Friday, November 13, 2009


The Narayaneeyam, a great Sanskrit epic, is a brilliant condensation in 1036 shlokams (stanzas) of the great epic Bhaagavatham composed by Sage Vyaasa. The theme of Narayaneeyam is based on the stories in Bhagavatham; it is, almost, an epitome of the great Purana. But unlike Vyasa, who has introduced in the first 'Skandha' itself, the speaker (Sree Suka Brahmarshi) and the listener (Emperor Pareekshith), the poet himself is the speaker in Narayaneeyam, who sings before the Lord Guruvayurappan, in a sublime tune about His glories and prays to Him to bless him to be cured of his disease.
In literary merit, the Narayaneeyam holds pride of place in Sanskrit poetry, at par with the works of Kalidasa and other eminent poets. It is divided into 100 Dasakams, most of which comprise ten shlokams (verses) each - with a few of them running into 11, 12 or 13 verses; the maximum number being 15 verses in Dasakam 4, and a solitary Dasakam (Dasakam 65) comprising 9 verses. The final verse of every Dasakam concludes with an invocation to the Lord of Guruvayur to cure him of all his illnesses and protect him from all afflictions and sorrows. In all, the Narayaneeyam consists of 1034 verses. Some versions include two extra verses at the end of Dasakam 45, making a total of 1036 verses.
The Narayaneeyam in unique in the conversational mode employed by the poet, of addressing the Lord in the second person from start to finish. According to legend, after setting out certain important incidents, or making bold assumptions of the reason for them, Bhattathiri waited for confirmation of the accuracy by a gesture from the Lord, as an 'asariri' (disembodied voice) or nod of the head, before proceeding further. Two such incidents may be seen in Dasakam 35, Verse 3, and Dasakam 45, Verse 9.
As in the larger epic, the central theme of Narayaneeyam is Bhakti or devotion to the Supreme Power, personified by Bhagavan Shree Mahavishnu. At the same time, adhering to the schema of the Bhagavatham, Narayaneeyam expounds the essence of other systems of Indian philosophy, mainly, Jnyanayoga, Karmayoga and Sankhya, at the appropriate places while laying special emphasis on the over-riding supremacy of Bhaktiyoga, or the path of devotion, over all other means to attain Moksha (Nirvana, or Salvation), which means unification, integration and dissolution of the individual soul or jeeva in the Brahman, the Cosmic Unity, the One without a second.
The ‘Parayana' of Narayaneeyam is believed to possess the wonderful power of healing afflictions, both mental and physical, of the devotees. The personal experiences of the poet himself have proved this beyond doubt.Chanting of the hymn Naarayaneeyam regularly would surely give the devotee to attain ayu arogya souwkyam.
O Lord Guruvayoorappa! You are an ocean of kindness! Let those who read these episodes at this web site with devotion be freed from all diseases, mental and physical Problemsl! Let them have longevity, health,and everlasting happiness --"Ayurarogyasoukhyam"!
With Guruvayoorappan's blessing every alternative days I am writing one dasakam 0f narayannyam slogam from narayaneeyam book.


  1. You are doing a very divine job of spreading the meaning of the holy "Narayaneeyam'. May the Lord bless u and your family.

  2. Dear Jaishree,

    Thank you so much for putting up these wonderful posts and creating awareness of this glorious piece of devotional literature in our heritage.

    We are conducting group-chanting Parayanam sessions in Singapore and wonder if we could have your kind permission to print out and distribute some of the articles that you have posted.


  3. Thank you Priya for your wishes:) Blessings of Guruvayoorappan it is possible for me to write.It is my Pleasure you make Printout and distribute articles.

    Warm Regards,
