Friday, November 13, 2009


॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥॥ ॐ श्रीकृष्णाय परब्रह्मणे नम: ॥
Narayaneeyam has its own efficacies like relief from illness, happy family life, good progeny and the good fortune to be wealthy. One will attain good health, long life and realize one’s dreams if one chants these slokas with full awareness of their meaning.Whenever i am depressed or I am in worries I used to read Narayaneeyam . I read it so many times.When now I began to read again Narayaneeyam and it just occurred to me that I must translate Narayaneeyam into English, I began immediately I refer meaning for slogas from Late Brahmasree Sengalipuram Anantharama Deekshidar has given Bhagavatham and Narayaneeyam Discourses in Tamil. Learning the language of prayer is not very easy ......and that was the toughest lesson I learnt . I am not a scholar in Sanskrit. With Guruvayoorappan’s blessings i am trying to translate .. May He bless us
Dasakam: Shlokam: 1
Lord Krishna in the holy shrine of Guruvayoor is the greatest good fortune of mankind in this Kali Yuga:
॥ ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ॥॥ ॐ श्रीकृष्णाय परब्रह्मणे नम: ॥
सान्द्रानन्दावबोधात्मकमनुपमितं कालदेशावधिभ्यां
निर्मुक्तं नित्यमुक्तं निगमशतसहस्रेण निर्भास्यमानम् ।
अस्पष्टं दृष्टमात्रे पुनरुरुपुरुषार्थात्मकं ब्रह्म तत्वं
तत्तावद्भाति साक्षाद् गुरुपवनपुरे हन्त भाग्यं जनानाम् ॥ १ ॥

SaandraanandaavabOdhaatmakamanupamitaM kaaladeshaavadhibhyaaM
nirmuktaM nityamuktaM nigamashatasahasreNa nirbhaasyamaanam .
aspaShTaM dR^iShTamaatre punarurupuruShaarthaatmakaM brahma tatvaM
tattaavadbhaati saakshaadgurupavanapure hanta bhaagyaM janaanaam ..
The Brahma Tatwa ,which is dense concentrated Bliss, which is of the nature of the Pure Consciousness, This Brahma Tatwa which is not easy to grasp. Even the Vedas cannot fully comprehend or describe it but it can be attained through single minded devotion by the true Bhakthas of Lord Krishna in the Guruvaayur temple. Oh! What good fortune for the people who seek thy Grace.
एवंदुर्लभ्यवस्तुन्यपि सुलभतया हस्तलब्धे यदन्यत्
तन्वा वाचा धिया वा भजति बत जन: क्षुद्रतैव स्फुटेयम् ।
एते तावद्वयं तु स्थिरतरमनसा विश्वपीड़ापहत्यै
निश्शेषात्मानमेनं गुरुपवनपुराधीशमेवाश्रयाम: ॥ २ ॥

evaM durlabhyavastunyapi sulabhatayaa hastalabdhe yadanyat
tanvaa vaachaa dhiyaa vaa bhajati bata janaH kshudrataiva sphuTeyam .
ete taavadvayaM tu sthirataramanasaa vishvapiiDaapahatyai
nishsheShaatmaanamenaM gurupavanapuraadhiishamevaashrayaamaH .. 2
Although Common mortals are so easily accessible to all, due to their intrinsic lowly nature, people, pursue other worldly things with their body speech and mind go in pursuit of worldly pleasures. May we all realize our craziness and worship with complete faith for the total eradication of all our suffering and we have to believe who is the incarnation of the entire soul of all beings of the universe, Lord of Guruvaayur alone can alleviate all our sorrows.
Dasakam: 1 Shlokam: 3
The great sage Vyaasa has identified Lord in the form of Suddha Sathva:
सत्त्वं यत्तत् पराभ्यामपरिकलनतो निर्मलं तेन तावत्
भूतैर्भूतेन्द्रियैस्ते वपुरिति बहुश: श्रूयते व्यासवाक्यम्।
तत् स्वच्छ्त्वाद्यदाच्छादितपरसुखचिद्गर्भनिर्भासरूपं
तस्मिन् धन्या रमन्ते श्रुतिमतिमधुरे सुग्रहे विग्रहे ते
sattvaM yattat paraabhyaamaparikalanatO nirmalaM tena taavat
bhuutairbhuutendriyaiste vapuriti bahushaH shruuyate vyaasavaakyam .
tat svachChatvaadyadachChaadita parasukhachidgarbhanirbhaasaruupaM
tasmin dhanyaa ramante shrutimatimadhure sugrahe vigrahe te .. 3
The great sage Vyaasa has identified Lord in the form of Suddha Sathva . which compared to the other two Gunas (Rajas and Tamas) That Satva Guna is absolutely pure . From such pure Satva guna,Thy form was born. It is thus stated by sage Vyaasa, again and again, in many scriptures.Lord form because of such purity, Contemplation of this pure divine is supremely resplendent.I n that form is pleasurable to the mind and ears . In that form the fortunate ones can reveal.

Dasakam: 1 Shlokam: 4
Thy other part of All incarnation:
निष्कम्पे नित्यपूर्णे निरवधिपरमानन्दपीयूषरूपे
निर्लीनानेकमुक्तावलिसुभगतमे निर्मलब्रह्मसिन्धौ
कल्लोलोल्लासतुल्यं खलु विमलतरं सत्त्वमाहुस्तदात्मा
कस्मान्नो निष्कलस्त्वं सकल इति वचस्त्वत्कलास्वेव भूमन्
NiShkampe nityapuurNe niravadhiparamaanandapiiyuuSharuupe
nirliinaanekamuktaavalisubhagatame nirmalabrahmasindhau .
kallOlOllaasatulyaM khalu vimalataraM sattvamaahustadaatmaa
kasmaannOniShkalastvaM sakala iti vachastvatkalaasveva bhuuman..4
Oh Lord! You are ever full, changeless, unchanging form of Suddha Sathva and of the nature of giving supreme happiness to all true devotees unlimited. innumerable liberated souls are absorbed in Thy Brahmic bliss and embedded like pure pearls in the waves of this ocean. hence it is extremely resplendent. Thine as Lord Krishna can be called the only complete one. Hence why cannot Thou be called as Poorna-avataar (Nishkalaa)?

Dasakam: 1 Shlokam: 5
Thy glance alone can activate Maya
निर्व्यापारोऽपि निष्कारणमज भजसे यत्क्रियामीक्षणाख्यां
तेनैवोदेति लीना प्रकृतिरसतिकल्पाऽपि कल्पादिकाले।
तस्या: संशुद्धमंशं कमपि तमतिरोधायकं सत्त्वरूपं
त्वं धृत्वा दधासि स्वमहिमविभवाकुण्ठ वैकुण्ठ रूपं॥५॥
NirvyaapaarO(a)pi niShkaaraNamaja bhajase yatkriyaamiikshaNaakhyaaM
tenaivOdeti liinaa prakR^itirasatikalpaa(a)pi kalpaadikaale .
tasyaaH samshuddhamamshaM kamapi tamatirOdhaayakaM satvaruupaM
sa tvaM dhR^itvaa dadhaasi svamahimavibhavaakuNTha vaikuNTha ruupam .. 5
Oh Birthless Guruvayoorappa! Even though you are not bound by any activities, are without any motive,Thou Even without any action or reason you activate Maya. Because of that only Maya manifests itself if nonexistent in the beginning of a new cycle of creation. Then, form an absolutely pure part which does not obstruct Thy glory of the Saatvic form. Thou O Lord of Vaikuntha! manifests itself as Maya or Prakruthi in full glory, with a Divine form.
Dasakam: 1 Shlokam: 6

People who meditate on Thy divine form which is more beautiful :
तत्ते प्रत्यग्रधाराधरललितकलायावलीकेलिकारं
लावण्यस्यैकसारं सुकृतिजनदृशां पूर्णपुण्यावतारम्।
सिञ्चत् सञ्चिन्तकानां वपुरनुकलये मारुतागारनाथ ॥६
Tatte pratyagradhaaraadhara lalita kalaayaavalii kelikaaraM
laavaNyasyaikasaaraM sukRaitijanadRaishaaM puurNa puNyaavataaram .
lakshmii nishshanka liilaa nilayanamamRsitasyanda sandOhamantaH
si~nchat sa~nchintakaanaaM vapuranukalaye maarutaagaaranaatha...6
Oh Guruvayurappa ! I Thy form excels in the beauty of the fresh rain bearing clouds, and of a beautiful bunch of blue kayam flowers. Thy form is an embodiment of beauty, in the eyes of the people who have done all their good deeds in complete incarnation. Thou are the abode where Goddess Lakshmi plays uninhibitedly becomes the source for pouring flow of nectarine Bliss which being the abode of beauty, is the ultimate haven of all true devotees; On that form of Thine I continuously meditate.

Dasakam: 1 Shlokam: 7
कष्टा ते सृष्टिचेष्टा बहुतरभवखेदावहा जीवभाजा-
मित्येवं पूर्वमालोचितमजित मया नैवमद्याभिजाने।
नोचेज्जीवा: कथं वा मधुरतरमिदं त्वद्वपुश्चिद्रसार्द्रं
नेत्रै: श्रोत्रैश्च पीत्वा परमरससुधाम्भोधिपूरे रमेरन्॥७॥
kaShTaa te sR^iShTicheShTaa bahutarabhavakhedaavahaa jiivabhaajaa-
mityevaM puurvamaalOchitamajita mayaa naivamadyaabhijaane .
nOchejjiivaaH kathaM vaa madhurataramidaM tvadvapushchidrasaardraM
netraiH shrOtraishcha piitvaa paramarasasudhaambhOdhipuure rameran .. 7
O invincible Lord, Earlier, in my ignorance, I had thought that Thy activity of creation was unkind, as it causes a lot of sufferings to the living beings. but now I realise how wrong I was. if there were no creation, how could human beings revel in the ocean of supreme bliss enjoy the beauty and sweetness of Thy form which is Exceedingly delightful to hear and thus revel in the ocean of Supreme-Bliss-Conciousness.

Dasakam: 1 Shlokam: 8
Lord Krishna Gives all Benefits
नम्राणां सन्निधत्ते सततमपि पुरस्तैरनभ्यर्थितान -
प्यर्थान् कामानजस्रं वितरति परमानन्दसान्द्रां गतिं च।
इत्थं निश्शेषलभ्यो निरवधिकफल: पारिजातो हरे त्वं
क्षुद्रं तं शक्रवाटीद्रुममभिलषति व्यर्थमर्थिव्रजोऽयम्॥८॥
namraaNaaM sannidhatte satatamapi purastairanabhyarthitaana-
pyarthaan kaamaanajasraM vitarati paramaanandasaandraaM gatiM cha .
itthaM nishsheShalabhyO niravadhikaphalaH paarijaatO hare tvaM
kshudraM taM shakravaaTiidrumamabhilaShati vyarthamarthivrajO(a)yam .. 8
Oh Guruvayurappa !yor are like parijatha tree [parijaata: a heavenly flower]. which is ready to shower on us all that we desire and granting freedom to wretched souls and giving moksha. But due to ignorance people pursue worldly belongings and sensual pleasuresand long for parijatha tree In Indhra’s Garden. when the Kalpaka Vriksha . [Kalpaka: a wish fulfilling tree]in the form of Lord Krishna is waiting to grant them salvation.
Dasakam: 1 Shlokam: 9
कारुण्यात्काममन्यं ददति खलु परे स्वात्मदस्त्वं विशेषा-
दैश्वर्यादीशतेऽन्ये जगति परजने स्वात्मनोऽपीश्वरस्त्वम्।
त्वय्युच्चैरारमन्ति प्रतिपदमधुरे चेतना: स्फीतभाग्या-
स्त्वं चात्माराम एवेत्यतुलगुणगणाधार शौरे नमस्ते॥९॥
kaaruNyaatkaamamanyaM dadati khalu pare svaatmadastvaM visheShaa-
daishvaryaadiishate(a)nye jagati parajane svaatmanO(a)piishvarastvam .
tvaiyyuchchairaaramanti pratipadamadhure chetanaaH sphiitabhaagyaa-
stvaM chaatmaaraama evetyatulaguNagaNaadhaara shaure namaste .. 9
O Lord Shri Krishna! While other gods out of compassion, fulfill the desires of their devotees. While other gods rule over the world with the powers invested in them, Thou are the very inner controller of all and rule over all beings and other gods as well as Thyself. Thou are ever satisfied in Thyself are the abode of incomparable attributes. Thou the ruler of Thyself .O Lord! Who does confer Bliss every moment to those enlightened souls who are very fortunate and Thou revel in Thyself alone.
Dasakam: 1 Shlokam: 10
Guruvaayurappan is the fittest One for the title of “Bhagavan.”
ऐश्वर्यं शङ्करादीश्वरविनियमनं विश्वतेजोहराणां
तेजस्संहारि वीर्यं विमलमपि यशो निस्पृहैश्चोपगीतम्।
अङ्गासङ्गा सदा श्रीरखिलविदसि क्वापि ते सङ्गवार्ता
तद्वातागारवासिन् मुरहर भगवच्छब्दमुख्याश्रयोऽसि॥१०॥
AishvaryaM shankaraadiishvaraviniyamanaM vishvatejOharaaNaaM
tejassanhaari viiryaM vimalamapi yashO nispRaihaishchOpagiitam .
angaasangaa sadaa shriirakhilavidasi na kvaapi tee sangavaartaa
tadvaataagaaravaasin murahara bhagavachChabdamukhyaashrayO(a)si .. 10
O Lord Guruvaayurappa! By addressing the Lord as “Murahara " or “ the destroyer of Mura", Your supremacy is in controlling all other Gods beginning withSankara. all others who excel in valour in the whole Universe. Thy pure fame is sung by even the most desireless sages. Laxmi Devi always resides in Thy bosom. Thou are omniscient. Therefore, Lord of Guruvayoor! You are the fittest One for the title of “Bhagavan.”

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