Saving of Gopas and Gokula from forest fire in Brindavan
In the evening, Krishna and Balarama, along with the boys and cows, returned to Vrndavana, playing their flutes. As they approached the village, the cows, being unobserved, began to wander off on their own, entering farther and farther into the deepest part of the forest, allured by fresh grasses. The goats, cows and buffalo traveled from one forest to another and entered the forest known as Isikatavi. This forest was full of green grass, and therefore they were allured; but when they entered, they saw that there was a forest fire, and they began to cry. On the other side, Balarama and Krsna, along with Their friends, could not find their animals, and they became very aggrieved. They began to trace the cows by following their footprints, as well as the path of eaten grass. All of the boys were fearing that their very means of livelihood, the cows, were now lost. Soon, however, they heard the crying of their cows.

Krishna began to call the cows by their respective names, with great noise. Upon hearing Krishna ‘s calling, the cows immediately replied with joy. But by this time the forest fire surrounded all of them, and the situation appeared to be very fearful. The flames increased as the wind blew very quickly, and it appeared that everything movable and immovable would be devoured. All the cows and the boys became very frightened. The cowherd boys approached Sri Krishna, for protection. They said, "O Krishna, our beloved! We take shelter under Thy feet. The wild fire threatens to reduce us to ashes. Thou art the Lord of infinite power. Pray protect us. You are our only Lord. We depend on you alone." Sri Krishna said, "My dear companions! Do not be afraid; close your eyes." Thereupon the boys shut their eyes. Sri Krishna asked them to open their eyes. When they opened their eyes they found themselves once more in Bhadiraka forest. They were greatly struck with wonder when they saw that all their cows had been miraculously saved from the fire. Observing the Yogic power of Sri Krishna and their miraculous escape from the wild fire, the boys thought that Sri Krishna was no human being but must be immortal God.
Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 01
प्रमथनसविलम्बे धेनव: स्वैरचारा: ।
तृणकुतुकनिविष्टा दूरदूरं चरन्त्य:
किमपि विपिनमैषीकाख्यमीषांबभूवु: ॥१॥
tvayi viharaNalOle baala jaalaiH pralamba
pramathanasavilambe dhenavaH svairachaaraaH |
tR^iNa kutuka niviShTaa duura duuraM charantyaH
kimapi vipinamaiShiikaakhyamiiShaaM babhuuvuH || 1
As Thou were engaged in playing with the group of boys and were held up in the distruction of Pralambaasura, the cows moved far ahead in their eagerness to eat grass. They reached a nearby forest named Isheeka.
बहिरिदमुपयाता: काननं धेनवस्ता: ।
तव विरहविषण्णा ऊष्मलग्रीष्मताप-
प्रसरविसरदम्भस्याकुला: स्तम्भमापु: ॥२॥
anadhigata nidaagha kraurya bR^indaavanaantaat
bahiridamupayaataaH kaananaM dhenavastaaH |
tava viraha viShaNNaa uuShmalagriiShmataapa
prasaravisaradambhasyaakulaa stambhamaapuH || 2
Venturing out of Brindaavana, where the intensity of summer had not yet becomeunbearable, those cows wandered into the forestland outside and became extremely thirsty, Exhausted by the heat and for the want of water and also out of grief at the separation from Thee, they stood stunned and motionless.
Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 03तदनु सह सहायैर्दूरमन्विष्य शौरे
गलितसरणिमुञ्जारण्यसञ्जातखेदम् ।
पशुकुलमभिवीक्ष्य क्षिप्रमानेतुमारा-
त्त्वयि गतवति ही ही सर्वतोऽग्निर्जजृम्भे ॥३॥
tadanu saha sahaayairduuramanviShya shaure
galita saraNi mu~njaaraNya sa~njaata khedam |
pashukulamabhiviikshya kshipramaanetu maaraat
tvayi gatavati hii hii sarvatO(a)gnirjajR^imbhe || 3
O Krishna! Along with Thy mates, Thou, searching far and wide, with Thy companions for the cows and having lost the way, Thou noticed and reached the Munja forest. There Thou discovered the cows standing in distress and as Thou were nearing them to bring them back, alas a wild fire broke out and spread.
शिखिनि विहतमार्गा अर्धदग्धा इवार्ता: ।
अहह भुवनबन्धो पाहि पाहीति सर्वे
शरणमुपगतास्त्वां तापहर्तारमेकम् ॥४॥
sakalahariti diipte ghOrabhaankaarabhiime
shikhini vihatamaargaa ardhadagdhaa ivaartaaH |
ahaha bhuvanabandhO paahi paahiiti sarve
sharaNamupagataastvaaM taapahartaaramekam ||4
When the forest fire raged furiously breaking the timber,With terrible sound and spread very speedily all around, the escape routes were obstructed. They all the people and animals took refuge in Thee who are a friend of all and called “Oh God, Oh God please save us from this dangerous fire”.
दृशमिति तव वाचा मीलिताक्षेषु तेषु ।
क्व नु दवदहनोऽसौ कुत्र मुञ्जाटवी सा
सपदि ववृतिरे ते हन्त भाण्डीरदेशे ॥५॥
alamalamatibhiityaa sarvatO miilayadhvaM
dR^ishamiti tava vaachaa miilitaaksheShu teShu |
kvanu davadahanO(a)sau kutra mu~njaaTavii saa
sapadi vavR^itire te hanta bhaaNDiiradeshe || 5
Asking them not to be afraid and to shut their eyes, Thou pacified them. Complyingwith Thy request, they closed their eyes ,where indeed was the forest fire and where was the Munja forest? They instantly found themselves in the Bhaandeera area inside Vrindaavana. With no sign of the forest fire or the Munja forest. How wonderful!
नुतिभिरुदितहासो बद्धनानाविलास: ।
पुनरपि विपिनान्ते प्राचर: पाटलादि-
प्रसवनिकरमात्रग्राह्यघर्मानुभावे ॥६॥
jaya jaya tava maayaa keyamiisheti teShaaM
nutibhirudita haasO baddhanaanaa vilaasaH |
punarapi vipinaante praacharaH paaTalaadi
prasava nikara maatra graahyagharmaanubhaave || 6
Expressing great wonder at this Maya, of Thine and praying ardently for Thy evergrowing glory, the cowherds praised Thee. Accepting their praises with a gracious smile, Thou, indulging in various charming sports, roamed about in that pleasant forest region, where the summer season could be recognised only by the blossoming of thePatala trees , as the intensity of heat could not be felt there .
तव भजनवदन्त: पङ्कमुच्छोषयन्तम् ।
तव भुजवदुदञ्चद्भूरितेज:प्रवाहं
तपसमयमनैषीर्यामुनेषु स्थलेषु ॥७॥
tvayi vimukhamivOchchaiH taapa bhaaraM vahantaM
tava bhajanavadantaH pankamuchChOShayantam |
tava bhujavaduda~nchad bhuuritejaH pravaahaM
tapasamayamanaiShiiryaamuneShu sthaleShu || 7
You spent the entire summer in the banks of Yamuna,With the intensity of heat that is similar to the pain of those who hate you,Which dries up all the sins within you similar to its drying all trees,
And which is similar to the luster of heat generated by your hand.
And which is similar to the luster of heat generated by your hand.
र्विकसदमलविद्युत्पीतवासोविलासै: ।
सकलभुवनभाजां हर्षदां वर्षवेलां
क्षितिधरकुहरेषु स्वैरवासी व्यनैषी: ॥८॥
tadanu jalada jaalaiH tvadvapustulya bhaabhiH
vikasadamala vidyut piitavaasO vilaasaiH |
sakalabhuvana bhaajaaM harShadaaM varShavelaaM
kshitidhara kuhareShu svairavaasii vyanaiShiiH || 8
Then Thou spent the rainy season, which brings joy to the whole world, with its clusterof clouds, glowing like Thy form and its brilliant lightning sparks, dazzling like Thyyellow robe, in the caves of the mountains, in comfort and happiness.
शिखिकुलनवकेकाकाकुभि: स्तोत्रकारी ।
स्फुटकुटजकदम्बस्तोमपुष्पाञ्जलिं च
प्रविदधदनुभेजे देव गोवर्धनोऽसौ ॥९॥
kuharatala niviShTaM tvaaM gariShThaM giriindraH
shikhikula nava kekaa kaakubhiH stOtrakaarii |
sphuTakuTaja kadambastOma puShpaa~njaliM cha
pravidadhadanubheje deva gOvardhanO(a)sau || 9
O Lord! To Thee, the highly honoured One, living in its caves, the mountain king (Govardhana) extended its hospitality. It sang hymns of Thy praise in the form of the pleasant cooings of the peacocks. It worshipped Thee in the form of offering heaps of fully bloomed Kutaja and Kadamba flowers falling from the branches at Thy feet.
Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 10 अथ शरदमुपेतां तां भवद्भक्तचेतो-
विमलसलिलपूरां मानयन् काननेषु ।
तृणममलवनान्ते चारु सञ्चारयन् गा:
पवनपुरपते त्वं देहि मे देहसौख्यम् ॥१०॥
atha sharadamupetaaM taaM bhavadbhakta chetO
vimala salila puuraaM maanayan kaananeShu |
tR^iNamamala vanaante chaaru sa~nchaarayan gaaH
pavanapurapate tvaM dehi me dehasaukhyam ||10
Then Thou enjoyed the Sarath season, with its copious flow of water, crystal clear, likethe minds of Thy devotees, tending the cows in the fertile grasslands of the forest, O Lord of Guruvaayur! Thou spent such a season enjoying in the forests and happily grazing grass to the cattle in the pleasant forests.Oh Guruvayurappa of such sports ! May Thoubless me with good health.