Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Narayaneeyam Dasakam 19

Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 01
पृथोस्तु नप्ता पृथुधर्मकर्मठ:
प्राचीनबर्हिर्युवतौ शतद्रुतौ ।
प्रचेतसो नाम सुचेतस: सुता-
नजीजनत्त्वत्करुणाङ्कुरानिव ॥१॥

pR^ithOstu naptaa pR^ithudharmakarmaThaH
praachiinabarhiryuvatau shatadrutau |
prachetasO naama suchetasaH sutaanajiijanattvatkaruNaankuraaniva॥

Prithu's great grand son Praacheenbarhis, who was noble and virtuousand ever intent on the path of righteousness and duty, had the young wife,Satadruti, From her, ten noble minded sons were born to him known by the group name of Prachetas
Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 02

पितु: सिसृक्षानिरतस्य शासनाद्-
भवत्तपस्याभिरता दशापि ते
पयोनिधिं पश्चिममेत्य तत्तटे
सरोवरं सन्ददृशुर्मनोहरम् ॥२॥

pituH sisR^ikshaaniratasya shaasanaadbhavattapasyaanirataa
dashaapi te |
payOnidhiM pashchimametya tattaTe
sarOvaraM sandadR^ishurmanOharam॥

In accordance with the wish of their father, who was engaged in the task of creation,the ten brothers, being firm believers in the importance of Thy worship, , eager to do penance to Thee, came to the shore of the western ocean,where they found a beautiful lake.

Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 03

तदा भवत्तीर्थमिदं समागतो
भवो भवत्सेवकदर्शनादृत: ।
प्रकाशमासाद्य पुर: प्रचेतसा-
मुपादिशत् भक्ततमस्तव स्तवम् ॥३॥

tadaa bhavattiirthamidaM samaagatO
bhavO bhavatsevakadarshanaadR^itaH |
prakaashamaasaadya puraH prachetasaamupaadishat
bhaktatamastava stavam ||

Then, Thy greatest devotee, Lord Shiva who is always eager to see Thy devotees, came to this holy lake of Thine and appearing before the Prachetaas, taught them a Rudrageetha great hymn in praise of Thee.
Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 04

स्तवं जपन्तस्तममी जलान्तरे
भवन्तमासेविषतायुतं समा: ।
बभूव कालो ध्रुववन्न शीघ्रता ॥४॥

stavaM japantastamamii jalaantare
bhavantamaaseviShataayutaM samaaH |
babhuuva kaalO dhruvavanna shiighrataa ||4

These devotees chanting the hymn, spent ten thousand years in water, in Thy worship and meditation on Thee. As they were drowned in the nectar of Thy supreme bliss,they took a very long time to see Thee in person, unlike Dhruva,who was blessed with Thy revelation after five months of penance.
Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 05

स यज्ञहिंसानिरतोऽपि पावित: ।
पिताऽपि तेषां गृहयातनारद-
प्रदर्शितात्मा भवदात्मतां ययौ ॥५॥

sa yaj~nahimsaaniratO(a)pi paavitaH |
pitaa(a)pi teShaaM gR^ihayaatanaaradapradarshitaatmaa
bhavadaatmataaM yayau ||

By the increasing strength of their penance, their father Praacheenbarhis also became purified who had slain many animals in the sacrificial fires. From sage Narada attained the knowledge of self-revelation and merged in Thee
 Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 06

कृपाबलेनैव पुर: प्रचेतसां
प्रकाशमागा: पतगेन्द्रवाहन: ।
विराजि चक्रादिवरायुधांशुभि-
र्भुजाभिरष्टाभिरुदञ्चितद्युति: ॥६॥

kR^ipaabalenaiva puraH prachetasaaM
prakaashamaagaaH patagendravaahanaH |
viraaji chakraadivaraayudhaamshubhirbhujaabhiraShTaabhiruda~
nchitadyutiH ||

Owing to Thy boundless mercy, Thou appeared before Prachetas, seated aloft theGaruda Vahana, having eight arms, holding the magnificent discus and other divine weapons and spreading lustre all around.
Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 07

प्रचेतसां तावदयाचतामपि
त्वमेव कारुण्यभराद्वरानदा: ।
भवद्विचिन्ताऽपि शिवाय देहिनां
भवत्वसौ रुद्रनुतिश्च कामदा ॥७॥

prachetasaaM taavadayaachataamapi
tvameva kaaruNyabharaadvaraanadaaH |
bhavadvichintaa(a)pi shivaaya dehinaaM
bhavatvasau rudranutishcha kaamadaa ||

Although Prachetas did not beg Thee for any favours, Thou granted them boons, dueto Thy intense compassion, of Thine own will. Thy meditation alone is enough to giveall good things to living creatures, and the chanting of Rudrageetha will grant all their rightful wishes.

Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 08

अवाप्य कान्तां तनयां महीरुहां
तया रमध्वं दशलक्षवत्सरीम् ।
सुतोऽस्तु दक्षो ननु तत्क्षणाच्च मां
प्रयास्यथेति न्यगदो मुदैव तान् ॥८॥

avaapya kaantaaM tanayaaM mahiiruhaaM
tayaa ramadhvaM dashalakshavatsariim |
sutO(a)stu dakshO nanu tatkshaNaachcha maaM
prayaasyatheti nyagadO mudaiva taan ||

Being highly pleased with the Prachetas Thou blessed them that they would get the daughter of the trees as their wife. They would lead a happy life with her for ten lakh of years. Also that they would have a son named Daksha and soon thereafter they would attain Thee. Thus, Thou blessed them, joyfully.

Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 09

ततश्च ते भूतलरोधिनस्तरून्
क्रुधा दहन्तो द्रुहिणेन वारिता: ।
द्रुमैश्च दत्तां तनयामवाप्य तां
त्वदुक्तकालं सुखिनोऽभिरेमिरे ॥९॥

tatashcha te bhuutalarOdhinastaruun
krudhaa dahantO druhiNena vaaritaaH |
drumaishcha dattaaM tanayaamavaapya taaM
tvaduktakaalaM sukhinO(a)bhiremire || 9

Seeing the dense growth of trees covering the earth, causing obstruction Prachetas started burning those trees in anger but God Brahma stopped them. They married the daughter given by the trees and spent their specified lifetime with her in happiness as foretold by Thee.

Dasakam: 019 -- Shlokam: 10

अवाप्य दक्षं च सुतं कृताध्वरा:
प्रचेतसो नारदलब्धया धिया ।
अवापुरानन्दपदं तथाविध-
स्त्वमीश वातालयनाथ पाहि माम् ॥१०॥

avaapya dakshaM cha sutaM kR^itaadhvaraaH
prachetasO naaradalabdhayaa dhiyaa |
avaapuraanandapadaM tathaavidhastvamiisha
vaataalayanaatha paahi maam ||

After begetting the son Daksha and performing several sacrificial rites and having received the highest knowledge from Naarada they attained salvation in theabode of Supreme Bliss. Oh Guruvayurappa! Who are of such merciful nature, grant protection to me.

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