There Thou are worshipped by Prahlaad and other leading devotees as Narahari, whose body is tall and white and who is calm and bestows the knowledge of Supreme Brahman. O Lord! I meditate on this Narahari form of Thee.

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 04
वर्षे प्रतीचि ललितात्मनि केतुमाले
लीलाविशेषललितस्मितशोभनाङ्गम् ।
लक्ष्म्या प्रजापतिसुतैश्च निषेव्यमाणं
तस्या: प्रियाय धृतकामतनुं भजे त्वाम् ॥४॥

varShe pratiichi lalitaatmani ketumaale
liilaavisheSha-lalita-smita-shObhanaangam |
lakshmyaa-prajaapatisutaishcha niShevyamaaNaM
tasyaaH priyaaya dhR^itakaamatanuM bhaje tvaam || 4

Oh Lord ! To the west of Ilavrita, is the beautiful region of Ketumala, form of the god of love, (Kama), to please Thy beloved, Lakshmi, OhLord, in this form of Kamadeva. Thou are worshipped by Lakshmi and the sons of Prajaapati. I worship Thee.

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 05
रम्ये ह्युदीचि खलु रम्यकनाम्नि वर्षे
तद्वर्षनाथमनुवर्यसपर्यमाणम् ।
भक्तैकवत्सलममत्सरहृत्सु भान्तं
मत्स्याकृतिं भुवननाथ भजे भवन्तम् ॥५॥

ramye(a)pyudiichi khalu ramyakanaamni varShe
tadvarShanaatha manuvarya saparyamaaNam |
bhaktaikavatsalamamatsarahR^itsu bhaantaM
matsyaakR^itiM bhuvananaatha bhaje bhavantam || 5

Oh Lord of the earth ! To the north of Ilavrita, is the wellknown region of Ramyaka,where the lord of that place, the noble Vaivaswata Manu, worships Thee, where Thou,in the form of a fish, shines graciously in the hearts of pure devotees, who are freefrom jealousy. I meditate on Thee, in the form of the fish.

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 06

वर्षं हिरण्मयसमाह्वयमौत्तराह-
मासीनमद्रिधृतिकर्मठकामठाङ्गम् ।
संसेवते पितृगणप्रवरोऽर्यमा यं
तं त्वां भजामि भगवन् परचिन्मयात्मन् ॥६॥

varShaM hiraNmaya samaahvayamauttaraahamaasiinamadri
dhR^iti karmaThakaamaThaangam |
samsevate pitR^igaNapravarO(a)ryamaa yaM
taM tvaaM bhajaami bhagavan parachinmayaatman || 6
The region called Hiranmaya which is to the north of Ramyak, Thou reside there in the form of the huge tortoise that could bear the Mandara Mountain on its back. There Thou are worshipped by Aryamaa the famous chief of the Pitris. O Lord! Who incarnated in this Tortoise form. I worship Thy that form

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 07किञ्चोत्तरेषु कुरुषु प्रियया धरण्या
संसेवितो महितमन्त्रनुतिप्रभेदै: ।
त्वं पाहि बिज्ञनुत यज्ञवराहमूर्ते ॥७॥

kiM chOttareShu kuruShu priyayaa dharaNyaa
samsevitOmahitamantranuti prabhedaiH |
danShTraagraghR^iShTaghanapR^iShTha gariShThavarShmaa
tvaM paahi vij~nanuta yaj~navaraahamuurte || 7

Oh Yajnavarahamurthi ! Thou who took the form of the divine boar and art the embodiment of sacrifice, , Thou are worshipped by Thy dear consort the Earth, with the utterences of holy Mantras and hymns of praise. Thou are adored by the wise in the form of Yanjya Varaaha (the divine boar) whose gigantic body rose so high that the tusks' edges rubbed against the clouds, I bowdown to this divine Varaha form of Thine and beg Thee to save me.

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 08याम्यां दिशं भजति किंपुरुषाख्यवर्षे
संसेवितो हनुमता दृढभक्तिभाजा ।
रामात्मक: परिलसन् परिपाहि विष्णो ॥८॥

yaamyaaM dishaM bhajati kimpuruShaakhyavarShe
samsevitO hanumataa dR^iDhabhaktibhaajaa |
raamaatmakaH parilasan paripaahi viShNO || 8

Oh Vishnu ! Towards the south of Ilaavrata, residing in the region known as Kimpurusha, Thou are worshipped by Hanumaan with firm and unwavering devotion. O Lord Vishnu! Thou as Raama do shine with a wonderful and resplendent form form that captivates Sita and is made more charming by her presence. . May Thou in the form ofthat wonderful Rama, protect me.

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam: 09श्रीनारदेन सह भारतखण्डमुख्यै-
स्त्वं साङ्ख्ययोगनुतिभि: समुपास्यमान: ।
आकल्पकालमिह साधुजनाभिरक्षी
नारायणो नरसख: परिपाहि भूमन् ॥९॥

shriinaaradena saha bhaaratakhaNDamukhyai
stvaM saankhyayOganutibhiH samupaasyamaanaH |
aakalpakaalamiha saadhujanaabhirakshii
naaraayaNO narasakhaH paripaahi bhuuman || 9

Oh Thou of Absolute Form !Thou who art praised and worshipped by sage Narada andall other prominent devotees of the Bharatakhanda region with hymns of glory in the Sankhya and yoga methods,. In Bhaaratavarsha as Naaraayana with Nara as companion, Thou do reside till Pralaya (deluge) time, for the protection of the virtuous.. Thou who incarnated as Narayana with Thy companion Nara, May Thou,Oh Lord save me.
Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam:10 
प्लाक्षेऽर्करूपमयि शाल्मल इन्दुरूपं
द्वीपे भजन्ति कुशनामनि वह्निरूपम् ।
क्रौञ्चेऽम्बुरूपमथ वायुमयं च शाके
त्वां ब्रह्मरूपमपि पुष्करनाम्नि लोका: ॥१०॥

plaakshe(a)rkaruupamayi shaalmala induruupaM
dviipe bhajanti kushanaamani vahniruupam |
krau~nche(a)mburuupamatha vaayumayaM cha shaake
tvaaM brahmaruupamayi puShkaranaamni lOkaaH || 10

O Lord! Thou are worshipped by the people in the form of the sun in Plaaksha, as the Moon in Shaalmala, as fire in Kushadveep, as water in Kraunch, as wind in Shaaka and as Brahmaa in the place named Pushkara.

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam:11

पुच्छादिकेष्ववयवेष्वभिकल्प्यमानै: ।
त्वं शिंशुमारवपुषा महतामुपास्य:
सन्ध्यासु रुन्धि नरकं मम सिन्धुशायिन् ॥११॥

puchChaadi keShvavayaveShvabhi kalpyamaanaiH |
tvaM shimshumaaravapuShaa mahataamupaasyaH
sandhyaasu rundhi narakaM mama sindhushaayin || 11
 Oh Lord who reclines on the ocean bed ! Thou art meditated upon by the great duringthe three twilight periods of dawn, noon and dusk, in the form of Simsumara, theenormous fish, with the hosts of stars like Dhruva and others and all the planetslocated in the tail portion and other such limbs. Oh Thou of this huge fish form save me and eradicate my suffering and my sins

Dasakam: 21-- Shlokam:12

पातालमूलभुवि शेषतनुं भवन्तं
लोलैककुण्डलविराजिसहस्रशीर्षम् ।
नीलाम्बरं धृतहलं भुजगाङ्गनाभि-
र्जुष्टं भजे हर गदान् गुरुगेहनाथ ॥१२॥

paataalamuulabhuvi sheShatanuM bhavantaM
lOlaika kuNDala viraaji sahasrashiirSham |
niilaambaraM dhR^itahalaM bhujagaanganaabhirjuShTaM
bhaje hara gadaan gurugehanaatha ||12

I worship Thee as Aadishesha the great serpent. Thou residing at the bottom of Paataal, having a thousand heads, which shine with a single ever quivering earing, wearing a blue garment, and having a plough as weapon, are worshipped by Naaga (serpant) damsels. May Thou May Thou of Adisesha form remove all my sorrows O Lord of Guruvaayur be pleased to relieve me of my ailments

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